2,361 research outputs found

    Structural and topological analysis of electric energy consumption of municipalities as the basis for the development of the regional energy efficiency strategy

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    The amplifying polarization of the development of municipalities, the concentration of megalopolises' development possibilities and the decrease of potential of the development of small territories make it urgent to create tools for monitoring, estimating and forecasting of the electric energy consumption in order to develop the regional energy efficiency strategy, which will facilitate the sustainable development of municipalities. The paper gives the authors' definition of the energy efficiency of municipal units as the degree of real electric energy consumption compliance with the indicators of efficient energy consumption, along with providing comfortable habitation for the residents. The target indicators of municipal units' energy efficiency can be achieved by the efficient consumption and usage of electric energy. The authors carried out structural and topological analysis of electric energy consumption municipal units of the region, based on the sustainable development methodology. The formulated S-distributions of electric energy consumption of municipal units revealed a self-organization regularities in the region, which were reflected in municipal units' three-zone rating, formulated in accordance with electric energy consumption intensity. The results of the structural and topological analysis of electric energy consumption in absolute indicators and competitive speed indexes (intensity of electric energy consumption) are the basis for electric energy consumption forecasting of the region, as an integral structure formed by municipal units. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Evolution of Military Hospitals Architecture in Russia from 1707 Year Till Nowadays

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    In article authors show the history of evolution of military hospitals in Russia from 1707. More than 300 years are presented in a short to draw a picture of development of this type of buildings. Special attention is devoted to the modern projects and their characteristics. Also authors consider field and mobile hospitals, their constructivepeculiar properties and predictable future of this sphere

    Anomalous thermoelectric transport phenomena from interband electron-phonon scattering

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    The Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity are two critical quantities to optimize simultaneously in designing thermoelectric materials, and they are determined by the dynamics of carrier scattering. We uncover a new regime where the co-existence at the Fermi level of multiple bands with different effective masses leads to strongly energy-dependent carrier lifetimes due to intrinsic electron-phonon scattering. In this anomalous regime, electrical conductivity decreases with carrier concentration, Seebeck coefficient reverses sign even at high doping, and power factor exhibits an unusual second peak. We discuss the origin and magnitude of this effect using first-principles Boltzmann transport calculations and simplified models. We also identify general design rules for using this paradigm to engineer enhanced performance in thermoelectric materials.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Архитектурно-планировочный анализ Демидовского заводского госпиталя: история почти 200-летней эксплуатации

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    Article is devoted to history one of the first Ural medical institutions — Demidovsky factory hospital. Authors consider architectural and planning decisions, reconstruction questions, condition of hospital today. During reconstruction the 120 beds hospital turned into clinic on 250 visits, its operation doesn’t stop and today.Статья посвящена истории одного из первых уральских лечебных учреждений — Демидовскому заводскому госпиталю. Авторы рассматривают архитектурно-планировочные решения, вопросы реконструкции, состояние госпиталя на сегодняшний день. В ходе реконструкции госпиталь на 120 коек превратился в поликлинику на 250 посещений, его эксплуатация не прекращается и сегодня

    Сучасна зарубіжна практика вирішення комерційних (торгових) спорів у судовому порядку

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    Федорова Т. С. Сучасна зарубіжна практика вирішення комерційних (торгових) спорів у судовому порядку / Т. С. Федорова // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: В. В. Завальнюк (голов. ред.) [та ін.]. – Одеса : Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2017. – Вип. 79. – С. 141-150.Сучасне зарубіжне законодавство по-різному вирішує питання про те, які суди повинні розглядати економічні (господарські) спори. Як правило, існують два способи вирішення цього питання: або створюються суди спеціальної юрисдикції, уповноважені розглядати економічні справи, або такі справи підвідомчі судам загальної юрисдикції.Современное зарубежное законодательство по-разному решает вопрос о том, какие суды должны рассматривать экономические (хозяйственные) споры. Как правило, существует два способа решения этого вопроса: либо создаются суды специальной юрисдикции, уполномоченные рассматривать экономические дела, либо такие дела подведомственны судам общей юрисдикции.Modern foreign legislation differently decides the question of which courts should consider economic disputes. As a rule, there are two ways to resolve this issue: either courts of special jurisdiction are created that are authorized to consider economic cases, or such cases are subordinate to courts of general jurisdiction

    Studying the long-time variability of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388 with INTEGRAL and Swift

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    We present analysis results on the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388 based on 6 yr of INTEGRAL data combined with Swift/Burst Alert Telescope survey and Swift/X-Ray Telescope pointed observations. These data, taken from 2003 to 2009, allow us to study the broad-band properties of this active galactic nucleus in the 0.3-300 keV energy range. The continuum emission of NGC 4388 is well represented by an absorbed power-law model with exponential cut-off at high energies and an upper limit on the reflection component of R < 0.5. We find slow strong variations of the hard X-ray emission, indicating both flux and spectral slope changes on the 3-6 months time-scale. In comparison with previous results on NGC 4388, the source shows a complex variability behaviour, i.e. the spectral shape and the 20-60 keV flux vary independentl

    The study of spectral and luminescent properties of humic acids and their impact on the photodegradation process of 2,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-4-methylphenol

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    UV photolysis (KrCl excilamp, λ rad ~ 222 nm) of aqueous humic acids (HAs) samples was carried out without and in the presence of 2,6-bis(hydroxymethyl)-4-methylphenol. The samples of HAs fractions were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co and prepared from peat of Arkhangelsk region. The presence of Aldrich humic acid in the solution has a essential effect on the processes of phenolic compound photochemical degradation under the action of light from the excilam