2,600 research outputs found

    Finite groups in Axiomatic Index Number Theory

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    In this paper we adopt Group Theory to investigate the symmetry and invariance properties of price index numbers. An alternative treatment is given to the study of the reversibilty axioms, that clarifies their meaning and allows for a conceptual unification of this topic, within the framework of Axiomatic Index Number Theory.Price index, Axiomatic Index Number Theory, Basis antithesis, Factor antithesis, Group Theory

    3D scanning, modelling and printing of ultra-thin nacreous shells from Jericho: a case study of small finds documentation in archaeology

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    This paper springs out from a collaborative project jointly carried out by the FabLab Saperi&Co and the Museum of Near East, Egypt and Mediterranean of Sapienza University of Rome focused at producing replicas of ultra-thin archeological finds with a sub-millimetric precision. The main technological challenge of this project was to produce models through 3D optical scanning (photogrammetry) and to print faithful replicas with additive manufacturing. The objects chosen for the trial were five extremely fragile and ultra-thin nacreous shells retrieved in Tell es-Sultan/ancient Jericho by the Italian-Palestinian Expedition in spring 2017, temporarily on exhibit in the Museum. The experiment proved to be successful, and the scanning, modeling and printing of the shells also allowed some observations on their possible uses in research and museum activities

    Cellular and molecular mediators of bone metastatic lesions

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    Bone is the preferential site of metastasis for breast and prostate tumor. Cancer cells establish a tight relationship with the host tissue, secreting factors that stimulate or inhibit bone cells, receiving signals generated from the bone remodeling activity, and displaying some features of bone cells. This interplay between tumor and bone cells alters the physiological bone remodeling, leading to the generation of a vicious cycle that promotes bone metastasis growth. To prevent the skeletal-related events (SRE) associated with bone metastasis, approaches to inhibit osteoclast bone resorption are reported. The bisphosphonates and Denosumab are currently used in the treatment of patients affected by bone lesions. They act to prevent or counteract the SRE, including pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, and pain associated with bone metastasis. However, their primary effects on tumor cells still remain controversial. In this review, a description of the mechanisms leading to the onset of bone metastasis and clinical approaches to treat them are described

    The role of extracellular vesicles in bone metastasis

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    Multiple types of cancer have the specific ability to home to the bone microenvironment and cause metastatic lesions. Despite being the focus of intense investigation, the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate the metastasis of disseminated tumor cells still remain largely unknown. Bone metastases severely impact quality of life since they are associated with pain, fractures, and bone marrow aplasia. In this review, we will summarize the recent discoveries on the role of extracellular vesicles (EV) in the regulation of bone remodeling activity and bone metastasis occurrence. Indeed, it was shown that extracellular vesicles, including exosomes and microvesicles, released from tumor cells can modify the bone microenvironment, allowing the formation of osteolytic, osteosclerotic, and mixed mestastases. In turn, bone-derived EV can stimulate the proliferation of tumor cells. The inhibition of EV-mediated crosstalk between cancer and bone cells could represent a new therapeutic target for bone metastasis

    Il Paliotto di Teramo di Nicola da Guardiagrele: funzione, iconografia, stile, restauri.

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    La tesi si propone di affrontare alcune delle molteplici problematiche inerenti all'opera nota con il nome di “Paliotto di Teramo” o anche “parato di San Berardo”; il manufatto è conservato infatti all'interno della cattedrale teramana che proprio a San Berardo è dedicata. L'opera fu commissionata all'orafo abruzzese Nicola da Guardiagrele (nato fine secolo XIV - morto poco prima del 1462), che nei quindici anni fra il 1433 e il 1448 lavorò alla sua realizzazione. L' antependium, una vera e propria tavola mobile delle dimensioni di 117x234 cm, si pone come un'opera molto complessa dal punto di vista compositivo, iconografico, decorativo e della tecnica di esecuzione. Brevemente dirò che è fondamentalmente realizzata per mezzo di lamine d'argento, montate su un supporto ligneo e sbalzate, parzialmente fuse, cesellate, puntinate, incise e dorate, più l'inserimento di componenti a smalto distinguibili invece per l'utilizzo della tecnica dell'émail translucide de bassetaille e dello smalto champlevé opaco, traslucido e filigranato, tutto su argento. Il paliotto è inoltre strutturato in trentacinque formelle di forma ottagonale (quadrati con angoli smussati) entro le quali si sviluppa la gran parte del programma iconografico dell'opera; vi sono così venticinque storie della vita di Cristo, nove figure singole (i quattro Evangelisti, i Quattro Padri della Chiesa e un Cristo Benedicente posto al centro del paliotto) ed una storia apparentemente fuori contesto, il San Francesco che riceve le stimmate. A ciò si devono aggiungere inoltre le ventidue figure singole, fra Apostoli e Profeti, più un Cristo e la Madonna con il Bambino, presenti nelle placchette a smalto traslucido su basso rilievo prima menzionato. All'interno di questo lavoro di tesi si è cercato di concentrarsi sopratutto su quegli aspetti in un certo qual modo trascurati finora dalla critica; l'opera, che ha attratto fin dalla fine del secolo XIX l'attenzione di molti studiosi, è stata prevalentemente messa a fuoco in relazione ad alcune problematiche fisse: il rapporto fra l'artista e l'opera del Ghiberti (da cui gran parte dei modelli iconografici sono tratti), la possibilità o meno di un viaggio a Firenze, l'individuazione di più maestri di bottega che nel paliotto hanno lavorato, oltre ad alcune più recenti ipotesi sulla paternità degli smalti figurati; sostanzialmente dunque problemi iconografici e stilistici. Fra i problemi di ordine nuovo che ci si propone di trattare in questo lavoro possiamo indicare in primis quello inerente alla struttura geometrica del paliotto, cioè l'articolazione e la distribuzione delle iconografie. Le radici di questo schema, tenendo presente la particolare posizione geografica e le influenze a cui la regione abruzzese era da sempre sottoposta, sono state quindi ricercate in area adriatico-veneziana, associata però ad una contaminazione coi modelli elaborati nelle botteghe di codici miniati che lavoravano per la casa reale angioina ed il suo stretto entourage. Segue a ciò la trattazione del problema iconografico, in particolare la ricerca di altri modelli di riferimento, al di là del modello ghibertiano, utilizzati dall'orafo guardiese. La ricerche svolte in questo senso hanno finora rivelato un inaspettato riferimento al mondo giottesco; tale riferimento, riscontrabile non solo nell'opera teramana ma almeno in un'altra opera del periodo giovanile dell'orafo, cosa per cui si porrebbe ipotizzare una costante culturale per gran parte del percorso artistico di Nicola. Al di là di questi aspetti più strettamente storico-artistici si è cercato di relazionare le scelte compositive, cioè di organizzazione dei vari episodi narrativi e delle varie figure singole presenti nel paliotto, in relazione a quegli aspetti teologico-devozionali che, caratteristici del primo Quattrocento, affondavano le radici nella letteratura e nelle speculazioni mistiche dei due secoli precedenti. Dalle Meditationes Vitae Christi di Giovanni de Caulibus alle prediche di San Bernardino da Siena, solo per dirne alcune, si percorre la strada che aiuta a comprendere sia l'insistenza, nel Paliotto di Teramo, sul ciclo della Passione, sia la presenza del San Francesco stigmatizzato a fine testo. A conclusione del lavoro si inserirà una sezione dedicata alla storia conservativa del paliotto ed incentrata in modo particolare su un restauro avvenuto nel 1748 e documentato sul paliotto grazie ad una iscrizione sulla cornice argentea ad arabeschi di cui il paliotto è dotato. Le informazioni per lo studio di tale intervento hanno richiesto una ricerca nell'Archivio Diocesano di Teramo, durante la quale sono stati reperiti due documenti inediti inerenti a tele restauro settecentesco, molto utili alla precisazione di alcuni aspetti finora rimasti poco chiari

    Working the multiple economies: Children’s work and economic agency in a developed capitalist economy

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    This thesis examines children’s work on the formal, informal and family based labour markets in a developed capitalist economy. Using a unique dataset of approximately 11,000 young people aged between 12 and 16 years, this thesis argues that structural factors are determinative of specific experiences of work, which reflect the nature of social relations within each labour market. This argument is a response to two prevailing themes in the child work literature. First that age based development has been the overarching ‘structure’ that determines experiences of work. Second, that the effect of structural position and the institutions of ‘work’ hinder children’s agency and ‘free will’. It is shown that these structural factors not only delimit children’s capacity to assert their agency, but enable action by providing the social environment that make possible certain types of activities to be understood as work. In so doing the thesis contributes to understanding children’s economic agency through an analysis of children’s work, and consequently children as economic agents. The data set provides a robust statistical outline of the fields of children’s work (formal, informal and family based) and an assessment of the quality of work children perform, applying ILO measures of decent work standards to evaluate children’s work conditions. The analytical framework adopted involves a synthesis of child work literature with aspects of economic sociology and the sociology of work that emphasise the embeddedness of social action and institutions within systems of social relations. These analytic tools assist identify the specific ‘fields’ or labour markets of children’s work (i.e. the formal, informal and family based labour markets) and sensitise us to what the relevant structural transformations in each field are. In so doing the thesis draws upon work used in understanding the ‘adult world of work’ to aid our understanding of children’s labour markets. The thesis finds that skill utilisation on the formal labour market, the strength and particularity of labour relations on the informal labour market, and whether work is oriented towards use or exchange value on the family based labour market are in large part determinative of the distribution of material and social rewards for children who work. Furthermore economic agency is embedded and expressed through the structural and relational factors specific to each labour market

    An unknown input observer based approach to fault detection for linear multi-agent systems

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    openThis thesis deals with the problem of fault detection and isolation (FDI) in multi-agent systems (MAS) with linear dynamics. After a brief introduction of MAS, the relative problems and applications, the problem of FDI is introduced. A model in which two kinds of faults (one on the actuator and one on the sensor) is presented, and an unknown input observers (UIO) technique is used in order to generate the residual signal that is necessary to detect the presence of a fault. Subsequently, the consensus problem is solved simultaneously with the FDI problem. The thesis investigates both the scenario in which the connection topology among the agents is directed and when it is undirected. Finally, some simulations with MATLAB are performed in order to shown the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    On the Relationships among Latent Variables and Residuals in PLS Path Modeling: the Formative-Reflective Scheme

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    A new approach for the estimation and the validation of a Structural Equation Model with a formative-reflective scheme is presented. The basis of the paper is a proposal for overcoming a potential deficiency of PLS Path Modeling. In the PLS approach the reflective scheme assumed for the endogenous latent variables is inverted; moreover, the model errors are not explicitly taken into account for the estimation of the endogenous latent variables. The proposed approach utilizes all the relevant information in the formative manifest variables providing solutions which respect the causal structure of the model. The estimation procedure is based on the optimization of the redundancy criterion. The new approach, entitled Redundancy Analysis approach to Path Modeling is compared with both traditional PLS Path Modeling and LISREL methodology, on the basis of real and simulated data.Latent Variables, Partial Least Squares, PLS Path Modeling, Redundancy Analysis, LISREL Model

    Cannabinoid CB1 and Dopamine D1 Receptors Partnership in the Modulation of Emotional Neural Processing

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    A commentary on The dopamine and cannabinoid interaction in the modulation of emotions and cognition: assessing the role of cannabinoid CB1 receptor in neurons expressing dopamine D1 receptor