An Analysis of the Number of Guest Arrival Staying in Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Fedy Ferdyana.107010040


Title: An Analysis of the Number of Guest Arrival Staying in Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. The writer’s reason in choosing this title is to analyze the number of guest arrival staying in Savoy Homann, is to find out solution of hotel, from various obstacles in the number of guest, I wanted to find a solution of the analysis carried out during a study at Homann, with the interviewed party of hotel, and guests staying, to be able to identify what is an obstacle for the hotel. Hope this study makes it easy for anyone who wants to know about the number arrival, where it will affect hotel revenues, and make travel destination for anyone who will visit Bandung city. During the writer experience conducting on the job training is helpful in the conduct of this research, with a direct view of an event, as well as developments that occurred while in the Savoy Homann.The writer found large numbers of guests from different countries, because the hotel Savoy Homann is a historical hotel in Indonesia, which became a tourist attraction, in addition to its function as an inn, meeting with people from various countries, especially citizens from Netherlands, China, Australia, and the other country, dominated the foreign tourist arrivals are in the Savoy Homann on a monthly basis, especially before christmas or summer holidays in their countries, foreign tourist arrivals increased sharply in Homann. Research method used in this research is qualitative method. It is related to the general purpose of the study to define and describe the research. In this research design, the writer conducted the research through the descriptive research, where in descriptive research processing of data more describe in words or sentences. In other words, although there is the data which form in numerals it just take a conclusion from data numeral process that was found. The procedures of data collection that have been conducted in this observation are interview, and observation. Keyword: Guest, Number, Stay

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