17 research outputs found

    TINJAUAN TEORI HUKUM EKONOMI PADA PERJANJIAN SEWA BARANG MILIK NEGARA (Studi Kasus Kantor Unit Penyelenggara Pelabuhan Kelas III Kuala Samboja Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut dengan PT. Tanjung Berlian Samboja)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the lease agreement of State Property (BMN) in terms of economic law theory. The research method uses a Doctrinal approach which is normative in character with research targets from a set of norms, at the application level, or research depth. Current infrastructure development requires efficiency, effectiveness of state spending and increased state revenue. In practice, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) as state revenue has not been implemented optimally by the Ministry of State / Department. One of them is PNBP derived from the management of State assets, namely State Property (BMN). Alternative utilization of BMN by leasing BMN implemented by Ministries / Institutions in the scope of East Kalimantan, namely the utilization of BMN located at the Kuala Samboja Class III Port Operator Unit Office, the asset is leased for the stockpiling of land construction goods at Ambarawang Laut Port. So the researcher wants to know how the BMN utilization lease agreement from the Economic Analysis of Law theory, Investment theory, and how the BMN utilization Lease Agreement at the Kuala Samboja Class III Port Operator Unit Office in terms of agreement law. The results: (1) The BMN utilization lease agreement from the Economic Analysis of Law theory sees the role of law in terms of value, usefulness, and efficiency can be applied; (2) The contract signing process takes a long time, because on the leasing side there are several agencies in the approval, such as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transportation internally; (3) BMN utilization is seen by investment theory to be very beneficial for both parties; (4) BMN utilization lease agreement seen from the elements of the agreement, legally valid

    The Application Of Distributor Responsibility In Transboundary Haze Pollution Cases In Riau Based On Distrubutive Justice And Ethics

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    Forest and land fires not only cause losses to the country of origin where the fire occurred, but also have an impact on other countries in the form of transboundary smoke pollution. The occurrence of transboundary smoke pollution that causes disruption to the environment of other countries is an act that is contrary to the principles of international law, especially those governing international environmental law. This research examines the worst forest and land fires that occurred in Riau. This research uses a doctrinal approach with consideration of research targets in the form of laws and regulations by examining the accuracy of arrangements, relations between norms and testing the norm system. The research approach analyzes legal theory, jurisprudence, and legal philosophy, and does not avoid the use of certain facts as support in research analysis. In this approach, the author analyzes the distributor's responsibility in the case of transboundary haze pollution in Riau. The result is that the parties responsible in the case of transboundary air pollution or Transboundary Haze Pollution in addition to the polluter, namely palm oil companies in Riau, also involve the state, in this case the Indonesian government as the party authorized to grant licenses and supervise the business licenses that have been issued, as well as being responsible as a contributor, namely the state of Singapore because of its financing to companies that cause air pollution in Riau. As well as making financiers, namely banks, one of the distributors in cross-border pollution in accordance with the polluter pays principle, which is the main principle that the polluter must be the payer

    The Determinants of Meat Import Performance in ASEAN Countries

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    Research aims: The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of Gross Domestic Product, exchange rate, and distance on the meat import performance of ASEAN countries both partially and simultaneously.Design/Methodology/Approach: Purposive sampling method was adopted to determine the research sample. The data used were the annual secondary data of ASEAN countries in the period of 2012-2018, collected from trademap.org, World Bank, and macmap.org. Multiple Linear Regression was employed to analyze the data.Research findings: The regression analysis results showed that GDP and exchange rate did not affect meat import performance. Meanwhile, distance had a partially significant negative effect on meat import. However, GDP, exchange rate, and distance had a significant effect on meat imports simultaneously.Theoretical contribution: Previous researchers have used economic distance in their study to see its impact on imports. Nevertheless, there has not been much research done using geographical distance as an antecedent variable. The distant market has to incur large-fixed costs, which can only be supported if the export value is large. The negative impact of distance on imported meat must be taken seriously. AANZFTA supposedly gives a contribution to the member countries thoroughly to export goods and services. It is to increase per capita income so that it can be used to improve the transportation system.Implication policy: ASEAN officials are suggested to encourage the member countries to provide better transportation facilities to eliminate geographical distance barriers and further support SMEs and other business actors' engagement. Due to the limitation of this research, it is suggested that further research should consider using other commodities to measure the import performance


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    Home-scale pond is a strategic option in utilizing a narrow space to get maximum selling. The challenge of fish farming during the COVID-19 pandemic is changing consumer mindsets that emphasize food hygiene. Farmers need to respond by implementing hygiene management to increase productivity and meet market needs in line with health protocols. The community development partner is Atmajaya Pond who is the owner of a home-scale pond that breeds parrot and catfish in five ponds with an average of 150 seeds. Besides, Atmajaya Pond also processes cultivation products into nuggets as a superior product. Currently partner SMEs have root problems, namely: (1) pond water quickly turns cloudy with low oxygen content, (2) partner SMEs and the surrounding community are not familiar with clean production. So the direction of this community development is to build solutions that solve these two problems, such as: (1) improvement of pond hygienic sanitation and production quality (2) induction of clean production in the fish nugget production process. The strategic impact of community development is in terms of strengthening production and improvements in management processes such as the managerial reliability of home-scale pond during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Pelatihan Teknisi Komputer (Hardware Dan Software) Untuk Mendukung Pendidikan Life Skills Bagi Santri Pondok Pesantren

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    ABSTRAKPondok pesantren merupakan suatu lembaga pendidikan Islam dengan menetap dalam asrama (pondok) dengan seorang kyai sebagai tokoh utama, dan masjid sebagai pusat lembaga dan menampung peserta didik (santri) dengan tujuan memperdalami ilmu agama Islam. Termasuk Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Mekar Agung dan Pondok Pesantren Al-Islah yang merupakan pondok pesantren berbasis salaf (kajian ilmu menggunakan kitab kuning) dengan sistem pendidikan Madrasah Diniyah (MADIN). Pada dasarnya pendidikan life skills diterapkan itu memilki tujuan yang sama yakni menyiapkan peserta didik (santri) agar mampu, sanggup, serta terampil menjaga kelangsungan hidup dan perkembangannya di masa datang. Secara umum penyelenggaraan life skills di lingkungan pesantren adalah untuk membantu para santri mengembangkan kemampuan berfikir dan mengembangkan potensi diri. Solusi pendidikan life skill yang diberikan kepada santri pondok pesantren adalah berupa pelatihan teknisi komputer dengan materi mengenal teknologi informasi (ilmu komputer, hardware, dan software), 2). Perakitan komputer PC dan setting BIOS, 3). Instalasi software berbasis Microsoft (operating system, driver hardware, application software), 4). Troubleshooting hardware maupun software, 5). Evaluasi (ujian). Harapan hasil pelatihan adalah santri memiliki ketrampilan (skills) pada bidang komputer berupa teknisi komputer, dan dapat mengaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik didunia kerja maupun berwirausaha.Kata kunci: Pondok pesantren, life skills, instalasi hardware, instalasi software, troubleshootin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dankegunaan dalam mempengaruhi keberhasilan respon layanan dokumen impor. Penelitian inimenggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Data primeryang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari kuesioner. Jumlah respondensebanyak 96 Perusahaan Pengurusan Jasa Kepabeanan (PPJK) yang mengajukanpermohonan inspeksi bersama Balai Karantina Pertanian Kelas 1 Semarang dan Bea Cukai.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dan kegunaan berpengaruh positif terhadap keberhasilan respon layanan dokumen impor. Single SubMission Quarantine Customs (SSM QC) meningkatkan efektivitas respons dokumen izinimpor yang diserahkan ke sistem dengan meminimalkan kegagalan dalam mengunggahdokumen yang diperlukan. Akibatnya, respons yang berhasil membantu izin impor danmengurangi waktu tunggu