675 research outputs found
Supramacroeconomics: the newest management technology
A new management technology, based on modern developments in macroeconomics, was offered. It is aimed at the highest issues of state and society governing as well as finding methods of their solving. The grounding of necessity of separate supramacroeconomical level of management establishment was made; the methods and tools on its realization were developed. Examples of their implementation in Ukraine are still being interpreted.supramacroeconomic; supramacroeconomics; macroeconomics; economic; economics; technology; management; development
The use of autonomous heat supply systems in housing and public utilities will
reduce energy costs for 30-40%, and the total cost of heat supply by 20 - 30% compared to the heat supply from solid and liquid fuel boilers. Therefore, any energy-saving technologies in the heat power engineering for obtaining warm and
hot water are very necessary and important
Hot carriers in a bipolar graphene
Hot carriers in a doped graphene under dc electric field is described taking
into account the intraband energy relaxation due to acoustic phonon scattering
and the interband generation-recombination transitions caused by thermal
radiation. The consideration is performed for the case when the intercarrier
scattering effectively establishes the quasiequilibrium electron-hole
distributions, with effective temperature and concentrations of carriers. The
concentration and energy balance equations are solved taking into account an
interplay between weak energy relaxation and generation-recombination
processes. The nonlinear conductivity is calculated for the momentum relaxation
caused by the elastic scattering. The current-voltage characteristics, and the
transition between bipolar and monopolar regimes of conductivity are obtained
and analyzed, for different temperatures and gate voltages.Comment: Copyright (2010) American Institute of Physics. This article may be
downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of
the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article has
been accepted by Journal of Applied Physics. After it is published, it will
be found at http://jap.aip.org/japiau/10
Increasing the motivation of future professionals in the culture and arts industry to use information technologies in professions activity
The article reveals the concepts of "motivation" and "motive", analyzes the experience of domestic and foreign experts in the formation of the concepts of "learning motivation" and "professional motivation". It is proposed to introduce methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activities: the formation of cognitive interest, methods of stimulating duty and responsibility in learning. In the course of the research a system of motivation of future professionals in the culture and arts industry was developed, which was used in teaching computer science disciplines.
The motivation of future professionals in the culture and arts industry to use information technology in professional activities was determined by the results of a pedagogical experiment on a developed scale: internal motivation, external positive motivation, external negative motivation. The participants of the experiment noted the greater influence of external positive motivation and its transformation into internal motivation.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the necessary conditions for successful mastering of information technologies were outlined: internal stable motivation for the expediency of using ICT in education; availability of modern technical means; availability of software and teaching materials; a set of knowledge, skills and abilities to use information technology in future professional activities.
The results obtained during the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment give grounds to state the possibility of increasing the motivational complex of professional activity of future professionals in the culture and arts industry to use ict in case of creating favorable pedagogical conditions. in general, the satisfaction of the future professionals in the culture and arts industry professional activity is the higher, the more optimal his motivational complex - high weight of internal and external positive motivation and low weight of external negative motivation.
By processing statistical data, the SPSS program revealed differences in the indicators of internal and external motivation of future specialists professionals in the culture and arts industry of the experimental group, which confirmed that external positive motives are more effective and desirable than external negative
Фармакопрофілактичні та фармакотерапевтичні підходи до послаблення пошкоджуючої дії іонізуючого опромінення: огляд інформаційних джерел
The purpose of the article is to synthesize the scientific points of view on modern approaches to pharmacological correction of radiation damage. Conducting medical treatment, aimed at eliminating the negative effects of exposure to ionizing radiation and accelerating the recovery processes in an irradiated organism requires the mandatory use of anti-radiation agents. Today there is a reasonable division of all anti-radiation drugs into pharmacoprophylactic and pharmacotherapeutic. The means of preventing radiation damage include three classes of drugs – radioprotectors, radio modulators and radio modifiers. Special attention is paid to preparations of early pathogenetic therapy (radiomitigators) and the means of therapy of delayed effects of the radiation factor. The modern classification of the rather wide range of medicines with anti-radiation effects, which greatly complicates the holistic perception of their compartmentalization, taking into account their practical significance in specific scenarios of radiation damage, is compiled.Метою статті є узагальнення наукових точок зору щодо сучасних підходів до фармакологічної корекції ушкоджень радіаційного генезу. Проведення лікувальних заходів, спрямованих на усунення негативних наслідків впливу іонізуючого опромінення та прискорення відновлювальних процесів в опроміненому організмі потребує обов’язкового застосування протипроменевих засобів. На сьогоднішній день є обґрунтованим поділ всіх протипроменевих препаратів на фармакопрофілактичні та фармакотерапевтичні лікарські засоби. До засобів профілактики радіаційних уражень належать три класи препаратів – радіопротектори, радіомодулятори та радіомодифікатори. Окреме місце посідають препарати ранньої патогенетичної терапії (радомітігатори) та засоби терапії відтермінованих наслідків дії радіаційного чинника. Зважаючи на доволі широкий спектр медикаментозних засобів з протипроменевими ефектами, що значно ускладнює цілісне сприйняття їх компартменталізації із врахуванням їх практичної значущості за конкретних сценаріїв радіаційного ураження, складено їх сучасну класифікацію
Christian Denominations on the Territory of Ukraine in the First Half of the 20th Century (1900-1939)
The article examines the state of Christian denominations in the territory of Ukraine in the first half of the 20th century. It has been established that the Christian religion occupied an important place in the life of Ukrainian society. However, the period of prosperity and oppression simultaneously fell in the first 40 years of the 20th century. The confessional policy of the Soviet Union, which came to replace the tsarist authorities, gave a limited privileged position for some Christian churches while creating harsh conditions for other denominations. As a rule, these were Protestant movements, but the Orthodox Church also experienced oppression and persecution during the formation of the Soviet regime. This tended to exacerbate inter-confessional disputes and to create various methods for the eradication of a religious worldview on the territory of Ukraine
Applied Aspects of Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Dynamics of Charged Beams
The complex of questions connected with the analysis, estimation and structural-parametrical
optimization of dynamic system is considered in this article. Connection of such problems with tasks of control by
beams of trajectories is emphasized. The special attention is concentrated on the review and analysis of spent
scientific researches, the attention is stressed to their constructability and applied directedness. Efficiency of the
developed algorithmic and software is demonstrated on the tasks of modeling and optimization of output beam
characteristics in linear resonance accelerators
This paper introduces a novel algorithm for dynamically constructing and traversing Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) in workflow systems, particularly targeting distributed computation and data processing domains. Traditional workflow management systems rely on explicitly defined, rigid DAGs, which can be cumbersome to maintain, especially in response to frequent changes or updates in the system. Our proposed algorithm circumvents the need for explicit DAG construction, instead opting for a dynamic approach that iteratively builds and executes the workflow based on available data and operations, through a combination of entities like Data Kinds, Operators, and Data Units, the algorithm implicitly forms a DAG, thereby simplifying the process of workflow management. We demonstrate the algorithm’s functionality and assess its performance through a series of tests in a simulated environment. The paper discusses the implications of this approach, especially focusing on cycle avoidance and computational complexity, and suggests future enhancements and potential applications.W artykule przedstawiono nowy algorytm dynamicznego konstruowania i przejść skierowanych grafów acyklicznych (DAG) w systemach zarządzania przepływem pracy, w szczególności tych ukierunkowanych na domeny obliczeń rozproszonych i przetwarzania danych. Tradycyjne systemy zarządzania przepływem pracy opierają się na jawnie zdefiniowanych, sztywnych grafach DAG, które mogą być uciążliwe w utrzymaniu, zwłaszcza w odpowiedzi na częste zmiany lub aktualizacje systemu. Proponowany algorytm pozwala uniknąć konieczności jawnego konstruowania SAG, zamiast tego wybierając dynamiczne podejście, które iteracyjnie buduje i wykonuje przepływy pracy w oparciu o dostępne dane i operacje. Korzystając z kombinacji jednostek, takich jak typ danych, operator i element danych, algorytm niejawnie buduje DAG, upraszczając w ten sposób proces zarządzania przepływami pracy. Demonstrujemy funkcjonalność algorytmu i oceniamy jego wydajność za pomocą serii testów w symulowanym środowisku. W artykule omówiono implikacje tego podejścia, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem unikania pętli i złożoności obliczeniowej, a także zasugerowano dalsze ulepszenia i potencjalne zastosowania
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