98 research outputs found

    Menguak Konsep Kebersandingan Fethullah Gulen dan Asimilasi Budaya Tariq Ramadhan

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    The wave of immigration of Muslims to European countries has brought with it the serious consequences as to how these Muslims should adapt culturally and religiously to the entirely different circumstances. Some Muslim intellectuals ?like Fethullah Gulensuggested that Muslims should maintain the cultural co-existence in a way that would not endanger their religious tradition while at the same time bring a state of peace both for themselves and for the communities they live in. Tariq Ramadhan in the meantime suggested that Muslims be committed to what he calls the cultural assimilation whereby they put aside their cultural upbringing from their country of origin and assimilate fully into the cultural live of Europe. Hence, this paper is about the analysis of the cultural dilemma that Muslims face in Europe by referring to the thought of Gulen and Ramadhan on the issue at hand. Although the context of the paper is limited to Europe, the content of the analysis is presented in such a way that it may also be relevant to similar problems faced by Muslims in different cultural and social settings

    Enhancing the Literacy of Shariah Financial Technology for Generation X, Y and Z in Indonesia

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    This research tries to improve financial literacy through sharia fintech, especially in payment gateway, peer to peer lending, and crowdfunding. It focuses mainly on how the X, Y, and Z generations may improve financial literacy. The research uses a qualitative approach in analyzing its case study, involving 30 informants in Indonesia who have the knowledge or other ways and access sharia fintech. The research will then select 30 informants and ten people to represent each X, Y, and Z generations. The research shows that X generations are more literate in sharia fintech than Y and Z generations to disseminate and spread sharia fintech and improve its infrastructures and services in its products


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    Pendekteksian kebangkrutan secara dini bisa dilakukan dengan baik, ketika seorang pengusaha meng- implementasikan integritas dan kompetensi dalam sistem manajerial, sistem pelaporan akuntansi, sistem penggunaan struktur modal dan sistem ketahanan bisnis dari adanya kecurangan. Ketika telah terjadi kebangkrutan, dalam ekonomi Islam ada istilah yang disebut iflas (pailit) dan orang yang bangkrut dikenali dengan sebutan (muflis). Terkait dengan hukum yang akan dikenakan kepada seorang muflis dikenali dengan sebutan al-hajr. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data menggunakan linier snowball method, di mana peneliti menggali informasi tentang 10 orang pengusaha yang bangkrut dari beberapa responden. Wawancara menggelinding seperti bola salju karena harus mewawancarai satu persatu informan dengan cara persuasif demi menggali informasi penting tentang beberapa penyebab kebangkrutan yang mereka alami. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa mayoritas kebangrutan disebabkan oleh penggunaan struktur modal yang tidak sesuai dengan kualifikasinya, kemudian disusul dengan pelaporan akuntansi yang kurang tepat, selanjutnya buruknya sistem manajemen, kurangnya profesionalitas dan terakhir adanya kecurangan baik dari aspek internal maupun eksternal. Keterbatasan dalam penelitian ini adalah, pada informan yang bergerak pada bidang usaha kecil menengah saja, dan belum diuji cobakan kepada industri besar. Diharapkan penelitian ini memberikan manfaat bagi para pebisnis, karena sebuah bisnis haruslah mempunyai sistem pencegahan secara dini terhadap kebangkruta

    Literasi Zakat Compliance Bagi Muzakky Pedagang Garmen

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    For the garment merchants in Indonesia, who have the obligation to pay alm, zakat compliance literacy is very important. This study focuses on this issue and stamps from the fact that most pof them missunderstood the concept of zakat -both weatlh and trade- and its aplication. This research aims at exploring the zakat compliance literacy among these merchants in away that maybe appropiated by traders, business community and researchers a liked. This research uses qualitative method, with the modle of case study. More than twenty garment merchants in Indonesia are interviewed, 11 among whom are qualified as informants. The research finds, first: that a most garment merchant in Indonesia are zakat-literate, particulary as far as wealh-zakat is concerned; second, most garment merchant had paid their zakat, some of whom paid even more than they are supposed to do so: third, the way that zakat is distributed is closely related to the way this merchant understand their religion. Merchant with religious background tend to distribute their zakat on their own rather than giving it a through zakat-institution. The practical implication of this research is that there is a need for synergy between BAZNAS and traders to create facilities/media that can facilitate business actors in calculating trade zakat and its payments


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    Abstract: The Behavior of Businessmen and Muslim Entrepreneurs in Running the Principles of Sharia Transactions. This study aims to map the behavior of businessmen and Muslim entrepreneurs, especially in the aspects of business culture and guiding principles of sharia transactions compiled by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants. The approach used is descriptive qualitative through the extracting of information to a number of informants divided into three groups. An important finding in this study is that there are differences in perceptions between pesantren graduate informants and vice versa when applying adalah, tawazun, and maslahah principles. Nevertheless, the researcher doesn’t find any difference of perception in running ukhuwah and syumuliyah principles

    Improvement in Financial Literacy through Fintech for Generations X, Y and Z

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    Improving financial literacy through shariah financial technology for X, Y and Z generations. This research tries to seek ways of improving the financial literacy through shariah fintech especially in the sector of payment gateway, peer to peer lending and crwodfunding. Its focuses particularly on the question of how the X, Y and Z generations maybe educated to improved the financial literacy. The research uses qualitative approach in analyzing its case study, involving 30 informants in Indonesia who have knowledge or other ways uses shariah fintech. The research than will selected out of 30 informant, 10 peoples to represented each X, Y and Z generations. The ultimate of the objective research is to educate and promote shariah fintech, the improvement of shariah fintech infrastructure and the development of shariah fintech products and services which are still not popular among the three generations. Keyword: financial literacy, shariah fintech, X, Y and Z generation

    Mendeteksi Kebangkrutan Secara Dini Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

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    Early bankruptcy detection can be carried out well when an entrepreneur implements integrity and competence in managerial systems, accounting reporting systems, capital structure usage system and business security system from fraud. Related to bankruptcy, Islamic economics recognized iflas (bankruptcy) and muflis (bankrupt entity). A law subject to a muflis is known as al-Hajr. This is a qualitative research with linear snowball method used as data collection technique. 10 of entrepreneurs who went bankrupt were interviewed. The interview rolled like a snowball for one by one informant was interviewed persuasively to gain important information on their causes of bankruptcy. Results of this study explained that the majority of the bankruptcy was caused by the use of capital structure that did not conform qualifications, followed by the lack of proper accounting reporting, poor management systems, lack of professionalism and fraudulence from internal and external aspects

    Peran E-wallet dalam Penghimpunan Zakat, Infak, dan Sedekah (Studi Kasus pada OVO, Go-Pay, Dana, dan Link-Aja)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dari e-wallet dalam berzakat, infak, dan sedekah melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi kepada informan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa e-wallet memiliki dua cara yaitu melalui scan QRIS dan secara langsung melalui menu pada aplikasi e-wallet. Selain itu, e-wallet menjalankan perannya sebagai pengingat, mempermudah, dan fleksibel bagi penggunanya. Serta harapan selanjutnya dari donatur yaitu diharapkan e-wallet dapat bekerjasama lebih lanjut dengan berbagai LAZNAS dan juga melakukan sosialisasi lebih lanjut supaya lebih banyak masyarakat mengetahui kemudahan yang ada. Berdasarkan kajian teori serta hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang ada penggunaan e-wallet dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan dan kepuasan, serta seberapa besarnya perilaku konsumsi masyarakat dalam berzakat, infak, dan sedekah dipengaruhi oleh besarnya pendapatan yang dimiliki oleh donatur

    Pengembangan Softskill Dalam Bisnis Syariah Bagi Pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil Dan Menengah (UMKM)

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengembangan softskill dalam bisnis syariah bagi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM), yang diawali dengan kemitraan kampus STIE Perbanas Surabaya dalam mengembangkan potensi-potensi yang ada dalam masyarakat. Pengembangan tersebut terkait dengan aspek pemasaran, keuangan dan termasuk di dalamnya adalah pengembangan bisnis syariah. Pengembangan softskill pelatihan bisnis syariah ini menyasar para pengusaha UMKM di kawasan Sidoarjo yang dipayungi oleh Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Sidoarjo. Salah satu organisasi bisnis yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan softskill tentang bisnis syariah adalah Humaira Muslimah Community (HMC) yang mana mayoritas pesertanya adalah muslimah dan ibu rumah tangga yang mempunyai bisnis sesuai dengan passion masing-masing. Softskill pelatihan yang ditawarkan disini mencakup prinsip-prinsip dan etos kerja dalam bisnis syariah, larangan dalam bisnis syariah, tehnik pengambilan laba dalam bisnis syariah, manajemen pemasaran dalam bisnis syariah dan aspek zakat, infak, shadaqah dan wakaf dalam bisnis syariah. Kata kunci: UMKM, ekonomi syariah, softskill, business start up


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    Financial inclusion is expected to create programs that can make people prosperous society through empowerment. As has been done by the Grameen Bank with the concept of women’s empowerment, GTZ (Germany) and IFC. Financial inclusion is a true essence of Islamic economy, by strengthening qard hasan for developing the rural sector and empower the community. Funds can be taken from ZISWAF, especially endowments which has enormous potential to build the country. There are several challenges and obstacles in the implementation of fnancial inclusion by Islamic fnancial institutions, among which are human resources, infrastructure and funding. More than the other problems is the lack of good coordination among the scholars in the countryside and the Economist Sharia associated program to unify perceptions of Islamic fnancial institutions in general and in particular fnancial inclusion.Keywords: Financial inclusion, empowerment, Islamic fnancial institutions</p
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