16 research outputs found

    Validade da técnica de foto-identificação para analisar marcas naturais em Melanophryniscus montevidensis (Anura: Bufonidae)

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    Individual identification is useful for answering a variety of biological questions about animal life histories. Most of the techniques used to mark amphibians are invasive and can cause negative effects, compromising individual survivorship and biasing studies. Photo-identification consists in the identification of specimens based on photographic records of unique color-design patterns. This technique has been used with success in several amphibian species. Melanophryniscus montevidensis is an endangered anuran species inhabiting the Uruguayan Atlantic coast. The general pattern of coloration is black with red and yellow blotches on the belly. In this study, we validated the technique of photo-identification assisted by software for individual recognition in M. montevidensis using natural markings. Field trips were performed over 16 months during which, the ventral color pattern of specimens was photographed. The photos were edited and analyzed with the Wild-ID 1.0 software for photographic reconnaissance. An efficiency of 100% was obtained in the visual recognition and 90% in the detection of recaptures using the software. The use of photo-identification using natural marks is an effective technique in this species, because the color pattern of the belly was highly variable among individuals and remained unchanged in individuals over the 16 month period. In this evaluation the use of software for photo-identification was necessary for the treatment of large databases.La identificación individual de animales es muy útil para responder diversas preguntas biológicas relacionadas con su historia de vida. La mayoría de las técnicas utilizadas para marcar anfibios son invasivas y pueden causar efectos negativos sobre los individuos, comprometiendo su sobrevivencia y los resultados de las investigaciones. La fotoidentificación consiste en identificar especímenes en base a registros fotográficos, usando patrones de diseño-coloración únicos para cada animal. Esta técnica ha mostrado resultados exitosos en varias especies de anfibios. Melanophryniscus montevidensis es un anuro presente en la costa atlántica uruguaya cuya conservación se encuentra comprometida. El patrón general de coloración es negro con manchas rojas y amarillas en el vientre. En este estudio se valida la técnica de fotoidentificación asistida por software para el reconocimiento individual en M. montevidensis, utilizando marcas naturales. Se realizaron salidas durante 16 meses en las que se registró fotográficamente el patrón ventral de coloración de los ejemplares. Las fotografías fueron editadas y se utilizó el software de reconocimiento fotográfico Wild-ID 1.0. Se obtuvo una eficacia del 100% en el reconocimiento visual y 90% en la detección de recapturas empleando el software. El uso de la fotoidentificación a partir de marcas naturales es una técnica efectiva en esta especie, ya que el patrón de coloración analizado resultó altamente variable entre individuos e invariable en un mismo individuo a través del tiempo. Es importante utilizar un software para asistir la tarea de fotoidentificación, ya que hace viable el tratamiento de grandes base de datos.A identificação individual é útil para responder uma variedade de questões biológicas sobre a história de vida dos animais. A maioria das técnicas usadas na marcação de anfíbios é invasiva e pode provocar efeitos negativos, comprometendo a sobrevivência e introduzindo viéses nos estudos. A foto-identificação consiste na identificação dos indivíduos baseada em registros fotográficos de padrões individuais de coloração ou de desenho. Essa técnica tem sido usada com sucesso em diversas espécies de anfíbios. Melanophryniscus montevidensis é um anuro ameaçado de extinção que habita a costa atlântica uruguaia . O padrão geral de coloração é preto com manchas vermelhas e amarelas no ventre. Neste estudo, validamos a técnica de fotoidentificação auxiliada por software para o reconhecimento individual M. montevidensis usando marcas naturais. Viagens de campo foram feitas ao longo de 16 meses, durante as quais foi fotografado o padrão de coloração ventral dos indivíduos. As fotografias foram editadas e analisadas com o auxílio do software Wild-ID 1.0 para reconhecimento fotográfico. Obtivemos uma eficiência de 100% no reconhecimento visual e de 90% na detecção de recapturas usando o software. O uso de foto-identificação usando marcas naturais mostrou-se uma técnica eficaz para essa espécie, pois o padrão de coloração ventral é altamente variável entre os indivíduos e permanenceu inalterado ao longo do período de 16 meses. Em nossa avaliação, o uso de software é necessário para o tratamento de grandes bases de dados

    \u3cem\u3eLeptodactylus podicipinus\u3c/em\u3e (Cope, 1862) y \u3cem\u3eLeptodactylus chaquensis\u3c/em\u3e Cei, 1959 (Anura, Leptodactylidae), en el Uruguay

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    En base al estudio de las colecciones obtenidas principalmente en excursiones a la zona NO de Uruguay con motivo del relevamiento faunístico del área de Salto Grande, se avanzó considerablemente en el conocimiento de la distribución de Leptodactylus podicipinus (Cope, 1862) y Leptodactylus chaquensis (Cei, 1950), en nuestro país. Se cita el material estudiado y las observaciones de campo realizadas; se dan los caracteres generales de ambas especies, se describen los hábitats, y se tratan las características de las vocalizaciones

    Teiid lizard

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    5 p. : 1 ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 5)."Two males typical of Cnemidophorus lacertoides from Abra de Perdomo, Uruguay, had a diploid number of 50 chromosomes, including 26 macrochromosomes (all telocentric or essentially so, excepting one pair of submetacentrics) and 24 microchromosomes. A dotlike satellite occurred on the end of the largest chromosome opposite the centromere (telocentric). A variant form of C. lacertoides occurring in an isolated population at Cabo Polonio, Uruguay, is reported also. This form has the dorsal color pattern reduced, but its karyotype and scutellation are similar to those of the typically patterned form. Among all other teiids whose chromosomes have been investigated, the karyotype of Cnemidophorus lacertoides is most similar to that of some Ameiva and Kentropyx striatus. The full significance of these observations to South American teiid systematics cannot be assessed, however, until additional comparative investigations are completed"--P. [1]

    Validity of photo-identification technique to analyze natural markings in Melanophryniscus montevidensis (Anura: Bufonidae)

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    Individual identification is useful for answering a variety of biological questions about animal life histories. Most of the techniques used to mark amphibians are invasive and can cause negative effects, compromising individual survivorship and biasing studies. Photo-identification consists in the identification of specimens based on photographic records of unique color-design patterns. This technique has been used with success in several amphibian species. Melanophryniscus montevidensis is an endangered anuran species inhabiting the Uruguayan Atlantic coast. The general pattern of coloration is black with red and yellow blotches on the belly. In this study, we validated the technique of photo-identification assisted by software for individual recognition in M. montevidensis using natural markings. Field trips were performed over 16 months during which, the ventral color pattern of specimens was photographed. The photos were edited and analyzed with the Wild-ID 1.0 software for photographic reconnaissance. An efficiency of 100% was obtained in the visual recognition and 90% in the detection of recaptures using the software. The use of photo-identification using natural marks is an effective technique in this species, because the color pattern of the belly was highly variable among individuals and remained unchanged in individuals over the 16 month period. In this evaluation the use of software for photo-identification was necessary for the treatment of large databases

    Impalement of Marine Turtles (Reptilia, Chelonia: Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae) by Billfishes (Osteichthyes, Perciformes: Istiophoridae and Xiphiidae)

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    Billfishes have long been known to impale a great variety of objects, but there are only two brief, obscure records of marine turtles being speared. Details are presented on these two, as well as on two other confirmed records; data from two additional unconfirmed records are also presented. In total, three species of marine turtles are known to have been impaled by three species of billfishes; a fourth species of fish and a fourth species turtle are listed in an unconfirmed case. Records come from the eastern and western Pacific as well as the eastern Atlantic. Of the four confirmed cases, the turtles survived in two, and apparently died as an effect of the spearing in the other two. In three confirmed cases only the impaled rostrum was encountered, and in one confirmed case the entire fish was found, with its rostrum piercing the turtle. There is no obvious advantage - or clear disadvantage - involved in impaling turtles. It is argued that these attacks are accidental, and the result of attempts made by the billfish to capture prey that are near the turtle. These spearings indicate that the chelonians serve as shelters for prey animals on the high seas, and thus, are further evidence of the pelagic existence of marine turtles. The impalings are evidence of a singular ecological role of the turtles - as live fish aggregation devices

    Análise ultraestrutural da glândula corpo dorsal do caracol terrestre Megalobulimus abbreviatus (Becquaert, 1948)

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    Foi analisada a ultraestrutura da glândula reprodutiva corpo dorsal (CD) de Megalobulimus abbreviatus. Imunoistoquímica para microscopia eletrônica foi utilizada para detectar peptídeos relacionados ao tetrapeptídeo FMRFamida nas terminações axonais existentes nessa glândula. Foi utilizada marcação neuronal retrógada com o intuito de localizar os neurônios envolvidos nesta inervação. O CD de M. abbreviatus possui um aspecto uniforme em toda sua extensão, tanto na porção supraesofágica como subesofágica. As células do CD possuem várias características de glândulas esteroidogênicas, tais como a presença de inúmeras gotículas lipídicas, numerosas mitocôndrias com cristas tubulares e cisternas bem desenvolvidas de retículo endoplasmático liso. Por toda a extensão do CD de M. abbreviatus foram encontradas numerosas terminações axonais fazendo contatos estruturalmente semelhantes a sinapses com as células do CD. As terminações axonais continham grande número de vesículas eletrodensas e esparsas vesículas eletrolúcidas. As terminações axonais no CD apresentavam vesículas com conteúdo imunorreativo à FMRFamida. A injeção de traçador neural no CD resultou em marcação retrógrada de neurônios no metacérebro dos gânglios cerebrais e nos gânglios parietais do complexo ganglionar subesofágico de M. abbreviatus. É discutida a possibilidade de que estes neurônios identificados por marcação retrógrada possam representar a via de controle neural do CD de M. abbreviatus, cujo mediador químico seria um neuropeptídeo relacionado à FMRFamida.The ultrastructure of the reproductive gland, dorsal body (DB), of Megalobulimus abbreviatus was analysed. Electron microscope immunohistochemistry was used to detect FMRFamide-like peptides in the nerve endings within this gland. Nerve backfilling was used in an attempt to identify the neurons involved in this innervation. In M. abbreviatus, the DB has a uniform appearance throughout their supraesophageal and subesophageal portions. Dorsal body cells have several features in common with steroid-secreting gland cells, such as the presence of many lipid droplets, numerous mitochondria with tubular cristae and a developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. Throughout the DB in M. abbreviatus numerous axonal endings were seen to be in contact with the DB cells exhibiting a synaptic-like structure. The axon terminals contained numerous electron-dense and scanty electron-lucid vesicles. In addition, the DB nerve endings exhibited FMRFamide immunoreactive vesicles. Injection of neural tracer into the DB yielded retrograde labelling of neurons in the metacerebrum lobe of the cerebral ganglia and in the parietal ganglia of the subesophageal ganglia complex. The possibility that some of these retrograde-labelled neurons might be FMRFamide-like neurons that may represent a neural control to the DB in M. abbreviatus is discussed