994 research outputs found

    Integrated Reporting: Studi Pada Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to empirically test the effect stakeholder engagement which is projected with the concentration of ownership, leverage, and employee compensation as well as the independent board of commissioners and gender diversity as projections from corporate governance to the presentation of Integrated Reporting in public companies in Indonesia in the LQ 45 Group of Companies, there are 22 companies included in the research sample in accordance with the criteria of this study. The type of data used is Panel Data, data analysis uses E-Views as an analysis tool. Based on the results of analysis and testing regarding the analysis of the influence of Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Governance mechanisms on the disclosure of the integrated report of LQ-45 companies listed on the IDX for the 2017-2019 period, empirical results are obtained in which concentration of ownership, leverage, proportion of independent board of commissioners, number of committee meetings audit and gender diversity do not have an influence on the integrated report disclosure. The positive significant relationship with the disclosure of <IR> is the employee compensation variable


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    FEBRIANSYAH, The Relationship Between Price and Lifestyle With Purchase Decision of Android Smartphone on Faculty of Economy Student, in State University of Jakarta, East Jakarta. Study Program of Commerce Education, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2016. The research was conducted at Faculty of Economy in State University of Jakarta, East Jakarta, for six months from October 2015 until March 2016. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. Population in this research is students on Faculty of Economy State in University of Jakarta. The technique which is used in gathering the sample was purposive sampling about 75 peoples. To capture data from these three variables are used questionnaire Likert Scale models for Price (X1 Variable), Lifestyle (X2 Variable) and Purchase decision of Android Smartphone (Y Variable). Before the instrument is used tested the validity for variable X and Y. For variable X1, from 29 statement there are 22 points that valid, for variable X2, from 23 statement there are 18 points that valid and for variable Y and from 25 statement there are 23 points that valid. Reliability calculation of both variables using Cronbach Alpha formula. The results of the X1 variable reliability of 0,874, the results of the X2 variable reliability of 0,869 and the results of the Y variable reliability of 0,902. Results prove that the instrument is reliable. The resulting regression equationis Ŷ = 14,669 + 0,493X1 + 0,404X2. From test of simultaneously significance produces Fcount>Ftable, which is 37,92 > 3,12, meaning that test is significant. Then performed the test significance correlation coefficient using the t testandthe resulting tcountX1-Y=4,208 and tcountX2-Y=4,688 and ttable=1,67. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy=0,716, It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient rxy=0,716 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained for 49,9% which shows that 49,9% of the variation of purchase decision determined by price and lifestyle. The result of this research shown that price and lifestyle influence on purchase decision of Android Smartphone in simultaneously and partially


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    The purpose of this study is to use Discovery Learning methods to improve students' creativity and achievement. This research has been carried out with classroom action research methods in SD Negeri 3 Merapi Barat This research was conducted in three cycles to find out that the application of Discovery Learning increases the creativity and achievement of students from the first cycle to the third cycle. This research proves that the application of the Discovery Learning learning model not only enhances student learning creativity but also increases the understanding of the material and this has animpact on increasing student learning achievement. PTK taking techniques by means of observation and tests. third. However, the control class was tested using conventional teaching methods with each class holding pretest and posttest. Then, it was continued with a significant analysis using t-test. Conventional if to improve creativity and student achievement in socia

    Childfree Controversy in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Human Rights

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    Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang childfree dalam perspektif hukum Islam dengan pendekatan medis atau hak reproduksi dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Childfree diartikan sebagai kesepakatan suami-isteri untuk memilih atau menolak untuk tidak memiliki anak setelah adanya hubungan seksual dalam pasangan tersebut. Keberadaan fenomena childfree menuai kontroversi di kalangan pemikir hukum Islam. Sebab, hal tersebut dianggap bertentangan dengan salah satu fitrah manusia sebagai makhluk yang bereproduksi. Selain itu, childfree juga dianggap bertentangan dengan tujuan pernikahan, yakni sebagai sarana memperoleh keturunan. Perspektif seperti ini tentu perlu diperluas lagi, karena hanya memandang pernikahan sebatas pada fungsi reproduksi belaka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hak asasi manusia merupakan bentuk jaminan perlindungan dalam hukum terutama hak asasi perempuan, keputusan untuk childfree merupakan hal yang tidak mempengaruhi dalam hubungan pernikahan. Hal tersebut berkegantungan oleh tubuh perempuan. Oleh sebab itu, keputusan childfree ialah hak perempuan dan hak pribadi seseorang. Dalam hal ini hak reproduksi yang dimiliki oleh seorang perempuan, namun alangkah lebih baik jika proses kehamilan yang tidak memberikan dampak buruk bagi perempuan untuk mempertimbangkan lagi untuk menerapakn childfree dalam kehidupannya. Dalam perspektif hukum Islam, status hukum childfree menyesuaikan dengan kondisi dan penyebab keputusan tersebut diambil oleh pasangan suami istr


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    Kawasan perkotaan dewasa ini tidak jauh dari tingginya tingkat kejahatan dan kriminal, hal tersebut tentunya bertolak belakang dengan konsep hidup yang nyaman dan aman dalam pencanangan smart city  dibeberapa kota. Tujuan dari penelitian ini nantinya akan membangun aplikasi berbasis android untuk memberikan laporan dini tentang kondisi bahaya yang dialami pengguna aplikasi dengan sistem melakukan pencarian polisi terdekat dengan korban dengangan menggunakan metode Haversine Formula. Metode ini digunakan untuk membandingkan tiap koordinat pengguna dalam kondisi bahaya dengan koordinat polisi yang berada disekitar, sehingga ditemukan koordinat polisi yang paling dekat untuk disampiakn kondisi dalam bahaya pengguna aplikasi. Koordinat polisi sendiri diupdate secara otomatis tiap 2 menit ke dalam web server. Pengujian sistem menggunakan 30 responden yang melakukan implementasi langsung sistem, Hasil yang didapatkan dengan penerapan metode ini pada saat aplikasi saat dijalankan adalah rata-rata tingkat akurasi mencapai 96,67% dengan waktu respon rata-rata 5,63 detik, Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode Haversine berjalan dengan baik pada aplikasi pencarian polisi terdekat dalam kondisi bahaya. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Kecil dan Menengah ( Studi Kasus Usaha Makanan Ringan di Kota Pagar Alam )

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    This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (Snack business study in Pagar Alam City). The type of research used is associative research, the number of samples used in this study is 10 respondents, the data analysis method used is simple linear regression analysis, t test, and coefficient of determination analysis. Analysis of the data obtained a coefficient of determination of 91.0%,This means that the entrepreneurial orientation variable has a large effect on the performance of the snack business in Pagar Alam. 9.0% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Then from the hypothesis test the entrepreneurial orientation has a significant effect on performance Small and Medium Enterprises which are proven from the results of the t test where the significance level is obtained below 0.05 or sig 0.000 <0.05 so that the hypothesis is accepted. &nbsp

    Implications of Transmigration Program Implementation Towards Transmigrant Welfare Levels

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    This study aims to determine the factors contributing to the transmigration program to the welfare level of transmigrants and compare aspects of the development of the welfare level of transmigrants at transmigration locations from before and after people become transmigrants. The research was conducted at the Transmigration location, Fajar Baru Village, Panca Jaya District, Mesuji Regency. The method used is quantitative, using questionnaires and document searches that are relevant to the research topic. The results showed that transmigrants were still categorized as poor or underprivileged. Some of the things that cause this situation include: First, the transmigrants do not have permanent jobs and only rely on work as farmers; and Second, the rice fields they own still have not produced anything, because the harvest period has not yet entered so that many transmigrants change professions to become casual workers. Practical implications can be done by carrying out more effective coaching by paying attention to the economic, socio-cultural, and mental-spiritual fields

    Analisa Penerapan Perhitungan Dan Pelaporan PPH Final Atas Jasa Kontruksi

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    ABSTRAK   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi dan memahami penghitungan dan Pelaporan akhir untuk PT. Proyek Pengembangan B2B IPAL Waskita Karya  (Persero) Tbk Kota Palembang berdasarkan PPh Pasal 4 Ayat 2. Data primer digunakan dalam proyek penelitian kualitatif ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara menghitung, memotong, membayar, dan melaporkan pajak penghasilan sesuai Pasal 4 Ayat 2 untuk tahun pajak 2020–2021. PT. Proyek Pembangunan Jaringan IPAL Waskita Karya B2B Palembang telah memenuhi Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, kemudian pedoman dibuat Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 dan PMK Nomor 153/PMK.03/2009 untuk menghitung PPh final jasa bangunan berdasarkan Pasal 4 Ayat 2 dengan tarif 3%. Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 dan PMK Nomor 153/PMK.03/2009, Sesuai dengan pedoman final pemotongan PPh Pasal 4 Ayat 2 Jasa Konstruksi, PT. Waskita Karya Palembang IPAl sedang mengembangkan jaringan B2B. Karena mereka memotong total pembayaran jasa bangunan berdasarkan PPh pasal 4 ayat 2 setelah melakukan pembayaran, maka pelanggan jasa dalam keadaan ini adalah pengurang pajak. Apalagi PT. Proyek Pengembangan Jaringan IPAL B2B Waskita Karya Palembang telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2009 dan PMK Nomor 153/PMK.03/2009 tentang Pembayaran dan Pelaporan Pajak Penghasilan Final, Bagian 2 Pasal 4.   Kata Kunci: Pph Final, Jasa Kontruksi     ABSTRACT   The purpose of this study is to evaluate and understand the calculation and reporting of Final Income Tax Article 4 Paragraph 2 for PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk B2B WWTP Development Project Palembang City. Primary data is used in this qualitative research project. This study aims to find out how to calculate, withhold, pay, and report income tax according to Article 4 Paragraph 2 for the 2020–2021 tax year. PT. The Waskita Karya B2B Palembang IPAL Network Development Project has complied with Government Regulation Number 40 of 2009 and PMK Number 153/PMK.03/2009 for the calculation of final PPh article 4 paragraph 2 of construction services, with a rate of 3%, based on these results. According to Government Regulation Number 40 of 2009 and PMK Number 153/PMK.03/2009, PT. The Waskita Karya Palembang B2B IPAL Network Development Project is in accordance with the final guidelines for withholding PPh Article 4 Paragraph 2 for construction services. Because they deduct the total payment for building services based on PPh article 4 paragraph 2 after making the payment, the service customer in this situation is a tax deduction. Moreover, PT. Waskita Karya Palembang WWTP B2B Network Development Project complies with Government Regulation Number 40 of 2009 and PMK Number 153/PMK.03/2009 concerning Payment and Reporting of Final Income Tax Article 4 Paragraph 2.   Keywords : Final Income Tax, Construction Service

    Pengaruh Harga dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Ulang dengan Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh harga dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang dengan kepuasan konsumen sebagai variabel intervening., Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan program SPSS Statistik 25 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden yang pernah membeli lebih dari dua kali. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Dengan menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling dan purposive sampling.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang, Kualitas Pelayanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang dan Kepuasan Konsumen berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang. Berdasarkan analisis jalur, kepuasan konsumen dapat menjadi variabel intervening antara harga terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang dan kepuasan konsumen tidak dapat menjadi variabel intervening antara kualitas pelayanan terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang.Kata kunci: harga, kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan konsumen, keputusan pembelian ulan
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