57 research outputs found


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    On the territory of the Middle Volga region in the 4th lake frog populations are marked morphological abnormalities of 10 types of the external structure: polydactyly, polimeliya, ectromelia, ectrodactyly, absence of eyelids, eyes, the aberrations of pigmentation of the iris. We assessed the diversity of abnormalities in the parameters ¼ and phenotypic diversity h. Found to increase to 1,65 times, the diversity index of the spectrum of anomalies (μ ± Sμ) in high antropopressii (2,50 ± 0,021), compared to controls (1,49 ± 0,004).На территории Среднего Поволжья в 4 популяциях озерной лягушки отмечены морфологические аномалии 10 типов внешних структур: полидактилия, полимелия, эктромелия, эктродактилия, отсутствие век, глаз, аберрации пигментации радужной оболочки. Оценивали разнообразие аномалий с помощью показателя μ и параметра фенотипического разнообразия h. Отмечено увеличение в 1,65 раза индекса разнообразия спектра аномалий (μ ± Sμ) в случае высокой антропопрессии (2,50 ± 0,021) в сравнении с контрольной группой (1,49 ± 0,004)

    Parásitos nematodos de la rana de piscina (Pelophylax lessonae) en la cuenca del Río Volga

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    Objetive. Present a modern review of the nematodes fauna of the pool frog Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) from Volga basin populations on the basis of our own research and literature sources analysis. Materials and methods. Present work consolidates data from different helminthological works over the past 80 years, supported by our own research results. During the period from 1936 to 2016 different authors examined 1460 specimens of pool frog, using the method of full helminthological autopsy, from 13 regions of the Volga basin. Results. In total 9 nematodes species were recorded. Nematode Icosiella neglecta found for the first time in the studied host from the territory of Russia and Volga basin. Three species appeared to be more widespread: Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Cosmocerca ornata and Icosiella neglecta. For each helminth species the following information included: systematic position, areas of detection, localization, biology, list of definitive hosts, the level of host-specificity. Conclusions. Nematodes of pool frog, excluding I. neglecta, belong to the group of soil-transmitted helminthes (geohelminth) and parasitize in adult stages. Some species (O. filiformis, C. ornata, I. neglecta) are widespread in the host range. The latter two are able to reach high invasion indices and also to be the background parasites of the pool frog. It happens due to these nematode species life cycle specificity and the long-term connection of the amphibian with water.Objetivo. Presentar una revisión moderna de la fauna de nematodos de la rana esculenta Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) de las poblaciones de la cuenca del Río Volga Materiales y métodos. Este trabajo consolida los datos de diferentes trabajos helmintológicos de los últimos 80 años, respaldados por los resultados de nuestras propias investigaciones. Durante el período de 1936 a 2016 diferentes autores examinaron 1460 especímenes de rana esculenta, utilizando el método de autopsia helmintológica completa de 13 regiones de la cuenca del Río Volga. Resultados. En total se registraron 9 especies de nematodos. Nematodo Icosiella neglecta encontrado por primera vez en el huésped estudiado en el territorio de Rusia y la cuenca del Río Volga. Tres especies parecían estar más extendidas: Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Cosmocerca ornata e Icosiella neglecta. Para cada especie de helmintos se incluyó la siguiente información: posición sistemática, áreas de detección, localización, biología, lista de hospederos definitivos, nivel de especificidad del hospedero. Conclusiones. Los nematodos de la rana esculenta, excepto I. neglecta, pertenecen al grupo de helmintos transmitidos por el suelo (geohelmintos) y parasitan en estadios adultos. Algunas especies (O. filiformis, C. ornata, I. neglecta) están muy extendidas en el área de distribución del hospedador. Estos dos últimos son capaces de alcanzar altos índices de invasión y también de ser los parásitos subyacentes de la rana esculenta. Esto sucede debido a la especificidad del ciclo de vida de estas especies de nematodos y a la conexión a largo plazo del anfibio con el agua

    New Data on the Anomalies of Tailless Amphibians of the Volga Basin

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    This paper presents new findings on abnormal specimens of amphibians in the Volga basin. Some anomalies have been noted for the first time: macrophthalmia, eardrum anomalies in marsh frogs (P. ridibundus), the absence of a tympanic membrane in green toads and ectromelia in spadefoot Pallas samples (P. vespertinus)

    К вопросу о ранней диагностике базальноклеточного рака (описание клинического случая)

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    Introduction. Basal cell carcinoma represents one of the most common malignant skin tumours. This malignant skin neoplasm is characterised by slow growth and a weak tendency to metastasis, although the fatal outcome with an aggressive tumour growth is also possible. On the example of a clinical case, an analysis of diagnostic errors regarding this disease was carried out.Case Description. Patient B., 67 years old, sought medical assistance in the Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary with complaints of a lesion on the nasal dorsum. The anamnesis indicated that the patient initially turned to a dermatologist at the place of residence, who prescribed a combined dermatic treatment containing a topical corticosteroid. Due to the lack of dynamics, the patient suggested a neoplasm and sought medical assistance from an oncologist at his place of residence. After excluding oncological pathology, the oncologist recommended observation and treatment by a dermatologist.Results and discussion. Repeatedly, the patient requested medical assistance only after a year and a half with complaints of an increase in the lesion on the nasal dorsum, the appearance of black crusts and bleeding. The results of a dermatoscopic examination demonstrated the absence of a pigment network, thus confirming the tumour process of non-melanocytic skin lesion. Based on the data of the clinical examination and histological examination of the tumour biopsy, the assumption was confirmed and the diagnosis of st. I T1N0M0 gr. III nasal skin cancer, was made. Under the conditions of the Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, the patient underwent X-ray therapy according to the radical program in 5 days a week by the Xstrahl-300 (0545) instrument with the single and summary tumour doses on the area of the nasal skin tumour equal to 400 and 4000 cGy, respectively. Positive dynamics was noted (the lesion focus was epithelised) and the patient is currently under the supervision of an oncologist at the place of residence.Conclusions. The lack of proper examination by a dermatologist and oncologist at the place of residence contributed to the progression and growth of a malignant neoplasm in the patient. The diagnostic significance of the dermatoscopic method in the early stages of the malignant tumour process is substantiated.Введение. Базальноклеточная карцинома является одной из наиболее часто встречаемых злокачественных опухолей кожи. Это злокачественное новообразование кожи отличается медленным ростом и низкой склонностью к метастазированию, но при агрессивном течении опухоли возможен и смертельный исход. На примере клинического случая проведен разбор ошибок при диагностике данного заболевания.Описание случая. Пациент Б., 67 лет, обратился за медицинской помощью в Республиканский кожно-венерологический диспансер с жалобами на очаг поражения на спинке носа. Из данных анамнеза известно, что пациент изначально обратился к дерматологу по месту жительства, который назначил комбинированное наружное средство, в состав которого входил топический кортикостероид. Ввиду отсутствия динамики пациент предположил у себя наличие новообразования и самостоятельно обратился к онкологу по месту жительства. Онколог, в свою очередь, исключив свою патологию, рекомендовал наблюдение и лечение у дерматолога.Результаты и обсуждение. Повторно пациент обратился за помощью только через полтора года с жалобами на увеличение очага поражения на спинке носа, появление корок черного цвета и кровоточивости. Результаты дерматоскопического исследования показали отсутствие пигментной сетки, что свидетельствовало в пользу опухолевого процесса немеланоцитарного поражения кожи. На основании данных клинического осмотра и гистологического исследования биоптата опухоли подтверждено предположение и выставлен диагноз — рак кожи носа ст. I T1N0M0 гр. III. В условиях РОД больному была проведена рентгенотерапия по радикальной программе, в режиме 5 дней в неделю на аппарате Xstrahl-300 (0545), РОД-400 сГр, СОД-4000 сГр на область опухоли кожи носа. Отмечена положительная динамика (у больного очаг поражения заэпителизировался), и в настоящее время пациент находится на диспансерном учете у онколога по месту жительства.Заключение. Отсутствие должного обследования дерматологом и онкологом по месту жительства способствовало медленному прогрессированию и росту злокачественного новообразования у пациента. Обоснована диагностическая значимость дерматоскопического метода на ранних стадиях злокачественного опухолевого процесса

    The first record of natural transfer of mitochondrial DNA from Pelophylax cf. bedriagae into P. lessonae (Amphibia, Anura)

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    The unidirectional natural transfer of mitochondrial (mt) DNA from Pelophylax lessonae into P. ridibundus is a common phenomenon in central Europe. Cases of mtDNA exchange between P. lessonae and other non-clonal species of the genus Pelophylax have been unknown so far. In this paper, we describe the first case of mtDNA transfer from P. cf. bedriagae into P. lessonae, which was found in National Park «Smolny», Republic of Mordovia, Russia

    Identification of Mutated Cyclization Sequences That Permit Efficient Replication of West Nile Virus Genomes: Use in Safer Propagation of a Novel Vaccine Candidate▿

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    Existing live-attenuated flavivirus vaccines (LAV) could be improved by reducing their potential to recombine with naturally circulating viruses in the field. Since the highly conserved cyclization sequences (CS) found in the termini of flavivirus genomes must be complementary to each other to support genome replication, we set out to identify paired mutant CS that could support the efficient replication of LAV but would be unable to support replication in recombinant viruses harboring one wild-type (WT) CS. By systematic evaluation of paired mutated CS encoded in West Nile virus (WNV) replicons, we identified variants having single and double mutations in the 5′- and 3′-CS components that could support genome replication at WT levels. Replicons containing only the double-mutated CS in the 5′ or the 3′ ends of the genome were incapable of replication, indicating that mutated CS could be useful for constructing safer LAV. Despite the identity of the central portion of the CS in all mosquito-borne flaviviruses, viruses carrying complementary the double mutations in both the 5′- and the 3′-CS were indistinguishable from WT WNV in their replication in insect and mammalian cell lines. In addition to the utility of our novel CS pair in constructing safer LAV, we demonstrated that introduction of these mutated CS into one component of a recently described two-component genome system (A. V. Shustov, P. W. Mason, and I. Frolov, J. Virol. 81:11737-11748, 2007) enabled us to engineer a safer single-cycle WNV vaccine candidate with reduced potential for recombination during its propagation