129 research outputs found

    Life Experience pada Wirausaha Generasi Digital

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    Wirausahawan didefinisikan sebagai individu yang mendirikan, mengelola, mengembangkan dan melembagakan Perusahaan milik sendiri, sekaligus menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi orang lain. Berwirausaha juga merupakan suatu proses yang dilakukan individu untuk membuat sesuatu yang baru dan bernilai dengan mencurahkan waktu, tenaga dan sumber daya. Tentu saja waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses berwirausaha berbeda-beda dari masa ke masa. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini berfokus pada life experience wirausaha muda yang hidup di zaman digital seperti saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami fenomena yang muncul pada wirausahawan muda dan mengapa wirausahawan muda tersebut melakukan perilaku berwirausaha serta bagaimana proses wirausahawan muda dalam membangun bisnisnya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang wirausaha muda berjenis kelamin perempuan berumur 22 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi pemeran serta sebagai pengamat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat ciri dan pola-pola khusus pada wirausahawan muda yakni, lost, survive, trial-error dan kontribusi IT dalam menunjang perilaku berwirausaha pada wirausahawan muda

    Temporal changes in chemical properties of acid soil profiles treated with magnesium limestone and gypsum

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    Effects of ground magnesium limestone (GML) and gypsum on the properties of Ultisols at two sites, involving a corn groundnut rotation, were studied over 24 months. GML or gypsum was incorporated into the soils of the Bungor and Rengam Series (Typic Paleudults), at the rates of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.01 ha to depths of 15 cm (GML and gypsum) and 30 cm (GML). Increases in soil pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg arising from GML application were confined mainly to the zone of incorporation. However, there was a decrease of exchangeable Al at deeper depths. After 15 months, there was a tendency for the pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg on the zone of incorporation to decrease and for the exchangeable Al to increase, effects being the least at the high rates of GML application. There was no significant change in pH or exchangeable Al as a result of gypsum application, but there were increases in exchangeable Ca and extractable SO in both the zone of incorporation and the subsoil. With time, the exchangeable Ca and extractable S0 in the sub-soils were found to increase, but their concentration in the zone of incorporation decreased. The pH of the soil solution of the control treatment was about 4.0, while Al and Mn concentrations were 150 and 50 μM, respectively. At the GML rate of 2.01 ha or less, Al in the soil solution was found to exist in the inorganic monomelic form. Meanwhile, the GML application at the rates > 4 t ha could have resulted in complexation of some of Al. In particular, Al was the dominant Al species at low pH and liming resulted in a decrease of Al species and increase of hydroxyl-Al monomers. GML needed to raise the pH of the soil solution to about 5 was 2.0 t ha; this consequently decreased Al and Mn concentrations to a low level. The application of gypsum resulted in a decrease and an increase of Al and A1SO activities, respectively

    Temporal changes in chemical properties of acid soil profiles treated with magnesium limestone and gypsum

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    Effects of ground magnesium limestone (GML) and gypsum on the properties of Ultisols at two sites, involving a corn groundnut rotation, were studied over 24 months. GML or gypsum was incorporated into the soils of the Bungor and Rengam Series (Typic Paleudults), at the rates of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 t ha-1 to depths of 15 cm (GML and gypsum) and 30 cm (GML). Increases in soil pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg arising from GML application were confined mainly to the zone of incorporation. However, there was a decrease of exchangeable Al at deeper depths. After 15 months, there was a tendency for the pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg on the zone of incorporation to decrease and for the exchangeable Al to increase, effects being the least at the high rates of GML application. There was no significant change in pH or exchangeable Al as a result of gypsum application, but there were increases in exchangeable Ca and extractable SO4²- in both the zone of incorporation and the subsoil. With time, the exchangeable Ca and extractable SO4²- in the sub-soils were found to increase, but their concentration in the zone of incorporation decreased. The pH of the soil solution of the control treatment was about 4.0, while Al and Mn concentrations were 150 and 50 µM, respectively. At the GML rate of 2.0 t ha-1 or less, Al in the soil solution was found to exist in the inorganic monomeric form. Meanwhile, the GML application at the rates > 4 t ha-1 could have resulted in complexation of some of Al. In particular, Al3+ was the dominant Al species at low pH and liming resulted in a decrease of Al3+ species and increase of hydroxyl-Al monomers. GML needed to raise the pH of the soil solution to about 5 was 2.0 t ha-1; this consequently decreased Al and Mn concentrations to a low level. The application of gypsum resulted in a decrease and an increase of Al3+ and AlSO4+ activities, respectively

    Penurunan Tingkat Stres Kerja Pada Penerbang Militer Melalui Penerapan Terapi Yoga Tawa

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    The laughter yoga therapy is a physical exercise technique that combines yoga breathing techniques, fitness exercise, laughter, applause rhythmic movements, and meditation. The purpose of this study was to test the effect of laughter yoga therapy to reduce work stress levels on military pilots of Indonesian army in Semarang, Central Java. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was applied. Subjects comprised 10 military pilots of Indonesian army in Semarang which were compared to 10 military pilots that served ascontrols. Data were collected using the Work Stress Scale (26 items; α= .902). The t-test results showed a significant reduced work-stress level after the laughter yoga therapy was applied (t(16.025)=-8.471; p=.00; p<.001)

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Kola (Cola Nitida) Pada Kulter Sel Kanker Hati (HepG-2)

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    Liver cancer is one among cancers with increasing incidence in the world. Cola fruit (Cola nitida) is a fruit that is rich in properties and has been known since the Dutch colonial era. This fruit contains ingredients such as those contained in tea and chocolate such as methylxanthine and its derivatives. This study aims to determine the content of antioxidants and cytotoxic effects of cola fruit extracts obtained from Indonesia and Malaysia on liver cancer cell lines. Antioxidant content of fruit extracts of cola was assessed using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate) and cytotoxic effects were studied using MTT (3 - (4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)diphenyltetrazolium bromide -2.5) on human liver cancer cell lines (HepG2). The results showed that cola fruit from Malaysia contained high antioxidant with the IC50 value of 37.2 ?g/mL whereas IC50 of value of its Indonesias cola fruit was 66.0 ug / mL. The similar results have been shown in the cytotoxic test using HepG-2 liver cancer cell lines. Malaysias cola fruit extract has a smaller IC50 value of 6.5 ?g / mL while the fruit extract of Indonesias cola showed IC50 value of 39.5 ?g / mL. These values indicates that the fruit extract of cola is a potential anticancer activities especially on liver cancer. Further studies are required to clarify this hypothesis

    Effects Of Anthropogenic Activity On Stream Water Quality In Langsa, Aceh

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    Increased human activity towards the water bodies will change the condition of water quality. Case study in Langsa, Aceh, It was found that an increase in Some physical parameter (TSS) that exceeds the value determined in PP 82 of 2001 (Indonesian government standard). The high value of TSS in Station 2 and Station 3 indicates that the sediment loading to the water body is high, especially in Station 3, where the TSS concentrations far exceed the standard. Activity of type C surface mining materials tends to affect the brightness, turbidity, depth and TSS. Water conditions with low pH were also found in this study. In location studied no EPT larvae were foun

    Development of Environmental – Student Behaviour Production Rules Scheme for the Internet of Things (IoT) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Data Reasoning

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    The behaviour of students in a classroom is hardly being recognised by the instructor. A recent development, a researcher determines these traits by using a permissive approach. In this paper, a real-time classroom environment using a sensing device with detection of student behaviour is proposed. Recent studies as guidelines for this paper lead to three early hypotheses; development of the engine to detect student’s behaviour based on environmental sensing, faster production rules and reliability using economic sensors. The production rules are created step by step based on expert endorsements in three different areas; environmental, health, and education. The testbeds are three classrooms with separate periods had been deployed to proof the hypothesis. The result shows a promising output, which is all hypotheses are entirely accepted

    Behind the counter: pharmacies and dispensing patterns of pharmacy attendants in Karachi.

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    BACKGROUND: There is little literature available on dispensing patterns and unsupervised sale of medicines from pharmacies in developing countries. OBJECTIVE: This study obtained background information on pharmacies assessed the level of training, knowledge and dispensing patterns of pharmacy attendants in Karachi. METHODOLOGY: This is a descriptive cross sectional study with convenient sampling. A structured questionnaire was used to interview pharmacy attendants. RESULTS: Of the 219 pharmacies surveyed, 62% reported more than 50 customers daily and 20% also sold items of general provision. Mean operating hours were 13. Only 24 (11%) had a visible license. On an average 3 attendants were employed per pharmacy. We interviewed one in each. Amongst the 219 interviewed, 77 (35%) were intermediate qualified and only 26 (12%) pharmacologically trained. Correct frequency of ORS administration was not known by 167 (76%) and 21% incorrectly suggested an anti-diarrhoeal preparation for viral diarrhoea in children. The knowledge of those with pharmacological training was significantly better. For respiratory tract infection in children approximately 60% did not know the correct dose of Paracetamol and Amoxicillin. Only 13 (6%) knew that Propanalol was contraindicated in hypertensive asthamatics. For Cotrimoxazole, metronidazole and lomotil only 40%, 21% and 15% respectively, were aware that these could not be dispensed without prescription. CONCLUSION: In the absence of trained pharmacists existing pharmacy attendants should be trained to improve drug-dispensing patterns