150 research outputs found
The existence of suicidal subgroups: Anaclitic and introjective forms of suicide.
Studies on suicide have largely been inadequate because they have failed to understand suicidality from a comprehensive theoretical basis, which has contributed to the poor ability of mental health practitioners to predict and avert completed suicide. The aim of the present study was therefore to apply Blatt\u27s theory of distinctive forms of disorder, based on dependent and self-critical personality dimensions (Blatt 1974, Blatt & Shichman, 1983), to suicidal behavior, and use this theory to facilitate an in-depth discussion of suicidal action. Ninety-six undergraduate students that had attempted suicide in the past participated and were administered a series of measures related to suicidal behavior, involving impulsivity, intent, and lethality. Dependent and self-critical individuals engaged in often contrasting suicidal behavior along these parameters, with self-critical individuals posing the greatest level of risk. These differences were congruent with the theoretical framework proposed. Implications for suicide risk assessment, management and treatment are discussed, with special reference to the importance of identifying distinctive suicidal subgroups along anaclitic and introjective personality dimensions. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-11, Section: B, page: 6256. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005
Pollution threatens water quality in the Central Marshes of Southern Iraq
تلوث المياه مشكلة يمكن أن تتفاقم بسبب الجفاف مع زيادة تراكيز المواد غير المرغوب فيها. توفر الاهوار الطبيعية إمكانية تحسين جودة المياه وهنا نقدم أدلة على هذه الخدمة بناءً على تدفق المياه من نهر الفرات (الذي عانى من انخفاض كبير في التدفق) إلى الأهوار في جنوب العراق. تم إنشاء سدة ترابية في عام 2010 على نهر الفرات لمنع المياه التي يقل ارتفاعها عن 1.7 متر من المرور من محافظة ذي قار (الجبايش) إلى محافظة البصرة (المدَينه) كاستجابة للجفاف الشديد الذي واجه المنطقة في عامي 2009 و 2010. ونتيجة لذلك ، أصبحت الاهوار الوسطى في الجبايش موقعا نهائيا (بدون منفذ) الى كل مياه نهر الفرات التي تاتي من غرب العراق محملة بمختلف الملوثات والنفايات الزراعية. تم اختبار قدرة الاهوار الوسطى على العمل كبالوعة لتقليل تراكم العناصر الغذائية (NO2 ، NO3 ، PO4) ، والملوحة ، والأيونات الرئيسة ، والمعادن الثقيلة (Cu ، Ni ، Pb ، Cd ، Zn) في نهر الفرات. قسمت منطقة الدراسة إلى أربع مناطق أفقية (النهر وثلاث مناطق داخل الهور) وأجريت ثمانية مسوحات ميدانية من تشرين الثاني 2013 إلى حزيران 2014 لجمع عينات المياه باستخدام منهجية الخط المستقيم (transect line methodology). كانت الملوحة والأيونات الرئيسية أعلى بشكل معنوي داخل الهور مقارنة بالنهر. ومع ذلك ، لم يتم العثور على اختلافات بين قيم المغذيات في النهر والهور مما يشير إلى أن دور الهور للعمل كبالوعة لهذه المواد كان محدودا وان تراكم الملوثات وتركيزها كان اكثر في داخل الهور منه الى المناطق القريبة للنهر. لذلك فإن التراكم طويل الأمد يشكل تحديًا كبيرًا يواجه الهور في ظل ظروف شحة المياه في نهر الفرات ، وهذا يتطلب اهتمامًا عاجلاً ، خاصة بالنظر إلى مكانة الموقع كموقع للتراث العالمي (لخدمات النظم الطبيعية المقدمة للسكان المحليين) وكمنطقة تنوع بيولوجي مهمة.
ملف ملحقWater pollution is an issue that can be exacerbated by drought as increased concentrations of unwanted substances are a consequence of lower water levels. Polluted water that flows into natural marshlands leads to the deposition of pollutants in the interior of the marsh. Here we present evidence that the interior of the Central Marsh (CM) in southern Iraq suffers from higher levels of pollution than areas closer to the source of water entering the marsh (the Euphrates River). A 1.7m embankment that halts the flow of the Euphrates is only infrequently breached and so the CM is effectively the terminal destination of the waters (and their associated pollutants and agricultural waste) flowing from the West of Iraq.
A range of water quality metrics were measured where the Euphrates enters the CM and at increasing distances into the interior of the CM. The following measures were taken: NO2, NO3, PO4 , Salinity, Major ions, and Heavy Metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Zn). The area of study was divided into four horizontal zones (the river and three zones inside the marsh) and eight field surveys were carried out from November 2013 to June 2014 to collect water samples by using a transect line methodology.
Salinity and major ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, and Mg) were significantly higher inside the marsh compared with levels in the river water immediately before it entered the CM. These findings indicate the increased risk of these pollutants to humans and wildlife living in and using the CM. This issue requires urgent attention, especially to the status of the CM as a World Heritage site (for the ecosystem services provided to local people) as an Important Biodiversity Area. The reported declines in water quantity in the Euphrates over recent decades will likely further exacerbate the problems we report.
Supplement fil
Management of animal ecology and adaptation to climate change in the Iraqi marshlands
PhD ThesisClimate change has become a global threat. Its impact on natural ecosystems, ecosystem services, infrastructure, livelihoods, and socio-economic systems requires rapid implementation of local adaptation strategies. Iraq’s natural ecosystems are already under pressure due to water scarcity. Climate change is expected to be an additional strong stressor on Iraq’s natural ecosystems. However, there is a clear lack of academic studies that evaluate Iraq’s vulnerability to climate change. This thesis presents an analysis of the potential impact of climate change on Iraq’s first protected area, the Mesopotamian Central Marsh (CM) as a case study. Exposure and vulnerability of the CM site and key taxonomic groups (birds and Soft-Shelled turtle Rafetus Euphraticus) were analysed to evaluate the potential impact of climate change and used to create suggestions for adaptation. The CM is highly exposed to predicted changes in summer temperature, but less exposed to predicted future rainfall changes. Our results also showed the highly vulnerability of the CM to climate change at the site level, suggesting that the Marsh Arab people (Ma’adan) and their water buffalo are the most vulnerable components in the site. In addition, resident, summer visitors, and breeding bird species were indicated as highly vulnerable to climate change. The results also highlighted the CM site as a hot spot area for breeding of the endangered species Rafetus Euphraticus with maximum population size of 212 - 283 individuals/141,615 ha. The CM currently suffering from water scarcity and salinity, and could be changed to a novel regime under the scenario of climate change impact. In this case, the estimated economic lost and damage in the CM could be 90,000.00 USD for the whole area of the 300,000-ha site according to the estimation of (Sukhdev et al., 2010) or could be 860,078.23 USD/40,000 ha according to our estimation.College of Sciences for Women, University of Baghdad, Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Researc
Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services of the Central Marsh in Southern Iraq
Ecosystems provide humans with services that include benefits from food, fresh water, climate regulation, and socio-economic assets. The Mesopotamian marshlands are among the largest wetlands in the Middle East and they provide various benefits. However, ecosystem services of the Marshlands are consistently undervalued in national economic analysis and decision making. This study focusses on the Central Marshes, the first National Park in Iraq, and is the first attempt at valuing a series of ecosystem services from a valuable natural ecosystem in Iraq. We adopted the Toolkit for Ecosystem Services Site-Based Assessment (TESSA) for the determination of biophysical and economic values of services at the site level. Data on key ecosystem services (as determined by 30 interviews with residents of the Marshes) included the trading of fish, harvested plants, water buffalo milk, and fodder were collected across six months in 2014. We valued the ecosystem services within the CM (40,000 ha) over a 6-month period to have a total value of 860,078.23 USD. This estimated total value was the sum of 86,637.25 USD from harvested plants, 551,334.80 USD from trading fish, 167, 303.70 USD from trading water buffalo milk, and 54,804.00 USD from trading fodder. The average income per individual in Iraq in 2014 was 6720 USD (World Bank data - https://data.worldbank.org/country/iraq): thus, the CM provided an average salary for 256 people. Our results provided greater understanding of the ecosystem services contributed by the Central Marshes and has highlighted the crucial role of nature in supporting sustainable well-being for humans living in the area. In addition, the results can be used to enhance local policy, to aid management plans of the National park, and to estimate lost and damage that could result from impact of climate change on the area
Design an active verification mechanism for certificates revocation in OCSP for internet authentication
No doubt that data security online is crucial. Therefore, great attention has been paid to that aspect by companies and organizations given its economic and social implications. Thus, online certificate status protocol (OCSP) is considered one of the most prominent protocol functioning in this field, which offers a prompt support for certificates online. In this research, a model designed based on field programable gate array (FPGA) using Merkel’s tree has been proposed to overcome the delay that might have occurred in sorting and authentication of certificates. Having adopted this model and with the assistance of Hash function algorithm, more than 50% of certificates have been processed in comparison with standard protocol. Moreover, certificates have been provided with substantial storage space with high throughput. Basically, Hash function algorithm has been designed to arrange and specify a site of verified or denied certificates within time of validity to protect servers from intrusion and clients from using applications with harmful contents
Assessment of Genetic Biodiversity of Several Traits Using SSR Markers in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Eight primers (RM 315, RM 318, RM 166, RM 302, RM 201, RM 234, RM 526 and RM 144) revealed different levels of polymorphism to tag the related traits of interest as tolerant to abiotic stress, resistant to biotic stress and yield-related traits. Two primers (RM 190 and RM 278) were monomorphic. The percentage of the polymorphism was nearly 80 %. The size of detected fragments ranged from 105–325 bp. A total of 186 bands were scored from the amplification products with the ten SSR primers. Genetic diversity analyses were conducted on the basis of the scores with 176 unique bands. Phylogenic tree for the fifteen rice accessions from each group were established according to the molecular data and based on ten SSRs. A marked genetic diversity was observed in these innovative accessions (Sakha 101, IR 03N137, IR 83142-12, IR 87856-10-AJY-1-B, HHZ 12-Y4-DT1-Y2 and IR 1552), which revealed higher levels of diversity and hence can be used as donors for the effective conservation, utilization and providing favorable genes in rice breeding programs
Effect of Pore Water Pressure Parameters on The Stability of AL-Ad'daim Earth Dam
The construction and operation of earth dams (homogeneous and those of clay cores) arenormally controlled by the pore water pressure generated during these stages. These pore waterpressures are the main reason behind the dam deformations, settlements, and instability.Throughout the experimental part of the study, a large number of classification tests, physicaltests, and B -stress path tests were carried out. In the theoretical part of the study, the finiteelement analysis was adopted to assess the effect of the pore water pressure parameters of themarl (dam core) and the water contents of the compacted core layers on the expecteddeformations and stability of an earth dam throughout the construction and operation stage
Acquired erythroderma in adults: a clinical and prognostic study
Abstract Background Erythroderma is a severe syndrome and prognostic studies are rare in the literature
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