1,493 research outputs found

    Analysis of Moon impact flashes detected during the 2012 and 2013 Perseids

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    We present the results of our Moon impact flashes detection campaigns performed around the maximum activity period of the Perseid meteor shower in 2012 and 2013. Just one flash produced by a Perseid meteoroid was detected in 2012 because of very unfavourable geometric conditions, but 12 of these were confirmed in 2013. The visual magnitude of the flashes ranged between 6.6 and 9.3. A luminous efficiency of 1.8 ×\times 103^{-3} has been estimated for meteoroids from this stream. According to this value, impactor masses would range between 1.9 and 190 g. In addition, we propose a criterion to establish, from a statistical point of view, the likely origin of impact flashes recorded on the lunar surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on March 11, 201

    Aplicação de retardadores de crescimento em citrinos ornamentais

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    Tendo por objectivo a avaliação dos efeitos de alguns retardadores de crescimento no desenvolvimento vegetativo de citrinos ornamentais, para posterior utilização pelos viveiristas, foi estudado o efeito da aplicação, por pulverização, de quatro retardadores de crescimento a diferentes concentrações, sobre duas espécies do género Fortunella sp. ( F. margarita [ Lour. ] Swing. e F. Obovata Tan. ). Estudámos o efeito da daminozida a 5600, 7500 e 9400 ppm; paclobutrazol a 180, 240 e 300 ppm; CCC a 1050, 1400 e 1750 ppm e dikegulac a 3000, 4000 e 5000 ppm. O desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas foi observado ao longo de dois ciclos de crescimento, sendo medidos os seguintes parâmetros: comprimento do ramo médio, comprimento final dos entrenós, comprimento e largura do limbo da folha média, número de folhas do ramo. Calculou-se o comprimento final do ramo e a relação comprimento/largura da folha. O primeiro crescimento não apresentou diferenças significativas em relação à testemunha, possivelmente, devido à aplicação tardia dos produtos. No segundo crescimento, as plantas tratadas com paclobutrazol foram significativamente menores, com menores entrenós e folhas mais arredondadas e mais verdes, não se verificando diferenças entre as concentrações. Tanto a daminozida como o CCC, não reduziram de forma significativa o crescimento das plantas tratadas, enquanto o dikegulac se mostrou altamente fitotóxico, nas concentrações utilizadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DevSecOps metrics

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    DevSecOps is an emerging paradigm that breaks the Security Team Silo into the DevOps Methodology and adds security practices to the Software Development Cycle (SDL). Security practices in SDL are important to avoid data breaches, guarantee compliance with the law and is an obligation to protect customers data. This study aims to identify metrics teams can use to measure the effectiveness of DevSecOps methodology implementation inside organizations. To that end, we performed a Multivocal Literature Review (MLR), where we reviewed a selection of grey literature. Several metrics purposed by professionals to monitor DevSecOps were identified and listed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A calibração das datas de radiocarbono dos esqueletos humanos de Muge

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    As primeiras datas obtidas para os concheiros de Muge foram-no a partir de amostras de carvão (por conseguinte, da biosfera terrestre) nos anos cinquenta e sessenta do século passado e vêm eivadas de incertezas demasiado grandes, isto é, com desvios-padrão de 350 ou 300 anos 14C, o que as torna de muito pouca utilidade se se pretender construir uma cronologia precisa para estes concheiros mesolíticos. Actualmente, a maior parte das datas disponíveis para os concheiros de Muge foram determinadas a partir do colagéneo de amostras de ossos humanos provenientes de enterramentos que neles tiveram lugar. Embora se trate de amostras da biosfera terrestre, os valores das razões isotópicas das amostras datadas indicam que os indivíduos inumados tiveram uma dieta em que a percentagem dos alimentos de origem marinha/estuarina era elevada (Lubell e Jackes, 1988; Lubell et al., 1994; Umbelino, 2006). Por isso, as datas convencionais de radiocarbono obtidas a partir destas amostras terão de ser calibradas tendo em conta a percentagem de dieta de origem marinha/estuarina revelada pelas análises isotópicas e o valor do efeito de reservatório aplicável para aquela época, naquela área do estuário do Tejo, o que não tem sido feito

    An IT service management literature review: Challenges, benefits, opportunities and implementation practices

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    Information technology (IT) service management is considered a collection of frameworks that support organizations managing services. The implementation of these kinds of frameworks is constantly increasing in the IT service provider domain. The main objective is to define and manage IT services through its life cycle. However, from observing the literature, scarcely any research exists describing the main concepts of ITSM. Many organizations still struggle in several contexts in this domain, mainly during implementation. This research aims to develop a reference study detailing the main concepts related with ITSM. Thus, a systematic literature review is performed. In total, 47 articles were selected from top journals and conferences. The benefits, challenges, opportunities, and practices for ITSM implementation were extracted, critically analysed, and then discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early degradation of PV modules and guaranty conditions

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    CIEMAT PVLabDER has largely increased its demand on testing and characterizing PV plants, according to the fast growth of PV installed capacity in Spain. One of the topics in which manufacturers, promoters, and owners of the plants are more interested in, is the possible degradation of PV modules and its relationship to guarantee contracts, as it is related to subsidies. This paper presents some findings in campaigns of PV plants evaluation carried out during last years. This evaluation usually consists of visual inspection, I-V curve measurement in the fields (the whole plant or selected areas), thermal evaluation by IR imaging, and, in some cases, measurement of the I-V characteristic and thermal behaviour of selected modules in the plant, chosen by the laboratory. It must be noticed that new defects that grow when the module is into operation may appear in modules initially free of them (named as hidden manufacturing defects). Usually some of these hidden defects that only appear in normal operation are not detected in reliability tests (EN61215 or EN 61646) [4][5] due to the different operational conditions of the module in the standard tests and in the field (serial-parallel connection of many PV modules, power inverter influence, over voltage on wires, etc.

    Influence of initial power stabilization over crystalline-Si photovoltaic modules maximum power

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    Measurements that suppliers offer in specification sheets are not always close to the actual power measured in independent laboratories such as CIEMAT. Independent measurements tend to be lower than those printed on the label sometimes even lower than the allowed tolerance indicated by the manufacturer on the same label. Furthermore, a potentially significant power reduction has been reported when Standard EN50380 (which requires photovoltaic (PV) modules to be exposed to more than 20 kWh/m2 of sunlight prior to taking the measurements that appear on the label) is followed. This is the initial power stabilization and this work studies the power stabilization that tends to appear in crystalline PV modules. Crystalline PV modules usually decrease in power around 1%, but decreases >4% have also been reported. These power losses are only detected after the mentioned power stabilizatio

    A systematic literature review on DevOps capabilities and areas

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    Businesses today need to respond to customer needs at an unprecedented speed. Driven by this need for speed, many companies are rushing to the DevOps movement. DevOps, the combination of Development and Operations, is a new way of thinking in the software engineering domain that recently received much attention. Since DevOps has recently been introduced as a new term and novel concept, no common understanding of what it means has yet been achieved. Therefore, the definitions of DevOps often are only partly relevant to the concept. This research presents a systematic literature review to identify the determining factors contributing to the implementation of DevOps, including the main capabilities and areas with which it evolves.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Biodistribuição do 18FDG em ratos nude balb-c nu/nu normaiS

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    Resumo do poster apresentado ao XII Congresso Nacional de Medicina Nuclear, 12-14 Novembro 2009, Mealhad