15 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sistem Merit dalam Rekrutmen ASN di Kabupaten Kampar

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    ASN recruitment is important in recruiting employees  needed in running the organization. Recruitment or placement of employees according to the merit system is the placement of the best people to occupy the positions needed because of the quality and capacity they control. As for the purpose of the implementation of this study, namely to understand the application of ASN recruitment in Kampar District. As for the research method used in this research is descriptive research. The conclusions obtained from this study are indicators of implementation of merit system rules which are related to the implementation of recruitment, namely: 1) organized and orderly planning carried out throughcreative and innovative recruitment techniques, 2) each participant selection candidate must have a responsibility and be well explained, 3) the implementation of the recruitment system links participants who have the ability and become an appropriate source in the implementation of the survey to be ableaccommodating all people from various groups, 4) each candidate for selection is given fair treatment regardless of their background from which race 5) recruitment is carried out on knowledge, ability and expertise based on open and fair competition for everyone forget equal opportunities available, 6) the implementation of procedures for selection can be carried out in order to confirm that candidates have the ability and the right to get a position in the right job according to their abilities, 7) staff who are accepted should be protected from various special attitudesbecause of something or the attitude of deception for political purposes.   Rekrutmen ASN adalah hal penting dalam pengadaan pegawai sesuai kebutuhan di dalam menjalankan organisasi. Rekrutmen atau penempatan pegawai menurut sistem merit merupakan penempatan orang-orang terbaik untuk menempati jabatan yang diperlukan karena kualitas dan kapasitas  yang dikuasainya. Adapun tujuan pelaksanaan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk memahami penerapan rekrutmen ASN yang berada dalam Kabupaten Kampar. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah  Indikator pelaksanaan aturan merit sistem dimana terkait dengan pelaksaaan  rekrutmen  yaitu: 1) perencanaan yang tertata dan teratur yang dilakukan melalui teknik rekrut merekrut yang kreatif dan inovatif, 2) setiap calon seleksi ikut berperan serta harus memiliki tanggung jawab dan dijelaskan dengan baik, 3) pelaksanaan sistem rekrutmen mengaitkan peserta yang memiliki kemampuan dan menjadi sumber yang sesuai dalam pelaksanaan rekrumet agar mampu menampung semua masyarakat dari berbagai golongan, 4) setap calon seleksi diberi perlakuan yang adil tidak memedulikan latar belakang dia dari ras mana 5) rekrutmen dilaksanakan pada pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keahlian berdasarkan persaingan yang terbuka dan adil terhadap segala orang untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan pada kesempatan yang ada, 6) pelaksanaan prosedur pada seleksi dapat dilaksanakan guna menegaskan calon  yang memiliki kemampuan dan tepat dalam memperoleh posisi di pekerjaan yang tepat sesuai kemampuannya, 7) staf yang diterima patut terlindungi dari berbagai sikap spesial karena suatu hal atau adanya sikap pembohongan untuk tujuan perpolitikan.ASN recruitment is important in recruiting employees  needed in running the organization. Recruitment or placement of employees according to the merit system is the placement of the best people to occupy the positions needed because of the quality and capacity they control. As for the purpose of the implementation of this study, namely to understand the application of ASN recruitment in Kampar District. As for the research method used in this research is descriptive research. The conclusions obtained from this study are indicators of implementation of merit system rules which are related to the implementation of recruitment, namely: 1) organized and orderly planning carried out throughcreative and innovative recruitment techniques, 2) each participant selection candidate must have a responsibility and be well explained, 3) the implementation of the recruitment system links participants who have the ability and become an appropriate source in the implementation of the survey to be ableaccommodating all people from various groups, 4) each candidate for selection is given fair treatment regardless of their background from which race 5) recruitment is carried out on knowledge, ability and expertise based on open and fair competition for everyone forget equal opportunities available, 6) the implementation of procedures for selection can be carried out in order to confirm that candidates have the ability and the right to get a position in the right job according to their abilities, 7) staff who are accepted should be protected from various special attitudesbecause of something or the attitude of deception for political purposes.   Rekrutmen ASN adalah hal penting dalam pengadaan pegawai sesuai kebutuhan di dalam menjalankan organisasi. Rekrutmen atau penempatan pegawai menurut sistem merit merupakan penempatan orang-orang terbaik untuk menempati jabatan yang diperlukan karena kualitas dan kapasitas  yang dikuasainya. Adapun tujuan pelaksanaan Penelitian ini yaitu untuk memahami penerapan rekrutmen ASN yang berada dalam Kabupaten Kampar. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah  Indikator pelaksanaan aturan merit sistem dimana terkait dengan pelaksaaan  rekrutmen  yaitu: 1) perencanaan yang tertata dan teratur yang dilakukan melalui teknik rekrut merekrut yang kreatif dan inovatif, 2) setiap calon seleksi ikut berperan serta harus memiliki tanggung jawab dan dijelaskan dengan baik, 3) pelaksanaan sistem rekrutmen mengaitkan peserta yang memiliki kemampuan dan menjadi sumber yang sesuai dalam pelaksanaan rekrumet agar mampu menampung semua masyarakat dari berbagai golongan, 4) setap calon seleksi diberi perlakuan yang adil tidak memedulikan latar belakang dia dari ras mana 5) rekrutmen dilaksanakan pada pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keahlian berdasarkan persaingan yang terbuka dan adil terhadap segala orang untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan pada kesempatan yang ada, 6) pelaksanaan prosedur pada seleksi dapat dilaksanakan guna menegaskan calon  yang memiliki kemampuan dan tepat dalam memperoleh posisi di pekerjaan yang tepat sesuai kemampuannya, 7) staf yang diterima patut terlindungi dari berbagai sikap spesial karena suatu hal atau adanya sikap pembohongan untuk tujuan perpolitikan

    Konsolidasi Kepentingan Eksekutif dan Legislatif dalam Penganggaran Daerah di Kabupaten Situbondo

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan hubungan Eksekutif dan Legislatif di era otonomi daerah pasca reformasi khususnya pada politik keuangan daerah. Di era otonomi daerah saat ini konstruksi hubungan antara eksekutif dengan legislatif di daerah mengalami perubahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Situbondo dengan mengajulan pertanyaan penelitian kepentingan eksekutif dan legislatif apa saja yang masuk dalam penganggaran daerah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses penganggaran Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) di Kabupaten Situbondo terdapat perbedaan kepentingan yang dibawa pihak eksekutif dan legislatif. Kepentingan eksekutif merupakan artikulasi kepentingan masyarakat yang masuk melalui mekanisme formal, baik MUSRENBANGDA dan usulan atau input program-program setiap Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). Sedangkan kepentingan legislatif berasal dari dua hal, yakni kepentingan publik dalam ruang lingkup lebih kecil, yaitu konstituen daerah pemilihan dimana dia mewakili. Kepentingan tersebut ditampung melalui Jaring Aspirasi Masyarakat (JASMAS) yang dilaksanakan pada masa Reses (Masa diluar kegiatan sidang). Kemudian yang kedua berasal dari misi partai yang dibawa oleh setiap anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, dimana berasal dari misi atau titipan partai politik pengusungny

    Collaborative Governance in Recognizing Customary Law Communities And Customary Communal Land Rights in Kampar Regency

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    Recognition and protection towards customary law communities in Kampar Regency are inevitable, remembering that the existence of these communities far before the establishment of this nation. A very progressive response was issued by the Regent of Kampar by Forming Registration Team for The Establishment of Customary Law Communities, Customary Territory, and Customary Forests in Kampar Regency. The Registration Team came from local government organizations, national land agencies, academicians, ministries element, non-governmental organization, and customary community institution shows collaboration that involves state actors. This collaboration successfully initiates the acknowledgment toward customary law communities and customary law with the release of Regent Decree in some areas under the Kampar Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with the type of phenomenological research. This collaborative governance is initiated by NGOs that focus on the environment and sustainable development. dominance is still found in the implementation of duties, the unequal power / authority of all parties, conflicts of interest, political will from regional heads and communication and coordination issues are still major obstacles

    Politik Pengelolaan Sampah (Studi Tentang Implementasi Kemitraan Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    The partnership in waste management carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government is not without reason. The issue of waste has become a frightening specter that if it is not immediately managed properly it will increasingly reach a tipping point. However, it must be recognized that the Regional Government is faced with limitations in managing waste, thus establishing partnerships with the private sector. This research is here to see to what extent the shared authority covers limitations through the perspective of policy implementation. The problem will be dissected through David C. Korten’s policy implementation theory. Various data obtained from the case study method are then developed with theory in order to obtain a comprehensive conclusion. The results showed three important things. First, the compatibility between the program and the beneficiaries. The reality in the field shows that some of the programs that have been designed and outlined by law are already very comprehensive. Second, the compatibility between the program and the implementing organization. This point examines the compatibility between ideas and plans that have been prepared by the government and the capabilities of the implementing organization. PT. Samhana Indah as the implementer of waste management in the zone I zone is a financially well-established company, has an adequate transportation fleet, and is experienced in work management. Third, the compatibility between the user groups and the implementing organization. The private sector has done the work according to work standards and brought benefits to the surrounding community. Kemitraan dalam pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru bukan tanpa alasan. Persoalan sampah telah menjadi momok menakutkan yang jika tidak segera dikelola dengan baik maka akan semakin menuju titik kritis. Namun harus diakui bahwa Pemerintah Daerah dihadapkan pada keterbatasan dalam mengelola sampah, sehingga menjalin kemitraan dengan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini hadir untuk melihat sejauh mana wewenang yang dibagi itu menutupi keterbatasan melalui sudut pandang implementasi kebijakan. Permasalahan akan dibedah melalui teori implementasi kebijakan David C. Korten. Berbagai data yang diperoleh dari metode studi kasus kemudian dikembangkan dengan teori guna memperoleh suatu kesimpulan yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga hal penting. Pertama, kesesuaian antara program dan penerima manfaat. Kenyataan dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa program yang telah dirancang dan dituangkan melalui undang-undang sudah sangat komprehensif. Kedua, kesesuaian antara program dengan organisasi pelaksana. Poin ini menguji kesesuaian antara ide dan rencana yang telah disusun oleh pemerintah dengan kemampuan organisasi pelaksana. PT. Samhana Indah selaku pelaksana pengelolaan sampah di wilayah zona I merupakan perusahaan mapan secara finansial, memiliki armada pengangkutan yang memadai, serta berpengalaman dalam hal manajemen kerja. Ketiga, kesesuaian antara kelompok pemanfaat dengan organisasi pelaksana. Pihak swasta telah melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan standar kerja dan membawa manfaat kepada masyarakat sekitar.The partnership in waste management carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government is not without reason. The issue of waste has become a frightening specter that if it is not immediately managed properly it will increasingly reach a tipping point. However, it must be recognized that the Regional Government is faced with limitations in managing waste, thus establishing partnerships with the private sector. This research is here to see to what extent the shared authority covers limitations through the perspective of policy implementation. The problem will be dissected through David C. Korten's policy implementation theory. Various data obtained from the case study method are then developed with theory in order to obtain a comprehensive conclusion. The results showed three important things. First, the compatibility between the program and the beneficiaries. The reality in the field shows that some of the programs that have been designed and outlined by law are already very comprehensive. Second, the compatibility between the program and the implementing organization. This point examines the compatibility between ideas and plans that have been prepared by the government and the capabilities of the implementing organization. PT. Samhana Indah as the implementer of waste management in the zone I zone is a financially well established company, has an adequate transportation fleet, and is experienced in work management. Third, the compatibility between the user groups and the implementing organization. The private sector has done the work according to work standards and brought benefits to the surrounding community.Kemitraan dalam pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru bukan tanpa alasan. Persoalan sampah telah menjadi momok menakutkan yang jika tidak segera dikelola dengan baik maka akan semakin menuju titik kritis. Namun harus diakui bahwa Pemerintah Daerah dihadapkan pada keterbatasan dalam mengelola sampah, sehingga menjalin kemitraan dengan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini hadir untuk melihat sejauh mana wewenang yang dibagi itu menutupi keterbatasan melalui sudut pandang implementasi kebijakan. Permasalahan akan dibedah melalui teori implementasi kebijakan David C. Korten. Berbagai data yang diperoleh dari metode studi kasus kemudian dikembangkan dengan teori guna memperoleh suatu kesimpulan yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga hal penting. Pertama, kesesuaian antara program dan penerima manfaat. Kenyataan dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa program yang telah dirancang dan dituangkan melalui undang-undang sudah sangat komprehensif. Kedua, kesesuaian antara program dengan organisasi pelaksana. Poin ini menguji kesesuaian antara ide dan rencana yang telah disusun oleh pemerintah dengan kemampuan organisasi pelaksana. PT. Samhana Indah selaku pelaksana pengelolaan sampah di wilayah zona I merupakan perusahaan mapan secara finansial, memiliki armada pengangkutan yang memadai, serta berpengalaman dalam hal manajemen kerja. Ketiga, kesesuaian antara kelompok pemanfaat dengan organisasi pelaksana. Pihak swasta telah melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan standar kerja dan membawa manfaat kepada masyarakat sekitar

    Analisis Proses Politik Pembahasan dan Penetapan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) Provinsi Riau Tahun Anggaran 2016

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    The process of preparing a work programs of regional goverments is an integral part of the state financial system which assosiated with establishment of APBN and APBD. This studies will analyse the political processes during the discussion and establishment of Riau Province APBD in 2016. In general, there are 3 stages of discussion and establisment of Riau Province APBD in 2016 namely a discussion of KUA PPAS, framing a RANPERDA APBD, and establisment of APBD. However a discrepancy in the implementation schedue to the prevailing regulation lead to a non optimal discussion RKA SKPD, RAPBD and RANPERDA APBD where the entire process is done on December 2016. The political process on discussion and establishment of APBD on DPRD of Riau Province is observed on discussion of KUA PPAS that involving TAPD and Budgetary Board. The general overview of DPRD fraction to the RAPBD will be answered by local goverment and then DPRD plenary session wil be held to made a decision that supported by all DPRD members toward RAPBD to APBD, the plenary session will be concluded with the final opinion of The Mayor

    Problematika Manajemen Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2016

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    The development dynamics of Pekanbaru City is so rapid and accompanied by rapid population growth has brought consequences on increasing the volume of waste from the community. The rapid growth of population, industry, investment and trade in Pekanbaru City produces domestic waste of approximately 1,100 tons per day. With the amount of waste generated in such a way, the environmental conditions of Pekanbaru City, especially the community settlements, fall into the category of complex hygiene issues. The Waste Management consisting of Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Motivating, and Supervision/Controlling

    AKUNTABILITAS PENGGUNAAN KEUANGAN DESA (Studi Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Penggunaan APBDes di Desa Alam Panjang Kecamatan Rumbio Jaya Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2018)

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    This study examines and analyzes the accountability report on the use of village finances in Alam Panjang Village, Rumbio Jaya District, Kampar Regency. In the use of village finances, accountability reports are required as a form of good governance, based on Presidential Regulation No. 29/2014 concerning the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies, so that governance is running well, effectively and efficiently. Data collection techniques in this study used observations or field observations, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the village government of Alam Panjang had delivered village financial reports in an accountability manner, both vertically (to the regent) and horizontally (to the community) which were submitted through various community forums. However, even though the accountability report has followed the existing regulations / regulations, monitoring and evaluation is also needed in the use of village finances, so that village finances can be of benefit to village development and improve community welfare.Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menganalisis laporan pertanggungjawaban penggunaan keuangan desa di Desa Alam Panjang Kecamatan Rumbio Jaya Kabupaten Kampar. Dalam penggunaan keuangan desa dituntut adanya akuntabilitas laporan pertanggungjawaban sebagai wujud dari tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 29 Tahun 2014 tentang Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah, agar tata kelola pemerintahan itu berjalan dengan baik, efektif dan efisien. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan pengamatan atau observasi lapangan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Desa Alam Panjang telah dengan baik menyampaikan laporan keuangan desa secara akuntabilitas, baik secara vertikal (kepada bupati) maupun secara horizontal (kepada masyarakat) yang disampaikan melalui berbagai forum kemasyarakatan. Namun walaupun laporan pertanggungjawabannya sudah mengikuti regulasi/peraturan yang sudah ada, juga diperlukan monitoring dan evaluasi dalam penggunaan keuangan desa tersebut, agar keuangan desa tersebut bisa bermamfaat bagi pembangunan desa dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat

    Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Kapasitas Kelembagaan Kampung Adat di Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau

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    This paper will examine the strategies to empower the Kampung Adat community through the development of institutional capacity in The Regency of Siak. The Regency of Siak is one of the districts that have established Desa Adat territory. Based on the Siak District Regulation No.02/2015 specifies eight Kampung Adat located in the district of Siak. Regulation for Kampung Adat setting in Siak district has gone through a long process started from; First, the opportunities of formation the Kampung Adat after the issuance of Law No. 6 2014 about the village. Secondly, the formation of team to determine and the establishment of Kampung Adat. Third are socializing, inventarization, identification and assessment as well as recommendations from the Regent. Fourth is the release of regulation of Kampung Adat in Siak district, Fifth is getting the Registration Number from the Provinces and Sixth is getting Kampung Adat Registration Code from Ministry of Internal Affair. But there is a hiatus periode on the process of determination of Kampung Adat in Siak district due to several things, such as yet issuance of Kampung Adat Code from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the lack of regulation related provincial level Structuring the Kampung Adat, and the lack decree as technical guidelines for the process of reviving traditional village. Siak district government through BPMPD address this hiatus conditions with suggestion to the administration of the Kampung Adat and Adat leaders in particular to immediately arranged a draft form of village institutions or Adat regulations until provincial regulations and codes of Kampung Adat officialy released. This strategy is to accelerate the progress of forming the institution of Kampung Adat and to avoid longer hiatus on establishment. Strategy of community empowerment through the development of institutional capacity both government institutions, community organizations and traditional institutions have been prepared by the Government of Siak, it can be seen from the activities that are directed to the strengthening of the institutional capacity of government Kampung such as: capacity building for the selected Penghulu, The chairman LPMK and Chairman BAPEKAM for periode 2015- 2021, Bimtek government, kasi PMD districts and porters for all Siak Region, as well as coaching the village headman, the head of customary, traditional institutions chairman and chief BAPEKAM for all Siak Region. But then again BPMPD is not yet specifically arrange the activities to directly relate to the Kampung Adat because of the code for Kampung Adat is not yet obtained. At the level of Village Institution has also drawn up a planning document for development and have incorporated programs related to community development and empowerment, but still using the previous nomenclature which is Village


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    The implementation of the WFH policy during the Covid-19 pandemic certainly has responsibilities and obligations that are no different from working in an office. However, it can be seen from the fact that in its implementation, WFH cannot be separated from challenges and obstacles that must be faced, this is because not all work can be carried out from home. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the WFH policy in the Pekanbaru City BAPPEDA work environment during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data obtained were sourced from the head of the personnel department at BAPPEDA Pekanbaru City. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and collecting documents supporting the research. The results obtained indicate that based on evaluation activities by paying attention to the 6 (six) evaluation criteria such as effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, leveling, responsiveness, and accuracy that have been carried out and can be seen where in practice, with the existence of WFH that has not been able to run properly. good and there is a tendency that there is a decline in public services. It can be seen that, there are obstacles from the existence of WFH which include aspects of computer availability, aspects of the ability to master information technology, and aspects of performance appraisal

    Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Swasta dalam Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The partnership between the Regional Government and the private sector is a step that the Government can take as an effort to cover up the limitations in waste management in the city of Pekanbaru. The dynamics of rapid population growth have had consequences for increasing the volume of garbage to approximately 1,100 tons per day. The Pekanbaru City Government then took steps to implement partnerships with the private sector as an effort to manage waste management. However, the involvement of the private sector in dealing with waste issues actually showed a failure in 2015. In 2018, the Pekanbaru City Government again planned to submit waste management to the private sector. Therefore, this study tries to focus on two formulations of the problem, which is why the Pekanbaru City Government again delegates the authority to manage waste in the city of Pekanbaru to the private sector? And what is the right scheme for government and private partnerships in carrying out waste management in Pekanbaru City? To answer the above questions, this research was escorted by the Reinventing Government theory of David Osborne and Ted Gaebler and also the theory of Public Private Partnership. Through the case study method, this research will explore the partnership between Pekanbaru City Government and the private sector in waste management in Pekanbaru City. The results showed that the objective of the partnership between the Regional Government of Pekanbaru and third parties in waste management in the city of Pekanbaru was to overcome the inability of the Pekanbaru City Government to provide facilities and infrastructure, garbage fleets, human resources and budget constraints. Thus, the logic of this partnership leads to one of the lines of thought offered by Osborn regarding the Catalytic Government (Steering Rather Than Rowing). The scheme of success of the partnership of Pekanbaru City Government and the private sector in waste management needs to pay attention to process factors, partner factors and structural factors. Thus, waste management in the city of Pekanbaru requires a paradigm shift, from being limited to disposal to become a focus on management and utilization