
Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT) in Teaching Writing for Students of SMA Negeri 1 Kandanserang, Pekalongan


In this modern era, English writing has a big role in communication. However, it is still considered as a difficult skill by most of the people, especially by the students. As a performance skill, the students need more practices to improve their writing skill. Therefore, the teacher needs an appropriate approach to teach writing for the students. Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT)” is one of the approaches providing more practices based on the task. This study was to find out whether there was any significant difference of students’ achievement in writing a descriptive text between those taught with and without “Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT). The researcher applied quasi-experimental design for this study. It has both pre- and post-test and it needs experimental and control groups. The population of this study was taken from all of the total number of the tenth year students in SMA N 01 Kandangserang, Pekalongan fromX1 to X4. The number of population was 85 students. Meanwhile, the samples of the study were taken from X1 class with 21 students as an experimental group and X2 class with 21 students as a control group. The experimental research was carried out using quasi-experimental design. SPSS program was used to analyze the data. Independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test were chosen to decide whether there was any significant difference in writing mastery of the student taught with Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT) and without Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT). Based on the analysis, the significant value of post-test score using independent t-test both of the group showed 0,001 lower than 0,05. In addition, If it is transformed to t table, t value is higher than t table (6,083 >1,68), so working hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected. It could be concluded that there was significant difference of students’ achievement in writing a descriptive text between those taught with “Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT)” and those taught without “Task Based Learning and Teaching (TBLT)”

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