6 research outputs found


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    Javanese was the language with the greatest number of first language speakers in Indonesia, but the percentage of the population who spoke it as their first language was declining. Before 1990, regional languages were used as the medium of instruction in the first three grades of primary school in many places, and this was common in Javanesespeaking areas. Since 1990, it is government policy that Indonesian should be used as the language of education from kindergarten through to university. However, another government policy was promulgated in various forms between 1989 and 1993 which requires the teaching of one compulsory local content subject and up to three optional subjects in the primary education curriculum alongside the national curriculum. This policy has allowed Javanese to reappear in schools, but as a taught subject rather than as the medium of instruction. In the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Javanese has been a compulsory subject in schools from year 1 to year 9 since 1995, allotted two teaching hours per week, and in Central Java it has even become a compulsory subject for students in years 10 – 12 of high school since 2006. The problem is what this way is effective to maintain the javanese language in java. As the compulsory subject, the javanese is provided in two hour in one week. It is not enough for the students to learn the javanese and its’ culture.So it can not guarantee if the students able to use javanese in communication So this article will try to find The Effectiveness of Javanese As A Compulsory Local Content Subject In The Primary Education Curriculum To Mainain The Javanese Language In Java. The writer will use the quantitative method to find the Effectiveness of Javanese As A Compulsory Local Content Subject In The Primary Education Curriculum. The sample will be taken from some students which obtain javanese as compulsory subject at the class. Some suggestion are needed to the students, the teacher, and the goverment. The students have to learn javanese outside of the class because it is not enough to master javanese language and then it will be used in daily activities for communication. Beside that the teachers must be aware if javanese as a compulsory subject is not enough to make the students using javanese in communication so they can be motivator and a model in using javanese for communication. The goverment have to provide the javanese language subject not only two hour in one week but more than it


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    Teaching and learning linguistics in higher education is very important especially for English students because of learning language aspects. Linguistics is a course learnt by English students in Department of English Education. In the process of teaching and learning linguistics, the lecturers should focus on the outcome of the learning. They do not only demonstrate how to understand the branches of linguistics such as morphology, semantics, discourse but they also should be able to make a successful teaching and learning. One of the ways is by applying Outcome Based Learning (OBL) which is rarely applied. This approach covers three basic elements: designing the course intended learning outcomes, designing teaching and learning activities, and designing assessment. That is why the literature study is used to know whether OBL can be a potential approach in teaching and learning a linguistics course in Department of English Education. This article focuses on how OBL contributes in the teaching and learning a linguistics course


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    The present study aims to draw up  the list of base form of lexical verbs in selected cooking articles and to know whether the fourth semester students majoring in Hospitality have already been familiar with them or not. AntConc, a corpus software, is used to identify the most common verbs in 50 cooking articles taken from Wiki How Web and the quistionnaire were distributed to all the students to give assessment based on the scaling rate provided related to each verbs found in the corpus data. Based on the data analysis, the result showed that from 394 base form of lexical verbs found, there are 174 words got the rating below 5 meaning that the students have ever seen or heard the words but the meanings are vague.It indicates that although the students are in hospitality major, it does not guarantee that they have already known the essential verbs usually used in authentic text. Keywords: Base form of Lexical Verbs, Cooking, Corpus Based Stud

    Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Mengajar

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    Kebijakan pemerintah “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” tentu menimbulkan respon tersendiri bagi para dosen selaku akademisi bagaimana menyikapi, merencanakan, menyusun dan mengimplementasikan sistem dan model belajar yang paling sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut. Dan di buku Antologi inilah akan dijumpai berbagai pandangan, pemikiran, dan juga mungkin gambaran usulan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBKM di era informasi teknologi yang sangat cepat berubah dewasa ini. Sebagai pendidik profesional, para dosen tentu memiliki kiat dan cara tersendiri untuk bisa menghasilkan output lulusan peserta didik yang benar-benar sesuai dengan tujuan dan target kebijakan MBKM tersebu

    Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT) in Teaching Writing for Students of SMA Negeri 1 Kandanserang, Pekalongan

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    In this modern era, English writing has a big role in communication. However, it is still considered as a difficult skill by most of the people, especially by the students. As a performance skill, the students need more practices to improve their writing skill. Therefore, the teacher needs an appropriate approach to teach writing for the students. Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT)” is one of the approaches providing more practices based on the task. This study was to find out whether there was any significant difference of students’ achievement in writing a descriptive text between those taught with and without “Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT). The researcher applied quasi-experimental design for this study. It has both pre- and post-test and it needs experimental and control groups. The population of this study was taken from all of the total number of the tenth year students in SMA N 01 Kandangserang, Pekalongan fromX1 to X4. The number of population was 85 students. Meanwhile, the samples of the study were taken from X1 class with 21 students as an experimental group and X2 class with 21 students as a control group. The experimental research was carried out using quasi-experimental design. SPSS program was used to analyze the data. Independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test were chosen to decide whether there was any significant difference in writing mastery of the student taught with Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT) and without Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT). Based on the analysis, the significant value of post-test score using independent t-test both of the group showed 0,001 lower than 0,05. In addition, If it is transformed to t table, t value is higher than t table (6,083 >1,68), so working hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. It could be concluded that there was significant difference of students’ achievement in writing a descriptive text between those taught with “Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT)” and those taught without “Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT)”

    An Analysis of English Proverbs in "Legend of Guardian, the Owls Ga "Hoole" Series

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    This research discussed about the proverbs as found on "Legend of The Guardian", the owls ga Hoole' series. The proverbs were found out by using theory of Henry Guntur Tarigan (1985). The researcher use comprehension of theory English Proverbs to find out the proverbs in "Legend of The Guardian", the owls ga Hoole' based on three kinds such as : aphorism, parable, and expression (figurative language). The researcher found some proverbs such as, our dream are who we are, my dream are what make me strong, words were the only proof I ever had that you were real and honor is just another word for weakness