21 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Adorable Projects adalah sebuah brand lokal sepatu handmade yang berasal dari Bandung. Adorable Projects telah didirikan sejak tahun 2008. Meskipun telah lama didirikan, CEO Adorable Projects menjelaskan bahwa target pendapatan yang mereka dapatkan masih belum menapai target yang diinginkan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut CEO Adorable Projects menginginkan adanya perbaikan pada website yang dimilikinya. Keinginan dalam memperbaiki website yang dimiliki tersebut dikarenakan banyaknya keluhan terkait layanan website serta rendahnya angka penggunaan website sebagai layanan pembelian online. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, maka dilakukan sebuah penelitian terkait perumusah kebutuhan layanan pembelian online melalui website Adorable Projects. Tujuan dilakukannya peneltian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi true customer needs dari layanan yang diberikan dengan menggunakan integrase e-SQ dan Model Kano. Atribut kebutuhan didapatkan dari hasil wawancara terhadap para pelanggan Adorable Projects dengan memperhatikan dimensi e-SQ yang kemudian menghasilkan voice of customer. Setelah itu, tingkat kepuasan pelanggan diukur menggunakan kuesioner e-SQ, sehingga didapatkan atribut kepuasan pelanggan sebanyak 33 atribut. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kuesioner e-SQ didapatkan lima belas atribut yang tergolong ke dalam kategori kuat dan delapan belas atribut yang tergolong ke dalam kategori lemah. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah melakukan perhitungan kuesioner Model Kano dengan bantuan tabel evaluasi Kano yang kemudian menghasilkan atribut dengan kategori attractive, one dimensional, must be dan indifferent. Setelah itu, dilakukan tahapan pengintegrasian e-SQ dan Model Kano, didapatkan tiga puluh tiga atribut kebutuhan dan dari tiga puluh tiga atribut kebutuhan tersebut, didapatkan lima belas atribut kebutuhan yang perlu ditingkatkan dan tiga atribut yang perlu diprioritaskan dengan mempertimbangkan tingkat kepuasan serta pengaruh dari masing – masing atibut tersebut, sehingga didapatkan 15 atribut dan 3 atribut tersebut tergolong dalam atribut dengan kategori lemah dan dijadikan sebagai rekomendasi true customer needs. Kata Kunci : Atribut Kebutuhan, e-SQ, Adorable Projects, Model Kano, True Customer Need

    Manajemen kurikulum tata busana di MAN 1 Tegal

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan karena pada zaman sekarang ini keterampilan/skill sangat dibutuhkan bagi peserta didik. Pada kenyataannya tidak semua peserta didik lulusan SMA/MA dapat melanjutkan ke jenjang perguruan tinggi. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut MAN 1 Tegal menerapkan program tata busana, untuk menunjang pembelajaran tersebut maka diperlukan manajemen kurikulum tata busana yang baik, sehingga dapat mengatur bagaimana perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi kurikulum tata busana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan peneliti menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Kemudian untuk mengecek keabsahan data tersebut dilakukan melalui teknik triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa:(1) Perencanaan kurikulum tata busana di MAN 1 Tegal meliputi kegiatan perumusan visi, misi dan tujuan tata busana, rapat tahunan madrasah, landasan kurikulum tata busana yang berpegang pada KMA No 184 tahun 2019 tentang Pedoman Implementasi Kurikulum Pada Madrasah, serta kegiatan studi banding. (2) Pelaksanaan Kurikulum tata busana mencakup tentang alokasi waktu, proses pembelajaran tata busana, serta sarana prasarana. (3) Evaluasi kurikulum tata busana di MAN 1 Tegal meliputi evalusi guru tata busana yang dilakukan dengan mengisi jurnal guru, serta evalusi pembelajaran tata busana

    Integrating e-servqual and kano model to improve adorable projects website service quality

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    This study aims to determine the classification of attribute needs of purchasing services through the Adorable Projects website by using the integration of e-Servqual and Kano Models. The selection of these objectives is based on the low level of website usage as an online purchasing tool owned by Adorable Projects. The classificati­on activity aims to make it easier for Adorable Projects to make improve­ments to the quality of its website services. Based on the results of data processing, 24 attributes in the must be the category, two attributes in the one-dimensional category, three attributes in the attractive category, and four attributes in the indifferent category. Strategy priority in developing service quality by increasing the diversity of service delivery features and product review features. The integration of e-Servqual and Kano can assist business owners in making strategic decisions related to improving the service quality

    Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Ctl dengan Media Pembelajaran Animasi Interaktif untuk Materi Mengenal Lapisan Bumi di SMP

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    Nindia Rahma Fauziyah Santoso / A710160019. IMPLEMENTATION OF CTL LEARNING METHODS WITH INTERACTIVE ANIMATION LEARNING MEDIA FOR KNOWING EARTH LAYERS IN SMP. Essay. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. January, 2021. Technology is currently very influential in the world of education, technology is no longer a common thing today. This study aims to design the learning media for the Earth layer of the 2013 curriculum for class VII junior high schools and to have an influence on students' interest in learning. The making of this learning media uses the Adobe Animate 2019 application. The method used in this study is Research and Development with the ADDIE (Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation) development model. This media was tested individually to get a response from the user, the first was tested on 2 lecturers at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta to obtain the media feasibility results that 24 items had a V value of 0.93 with a lower limit of 0.74 to an upper limit of 0.98 which was said to be valid because it was in accordance with the aiken V table. While the material test was tested on 1 grade VII teacher at SMP N 2 Karanganyar who got a V value of 0.89 with a lower limit of 0.89 to an upper limit of 0.96 of 27 items and it was said that the validation was valid because it was in accordance with the aiken v table

    Pengaruh Variasi Bahan Pengendap pada Proses Purifikasi Enzim Bromelin dari Bonggol Nanas (Ananas Comosus L.)

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    Waste from processed pineapples (pineapple core) is currently underutilized, despite the high content of the bromelain enzyme found in the fruit. This research aims to determine the effect of precipitating agents on the purification process of bromelain enzyme production using a phosphate buffer on the resulting enzyme yield and to analyze the effect of the precipitating agents on the purification process of bromelain enzyme production using a phosphate buffer on the bromelain enzyme activity. The variables used in this study were a 0.1 M phosphate buffer, 55%; 60%; 65%; 70%; 75% aseton concentration, 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% NaCl concentration, and 60%; 65%; 70%; 75%; 80% ethanol concentration. This study will be conducted in three stages, namely Extraction, Purification, and Drying. The highest yield was obtained with 60% aseton concentration (1.44%), 65% ethanol concentration (1.42%), and 15% NaCl concentration (2.2%). The optimal enzyme activity was obtained with 60% aseton concentration (20225.616 U/gr), 65% ethanol concentration (6266.765 U/gr), and 15% NaCl concentration (2281.357 U/gr). In conclusion, the best result for producing bromelain enzyme powder from pineapple cores is by using a 60% aseton concentration solvent

    Effect of Steam Delignification and Bleaching Process on Pineapple Leaf Fiber as Textile Raw Material

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    Pineapple is a local commodity in Indonesia that is widely cultivated. The part of the pineapple plant that is mostly used is only the fruit part, while the other plant parts are discarded and become waste. Pineapple leaves contain high fiber content of cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose, so it is very potential if used as an alternative textile raw material. The quality of pineapple leaf fiber can be improved by going through a delignification process using an alkaline solvent with the appropriate concentration and time. This research  determine the effect of delignification of pineapple leaf fiber with a solution of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and water (H2O) on tensile strength, lignin content and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). This research consist of six stages including delignification using 3% NaOH and 3% H2O2, washing, neutralization, preservation, and analysis of pineapple leaf fiber products. The results obtained are pineapple leaf fiber lignin test after delignification and bleaching, the best lignin results are steam delignification at 80°C with 3% NaOH solution and bleaching solution using NaOCl solution obtained 21% lignin content with a tensile strength test of  0.263 kgf/mm2. SEM analysis also showed that there was a loss of material from the fiber surface which indicated that there was degradation due to the addition of bleaching solution. This proves that alkaline treatment can also cause discoloration of natural fibers due to the removal of natural dyes in natural fibers