198 research outputs found

    Pengembangan vaksin chimera dan clon subunit virus dengue isolate Indonesia

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    Penyakit DBD yang disebabkan oleh emp~l! serotlpl' yaitu dengue virus (Df]V 1. DENV -2, DENY -3 dan DENV -4).ini tidak han) a tcrsehar di Negara tropis tetapi Ncgara subtropis juga menjadi masalah baru. dan sctiul' tahun angka morbiditas meningkat dan menyebabkan kematian 200 ribuh orang pertahul1 (Gubkr. 2002. Rothman and Ennis. 191)9: Halstead 1988). Hal ini disebabkan antibodi yang ditimbulkan oeh infcksi virus dengue tidak menimbulkan kekebalan silang (cross immunity atau seroprotectype) sehingga suJit dieliminasi secara alamiah (natural protection). karena illl diperlukan pendekatan tckllOlogi yang sesuai dengan ekspektasi dan presisi yang tinggi dalam mengembangkan vaksin. sehingga protektif untuk semua serotipe (Sun et al.. 2006). Vaksin terhadap dengue sampai saat ini masih tarap pengembangan dan optimasi untuk mencari model vaksin yang dapat mengenali dan menetralisir semua serotipe, sehingga mempunyai nilai ekonomis yang tinggi dan dapat menekan angka morbiditas dan kematian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model vaksin chimera virus dengue isolate Indonesia yang mempunyai sifat protektifitas tinggi dan bersifat tetravalen. Sehingga dapat mengenali semua serotipe virus dengue dan dapat menatralisir terhadap infeksi virus dengue

    Regeneration Mechanism of Full Thickness Cartilage Defect using Combination of Freeze Dried Bovine Cartilage Scaffold - Allogenic Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Platelet Rich Plasma Composite (SMPC) Implantation.

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    Cartilage defect has become serious problem for orthopaedic surgeon and patients because of its difficult healing that might occur when articular cartilage damage never reach subchondral layer. In this study, we used combination of freeze dried bovine cartilage (FDBC) scaffold, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs), and platelet rich plasma (PRP) composite (SMPC) implanted in full thickness cartilage defect. This study is to explain its regeneration mechanism. This is true experimental research with post-test only control group design using New Zealand White Rabbit. 50 rabbits is divided into three groups of SMPC, BM-MSCs and FDBC. 37 rabbits evaluated after twelve weeks. Histopathologic examination showed the number of chondrocytes, collagen thickness and cartilage width are highest on SMPC group. Immunohistochemical examination showed SMPC group has the highest number of chondroprogenitor cells express FGF-2R, Sox-9, and MAPK. Brown Forsythe test resulted in significant increase the number of chondrocytes (p=0,010), collagen thickness (p=0,000), and cartilage surface width (p=0,015), and increase FGF-2R (p=0,000), MAPK (p=0,000), and Sox-9 (p=0,000) on SMPC group. Using path analysis, there is strong influence from FGF-2R, MAPK, and Sox-9 to the increase of chondrocytes, collagen thickness, and cartilage surface width. Hence, SMPC implantation mechanism of full thickness cartilage defect regeneration can be explained

    Pre-Clinical trial autologus MSc bone marrow stem cell dan allogenic pancreatic stem cell untuk repair sel beta pankreas pada diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. This pancreatic produced insulin has an important function in the body in glucose regulation and utilization in almost all body tissues, especially muscle, fat and liver. When there are disorders of insulin secretion and utilization that results in diabetes mellitus, alternative therapies in DM management is the use of stem cells. Stem cell therapy alternative used here used the cells taken from adult stem cell, the bone marrov. stem cell, and from transplanted pancreatic cells from donor. Methods: This was a trial used animal models of DM induced Wistar with 50 mglkg Aloxan. DM Wistars were divided into 4 treatment groups, group 1 was transplanted with autologous MSCs bone marrow stem cell, group 2 was given allogenic pancreatic stem cells injected with open laparotomy and intra peritoneal, group 3 was given with insulin subcutaneously, and group 4 served as control. MSC was characterized by DAB immunostaining using CD44 and CD 105 markers,· whereas pancreatic cell characterization was done by immunofluoresence with nestin marker as well as Elisa c peptide and insulin. The dosage was 200,000 cells/rats. The results were evaluated for BSN blood sugar, 2 hours PP, C peptide, and insulin. The results were analyzed with T test. Results: Post therapy results in group 1 revealed significant decrease of blood sugar levels, both BSN and 2-hour PP (p = 0015), an increase in insulin levels (p = 0015) and increased insulin levels (p = 0.002). In group 2, there was decreased levels of BSN and 2-hour PP (0.002), an increase in insulin levels (p = 0.000), and increased level of C peptide (p = 0.003). Those receiving insulin also showed decreased levels of blood sugar, although the decrease was not as good as that in those receiving MSC and pancreatic (p = 0.002), increased insulin levels (p = 0.001) and increased levels of C peptide (p = 0088). Control group did not show decreased levels of sugar. Reduction in BSN level, 2 hours PP, increased c peptide and insulin in pancreatic stem cell administration was significant as compared to the MSC and insulin

    Pre-Clinical trial autologus MSc bone marrow stem cell dan allogenic pancreatic stem cell untuk repair sel beta pankreas pada diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. This pancreatic produced insulin has an important function in the body in glucose regulation and utilization in almost all body tissues, especially muscle, fat and liver. When there are disorders of insulin secretion and utilization that results in diabetes mellitus, alternative therapies in DM management is the use of stem cells. Stem cell therapy alternative used here used the cells taken from adult stem cell, the bone marrov. stem cell, and from transplanted pancreatic cells from donor. Methods: This was a trial used animal models of DM induced Wistar with 50 mglkg Aloxan. DM Wistars were divided into 4 treatment groups, group 1 was transplanted with autologous MSCs bone marrow stem cell, group 2 was given allogenic pancreatic stem cells injected with open laparotomy and intra peritoneal, group 3 was given with insulin subcutaneously, and group 4 served as control. MSC was characterized by DAB immunostaining using CD44 and CD 105 markers,· whereas pancreatic cell characterization was done by immunofluoresence with nestin marker as well as Elisa c peptide and insulin. The dosage was 200,000 cells/rats. The results were evaluated for BSN blood sugar, 2 hours PP, C peptide, and insulin. The results were analyzed with T test. Results: Post therapy results in group 1 revealed significant decrease of blood sugar levels, both BSN and 2-hour PP (p = 0015), an increase in insulin levels (p = 0015) and increased insulin levels (p = 0.002). In group 2, there was decreased levels of BSN and 2-hour PP (0.002), an increase in insulin levels (p = 0.000), and increased level of C peptide (p = 0.003). Those receiving insulin also showed decreased levels of blood sugar, although the decrease was not as good as that in those receiving MSC and pancreatic (p = 0.002), increased insulin levels (p = 0.001) and increased levels of C peptide (p = 0088). Control group did not show decreased levels of sugar. Reduction in BSN level, 2 hours PP, increased c peptide and insulin in pancreatic stem cell administration was significant as compared to the MSC and insulin

    Metabolic fingerprinting of Sauropus androgynus leaf extracts

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    INTRODUCTION The leaves of Sauropus androgynus have been traditionally used in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia as food and herbal supplement for increasing human breast milk production. It is worth noting that different concentrations of metabolites in herbal medicine, cultivated in several different geographic locations, may result in different therapeutic effects. OBJECTIVES The present study was aimed to identify the metabolic profiles of S.androgynus extracts. This is the first report on metabolomic study of S.androgynus leaf extracts from different geographic locations. MATERIALS AND METHODS S. androgynus leaf extracts were subjected to study the metabolic fingerprinting using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) method. The chemical compositions of the extracts were investigated using GC-MS (Agilent 6890) coupled to a Agilent mass spectrometry detector (5973 network) and NIST mass spectrometer database (Wiley, W8N05ST.L). Chromatogram acquisition, automated peak deconvolution and library searches were performed using Agilent GC-MS workstation in combination with the Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System (AMDIS 32, version 2.69, 2010). S.androgynus data from various locations were grouped and classified by Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis, respectively. RESULTS The largest part of the metabolic profile of S.androgynus was composed of fatty acids and their esters, such as myristic acid, palmitic acid, methyl-linoleic, methyl-stearic; diterpene and vitamin. Other major components such as phytol and isophytol were also found in the S.androgynus leaf extracts. The samples from Purwosari alone was merged into one group or a cluster and the other samples were merged into the other cluster, while samples from East Surabaya and Trenggalek showed the close relationship in score plot of PCA and in the dendogram. CONCLUSION From this study it is obvious that S.androgynus leaf extracts from several various different geographic locations contain many biologically active compounds in various concentrations. This clearly indicated that different geographical conditions could influence the metabolic process in S.androgynus, by changing the metabolic pathway or modifying the enzyme responsible for the metabolic process

    Amino Acid Analysis of Fusion (F) Gene and Prediction of Epitope B-Cell Newcastle Disease Surabaya Isolate As Vaccine Candidate

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    The aims of this research is to determine pathotype according to composition amino acid cleavage site of F protein, and epitope prediction of F protein from Surabaya isolate. Samples were cloacal swabs of 28 backyard chickens from five wet markets in Surabaya, 9 ND positive isolates from Laboratory of Virology and Immunology Department Microbiology Airlangga University, and also positive LaSota isolates (ATCC). Samples were isolated on the embryonated chicken egg and identified by HA test. The viruses were confirmed as NDV by hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR with target 687 bp. Prediction of epitope were using online software IEDB. The result of epitope B cell prediction from each isolate showing 11-12 epitope B cell candidates in protein F. Thus, it could be concluded that ND virus which isolated from Surabaya has a chance as immunogen candidate, which can be developed as vaccine candidate. Key words: Newcastle disease, Cleavage site, Fusion protein, Surabay

    In vitro cytotoxicity assay of Sauropus androgynus on human mesenchymal stem cells

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    Sauropus androgynus is a well-known Indonesian medicinal herb that is used extensively to increase human breast-milk production. However, many studies have also revealed side effects associated with bronchiolitis obliterans in Taiwan and Japan. The present study evaluated the in vitro toxic effects of S. androgynus on human mesenchymal stem cell culture derived from bone marrow (hMSCs-BM). This is the first report of a cytotoxicity assay of S. androgynus extracts from Indonesia. After 72 hours of incubating cell cultures with varying concentrations of extracts (250–2500 mg L �1), cytotoxicity was assayed by the reduction of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and reported in terms of cell viability. The apoptotic effects of the extract were determined by a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) colorimetric assay. The S. androgynus methanol extract from East Java, Indonesia, was less cytotoxic to hMSCs-BM with an IC50 of 2450 mg L �1, but it could inhibit cell viability via the apoptosis pathway. A sample extract of plants collected near Purwosari had the lowest hMSCs-BM viability percentage (37%), while the extract from plants collected near Surabaya Pusat had a cell viability of 75%. Further studies are required to investigate the metabolites in S. androgynus that are highly correlated with its toxic effects

    The Role of Human, Animal, Environment to Maintain Ecosystem as Global Food Security

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    Emerging and reemerging disease for animal in Indonesia still appear for every year. These diseases not only caused by viral disease like Avian Influenza, Malaria, Rabies, but there are some kind of other infectious disease like bacterial disease as well as brucellosis, anthrax's, tuberculosis (TBC) and also parasitic disease like toxoplasmosis. These way model prevention of emerging and reemerging disease in Indonesia more important role, although base on the globally of infectious disease on two years ago have founded new infectious disease, that call Zika virus in Brazilian become large problem in the world. The veterinarian profession is a valued partner for their comprehensive education and expertise within healthcare professional networks and respected leaders in multidisciplinary teams. In the 21st century global food security and access to safe water are concerns. In the one health approach are for establishing guidance and policy, and approach relies on disciplines amongst other welfare, health, economics, social and environmental science. One Health concept is a worldwide strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment. This approach model have been done and realized at our university through collaboration between some research center at the university, and were combined between program in regional, national government and international. Key Words: Emerging and reemerging disease, preventing, one health concepts, multidisciplinary team

    Terapi Stem Cell Pada Penyakit Reumatik

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    Stem cell, yang didefinisikan sebagai suatu sel yang mempunyai kemampuan ganda untuk memperbaharui diri dan memproduksi progenitor dan jenis-jenis berbeda dari sel terspesialisasi dalam organisme. Sebagai contoh, dalam awal kehidupan manusia, satu sel telur yang dibuahi zigot menjadi dua, dan dua menjadi empat. Dalam tahap-tahap awal ini, setiap masih mungkin menjadi totipoten yang artinya, satu organisme utuh dapat diturunkan dari setiap sel ini. FDalam 5 hingga 7 hari, sekitar 40 sel terbentuk yang menyusun massa sel dalam, dikelilingi oleh suatu lapisan sel luar yang selanjutnya membentuk plasenta. Pada tahap ini, setiap sel pada massa sel dalam mempunyai potensi untuk membentuk semua jenis jaringan dan organ termasuk sel germinal yang artinya, sel ini bersifat pluripoten

    Determinan Antigen Gen omp2a Brucella abortus Isolat Lokal

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    Penyakit Brucellosis pada sapi disebabkan oleh Brucella abortus dan dikenal sebagai penyakitreproduksi menular pada ternak. Brucellosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis karena dapat menularpada manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan antigen yang terdapat pada genomp2a B. abortus isolat lokal yang telah diblasting ke asam amino (protein). Sampel bakteri berasaldari sapi penderita Brucellosis asal Sulawesi Selatan dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Gen omp2a diamplifikasimelalui tehnik Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) dengan menggunakan primer 2ab5F dan 2a900R.Produk PCR disekuensing untuk mendapatkan sekuen nukleotida gen omp2a B. abortus isolat lokal.Sekuen nukleotida ini dianalisis tingkat homologinya terhadap isolat asal mancanegara yang diaksesdari GenBank dengan menggunakan BLAST. Sekuen nukleotida gen omp2a diblasting ke asam aminokemudian dengan metode Kolaskar dan Tongaonkar antigenicity dapat diperoleh determinan antigenpada antigen protein membran luar (OMP) B. abortus isolat lokal. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tingkathomologi antara sekuen gen omp2a B. abortus isolat lokal dengan isolat asal mancanegara mempunyaitingkat homologi yang tinggi (99% - 100%). Hasil prediksi determinan antigen didapatkan enamdeterminan antigen pada antigen OMP B. abortus isolat lokal
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