376 research outputs found

    Earthquake Damage Intensity Relationship for Residential Houses in West Sumatra

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    The Sumatra 30 September 2009 earthquake has damaged hundred thousand buildings in West Sumatra Province. The earthquake is located in 100 km offshore of Padang City, the Capital City of the province. Survey has been conducted to assess the damage of the building in few days after the earthquake. In this survey, the damage of buildings are categorised into 3 level that are heavily, moderate and slightly damages. This paper explores the level damage of building and then the intensity of the shaking in the affected area. Then based on the  coordinate of every building location, the buildings are scattered in  a map together with the intensity level. The relationship between the damage level and intensity for West Sumatra then is developed. This special damage-intensity relation is very important to be used for predicting the damage level due to a specified earthquake. The damage level is needed by The Government to develop an emergency and reconstruction budget plan for earthquake disaster in future

    Sistem Pertukaran Orang Sasak dalam Prosesi Sorong Serah Ajikrame

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    Sasak people Trasaksionalisme we can find on the processionmerariq which there are series of processions such as ajikramahandover , we make it as the object in “social exchange”. So in theprocession of Sasakajikrama handover is a binding kinshiptransaction between the family of the prospective groom andbride

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Lokal Desa Tumang dengan Pendekatan Komunikasi Visual untuk Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN

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    Desa Tumang yang terletak di Kecamatan Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali memiliki industri ekonomi kreatif berupa kerajinan logam tembaga dan kuningan sejak puluhan tahun silam. Namun sayangnya, pemerataan dan pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Desa Tumang belum cukup baik. Dari beragam faktor yang ada, rupanya faktor kurangnya wawasan di masyarakat desa Tumang pada umumnya dan pengrajin pada khususnya dalam menjalankan ekonomi kreatif ini menjadi penyebab utama. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengkaji lebih dalam agar akar permasalahan ini bisa terselesaikan sehingga ekonomi kreatif lokal di desa Tumang bisa jauh berkembang dan terasa manfaatnya oleh penduduk desa secara optimal. Pada akhirnya, terciptalah desa kreatif yang mampu menyokong kota Boyolali menjadi kota kreatif berbasis USAha kecil-menengah di bidang ekonomi kreatif sehingga kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran masyarakat pun akan terwujud serta semakin siap menghadapi era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah studi literature mengenai pengembangan ekonomi kreatif, studi penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya mengenai desa Tumang serta observasi lapangan. Dengan demikian, pengembangan ekonomi kreatif lokal Desa Tumang diharapkan bisa lebih berkembang dan bermanfaat bagi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya

    Implementasi Kebijakan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Di Kelurahan Mamboro Kecamatan Palu Utara

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    This research is aimed at analyzing the implementation of the national program forstrengthening their self-funded community. In addition, it is also aimed at analyzing factors both hampering and supporting the implementation of the national programs for community self- empowerment at the village of Mamboro. The research method applied is descriptive-qualitative. The Informan of this research are The Leader Of PNPM Unit, The Village Chief of Mamboro And Mamboro Barat, The BKM Nadoli member, The Village Supervisor, and The Targeting People. The types of data are primary data and secondary data. The data of the study is obtained through observations, interviews, and documentation. The result of the study indicates that the implementation of PNPM policy has run well although some hampering and supporting factors still take place during the period of the policy implemtation

    Kepemimpinan Visioner Dalam Manajemen Kesiswaan

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    Manajemen kesiswaan di sekolah merupakan bagian dari kegiatan manajemen pendidikan di sekolah. Manajemen kesiswaan terdiri dari kegiatan penerimaan siswa baru, kegiatan kemajuan belajar, bimbingan, pembinaan disiplin dan pembinaan OSIS serta monitoring. Agar kegiatan-kegiatan manajemen kesiswaan tercapai dengan efektif dan efisien dibutuhkan peran serta manajer sekolah dengan segenap masyarakat sekolah. Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang visioner menentukan jalannya kegiatan manajemen kesiswaan tercapai dengan baik

    Efektifitas Metode Group Field Tour Melalui Teknik Simfoni Otak Dalam Pembelajaran Penulisan Sastra Kreatif

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    Group field tour methode by Brain Symphoni Technique Investigate how the advantages of implementation. To get the goal the reseacher used Quasi experiment by giving pre test and post test to two different classes as experiment and control class. In experiment class is given the reatment but control class is not. Based on that fact, the problems as follow (1) Is there any difference between creative student used group field tour methode by Brain Symphony technique and not? (2) Is the USAge group field tour methode significant by Brain Symphoni thechnique in Creative Literature Writing. The technique is using Quasi experiment methode. Student used this methode is increasing the competence in short story. It showed by pre test and post test comparasion. In post test the score is significant comparated to control class. The control class is increasing too but it is not as big as experiment class. Key word: group field tour, literature learning