58 research outputs found

    Avaliação da acessibilidade de jogos digitais voltados para idosos / Assessment of the accessibility of digital games aimed at the elderly

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    Introdução: Os jogos digitais têm grande potencial no ramo das inovações tecnológicas. Com o intuito de buscar a melhora da qualidade de vida dos idosos, eles fornecem diversão e desenvolvem aspectos físicos, socioemocionais e as capacidades cognitivas, chegando até a auxiliar no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas, como o Alzheimer. Atualmente, o termo “acessibilidade” está sendo muito discutido dentro da área tecnológica, e os jogos não foram deixados de fora dessas discussões. Independentemente de suas capacidades físico-motoras e perceptivas, culturais e sociais, usufruir dos benefícios de produtos, serviços e informação com o mínimo possível de restrições é essencial para o público idoso. Objetivo: Avaliar a acessibilidade de jogos digitais voltados para idosos disponíveis nas plataformas IOS e ANDROID para dispositivos móveis. Métodos: Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva investigativa, onde foram acessadas as lojas de aplicativos das plataformas IOS e ANDROID e pesquisadas as seguintes palavras-chave no buscador das “stores”: “jogos para idosos”, “idoso”. Foram incluídos na análise jogos disponíveis de forma gratuita ou que possuíssem versão demonstrativa gratuita (demo). Após a seleção dos jogos foram aplicadas as diretrizes de acessibilidade para jogos. Estas diretrizes abarcam um conjunto de recomendações para tornar os jogos digitais mais acessíveis e beneficiar pessoas com qualquer tipo de limitação (incluindo pessoas com dificuldade para enxergar, para ouvir, com deficiências motoras ou cognitivas). Resultados: Foram incluídos 12 jogos que foram selecionados a partir das plataformas das lojas de aplicativos do IOS e ANDROID. Os jogos encontrados foram: Lumosity, Solitaire, Word Life, WOW, 1010, Paciência Spider, Peak, Perguntados, Candy Crush, CodyCross, Cérebro Ativo e AnagrAppCup. Alguns destes jogos são voltados para as questões de treinamento do cérebro com o desenvolvimento das habilidades de raciocínio, memória e linguagem, além de experiências de interação social. Quanto à acessibilidade, os jogos analisados apresentaram interfaces interativas, presença de tutoriais que podem auxiliar na jogabilidade e várias opções para modificar o layout, podendo ser adaptados para pessoas com necessidades especiais em relação às dificuldades visuais e auditivas. Conclusão: O desenvolvimento de jogos voltados para o público idoso deve levar sempre em consideração a acessibilidade e a facilidade de interação, pois o público-alvo possui características únicas em sua relação com as novas tecnologias, necessitando muitas vezes de auxílio para utilizá-las. Aplicativos acessíveis, fáceis de interagir e com jogabilidade simples são mais atrativos para o público alvo e acabam por colaborar no aprendizado das novas tecnologias e promovem a inclusão digital

    The root microbiome of Salicornia ramosissima as a seedbank for plant-growth promoting halotolerant bacteria

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    Root−associated microbial communities play important roles in the process of adaptation of plant hosts to environment stressors, and in this perspective, the microbiome of halophytes represents a valuable model for understanding the contribution of microorganisms to plant tolerance to salt. Although considered as the most promising halophyte candidate to crop cultivation, Salicornia ramosissima is one of the least-studied species in terms of microbiome composition and the effect of sediment properties on the diversity of plant-growth promoting bacteria associated with the roots. In this work, we aimed at isolating and characterizing halotolerant bacteria associated with the rhizosphere and root tissues of S. ramosissima, envisaging their application in saline agriculture. Endophytic and rhizosphere bacteria were isolated from wild and crop cultivated plants, growing in different estuarine conditions. Isolates were identified based on 16S rRNA sequences and screened for plant-growth promotion traits. The subsets of isolates from different sampling sites were very different in terms of composition but consistent in terms of the plant-growth promoting traits represented. Bacillus was the most represented genus and expressed the wider range of extracellular enzymatic activities. Halotolerant strains of Salinicola, Pseudomonas, Oceanobacillus, Halomonas, Providencia, Bacillus, Psychrobacter and Brevibacterium also exhibited several plant-growth promotion traits (e.g., 3-indole acetic acid (IAA), 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase, siderophores, phosphate solubilization). Considering the taxonomic diversity and the plant-growth promotion potential of the isolates, the collection represents a valuable resource that can be used to optimize the crop cultivation of Salicornia under different environmental conditions and for the attenuation of salt stress in non-halophytes, considering the global threat of arable soil salinization.publishe


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    Crianças com deficiência intelectual, muitas vezes, são privadas das mesmas oportunidades que aquelas que não possuem deficiência alguma costumam usufruir.  No que tange ao esporte, tais oportunidades ainda são, na maior parte das vezes, escassas. Para que a criança possa aprender um esporte e, efetivamente ser detentora de todos os benefícios que o mesmo proporciona, é necessário que o professor utilize estratégias de ensino e recursos pedagógicos que auxiliem o processo ensino – aprendizagem da criança com deficiência intelectual.  A partir desses pressupostos, o projeto buscou construir/ adaptar estratégias de ensino e recursos pedagógicos para ensinar o badminton ¬às crianças envolvidas no projeto. Foram ministradas aulas na APAE de Presidente Prudente uma vez por semana, com a duração de 50 minutos, a sete crianças com o diagnóstico de Deficiência Intelectual. O Badminton foi trabalhado através da divisão de seus fundamentos específicos; referente à empunhadura, observou-se que 71,4% dos alunos necessitaram de uma adaptação no tocante ao recurso pedagógico. Quanto à recepção e rebatida, constatou-se que 100% dos alunos precisaram de adaptações.  Conclui-se que, para trabalhar a modalidade do badminton com crianças com deficiência intelectual, estratégias de ensino e recursos pedagógicos são imprescindíveis para aprimorar o processo de ensino – aprendizagem


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    Crianças com deficiência intelectual, muitas vezes, são privadas das mesmas oportunidades que aquelas que não possuem deficiência alguma costumam usufruir.  No que tange ao esporte, tais oportunidades ainda são, na maior parte das vezes, escassas. Para que a criança possa aprender um esporte e, efetivamente ser detentora de todos os benefícios que o mesmo proporciona, é necessário que o professor utilize estratégias de ensino e recursos pedagógicos que auxiliem o processo ensino ”“ aprendizagem da criança com deficiência intelectual.  A partir desses pressupostos, o projeto buscou construir/ adaptar estratégias de ensino e recursos pedagógicos para ensinar o badminton ¬Ã s crianças envolvidas no projeto. Foram ministradas aulas na APAE de Presidente Prudente uma vez por semana, com a duração de 50 minutos, a sete crianças com o diagnóstico de Deficiência Intelectual. O Badminton foi trabalhado através da divisão de seus fundamentos específicos; referente à empunhadura, observou-se que 71,4% dos alunos necessitaram de uma adaptação no tocante ao recurso pedagógico. Quanto à recepção e rebatida, constatou-se que 100% dos alunos precisaram de adaptações.  Conclui-se que, para trabalhar a modalidade do badminton com crianças com deficiência intelectual, estratégias de ensino e recursos pedagógicos são imprescindíveis para aprimorar o processo de ensino ”“ aprendizagem

    Innovation for Sustainability and Networking

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    Throughout human history, innovation has been the main factor in adapting humanity to its settings. On the basis of earlier practice, human creativity allows the finding of new, permanent ways to do things. their applications encourage new spaces, new necessities and new lifestyles. Innovation has been an element of human capacities from its earlier stages, but it has been recognized only recently as a clear device of social and economic change

    O Largo da Banana e a presença negra em São Paulo

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    The Largo da Banana relates to the history of the black population in São Paulo. Acknowledged as one of São Paulo’s “cradle” of samba, samba musicians are its main spokespersons. Largo da Banana used to be located near the former Barra Funda Railway Station. From the first decades to around half the Twentieth century, informal laborers in the railway logistics used to gather together in that space. Within a precarious and unsteady daily life, they used to play samba and tiririca. In the fifties, the municipality built the Pacaembu Viaduct in that area, aiming to extend the homonym avenue beyond the railway road. In the sixties, samba musician Geraldo Filme wrote two songs in which he paid homage to Largo da Banana and regrettedits disappearance after the viaduct’s inauguration. In these and other of his songs, the artist recorded his perceptions on the life conditions of São Paulo’s blacks and samba musicians, their sociabilities, and also the urban changes he witnessed. Considering that his artistic work contributes to enlighten aspects of social reality, I analyze some of his songs to interpret the sociabilities at Largo da Banana, as well as the urban intervention in that location.O Largo da Banana está associado à história da população negra em São Paulo. Reconhecido como um dos “berços” do samba paulista, é sobretudo através dos próprios sambistas que essa história pode hoje ser conhecida. Localizado junto à antiga estação da Barra Funda, desde as primeiras décadas até meados do século passado, aquele espaço concentrou trabalhadores informais vinculados às atividades da ferrovia. Em meio a um cotidiano precário e instável, essa população realizava rodas de samba e de tiririca. Nos anos 1950, foi construído naquele local o Viaduto Pacaembu, que prolongava a avenida homônima para além davia férrea. A partir da década de 1960, o sambista negro Geraldo Filme compôs duas canções em que homenageava o Largo da Banana e lamentava seu desaparecimento após a inauguração do viaduto. Nessas e em outras composições, o artista registrou suas percepções sobre as condições de vida da população negra e sambista na cidade, suas sociabilidades, bem como sobre as transformações urbanas que testemunhou. Considerando que sua obra artística contribui para iluminar aspectos da realidade social, ela é adotada como fonte para analisar as formas de sociabilidade no Largo da Banana e a intervenção urbanística naquele local

    The Changing Landscape for Stroke\ua0Prevention in AF: Findings From the GLORIA-AF Registry Phase 2

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    Background GLORIA-AF (Global Registry on Long-Term Oral Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation) is a prospective, global registry program describing antithrombotic treatment patterns in patients with newly diagnosed nonvalvular atrial fibrillation at risk of stroke. Phase 2 began when dabigatran, the first non\u2013vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOAC), became available. Objectives This study sought to describe phase 2 baseline data and compare these with the pre-NOAC era collected during phase 1. Methods During phase 2, 15,641 consenting patients were enrolled (November 2011 to December 2014); 15,092 were eligible. This pre-specified cross-sectional analysis describes eligible patients\u2019 baseline characteristics. Atrial fibrillation disease characteristics, medical outcomes, and concomitant diseases and medications were collected. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results Of the total patients, 45.5% were female; median age was 71 (interquartile range: 64, 78) years. Patients were from Europe (47.1%), North America (22.5%), Asia (20.3%), Latin America (6.0%), and the Middle East/Africa (4.0%). Most had high stroke risk (CHA2DS2-VASc [Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Age  6575 years, Diabetes mellitus, previous Stroke, Vascular disease, Age 65 to 74 years, Sex category] score  652; 86.1%); 13.9% had moderate risk (CHA2DS2-VASc = 1). Overall, 79.9% received oral anticoagulants, of whom 47.6% received NOAC and 32.3% vitamin K antagonists (VKA); 12.1% received antiplatelet agents; 7.8% received no antithrombotic treatment. For comparison, the proportion of phase 1 patients (of N = 1,063 all eligible) prescribed VKA was 32.8%, acetylsalicylic acid 41.7%, and no therapy 20.2%. In Europe in phase 2, treatment with NOAC was more common than VKA (52.3% and 37.8%, respectively); 6.0% of patients received antiplatelet treatment; and 3.8% received no antithrombotic treatment. In North America, 52.1%, 26.2%, and 14.0% of patients received NOAC, VKA, and antiplatelet drugs, respectively; 7.5% received no antithrombotic treatment. NOAC use was less common in Asia (27.7%), where 27.5% of patients received VKA, 25.0% antiplatelet drugs, and 19.8% no antithrombotic treatment. Conclusions The baseline data from GLORIA-AF phase 2 demonstrate that in newly diagnosed nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients, NOAC have been highly adopted into practice, becoming more frequently prescribed than VKA in Europe and North America. Worldwide, however, a large proportion of patients remain undertreated, particularly in Asia and North America. (Global Registry on Long-Term Oral Antithrombotic Treatment in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation [GLORIA-AF]; NCT01468701

    The impact of surgical delay on resectability of colorectal cancer: An international prospective cohort study

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    AIM: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to explore the impact of surgical delays on cancer resectability. This study aimed to compare resectability for colorectal cancer patients undergoing delayed versus non-delayed surgery. METHODS: This was an international prospective cohort study of consecutive colorectal cancer patients with a decision for curative surgery (January-April 2020). Surgical delay was defined as an operation taking place more than 4 weeks after treatment decision, in a patient who did not receive neoadjuvant therapy. A subgroup analysis explored the effects of delay in elective patients only. The impact of longer delays was explored in a sensitivity analysis. The primary outcome was complete resection, defined as curative resection with an R0 margin. RESULTS: Overall, 5453 patients from 304 hospitals in 47 countries were included, of whom 6.6% (358/5453) did not receive their planned operation. Of the 4304 operated patients without neoadjuvant therapy, 40.5% (1744/4304) were delayed beyond 4 weeks. Delayed patients were more likely to be older, men, more comorbid, have higher body mass index and have rectal cancer and early stage disease. Delayed patients had higher unadjusted rates of complete resection (93.7% vs. 91.9%, P = 0.032) and lower rates of emergency surgery (4.5% vs. 22.5%, P < 0.001). After adjustment, delay was not associated with a lower rate of complete resection (OR 1.18, 95% CI 0.90-1.55, P = 0.224), which was consistent in elective patients only (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.69-1.27, P = 0.672). Longer delays were not associated with poorer outcomes. CONCLUSION: One in 15 colorectal cancer patients did not receive their planned operation during the first wave of COVID-19. Surgical delay did not appear to compromise resectability, raising the hypothesis that any reduction in long-term survival attributable to delays is likely to be due to micro-metastatic disease

    Elective cancer surgery in COVID-19-free surgical pathways during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: An international, multicenter, comparative cohort study

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    PURPOSE As cancer surgery restarts after the first COVID-19 wave, health care providers urgently require data to determine where elective surgery is best performed. This study aimed to determine whether COVID-19–free surgical pathways were associated with lower postoperative pulmonary complication rates compared with hospitals with no defined pathway. PATIENTS AND METHODS This international, multicenter cohort study included patients who underwent elective surgery for 10 solid cancer types without preoperative suspicion of SARS-CoV-2. Participating hospitals included patients from local emergence of SARS-CoV-2 until April 19, 2020. At the time of surgery, hospitals were defined as having a COVID-19–free surgical pathway (complete segregation of the operating theater, critical care, and inpatient ward areas) or no defined pathway (incomplete or no segregation, areas shared with patients with COVID-19). The primary outcome was 30-day postoperative pulmonary complications (pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, unexpected ventilation). RESULTS Of 9,171 patients from 447 hospitals in 55 countries, 2,481 were operated on in COVID-19–free surgical pathways. Patients who underwent surgery within COVID-19–free surgical pathways were younger with fewer comorbidities than those in hospitals with no defined pathway but with similar proportions of major surgery. After adjustment, pulmonary complication rates were lower with COVID-19–free surgical pathways (2.2% v 4.9%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.62; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.86). This was consistent in sensitivity analyses for low-risk patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists grade 1/2), propensity score–matched models, and patients with negative SARS-CoV-2 preoperative tests. The postoperative SARS-CoV-2 infection rate was also lower in COVID-19–free surgical pathways (2.1% v 3.6%; aOR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.36 to 0.76). CONCLUSION Within available resources, dedicated COVID-19–free surgical pathways should be established to provide safe elective cancer surgery during current and before future SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks