827 research outputs found

    Reverse Flotation

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    Reverse flotation of coal can be explained as a process where valuable minerals are depressed, while undesired and unhealthy minerals are floated with the help of some reagents. Nowadays, conventional enrichment method of coal could not achieve removing unhealthy minerals partially from internal structure of coal such as sulfur, Hg, Au, which propagate in air after burning treatment, or heavy metals such as Be, Cr, Ni, As, Cd, Co, Ni, Sb, Se, Pb, Co, Cl, Be, Ba, which involve in water and soil where habitat and human health can directly be influenced from them. In fact, reverse flotation of coal enables to remove these undesired mineral content from coal structure not only in macro size but also in micro size. On the other hand, like undesired minerals, valuable ones like vanadium, germanium, etc. are also taken from coal particles by using the same procedure. Thus, with all these respect, reverse flotation is considered as an alternative and innovative solution for coal beneficiation especially for low rank coal since low rank coal is more compatible for reverse flotation because of being more hydrophilic which means tendency to float is less. Around the world wide, most of the coal reserves belong to low rank coal, so application of reverse flotation is becoming more inevitably common in future

    Ege Bölgesinde Konvansiyonel ve Organik Zeytin Yetiştiriciliğinin Ekonomik Analizi

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    Bu çalışmada, insan beslenmesi ve sağlığı açısından çok önemli bir ürün olan zeytinin yetiştirilmesinde, konvansiyonel yöntemlere alternatif olarak organik tarım yöntemlerinin uygulanabilirliğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma, Güney Ege Bölgesinin en önemli yağlık çeşidi olan Memecik zeytin çeşidinde Zeytincilik Araştırma Enstitüsünün Kemalpaşa üretim alanında 2004-2007 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada organik parsellerde toprak verimliliğini artırmak amacıyla yeşil gübreleme, organik gübre, organik tarım yönetmeliğinde izin verilen mineral maddeler, konvansiyonel parsellerde ise kimyasal gübreler uygulanmıştır. Zeytin sineği popülasyon takibi Mc phail ve sarı yapışkan tuzaklar, zeytin güvesi ise delta tipi feremon tuzaklar ile yapılmıştır. Organik parsellerde zeytin sineği mücadelesinde Ecotrap, neemazal ve kaolin uygulamaları yapılmıştır. Konvansiyonel parsellerde mücadele Fenthion ile yapılmıştır. Organik zeytin üretiminin brüt üretim değeri ve brüt marjı geleneksel zeytin üretimime göre daha yüksek, değişken masrafı ise daha düşük bulunmuştur. Organik zeytin veriminin ise konvansiyonel zeytin verimine göre daha düşük olduğu saptanmıştı

    The Unusual Separation Of Cappadocian Refectories And Kitchens: An Enigma Of Architectural History

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    Convergence Analysis for a Modified SP Iterative Method

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    We consider a new iterative method due to Kadioglu and Yildirim (2014) for further investigation. We study convergence analysis of this iterative method when applied to class of contraction mappings. Furthermore, we give a data dependence result for fi…xed point of contraction mappings with the help of the new iteration method

    Prevalence of Listeria spp. in Seafood Samples and Control of Listeria monocytogenes with Using LISTEX™ P100 Bacteriophage Applications in Smoked Rainbow Trout

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    This study was carried out to determine the presence of Listeria spp. in seafood and determine the effect of LISTEX™ P100 bacteriophage applications (incorporated into the sodium alginate based film and applied directly to the surface) on the smoked trout. In this study, Listeria spp. was isolated in 40 of the 100 products analyzed. Among the Listeria isolates, 8% correspond to L. monocytogenes, 15% to L. innocua, 6% to L. seeligeri, 10% to L. welshimeri, and 15 to L. grayi. L. ivanovii was not detected in any of the products analyzed. LISTEX™ P100 bacteriophage as antimicrobial compounds was incorporated into the sodium alginate based film for the first time. Bacteriophage in sodium alginate based film and direct bacteriophage applications in smoked trout were found to be effective in L. monocytogenes inactivation during storage. In addition, the preservation of phage stability of the two groups during storage indicates that in the smoked products can use in the control of L. monocytogenes

    Estimation of Health Risks Associated with Household Dust Contamination in Bolu (Turkey)

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    The levels of metals associated with dust is higher in indoor environment as compared to settled dust or soil in the exterior counterpart in the urban centers. The metals can be transferred to human body via inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact upon exposure and pose a significant health problem. The primary objectives of this study are (i) to determine the levels of metals in home dust samples in Bolu, Turkey, (ii) to assess the associated health risk when citizens are exposed to these metals in indoor environment. To end this, sixteen vacuum cleaning bags containing dust were collected from the homes located in the city center of Bolu (Turkey) between November and December 2017. The collected samples were analyzed by employing Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer in terms of major (Al, Ca, Cl, K, Mg, Na, P, S and Si) and minor (As, Ba, Br, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sn, Sr, Ti, Y, Zn and Zr) metals at Turkish Atomic Energy Agency, Radiation and Accelerator Technologies Department, Ankara (Turkey). The measured levels of metals in the samples were ranged from 6.52±1.60 µg g-1 for Y to 10.4±3.3 % for Na. The crustal enrichment factor (EFcrust) was calculated in order to understand the contamination level of household dust samples as compared to soil composition. EFcrust results revealed that there is minimal enrichment of Si, Rb, Ti, Ba, K, Y and Mn in household dust samples with respect to soil composition. On the other hand, Zn, Cl, and S found to be extremely enriched in the samples according to EFcrust values. Health risk assessment due to household dust metal exposure depicted that ingestion of dust particles is the main route of exposure for both adults and children. Overall, the calculated HQ value lt;1.0 suggesting there is no significant non-carcinogenic health risk for the residents. Cancer risks associated with Pb and Cr were estimated to be within the EPA’s safe limits (1x10-6 and 1.0x10-4)

    Türk Kadınlarının Sağlığı Geliştirme Davranışları

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    Background: Exploration of health promotion practices of women will help community nurses when educating and counseling theseindividuals about health-promoting activities. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe health-promoting life-style behaviors of 210Turkish women and to compare them with those reported from other published studies that used Health-Promoting Life-style Profile.Methods: Sample of this descriptive study included 210 women aged 15-65 years. Data were collected using a questionnaire about sociodemographicfeatures developed by the investigators and Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile. T test and Anova test were used for groupcomparisons. Results: The women included in this study got the highest scores of interpersonal support and self-actualization. However,their total Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile and other subscale scores were generally the same as those reported from other studies and theyhad the lowest scores of exercise. Education made a statistically significant contribution to exercise, health responsibility and stressmanagement scores (p<0.01). Women with broken marriages need more interpersonal support (p<0.05). Low family income has a negativeeffect on health behaviors of women (p<0.01). Conclusion: In view of the results, we can suggest that community nurses should be awareof culture, beliefs, and values of the community for which they provide care and make effort to promote health behaviors of women. Giriş: Kadınların sağlığı geliştirme davranşlarının araştırılması halk sağlığı hemşirelerine sağlığı geliştirme aktivitelerine yönelik eğitim vedanışmanlık yaparken yardımcı olacaktır. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, 210 Türk kadınının sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını tanımlamakve onları sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeğinin kullanıldığı diğer çalışmaların sonuçları ile karşılaştırmaktır. Yöntem: Bu tanımlayıcıçalışmanın örneklemini 15- 65 yaşları arasındaki 210 kadın oluşturmuştur. Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan sosyodemografiközellikler anketi ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Grup karşılaştırmaları için t testi ve Anova testikullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan kadınlar kişilerarası destek ve kendini gerçekleştirme alt ölçeklerinden yüksek puanlar aldı.Buna rağmen, sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği toplam puanları ve diğer alt ölçeklerin puanları genellikle diğer çalışmlarda belirtilendeğerlerle aynı idi ve kadınların egzersiz puanları düşüktü. Eğitim düzeyi egzersiz, sağlık sorumluluğu ve stress yönetimi puanlarındaistatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir katkı sağladı (p<0.01). Evliliği bozulan kadınların daha fazla kişilerarası desteğe ihtiyacı vardı. (p<0.05). Ailegelirinin düşük olması kadınların sağlık davranışları üzerinde olumsuz bir etkiye sahipdi (p<0.01). Sonuç: Sonuçlara bakıldığında, kadınlarınsağlık davranışlarını geliştirmek ve gerekli bakımı sağlamak için halk sağlığı hemşirelerinin toplumun kültürü, inançları, ve değerlerinibilmesi gerektiğini önerebiliriz

    Evaluation of the hematologic system as a marker of subclinical inflammation in hyperemesis gravidarum: a case control study

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    Objectives: Current evidence suggests that subclinical inflammation plays a significant role in the development of hyperemesis gravidarum (HEG). Simple hematological markers, such as mean platelet volume (MPV), neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), have been shown to reflect inflammatory burden and disease activity in several disorders. This study aimed to determine the diagnostic value of these hematological parameters for HEG. Material and methods: A total of 54 HEG patients and 58 age- and gestational-age-matched control subjects were studied. NLR, MPV, PLR, platelet distribution width (PDW), and red cell distribution width (RDW) values in all patients were calculated and recorded from complete blood cell counts. Results: For HEG patients, the median NLR was 3.2 (1.6–7.1), and the median PLR was 143.7 (78.1–334.6); for control subjects, the values were 2.1 (1.0–4.7) and 93.1 (47.3–194.7), respectively. Although both the NLR and PLR of HEG patients were found to be significantly higher than in the controls, no significant difference was found between the study groups in terms of MPV, RDW, or PDW. Correlation analysis revealed a significant correlation between NLR and CRP (r = 0.872, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Our results show that peripheral blood NLR and PLR values can reflect inflammatory burden in HEG patients and can be used as markers for HEG

    Porter’s competition strategies: An implementation in Safranbolu tourism businesses

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    Turizm gelişme göstermeye devam ederken işletmeler arasındaki rekabet de her geçen gün artmaktadır. Artan rekabet koşullarında rakiplerine karşı avantaj sağlamak için işletmelerin kendilerine stratejiler belirlemeleri gerekmektedir. Strateji, amaçlara ulaşmak için oluşturulmuş, rakiplerin çalışmalarını da gözlemleyerek sonuç odaklı, etkin, uzun süreli kararlar topluluğudur. Rekabet ise müşterilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılarken onların beklentilerine karşılık veren stratejilerle sektörde mücadele etmektir. Dolayısıyla, rekabet stratejileri işletmenin konumu ile rakipleri arasındaki farklılık oluşturma düşüncesini kapsamaktadır. Araştırmamız Karabük ili Safranbolu ilçesindeki konaklama işletmelerinin rekabet edilebilirlik düzeylerinin tespiti için uyguladıkları temel rekabet stratejilerinin neler olduğu ve nasıl bir yol izlediklerinin analizini ortaya koymaya çalışmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre işletmelerin Michael Porter’ın toplam maliyet liderliği, farklılaştırma ve odaklanma olarak belirlediği üç jenerik stratejiden çoğunlukla odaklanma stratejisini uyguladıkları anlaşılmıştır.Tourism, while continuing to show improvement, the competition between businesses is increasing with each passing day. In order to gain an advantage over their competitors in increasingly competitive conditions, businesses need to set their own strategies. The strategy is a collection of results-oriented, effective, long-term decisions designed to achieve goals, observing the work of competitors. Competition is to fight in the industry, with strategies that respond to the needs of customers while meeting their expectations. Therefore, competition strategies include the idea of making a difference between the position of businesses and its competitors. Our research has attempted to reveal the analysis of what the main competitive strategies that the tourism businesses in district Safranbolu of Karabük province counts for determining the competitiveness levels of the hospitality businesses are and how they follow the path. According to the results of the research, it is understood that the businesses implement the strategy of focusing mostly than three generic strategies that Michael Porter identifies as total cost leadership, differentiation and focusin