1,437 research outputs found

    Recovery of Viable Microorganisms from Solids. I - Model Systems

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    Solidification process for recovering viable microorganisms to aid spacecraft sterilization procedure

    Kernels for Grassmann flops

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    We develop a generalization of the QQ-construction of the first author, Diemer, and the third author for Grassmann flips. This generalization provides a canonical idempotent kernel on the derived category of the associated global quotient stack. The idempotent kernel, after restriction, induces a semi-orthogonal decomposition which compares the flipped varieties. Furthermore its image, after restriction to the geometric invariant theory semistable locus, "opens" a canonical "window" in the derived category of the quotient stack. We check this window coincides with the set of representations used by Kapranov to form a full exceptional collection on Grassmannians

    Vascular plant changes in extreme environments: effects of multiple drivers

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    The Antarctic Peninsula is one of three regions of the planet that have experienced the highest rates of climate warming over recent decades. Based on a comprehensive large-scale resurvey, allowing comparison of new (2009) and historical data (1960s), we show that the two native Antarctic vascular plant species have exhibited significant increases in number of occupied sites and percent cover since the 1960s: Deschampsia antarctica increasing in coverage by 191 % and in number of sites by 104 %. Colobanthus quitensis increasing in coverage by 208 % and number of sites by 35 %. These changes likely occurred in response to increases of 1.2 °C in summer air temperature over the same time period. Both species exhibited changes with elevation due to the interaction of multiple drivers (climatic factors and animal disturbance), producing heterogeneity of responses across an elevation gradient. Below an elevation of 20 m fur seal activity exerted negative impacts. Between 20 and 60 m, both plant species underwent considerable increases in the number of sites and percent cover, likely influenced by both climate warming and nutrient input from seals. Above an elevation threshold of 60 m the maximum elevation of the sites occupied decreased for both species, perhaps as a consequence of physical disturbance at higher elevations due to the permafrost conditions and/or the snow cover thickness and persistence. Understanding the role of disturbance drivers for vegetation change in cold regions may become a research priority to enable improved forecasting of biological responses and feedbacks of climate warming on ecosystems in these globally influential regions

    Decoration of nanovesicles with pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) for targeted delivery

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    Acidity at surface of cancer cells is a hallmark of tumor microenvironments, which does not depend on tumor perfusion, thus it may serve as a general biomarker for targeting tumor cells. We used the pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) for decoration of liposomes and niosomes. pHLIP senses pH at the surface of cancer cells and inserts into the membrane of targeted cells, and brings nanomaterial to close proximity of cellular membrane. DMPC liposomes and Tween 20 or Span 20 niosomes with and without pHLIP in their coating were fully characterized in order to obtain fundamental understanding on nanocarrier features and facilitate the rational design of acidity sensitive nanovectors. The samples stability over time and in presence of serum was demonstrated. The size, ζ-potential, and morphology of nanovectors, as well as their ability to entrap a hydrophilic probe and modulate its release were investigated. pHLIP decorated vesicles could be useful to obtain a prolonged (modified) release of biological active substances for targeting tumors and other acidic diseased tissues

    Recombinants from the crosses between amphidiploid and cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea) for pest-resistance breeding programs.

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    Peanut is a major oilseed crop worldwide. In the Brazilian peanut production, silvering thrips and red necked peanut worm are the most threatening pests. Resistant varieties are considered an alternative to pest control. Many wild diploid Arachis species have shown resistance to these pests, and these can be used in peanut breeding by obtaining hybrid of A and B genomes and subsequent polyploidization with colchicine, resulting in an AABB amphidiploid. This amphidiploid can be crossed with cultivated peanut (AABB) to provide genes of interest to the cultivar. In this study, the sterile diploid hybrids from A. magna V 13751 and A. kempff-mercadoi V 13250 were treated with colchicine for polyploidization, and the amphidiploids were crossed with A. hypogaea cv. IAC OL 4 to initiate the introgression of the wild genes into the cultivated peanut. The confirmation of the hybridity of the progenies was obtained by: (1) reproductive characterization through viability of pollen, (2) molecular characterization using microsatellite markers and (3) morphological characterization using 61 morphological traits with principal component analysis. The diploid hybrid individual was polyploidized, generating the amphidiploid An 13 (A. magna V 13751 x A. kempff-mercadoi V 13250)4x. Four F1 hybrid plants were obtained from IAC OL 4 × An 13, and 51 F2 seeds were obtained from these F1 plants. Using reproductive, molecular and morphological characterizations, it was possible to distinguish hybrid plants from selfed plants. In the cross between A. hypogaea and the amphidiploid, as the two parents are polyploid, the hybrid progeny and selves had the viability of the pollen grains as high as the parents. This fact turns the use of reproductive characteristics impossible for discriminating, in this case, the hybrid individuals from selfing. The hybrids between A. hypogaea and An 13 will be used in breeding programs seeking pest resistance, being subjected to successive backcrosses until recovering all traits of interest of A. hypogaea, keeping the pest resistance

    Building a biomimetic membrane for neutron reflectivity investigation : complexity, asymmetry and contrast

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    The preparation and investigation of model membranes is deserving growing interest both for the physics of complex systems, and for biology. The need of simplified models should preserve mimicking the qualifying characteristics of biological membranes, and keep non-invasive and detailed description. As a main feature, biological membranes are non-homogeneous in the disposition of components, both in the lateral and in the transverse direction. We prepared asymmetric supported membranes containing GM1 ganglioside in biomimetic proportion according to different protocols. Then, we studied their internal structure by neutron reflectometry, providing few-Angstrom sensitivity in the cross direction meanwhile avoiding radiation damage. This technique can also be profitably applied to study interactions at the membrane surface. The best protocol has proven to be the Langmuir-Blodgett/Langmuir-Schaefer depositions. Notably, also the simpler and most accessible protocol of vesicle fusion was found to be suitable for straightforward and good quality deposition of compositionally asymmetric membranes
