141 research outputs found

    El teletrabajo y su regulación en la legislación española Real Decreto-Ley 28/2020 del trabajo a distancia.

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    El trabajo trata de una investigacion ninuciosa sobre el teletrabajo. Metodo utilizado por estos ultimos años anteriores debido a la pandemia que hemos tenido que vivir.<br /

    Insulin resistance and arterial stiffness: impact of gestational diabetes on pulse wave velocity

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    Background: Gestational diabetes is an intolerance of glucose with the first appearance during the pregnancy. This hyperglycaemia status, because of the pre-existing insulin-resistance, constitute a favourable land of arterial stiffness. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of non obese gestational diabetes on arterial stiffness by measuring the pulse wave velocity (PWV).Methods: We recruited 60 pregnant women aged from 20 to 35 years old. They were between twentieth four and thirtieth five weeks of gestational age. Subjects were divided into two groups: the first group (G1), considered as control group, included 25 normoglycemic pregnant subjects without any history of illness or risk factors of gestational diabetes; the second group (G2) included 35 women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). All pregnant women had not history of smoking, were not taking decoction or medicine, which could disturb pregnancy evolution. Anthropo-physiological and biochemical parameters studied, were: age, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), triglyceride, cholesterol and HOMA-IR index. The PWV between finger and toe (PWVft) was measured by pOpmètre®.Results: The two groups are matched by age (G1:28±4ans; G2:29±3ans) and BMI (G1:25.6±1.27; G2:26.9±1.3). Blood pressure (BP) values are in normal interval (systolic BP: [110-132mmHg]; diastolic BP: [63-87mmHg]; mean BP: [79-103mmHg]). Total cholesterol (G1:0.95±0.08;G2:2.4±0.7; p˂0.0001), HDL cholesterol (G1:0.44±0.02; G2:0.76±0.2; p˂0.0001, LDL cholesterol (G1:0.40±0.05; G2:1.3±0.5; p˂0.0001), triglyceride (G1:0.57±0.45; G2:1.6±0.4;p˂0.0001), HOMA.IR (G1:1.31±1.05; G2:7.4±1.07; p˂0.01), PWVft (G1:5.99±1.23; G2:10.3±1.9; p˂0.0001) are significantly higher in diabetic group. PWVft is positively correlate to HOMA-IR index, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (r=0.3348, p=0.032; r=0.5275, p˂0.0001; r=0.4855,p˂0.0001; r=0.5581, p˂0.0001respectively).Conclusions: Gestational diabetes might induce an increase of pulse wave velocity expressing increment of arterial stiffness. This last constitute an early underlying cardiovascular risk.

    Permanent Draft Genome Sequences for Mesorhizobium sp. Strains LCM 4576, LCM 4577, and ORS3428, Salt-Tolerant, Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Isolated from Senegalese Soils

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    The genus Mesorhizobium contains many species that are able to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on plants of the legume family. Here, we report the draft genome sequences for three Mesorhizobium strains. The genome sizes of strains LCM 4576, LCM 4577, and ORS3428 were 7.24, 7.02, and 6.55 Mbp, respectively

    Effet du greffage horticole et de l’inoculation mycorhizienne sur la croissance du baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) en Moyenne et Haute Casamance (Sénégal)

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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier l´effet du greffage et de l’inoculation mycorhizienne sur la croissance du baobab dans les régions de Kolda et de Sédhiou. Pour ce faire, un dispositif experimental en bloc aléatoire complet constitué de quatre traitements sur des plants de baobab (greffé inoculé, greffé non inoculé, non greffé inoculé et non greffé non inoculé) a été mis en place dans huit (8) sites. Le greffage a été effectué avec la méthode de fente terminale et l’inoculation avec un mélange de souches de champignons mycorhriziens arbusculaires (Glomus aggretatum, G.&nbsp;intraradices et G. Fasciculatum) en pépinière. Deux ans après plantation, les traitements ont montré que les plus gros diamètres et le plus grand nombre de rameaux sont obtenus avec les plants greffés (inoculés et non inoculés) alors que les hauteurs les plus élevées avec ceux non inoculés (non greffés et greffés). Le nombre de feuilles le plus imporatant est observé sur les plants non greffés non inoculés. Par ailleurs, des différences significatives entre les sites ont ausssi été constatées. Tel est le cas pour les taux de coissance selon les lequels pour la plupart des sites les plants non greffées inoculés donnent les meilleurs résultats en hauteur et en diamétre. L’inoculation n’a pas eu d’effet significatif. Les résultats de cette étude contribueront à une meilleure maîtrise des techniques de raccourcissement du cycle de production du baobab, par conséquent, au développement de politiques de rajeunissement des parcs à baobab au Sénégal pour mieux répondre à la demande du marché national et international de plus en plus croissant. The aim of this work is to study the effect of grafting and mycorrhizal inoculation on recovery, survival and success rates and on certain baobab growth variables in the Kolda and Sedhiou regions. To do this, a complete randomized experimental block consisting of four treatments on baobab plants (grafted inoculated, grafted uninoculated, ungrafted inoculated and ungrafted uninoculated grafted) was placed in eight (8) sites. Grafting was performed using the terminal slit method and inoculation with a mixture of archaeal mycorrhizal fungi strains (Glomus aggretatum, G. intraradices and G.&nbsp;Fasciculatum) in the nursery. Two years after planting, the largest diameters and the largest number of branches are obtained with the grafted plants (inoculated and uninoculated) whereas the highest heights with those not inoculated (ungrafted and grafted). On the other hand, the number of leaves did not give any significant difference. Moreover, there are significant differences between the sites related inter alia to their mode of management. This is the case of the growth rates, which ungrafted inoculated plants have the more important diameter and height in most of the sites. There is no significant effect‘s inoculation. The results of this study will contribute to a better control of the techniques of shortening the cycle of production of baobab by horticultural grafting and, consequently, to the development of rejuvenation policies of baobab parks in Senegal to better meet the demand of the national market and more and more international

    Permanent Draft Genome Sequence of Rhizobium sp. Strain LCM 4573, a Salt-Tolerant, Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Isolated from Senegalese Soils

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    The genus Rhizobium contains many species that are able to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on plants of the legume family. Here, we report the 5.5-Mb draft genome sequence of the salt-tolerant Rhizobium sp. strain LCM 4573, which has a G+C content of 61.2% and 5,356 candidate protein-encoding genes

    Permanent draft genome sequence of Ensifer sp. strain LCM 4579, a salt-tolerant, nitrogen-fixing bacterium isolated from Senegalese soil

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    The genus Ensifer (formerly Sinorhizobium) contains many species able to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on plants of the legume family. Here, we report the 6.1-Mb draft genome sequence of Ensifer sp. strain LCM 4579, with a G+C content of 62.4% and 5,613 candidate protein-encoding genes

    Gestational diabetes and endothelial function: impact of gestational insulin resistance on reactive hyperhemia index

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    Our aim was to characterize endothelial function in gestational diabetes by evaluating the reactive hyperemia index (RHI, LnRHI). A prospective, descriptive and comparative study was conducted on a population of pregnant women aged over 20 and under 36, located in the gestational age group 24-38th week of amenorrhea. They were divided into two groups. Group 1 (G1): group of pregnancies without diabetes, consists of pregnant women with no risk factor for gestational diabetes and with normal fasting blood glucose. Group 2 (G2): group of pregnancies with diabetes, includes pregnancies whose oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) came back positive. Anthropo-physiological parameters (age, weight, height, blood pressure (PA) and biochemical parameters (glycemia, insulinemia, HOMA-IR, cholesterol, triglycerides) were measured. RHI and LnRHI were determined at Endopat 2000. The two groups were matched for age, weight, heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP). Levels of glucose (G1:0.76±0.11; G2:1.11±0.11; p˂0.0001), insulin (G1:7.67±4.35; G2:22.9±3.75; p˂0.0001), HOMA-IR (G1:1.51±0.97; G2:6.29±1.23; p˂0.0001), total cholesterol (G1:1±0.81; G2:2.49±0.74; p=0.002), HDL cholesterol (G1:0.45±0.23; G2: 0.8±0.19; p=0.004, LDL cholesterol (G1:0.42±0.54; G2:1.39±0.6; p=0.004), triglycerides (G1:0.65±0.49; G2:1.48±0.27; p=0.0018), were significantly higher in the diabetic group. Both RHI and LnRHI were negatively correlated with HOMA-IR (respectively, r=-0.8931, p<0.0001; r=-0.8938; p<0.0001). HOMA-IR index was independently associated with levels of RHI and LnRHI (respectively r²=0.797; p<0.0001); (r²=0.804; p<0.0001)). Thus, gestational insulin resistance would be associated with a change in endothelial function such as a decrease in endothelium-dependent vasodilatation reflecting endothelial dysfunction, hence an increase in cardiovascular risk

    Germination Stage Screening of Mutants of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) to Salinity Tolerance

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    To test the tolerance of cowpea mutants to salinity, cowpea wilds and mutants were subjected to 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 mM NaCl to test for tolerance to salinity. Genotype and salt concentration interaction were significant. GxS explained mostly the variation observed. More informative salt concentrations were found in 50 mM (99.08) and C100 mM (72.50) against 26.80 in the control environment. High salt concentrations had the lowest germination rates. Seed germination rate of cowpea genotypes decreased from 56.46 to 20.58 with a mean of 36.28 and a variance of 99.08. Despite strong correlations observed between indices, very weak ones were found between AD and STI, -0.02, -0.44, -0.7, -0.79 and -0.84 respectively at salt concentration of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250. Mouride wild types were most tolerant to salt with a germination rate of 43 % at 50 mM versus 48 and 551 % for respectively Melakh and Yacine. Six (6) mutants were more tolerant to the weakest checks performance which was the 9th best performance

    Importance and trees management of Senegalia senegal on soil fertility and yield of associated crops in northern Senegal

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    Trees are usually eliminated in field due their possible competition with crops for water and nutrients. Our work aimed to investigate how to manage S. senegal trees to optimize their association with crops. A field trial was conducted under natural conditions in a S. senegal plantation 10 years old. Investigations were conducted during two years to evaluate the effect of S. senegal trees management on gum arabic yield, associated cowpea yield, soil mycorrhizal fungi spores density and enzymes activities reflecting soil fertility such as fluorescein diacetate (FDA), acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase. Four treatments of pruning were applicated (control, shoots, roots, shoots and roots pruning) and tapped in november. Soil samples were collected during dry and wet seasons at 0-25 cm layer. Cowpeas were sown at the beginning of rainy season in rows 0.5 m apart. Results showed that shoots pruning significantly increased gum arabic while a negative effect of roots pruning was noted. The presence of S. senegal increased soil fertility and cowpea yield. Any significant effect of treatments was noted on pods yield during the first year. However, shoots pruning, shoot and roots pruning increased significantly pods yield during the second year. Shoots and roots pruning seemed to decrease FDA and spores density depending on the season. Our results showed that shoots and roots pruning increased the positive effect on soil fertility and the association of S. senegal with annual crops