13 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran al-Qur’an dengan Metode Jibril di Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Qur’an Singosari Malang

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    Jibril method has advantages that other methods don’t have, which is flexible and can be applied for everyone both for children, youth, and parents. Other than that this method application is conditional, because it is easy to apply by teacher according to learning situations and conditions. Even though Jibril method is teacher centris but in learning process always emphasizes the active nature from student. In conducting this research, the researcher was using descriptive approach and types of qualitative research. While the method for data collection used is:1) Research instrument (observation paper, interview guide). 2) Object of research. 3) Data collection technique (observation technique, interview technique, and documentation technique). 4) Data analysis technique (condensation data, data display, and conclusion drawing). 5) Checking the validity of the data. As for the result from the research show that:            1) Implementation of learning Al-Qur’an at PPHQ is held every day, with time allocation 35x 2ph, the material used in learning Al-Qur’an are 3, for beginner there is Bil-Qalam 1,2,3, and 4 followed by Juz ‘Amma and Al-Qur’an, other than that added with other worship material. As for the strategy used in learning Al-Qur’an with two steps, that are tahqiq and tartil, also using the typical song of Jibril method (4 song) so that the student feel excited and full classical system. Then they are divided into 3 classes, namely class A: consists of senior students, mostly Aliyah students totaling 25 students, class B: consists of students from Mts a small portion of Aliyah is 10 students, class C: consists of beginners/ new students totaling 20 students. As for how to evaluate the learning of Al-Qur’an there are 3 stages, starting with daily evaluation (murojaah), volume increase (Bil-qalam1,2,3,4) and end of semester (class exam). 2) The effectiveness of Jibril method in learning Al-Qur’an at PP. Hidayatul Qur’an Singosari Malang was effective, this can be seen from class 1 start learning to read Al-Qur’an with knowing hijaiyah words first, and in class 3 they are able to read Al-Qur’an, even completing Al-Qur’an 30 juz at grade class 4. The successful implementation Jibril method at this PP. Hidayatul Qur’an Singosari Malang, because of a relationship to good cooperation and communication, which was carried out by various parties including teachers and students and the matre Jibril method, also because planning programs learning Al-Qur’an which is well planned


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    Perubahan kurikulum menjadi kurikulum merdeka belum cukup efektif membentuk karakter yang baik. Kemrosotan moral kian mengkhawatirkan pada masa kini. Pendidik memiliki andil dalam membentuk karakter dengan memanfaatkan penanaman pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik. KH. Hasyim Asy’ari merupakan tokoh pendidikan dalam perspektif Islam  yang mencetuskan banyak pemikiran di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan karakter dalam karya yang berjudul Adāb Al-‘Ālim Wa Al-Muta’alim. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu 1) Untuk mengetahui konsep pendidikan karakter dalam Kitab Adāb Al-‘Ālim Wa Al-Muta’alim dan 2) Untuk mengetahui relevansi Kitab Adāb Al-‘Ālim Wa Al-Muta’alim dengan pendidikan karakter dalam kurikulum merdeka. Pendekatan penelitian yaitu menggunakan Penelitian pustaka dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang ada dalam penelitian ini berasal dari buku relevan, jurnal ilmiah, dan internet


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    Muslim dianjurkan untuk mempelajari Al-Qur’an dengan kaidah ilmu tajwid. Namun tidak semua muslim dapat membaca Al-Quran dengan baik dan benar. Hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya kesadaran muslim akan pentingnya pembelajaran Al-Qur’an sejak dini dengan metode yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan penerapan dan mengetahui hasil dari penerapan metode Al Barqy di Rutaba Sukun Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Instrumen utama peneliti sendiri. Lokasi penelitian di Rutaba Sukun Malang. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, penarikan data. Keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian penerapan metode Al Barqy dalam membaca Al Qur’an pada anak di Rutaba Sukun Malang terdapat 3 tahapan: pembelajaran Al Barqy klasikal, pembelajaran Al Barqy individu, pengambilan nilai dengan membangun komunikasi walisantri. Hasil penerapan metode Al Barqy bahwa pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur’an sudah mulai aktif walau terbata-bata dengan kemampuan penguasaan materi Al Barqy masih belum sepenuhnya optimal


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    This research examines the efforts and factors supporting and inhibiting Akidah Akhlak teachers in shaping obedient behavior to parents at MTs Raudlatul Muta'allimin 1 Sumberbaru Jember. Qualitative approach with field research design. The research instrument used observation, interviews with the principal, Akidah Akhlak teachers and students, and documentation. The results of this research are Akidah Akhlak teachers using three methods, namely the method of advice, example and habituation. The supporting factors for the teacher of Akidah Akhlak. The internal factor is the motivation within the students. External factors, a). Environment. b). presence of LKS. c). habit. While the inhibiting factor for the teacher is Akidah Akhlak. The internal factor is the absence of student motivation. External factors a). busy and forget parents. b). family and community environment. c). technological developments that have a negative impact on students

    Epistemology of Qur’anic peace education: based on Ricoeur’s hermeneutics and Tafsīr Tarbawī (educational exegesis)

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    The fast growing number of radicalism movement attached to Islam and Moslem is not in line with the number of literature on Islamic Peace Education. A research mentioned that there only found 15 related literatures at 19 Moslem majority countries. This requires proactive responses ranging from discourse enrichment to deradicalization action. This research aims to construct Qur’anic Peace Education on philosophical base (epistemology) using educational exegesis (tafsīr tarbawī) analysis on 1632 Qur’anic keywords which then be shortlisted to 24 due to the relevance. Ontologically, Qur’anic Peace Education aims to implement the active peace instead of negative one as well as reduce both direct and indirect violence. Epistemologically, this concept implements indirect Peace Education for society with high risk conflict before turning to the direct one for those who can already live together peacefully. Axiologically, it will build peaceful mental among the subject of education through peaceful-values education process

    The development history of the yellow book (kitab kuning) as Islamic textbooks in Indonesia based on the philology perspective

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    This paper is examined the development history of the yellow book (kitab kuning) as Islamic textbooks in Indonesia from the perspective of philology. First, from the codicology perspective, the yellow book scattered in Indonesia since the 16th to 21st century had a consistent increase in terms of variations of scientific disciplines, the title of the book and media. The purpose of the yellow book originated from da’wah (Islamic call) material. It then became a lesson material in pesantren (Islamic boarding school) before being a reference in Bahtsul Masa’il (solving religious issues), lectures, legislation and the MUI (The Indonesian Council of Ulama) fatwa. Before being written by the Indonesian, the yellow book were originally written by foreigners, especially from the Middle East (Arabs, Persian). Second, from the textology perspective, the number of yellow book scripts has implications for the significance of the plural text criticism. The yellow book which has long been used by academic society, especially pesantren, shows the pragmatic side, reception aesthetics and reception dynamics in the text edition context. Third, transliteration and translation of the yellow book started from the hanging translation (terjemah gandul) method to interpret its original Arabic language by using the archipelago languages (Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Madura) in the form of Arabic script (Pegon). Furthermore, transliteration and translation of yellow book are growing rapidly, especially from Arabic scripts to Latin script and from Arabic to Indonesia

    The development history of the yellow book (kitab kuning) as Islamic textbooks in Indonesia based on the philology perspective

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    This paper is examined the development history of the yellow book (kitab kuning) as Islamic textbooks in Indonesia from the perspective of philology. First, from the codicology perspective, the yellow book scattered in Indonesia since the 16th to 21st century had a consistent increase in terms of variations of scientific disciplines, the title of the book and media. The purpose of the yellow book originated from da’wah (Islamic call) material. It then became a lesson material in pesantren (Islamic boarding school) before being a reference in Bahtsul Masa’il (solving religious issues), lectures, legislation and the MUI (The Indonesian Council of Ulama) fatwa. Before being written by the Indonesian, the yellow book were originally written by foreigners, especially from the Middle East (Arabs, Persian). Second, from the textology perspective, the number of yellow book scripts has implications for the significance of the plural text criticism. The yellow book which has long been used by academic society, especially pesantren, shows the pragmatic side, reception aesthetics and reception dynamics in the text edition context. Third, transliteration and translation of the yellow book started from the hanging translation (terjemah gandul) method to interpret its original Arabic language by using the archipelago languages (Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Madura) in the form of Arabic script (Pegon). Furthermore, transliteration and translation of yellow book are growing rapidly, especially from Arabic scripts to Latin script and from Arabic to Indonesia

    Kecerdasan Emosional Menurut Luqman Al-Hakim (Studi Analisis Surat Luqman, Ayat 12 – 19)

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    Loss of sense of trust, moral damage, rampant fight among students are the dynamics of education in the country. Declining quality of education not only from the ordinary, but also from the elite. Corruption, abuse of commission, drugs, drunkenness are phenomena that we often hear and are no longer taboo for us to witness. By teaching emotional intelligence in educational institutions and not overly elevating IQ is a solution at the moment. The balance of IQ, EQ, and SQ needs to be taught again, with the appearance of Luqman al-Hakim known for his wisdom. We can learn some lessons from him, such as how to investigate the adolescent of this nation properly. &nbsp