166 research outputs found

    Caracterização do consumo de substâncias psicoactivas nos estudantes de medicina da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Farmacologia, apresentado à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraIntrodução: Em Portugal são escassos os estudos que avaliem o consumo de substâncias psicoactivas pelos estudantes de Medicina. Investigações realizadas em outros países referem que a prevalência de consumo não difere entre estes e outros jovens pertencentes ao ensino superior. Objectivos: Analisar o padrão de consumo e as motivações que levam ao uso de substâncias psicoactivas pelos estudantes de Medicina da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra. Métodos: Aplicação de questionário de preenchimento anónimo, distribuido por toda a comunidade estudantil do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, em Outubro de 2011; 27,13% da população (426 alunos) colaborou no preenchimento do inquérito. Resultados: Praticamente não se verifica uma maior prevalência de consumo de substâncias psicoactivas em estudantes de Medicina relativamente a outros cursos do ensino superior. As excepções prendem-se com o consumo de psicofármacos, que assume valores mais elevados, e de ecstasy, com uma menos prevalência. As substâncias mais utilizadas foram o álcool, bebidas energéticas e tabaco. No que toca a substâncias ilícitas, os canabinóides ocupam o primeiro lugar de consumo. O factor diversão foi considerado o mais importante para o consumo das substâncias questionadas. Não se verificou associação entre a alteração de residência durante o período lectivo e o consumo da maioria das substâncias psicoactivas, exceptuando-se na ingestão de bebidas energéticas. Verificou-se associação (p<0,05) entre o ano de curso e a prevalência de consumo de álcool, bebidas energéticas, substâncias canabinóides e psicofármacos tranquilizantes. Conclusão: O consumo de substâncias psicoactivas pelos estudantes de Medicina não difere do de outros estudantes, à excepção de medicamentos psicotrópicos e de ecstasy, que adquirem aqui uma maior e menor prevalência, respectivamente. A utilização das substâncias investigadas é, tendencialmente, de carácter experimental, à excepção do álcool, que apresenta elevada frequência de consumo na questão “consumo no último mês”. A principal motivação enunciada pelos estudantes para a utilização de substâncias psicoactivas foi o factor diversão.Introduction: In Portugal, there are few studies to evaluate the use of psychoactive substances by medical students. In other countries, studies report that the prevalence of consumption did not differ between these and other college students. Objectives: To analyze the pattern of psychoactive substance’s use by students of Medicine from Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, and their motivations. Methods: Application of anonymous questionnaire, distributed to all the student community of the Integrated Master in Medicine, in October 2011; 27.13% of the population (426 students) had completed the survey. Results: There is no greater prevalence of psychoactive substances among medical students than other college students. However, there are two exceptions: the use of psychotropic drugs takes higher values, and ecstasy has lower prevalence. The most used substances all-time were alcohol, energy drinks and tobacco. From the group of illegal substances, cannabinoids occupy the first place of consumption. “To have fun” was considered the most important factor for the use of substances questioned. No association was found between the change of residence during class time and most of psychoactive substance consumption, except for energy drinks. An association (p<0.05) was verified between the year of the course in the integrated master of medicine and consumption of alcohol, energy drinks, cannabinoids and psychotropic tranquilizers drugs. Conclusion: The use of psychoactive drugs by medical students does not differ from other college student, except for psychotropic medication and ecstasy, which have a higher and lower prevalence, respectively. The use of investigated substances tends to be experimental, except for the alcohol, which has a high frequency of use in question “use in last month”. The main motivation enunciated by students for the use of psychoactive substances was “to have fun”

    The effect of genetic polymorphisms in trans-acting factor genes as modulators of fetal hemoglobin level in sickle cell disease

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    Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA), one of the most common autosomal recessive hereditary anemia, is caused by a mutation in the β-globin gene (HBB:c.20A>T) on 11p15.5. This gives rise to a variant named HbS (with the ability to polymerize under certain conditions) as opposed to the normal adult HbA. Although being a monogenic disease, the clinical phenotype of SCA is heterogeneous, ranging from relatively mild to severe, due to the modifying effect of both environmental and genetic factors. Of the latter, the level of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is one of the most important, being itself conditioned by globinic cis-acting elements as well as non-globinic trans-acting factors. To contribute to a better understanding of the non-globinic genetic factors modulating the expression level of HbF in SCA, we genotyped (by PCR-RFLP) 110 SCA patients, for the SNP rs11886868 located in intron 2 of the BCL11A gene (2p16.1). Also, 79 SCA patients were screened for two other SNPs located in the HBS1L-MYB intergenic region on chromosome 6 (rs4895441 and rs6929404). Patients were divided in two groups, one with HbF8%, and the genotypic and allelic frequencies compared between both groups. Regarding to SNP rs11886868 in the BCL11A gene, we found significant differences between genotypic and allelic frequencies distribution and the HbF levels (p=0.0010 and p=0.0013, respectively). In this SCA population, our results revealed a strong association between the allele C of SNP rs11886868 and HbF levels. Concerning SNPs in the HBS1L-MYB intergenic region (rs4895441 and rs6929404), no association was found with HbF levels. The results gathered in this study confirm that genetic polymorphisms in some transacting factor genes can modulate the HbF level in SCD and, consequently, its pathophysiology. This knowledge may give new insights into new therapeutic strategies development for this pathology.Partially funded by FCT: Programa de Financiamento Plurianual do CIGM

    Un análisis del financiamiento de la banca comercial en México 1994-2022

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    After almost thirty years, a growing commercial and financial openness has been observed, as well as a significant reduction in the participation of the State in the Mexican economy, changes that were originally established as first generation structural reforms and with the government of 2012. These changes were continued with the second-generation reforms (legal regulations). In the original narrative, these macro changes would bring about high rates of economic growth as credit would flow to sectors that needed it to encourage productive activities that the Mexican government had not been able to help. However, this has not happened. In this sense, the objective of the research is to know the role of commercial banking through the study of the distribution of financing that it grants to two economic actors (households and companies) in Mexico in the period 1994-2022. In this way, the text is developed describing, in a general way, the context in which the structural changes in the Mexican economy occurred in said period of analysis, emphasizing what is related to financial liberalization. Secondly, the increase in finance in the economies is characterized as financialization processes and concludes with the contrast of the credit dynamics (consumer and industrial sector) in the Mexican economy with the review of the specialized literature on financialization. Based on the results achieved, a series of actions and lines of research are proposed to continue studying the subject.Después de casi de treinta años, se ha observado una creciente apertura comercial y financiera, así como una importante reducción de la participación del Estado en la economía mexicana, cambios que de origen se establecieron como reformas estructurales de primera generación y con el gobierno de 2012 se dio continuidad a esos cambios con las reformas de segunda generación (reglamentaciones legales). En la narrativa original, estos macro cambios traerían consigo altas tasas de crecimiento económico pues el crédito fluiría a sectores que lo necesitaran para incentivar actividades productivas que el gobierno mexicano no había podido ayudar. Sin embargo, esto no ha sucedido. En ese sentido, el objetivo de la investigación es conocer el papel de la banca comercial por medio del estudio de la distribución del financiamiento que otorga a dos actores económicos (hogares y empresas) en México en el periodo 1994-2022. De tal forma, el texto se desarrolla describiendo, de manera general, el contexto en el que se dieron los cambios estructurales en la economía mexicana en dicho periodo de análisis, enfatizando lo relacionado con la liberación financiera. En segundo lugar, se caracterizó el aumento de las finanzas en las economías como procesos de financiarización y se concluye con el contraste de la dinámica de los créditos (consumo y al sector industrial) en la economía mexicana con la revisión de la literatura especializada sobre financiarización. Con base en los resultados alcanzados, se proponen una serie de acciones y líneas de investigación para seguir estudiando el tema

    Un análisis del financiamiento de la banca comercial en México 1994-2022

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    Después de casi de treinta años, se ha observado una creciente apertura comercial y financiera, así como una importante reducción de la participación del Estado en la economía mexicana, cambios que de origen se establecieron como reformas estructurales de primera generación y con el gobierno de 2012 se dio continuidad a esos cambios con las reformas de segunda generación (reglamentaciones legales). En la narrativa original, estos macro cambios traerían consigo altas tasas de crecimiento económico pues el crédito fluiría a sectores que lo necesitaran para incentivar actividades productivas que el gobierno mexicano no había podido ayudar. Sin embargo, esto no ha sucedido. En ese sentido, el objetivo de la investigación es conocer el papel de la banca comercial por medio del estudio de la distribución del financiamiento que otorga a dos actores económicos (hogares y empresas) en México en el periodo 1994-2022. De tal forma, el texto se desarrolla describiendo, de manera general, el contexto en el que se dieron los cambios estructurales en la economía mexicana en dicho periodo de análisis, enfatizando lo relacionado con la liberación financiera. En segundo lugar, se caracterizó el aumento de las finanzas en las economías como procesos de financiarización y se concluye con el contraste de la dinámica de los créditos (consumo y al sector industrial) en la economía mexicana con la revisión de la literatura especializada sobre financiarización. Con base en los resultados alcanzados, se proponen una serie de acciones y líneas de investigación para seguir estudiando el tema

    Mediação e conciliação nos julgados de paz

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    O presente relatório foi elaborado como trabalho final do estágio curricular realizado no Julgado de Paz de Odivelas, no âmbito do Mestrado em Direito Forense e Arbitragem. As actividades realizadas no âmbito do estágio visaram cobrir todas as áreas de serviço dos Julgados de Paz, nomeadamente ao nível dos serviço de atendimento e apoio administrativo. Os Julgados de Paz apresentam-se como verdadeiros tribunais, à luz da Constituição, tendo competência para causas até ao valor máximo de € 15.000 (quinze mil euros), sendo a sua competência maioritariamente relativa a matérias do foro civil. Nos seus serviços, os Julgados de Paz oferecem duas formas de resolução alternativa de litígios: a mediação e conciliação, que ocupam o foco central do conteúdo do presente trabalho. Na sua generalidade, os meios de resolução alternativa de litígios ocupam um papel cada vez mais importante, não só devido às suas características, mas também devido às vantagens que possuem sobre os métodos tradicionais para a resolução de diferendos. O principal objectivo do presente relatório é o de proceder a uma distinção das figuras referidas através da sua caracterização e enunciação das diferenças e semelhanças que se verificam entre elas. Esta distinção afigura-se necessária, uma vez que estamos efectivamente perante realidades distintas

    El control parlamentario de la política exterior de España

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    Tesis inédita, presentada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, 1973.Fac. de DerechoTRUEProQuestpu

    El control parlamentario de la política exterior de España

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    Tesis inédita, presentada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, 1973.Fac. de DerechoTRUEProQuestpu

    Ancestry of the α-MRE Associated with the 3.7kb α-Thalassemia Deletion in the Portuguese Population

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    Abstract publicado em: Medicine (Baltimore). 2023 Mar 31; 102(13): e33154. Published online 2023 Mar 31. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033154The α-major regulatory element (α-MRE), also known as HS-40, is located upstream of the α-globin gene cluster and has a crucial role in the long-range regulation of the α-globin gene expression. It is genetically polymorphic and six haplotypes (A to F) have been identified in different populations. The D haplotype was primary described in African populations and is nearly absent in other populations. The aims of this study were to identify the α-MRE haplotype associated with the common 3.7kb α-thalassemia deletion (-α3.7del) in the Portuguese population, and to investigate its ancestry. We searched for the -α3.7del in 111 selected Portuguese individuals by Gap-PCR. In addition, a DNA fragment containing the α-MRE was amplified by PCR and Sanger sequenced. Statistical analysis was performed using R software. Fifty individuals have the wild-type α-globin genotype (group I), 34 are heterozygous for the -α3.7del (group II) and 27 are homozygous (group III). Regarding the α-MRE, four haplotypes were found (A to D). The ancestral A haplotype is predominant in all groups. The B haplotype is the second most frequent in groups I and II, whereas in group III haplotype D is the second most prevalent. Concerning genotypes, the α-MRE AA and AB are the most common in group I, while genotype AD is more prevalent in group III. In fact, 71.4% of AD individuals are homozygous for the -α3.7del. Moreover, the distribution of α-MRE haplotypes and genotypes are significantly different between groups with and without the -α3.7del (p<0.001). Furthermore, multiple correspondence analysis revealed that individuals without the -α3.7del are grouped with other European populations, while samples with the -α3.7del are split from these and found to be more closely related to the African population. This study revealed for the first time an association of a specific α-MRE haplotype with the common -α3.7del in the Portuguese population, and its likely African ancestry. These results may have clinical importance as the D haplotype has an alteration in the consensus sequence for the AP-1/NF-E2 binding site and in vitro experiments showed a decrease in its enhancer activity on α-globin genes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio