420 research outputs found

    The Social Network: Electronic/Ambient Album or Collaborative OST? (a.k.a. the Importance of Music and Video Editors)

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    The Social Network (2010) has been recognized, by both critics and audiences, as one of the best movies of 2010. Its peculiar soundtrack and film editing techniques enhance the sparkling script in such a way that the result is an incredibly dense, almost hard to follow, movie about the creation of the nowadays most used social network in the world. In this paper it will be discussed the unusual creative process that led to the finalization of the soundtrack and it will be analyzed whether such creative process could be an innovative and more efficient way of composing music to picture.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/1034/thumbnail.jp

    The experience of intercultural mediators in the Italian COVID-19 vaccination campaign

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    This research investigates the experience of intercultural mediators who worked with local health authorities and civil society organizations to disseminate information about COVID-19 vaccines to migrants in two Italian territories. Interviews with intercultural mediators underlined the challenges that they faced when translating on the frontline of the vaccination campaign, including the translation of highly specialized terminology and the handling of vaccine-hesitant narratives circulating among the migrant population. In the context of COVID-19, translation involved not only transmission between languages, but also a negotiation between medical discourse and the hopes, concerns, fears, and desires of a culturally and linguistically diverse population

    Intercultural comics : an expresson of the african voice

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    La necesidad de una educación intercultural es cada día más evidente y necesaria en un universo comunicado e interdependiente. Sin embargo, las tecnologías no van siempre al compás de las evolución de las culturas y los modelos de vivir y sentir de las comunidades. Por ello, se hace necesario el desarrollo de propuestas didácticas interculturales, a través de los propios medios de comunicación, con el objeto de dotar a niños y adolescentes de los instrumentos necesarios para saber decodificar y reconocer los estereotipos que suelen acompañar la representación de determinadas culturas.The need for intercultural education is growing more evident in an increasingly communicative and interdependent. However, technologies do not always ma- tch the evolution of the diverse cultures and communities and their models for living and feeling. Thus, it becomes necessary to develop intercultural educative projects for the media in order to provide children and teenagers with the necessary tools that help them decode and recognise the many stereotypes usually accompanying the representation of those culture

    Il rapporto tra capitale pubblico e altre variabili macroeconomiche: un'applicazione empirica

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    The issue of whether public capital is productive has received a great deal of attention in the last period, especially after the sovereign public debt crisis in some European countries. This work tries to estimate the dynamic effects of public capital on some macroeconomic variables (such as private capital, employment and economic growth measured as GDP), using the vector autoregressive methodology (especially the VECM – Vector Error Correction Model) for a set of some OECD countries with similar economic features (France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and United States of America). The empirical analyses of public capital productivity is limited to a small sample of countries for which official capital stock estimates are available. The lack of data is always a big problem in the analyses of this problem. For this reason, we built a new database that provides internationally comparable capital stock estimates for the countries mentioned above. The empirical results suggest that there is evidence for positive output effects of public capital but not exactly the same for the other variables, employment and private capital


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    Urban food policies are powerful institutional actions, to build more sustainable food systems of contemporary cities. These new policies are designed with a systemic and cross-sectoral approach, they able to act at the intersection of different issues and fields such as water, waste, planning, health, transport, education, environment, trade. We will describe the experiences developed in the Northern and Southern cities of the world (with a focus on West, Africa and Latin America), through the recent Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, which could start a new kind of city-to-city cooperation initiatives

    Il settore costruzioni in Italia: crisi e opportunità nell’ultimo decennio.

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    In questo lavoro si presenta una mappa delle grandi trasformazioni del settore costruzioni italiano avvenute nell’ultimo decennio. Il lavoro è articolato in due parti. La prima ricostruisce il quadro macroeconomico delle costruzioni attraverso i dati Istat. La seconda, ha un impianto microeconomico e analizza i dati di bilancio AIDA delle imprese del settore costruzioni. Dai dati emerge una dinamica settoriale complessivamente recessiva fino al 2013, con alcuni recenti segnali di ripresa che vanno consolidati. Interventi di politica attiva nel mercato del lavoro, e per gli investimenti in nuove costruzioni e riqualificazione abitativa, sembrano essere le misure più auspicabili. Classificazione JEL: J08, E22, G3. Parole chiave: Settore Costruzioni; Investimento; Finance. The construction industry in Italy: crisis and opportunities over the last decade This paper presents a map of the great transformations of the Italian construction sector that took place in the last decade. The paper is divided into two parts. The first one reconstructs the macroeconomic transformations of this sector by means of data provided by Istat. The second one has a microeconomic content and analyzes the AIDA balance sheet data of companies acting in the construction sector. Data shows an overall recessional dynamics up to 2013, with some recent signs of rebound but still to consolidate. Active policies in the labor market and subsidies for investments in environmental sustainable construction, and building improvement schemes seem to be the most desirable measures to relaunch the sector. JEL classification:. JEL: J08, E22, G3. Keywords: Constructuin industry; Employment; Finance

    COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Among Migrants in Rome and the Emilia-Romagna Region: Intercultural mediation and vaccine hesitancy

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    The migrant1 population in Italy constantly increased in the first two decades of the 21st century, reaching 5 million on 1 January 20202 . Italian legislation guarantees foreign residents full access to vaccines, as the right to health is enshrined in the sistema sanitario nazionale universalistico, universal access national healthcare system. Vaccine equality is linked to legal residency (Law 40/1998) not citizenship status. However, on 3 February 2021, the Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA, Italian Medicines Agency) stated that vaccination rights extended to all residents regardless of their migrant or residency status. Therefore, the 2021-2022 COVID-19 vaccination campaign targeted everybody living in Italy, national and foreign residents. The principle of equal healthcare access, however, was not easy to implement in practice. For migrants to be able to fully benefit from healthcare, they also need reliable medical information in a language, format, and channel of communication to which migrants have access3 . Across Europe, migrant languages have been considered among the factors contributing to low rates of vaccine uptake4. In Italy, local health authorities at regional level (azienda, or azienda unità sanitaria locale) adopted different approaches to disseminate information about the COVID-19 vaccination campaign to members of migrant communities (including irregular migrants). On 12 May 2021, the Società Italiana di Medicina delle Migrazioni (SIMM, Italian Society of Migration Medicine) denounced serious issues on several regional online platforms that were used to book the vaccination. Online booking forms demanded proof of residency defined as ‘regularly present’ (stabilmente presenti) even though, in February, AIFA had reiterated that healthcare codes assigned to migrants who were ‘temporarily present’ (STP, stranieri temporanemente presenti) were legally sufficient to access COVID-19 vaccination. On the platform, the rule of law was contradicted by the bureaucratic requests. Practical issues and confusing information created vaccine inequality at point of access, and may have contributed to increasing vaccine hesitancy among migrants in Italy. Combined with limited proficiency in Italian, which may have prevented many from navigating these bureaucratic issues, there was a concrete risk of exclusion from the vaccination campaign. Other factors, such as distrust in the authorities and/or medical communities, or the influx of scientifically inaccurate information in their native language through social media, led some migrants to opt out of vaccination. The STRIVE project, whose findings are reported here, aimed to understand whether effective translation practices can contribute to reducing the impact of linguistic differences as factors determining lower rates of vaccine uptake among migrants in Italy. To address the research question, the STRIVE team carried out 33 interviews. Interviewees included personnel of civil society organisations and personnel of local health authorities (ASLs, AUSLs) who organised language mediation for local migrant communities, as well as translators, interpreters, and intercultural mediators. The researchers analysed language access policies, and evaluated quantitative data on migrants’ preferred languages, as distributed in Rome and the Emilia-Romagna Region. Information about language distribution was necessary to compare and contrast local language needs, provision, and budgeting issues with the language mediation.5 Rome and the Emilia Romagna region host similar numbers of migrant residents; their migrant population combined adds up to over 1 million and represents 20% of the national total. The STRIVE team was able to evaluate and compare approaches in rural, semi-urban, and urban areas, which have shown different levels of testing, infection, and vaccine hesitancy.
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