607 research outputs found

    Unexpected Architectures. Restorations in Romagna Between the Two World Wars

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    The research here presented is a critical appraisal of some restoration works carried out between the two World Wars in a particular geographic context, which is the Romagna district, in the Northeast of Italy. Starting from two case studies (the Casa del Fascio in Forl\uec and the Malatesta Library in Cesena) and thanks to the analysis of bibliographical sources, archival documents, and drawings, this research aims at understanding how broader and major theories about architectural restoration are articulated in peripheral background. What emerges are unexpected results: Late and deeply contextualized operations, strongly linked with the national panorama but at the same time chasing for the revival of their own history


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    A partnership between the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna and ATRIUM aimed at enhancing the knowledge and communication of the rationalist architecture, built in the city of Forlì during the Fascist regime. The importance of finding an interpretative key for this dissonant heritage, bearers of an “uncomfortable” memory but at the same time able to strongly characterize the architectural quality of cities, was a primary goal.The cooperation started with the development of a pilot project regarding three architectures considered iconic for this context but also able to foster more complex urban policies. The first deliverable of the programme was the search, record, and management of the archival materials related to the whole history of these buildings. The enormous amount of data acquired revealed the importance of working on a dual track, aimed at both the stakeholders involved in the management process of this heritage and those who experience it.For what concerns the “technical level” which is related to the knowledge field, the first challenge was to understand how to manage information boosting interoperability, guaranteeing easy access and above all making the research implementable. According to the “touristic level” instead, a further objective of the project was related to the communication of this heritage to a varied audience of visitors.</p

    Graphene-Paper-Based Electrodes on Plastic and Textile Supports as New Platforms for Amperometric Biosensing

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    The possibility of exfoliating graphite into graphene sheets allows the researchers to produce a material, termed “graphene paper” (G-paper), conductive as graphite but more flexible and processable. G-paper is already used for electronic applications, like conductors, antennas, and heaters, outperforming metal conductors thanks to its high flexibility, lightness, chemical stability, and compatibility with polymeric substrates. Here, the effectiveness in the use of G-paper for the realization of electrodes on flexible plastic substrates and textiles, and their applicability as amperometric sensors are demonstrated. The performance of these devices is compared with commercial platforms made of carbon-based inks, finding that they outperform commercial devices in sensing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), a key molecule for enzymatic biosensing; the electrodes can achieve state-of-the-art sensitivity (107.2 μA mm−1 cm−2) and limit of detection (0.6 × 10−6 m) with no need of additional functionalization. Thanks to this property, the stable deposition of a suitable enzyme, namely lactate dehydrogenase, on the electrode surface is used as a proof of concept of the applicability of this new platform for the realization of a biosensor. The possibility of having a single material suitable for antennas, electronics, and now sensing opens new opportunities for smart fabrics in wearable electronic applications

    Visible-Light Assisted Covalent Surface Functionalization of Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets with Arylazo Sulfones

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    We present an environmentally benign methodology for the covalent functionalization (arylation) of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanosheets with arylazo sulfones. A variety of tagged aryl units were conveniently accommodated at the rGO surface via visible-light irradiation of suspensions of carbon nanostructured materials in aqueous media. Mild reaction conditions, absence of photosensitizers, functional group tolerance and high atomic fractions (XPS analysis) represent some of the salient features characterizing the present methodology. Control experiments for the mechanistic elucidation (Raman analysis) and chemical nanomanipulation of the tagged rGO surfaces are also reported

    Sistemi automatici di registrazione: nuove metodologie bioacustiche applicate a indagini ornitologiche in alcuni siti della Rete Natura 2000 del Veneto. Risultati e prospettive.

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    Il lavoro illustra i risultati di un progetto di monitoraggio acustico delle specie ornitologiche presenti in alcuni siti della Rete Natura 2000 del Veneto. Si descrive la metodologia impiegata, basata su registratori automatici programmabili e sull'analisi spettrografica delle registrazioni risultanti. Il progetto e' stato realizzato in collaborazione con il Corpo Forestale dello Stato