10 research outputs found

    A model framework to investigate the role of anomalous land surface processes in the amplification of summer drought across Ireland during 2018

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    Due to its latitude and ample year-round rainfall, Ireland is typically an energy-limited regime in the context of soil moisture availability and evapotranspiration. However, during the summer of 2018, regions within the country displayed significant soil moisture deficits, associated with anomalous atmospheric forcing conditions, with consequent impacts on the surface energy balance. Here, we explore the utility of a physically based land surface scheme coupled with observational, global gridded reanalysis and satellite derived data products to analyse the spatial and temporal evolution of the 2018 summer drought event in Ireland over grassland, which represents the dominant agricultural land-cover. While the surface–air energy exchanges were initially dominated by atmospheric anomalies, soil moisture constraints became increasingly important in regulating these exchanges, as the accumulated rainfall deficit increased throughout the summer months. This was particularly evident over the freer draining soils in the east and southeast of the country. From late June 2018, we identify a strong linear coupling between soil moisture and both evapotranspiration and vegetation response, suggesting a shift from an energy-limited evapotranspiration regime into a dry or soil water limited regime. Applying segmented regression models, the study quantifies a critical soil moisture threshold as a key determinant of the transition from wet to dry evaporative regimes. These findings are important to understand the soil moisture context under which land–atmosphere couplings are strongest in water-limited regimes across the country and should help improve the treatment of soil parameters in weather prediction models, required for subseasonal and seasonal forecasts, consequently enhancing early warning systems of summer climate extremes in the future

    Improving a land surface scheme for estimating sensible and latent heat fluxes above grasslands with contrasting soil moisture zones

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    peer-reviewedKnowledge of soil–vegetation–atmosphere energy exchange processes is essential for examining the response of agriculture to changes in climate in both the short and long term. However, there are relatively few sites where all the flux measurements necessary for evaluating these responses are available; where they exist, data are often incomplete and/or of limited duration. At the same time, there is often an extensive observation network available that has gathered key meteorological data (sunshine, wind, rainfall, etc.) over decades. Simulating the terms of the surface energy balance (SEB) using available meteorological, soil and vegetation data can improve our understanding of how agricultural systems respond to climate and how this response will vary spatially. Here, we employ a physically-based scheme to simulate the SEB fluxes over a mid-latitude, maritime temperate environment using routine weather observations. The latent heat flux is a critical SEB term as it incorporates the response of the plant to environmental conditions including available energy and soil water. This response is represented in modeling schemes through surface resistance (rs), which is usually expressed as a function of near-surface water vapor alone. In this study, we simulate the SEB over two grassland sites, where eddy flux observations are available, representing imperfectly- and poorly- drained soils. We employ three different formulations of rs, representing varying degrees of sophistication, to estimate the surface fluxes. Due to differences in soil moisture characteristics between the sites, we ultimately focused our attention on an rs formulation that accounted for soil water retention capacity, based on the Jarvis conductance model; the results at both hourly and daily intervals are in good agreement, with RMSE values of ≈ 40 W m−2 for sensible and latent heat fluxes at both sites. The findings show the potential value of using routine weather observations to generate the SEB where flux observations are not available and the importance of soil properties in estimating surface fluxes. These findings could contribute to the assessment of past and future climate change on grassland ecosystems

    Improving a land surface scheme for estimating sensible and latent heat fluxes above grasslands with contrasting soil moisture zones

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    Knowledge of soil–vegetation–atmosphere energy exchange processes is essential for examining the response of agriculture to changes in climate in both the short and long term. However, there are relatively few sites where all the flux measurements necessary for evaluating these responses are available; where they exist, data are often incomplete and/or of limited duration. At the same time, there is often an extensive observation network available that has gathered key meteorological data (sunshine, wind, rainfall, etc.) over decades. Simulating the terms of the surface energy balance (SEB) using available meteorological, soil and vegetation data can improve our understanding of how agricultural systems respond to climate and how this response will vary spatially. Here, we employ a physically-based scheme to simulate the SEB fluxes over a mid-latitude, maritime temperate environment using routine weather observations. The latent heat flux is a critical SEB term as it incorporates the response of the plant to environmental conditions including available energy and soil water. This response is represented in modelling schemes through surface resistance (rs), which is usually expressed as a function of nearsurface water vapor alone. In this study, we simulate the SEB over two grassland sites, where eddy flux observations are available, representing imperfectly- and poorly- drained soils. We employ three different formulations of rs, representing varying degrees of sophistication, to estimate the surface fluxes. Due to differences in soil moisture characteristics between the sites, we ultimately focused our attention on an rs formulation that accounted for soil water retention capacity, based on the Jarvis conductance model; the results at both hourly and daily intervals are in good agreement, with RMSE values of ≈ 40 W m−2 for sensible and latent heat fluxes at both sites. The findings show the potential value of using routine weather observations to generate the SEB where flux observations are not available and the importance of soil properties in estimating surface fluxes. These findings could contribute to the assessment of past and future climate change on grassland ecosystems

    phenModel: A temperature-dependent phenology/voltinism model for a herbivorous insect incorporating facultative diapause and budburst

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    A comprehensive phenology/voltinism model was developed for Phratora vulgatissima, an important pest of bioenergy crops. The model, phenModel, was developed based on development times of different life cycle stages (eggs, larvae, pupae, pre-oviposition, oviposition, sexual maturation) obtained from constant temperature laboratory experiments. As part of this study, a number of linear and non-linear models which describe the temperature-dependent development rate (inverse of development time) for each of the different life cycle stages were fitted. Based on the criteria of model parsimony and model fit, the non-linear Lactin-2 model was chosen as the optimum model to describe temperature-driven development in P. vulgatissima. To account for the variation in development times between individuals, an important but often ignored aspect in phenology models, a number of stochastic models (2- and 3- parameter Weibull and logistic models) were evaluated, based on the assumption that normalised development times conform to a similar shaped ('same shape') distribution. Novel aspects of the phenology model include the incorporation of a biologically relevant biofix, based on a budburst model for Salix viminalis, and a photoperiod threshold to induce facultative diapause. The model, which is written in R for accessibility, requires inputs of daily minimum and maximum temperature and site latitude and produces outputs describing the timing of completion of developmental stages for specified proportions of the population. It was evaluated against available field data and found to largely reproduce the observations providing a measure of its potential utility. A key component of the model allows for a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters. The model is structured so that it can easily be adapted for other leaf-feeding beetles which display a facultative reproductive diapause cued by photoperiod, and where the onset of oviposition is dependent on budburst, assuming relevant life cycle stage parameters are available

    Mapping Soils in Ireland

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    peer-reviewedThis project is jointly funded by Teagasc and EPA STRIVE funding.Harmonised soil data across Europe with a 1:250 000 geo-referenced soil database will allow for exchange of data across member states and the provide the information needed for reporting on issues re-lating to soil quality under a future Soil Framework Directive. The current status of soils data available in Eu-rope is inconsistent at best. The Irish Soil Information System (ISIS) project is currently developing a national soil map of 1:250,000 and an associated digital soil information system, providing both spatial and quantita-tive information on soil types and properties across Ireland. Both the map and the information system will be freely available to the public through a designated website.This project is jointly funded by Teagasc and EPA STRIVE funding

    Digital Soil Information System for Ireland – Scoping Study

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    End of Project ReportIn light of the demands for soil protection on a regional basis, there is a need to support policy with a harmonised soil information system in order to maintain a sustainable agro–environmental economy and fulfil policy requirements at national and European levels. In Ireland, soil data exist in variable forms and complete coverage at 1:250,000 – the target scale identified at European level – does not exist. The terms of reference for this scoping study were to investigate the feasibility of producing a 1:250,000 digital soil map and to consider a specification for a digital soil information system which would serve as the framework technology underpinning the 1:250,000 map. The approach included reviewing procedures and mapping methods proposed at European level, a review of soil information systems from around the world, a review of existing Irish soil data, and an expert consultation exercise with national and international soil experts.Environmental Protection Agenc

    Digital Soil Information System for Ireland – Scoping Study

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    End of Project ReportIn light of the demands for soil protection on a regional basis, there is a need to support policy with a harmonised soil information system in order to maintain a sustainable agro–environmental economy and fulfil policy requirements at national and European levels. In Ireland, soil data exist in variable forms and complete coverage at 1:250,000 – the target scale identified at European level – does not exist. The terms of reference for this scoping study were to investigate the feasibility of producing a 1:250,000 digital soil map and to consider a specification for a digital soil information system which would serve as the framework technology underpinning the 1:250,000 map. The approach included reviewing procedures and mapping methods proposed at European level, a review of soil information systems from around the world, a review of existing Irish soil data, and an expert consultation exercise with national and international soil experts.Environmental Protection Agenc

    Mapping Soils in Ireland

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    This project is jointly funded by Teagasc and EPA STRIVE funding.Harmonised soil data across Europe with a 1:250 000 geo-referenced soil database will allow for exchange of data across member states and the provide the information needed for reporting on issues re-lating to soil quality under a future Soil Framework Directive. The current status of soils data available in Eu-rope is inconsistent at best. The Irish Soil Information System (ISIS) project is currently developing a national soil map of 1:250,000 and an associated digital soil information system, providing both spatial and quantita-tive information on soil types and properties across Ireland. Both the map and the information system will be freely available to the public through a designated website