66 research outputs found

    Problematika perkembangan sosial-emosional anak berusia kurang dari 7 tahun ketika masuk kelas I: studi kasus di Kelas I MI Noor Musholla Surabaya

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini dikarenakan adanya beberapa peserta didik yang masuk jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah ketika usianya kurang dari tujuh tahun, menurut Keputusan Dirjen Pendidikan Islam Nomor 7279 Tahun 2020, secara umum, usia ideal untuk seorang anak bisa masuk jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah adalah di usia 7 tahun. Mereka di nilai telah siap, baik dari segi intelektual, emosional, sosial serta spiritual untuk berada jauh dari orangtua dan mandiri dalam belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran perkembangan sosial-emosional pada anak yang masuk MI sebelum usia tujuh tahun. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini 1) Bagaimana perkembangan sosial-emosional peserta didik kelas I-A MI Noor Musholla Surabaya berusia kurang dari tujuh tahun pada saat memasuki jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dalam kesehariannya di madrasah? 2) Apa sajakah faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam proses stimulasi perkembangan sosial-emosional peserta didik kelas I-A MI Noor Musholla Surabaya berusia kurang dari 7 (tujuh) tahun pada saat memasuki jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah? Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, jenis penelitian kualitatif yang digunakan yakni penelitian studi kasus. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, penelitian ini melibatkan 3 orang peserta didik di kelas I-A serta 2 orang guru sebagai informan, dengan pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Pada perkembangan sosial-emosional pada anak yang masuk MI sebelum usia tujuh tahun di MI Noor Musholla Surabaya mengalami beberapa problem, diantaranya yakni kurang mampu menjaga kebersihan dan kerapian diri, sulit berkonsentrasi, belum mampu bertanggung jawab dalam memenuhi tugas serta kebutuhan dirinya, dan memiliki kecenderungan suka bermain. 2) Faktor yang menghambat dan mendukung proses stimulasi perkembangan sosial-emosional anak berasal dari dirinya maupun lingkungannya. Faktor dari lingkungan yang dapat memengaruhi perkembangan sosial-emosional anak adalah dukungan dari guru, pengaruh teman, komunikasi antar guru dan orangtua, serta pola asuh orangtua, sedangkan faktor dari diri anak yakni kesadaran pada diri anak, serta tingkat egonsentris pada anak

    Isolation and characterization of bacteria producing biofilm from food vendors by using congo red broth method and tube method / Engku Noor Fatin Amira Engku Muda

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    The attachment of microorganism onto moist surfaces environment will form biofilm. Biofilm may give negative impact to human health such as causing gastrointestinal disease if improper handling and choosing food from street food vendors. Therefore, this study was conducted to isolate and characterize biofilm producing bacteria from food sold from food vendors in UiTM Kuala Pilah and to compare which method either Congo Red Broth or Tube Method were effective in determining biofilm formation. Exposed food samples such as cheese tart, fried chicken and cooked dishes containing vegetables were taken from food vendors. Through selective media screening and biochemical testing, there were a few pathogenic bacteria characterized. Tube Method was superior techniques to determine biofilm compared to Congo Red Broth method as the results showed strong and moderate of biofilm formation while Congo Red Broth method only showed low biofilm formation. It can be recommended that Tube Method is reliable to detect formation of biofilm

    Color Thresholding Techniques Performance for Night Vision Surveillance Using Thermal Imaging

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    Visible surveillance is commonly an active research worldwide. The need of surveillance allows thermal imaging to participate in this study activity. The drawback of visible surveillance for night monitoring is overcome by the technology of the thermal imaging. To achieve the goal of the surveillance system , the works on detection must be very efficient to do the detection Throughout this research , we developed an algorithm involving thresholding technique for subject detection using thermal image to find the for night surveillance system

    Leadership soft skills and co-curriculum management for university graduates

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    This paper discusses Leadership which is one of the Soft Skills in a graduate’s intrapersonal skills and also Co-curriculum Management skills on the activities that are conducted during their studies. My interests in the subject shows that the soft skills plays an important role in ensuring the graduate’s employability. The findings also point out the effectiveness of Co-curriculum management in public universities based on the literature presented


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    Dengue is an endemic disease that occurs across Malaysia with a large number of fatality cases being recorded each year. The Ministry of Health Malaysia has came out with the national dengue strategic plan in controlling the disease outbreak. Therefore, this study aims to develop a system dynamics model of dengue to help policy makers in simulating the effectiveness of the public health intervention. Simulation model can show the successes and failures of past policies, as well as predicting the consequences of selected policy proposals before their implementation. From this, future research can be done in order to enhance the existing intervention or to prompt new strategy in overcoming the problem

    Test-retest reliability of level-specific CE-Chirp auditory brainstem response in normal-hearing adults

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    Background and Objectives: There is growing interest in the use of the Level-specific (LS) CE-Chirp® stimulus in auditory brainstem response (ABR) due to its ability to produce prominent ABR waves with robust amplitudes. There are no known studies that investigate the test-retest reliability of the ABR to the LS CE-Chirp® stimulus. The present study aims to investigate the test-retest reliability of the ABR to the LS CE-Chirp® stimulus and compare its reliability with the ABR to standard click stimulus at multiple intensity levels in normal-hearing adults. Subjects and Methods: Eleven normal-hearing adults participated. The ABR test was repeated twice in the same clinical session and conducted again in another session. The ABR was acquired using both the click and LS CE-Chirp® stimuli at 4 presentation levels (80, 60, 40, and 20 dBnHL). Only the right ear was tested using the ipsilateral electrode montage. The reliability of the ABR findings (amplitudes and latencies) to the click and LS CE-Chirp®stimuli within the same clinical session and between the two clinical sessions was calculated using an intra-class correlation coefficient analysis (ICC). Results: The results showed a significant correlation of the ABR findings (amplitude and latencies) to both stimuli within the same session and between the clinical sessions. The ICC values ranged from moderate to excellent. Conclusions: The ABR results from both the LS CE-Chirp® and click stimuli were consistent and reliable over the two clinical sessions suggesting that both stimuli can be used for neurological diagnoses with the same reliability

    Detection Technique of Squamous Epithelial Cells in Sputum Slide Images using Image Processing Analysis

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    A good quality sputum is important to detect diseases. The presence of squamous epithelial cells (SEC) in sputum slide images is important to determine the quality of sputum. The presence of overlapping SEC in sputum slide images causes the process become complicated and tedious. Therefore this paper discusses on technique of detection and summation for Squamous Epithelial Cell (SEC) in sputum slide image. We addressed the detection problem by combining K-means and color thresholding algorithm. The design of aided system is evaluated using 200 images and the proposed technique is capable to detect and count each SEC from overlapping SEC image. Total of 200 images were clustered to 10 groups, labelled as Group Cell 1 to group Cell 10 that correspond to the number of cells in the image. Therefore, each group will contain 20 images. The accuracy of the algorithm to detect SEC was also measured, and results show that in 91% which provides a correct SEC detection and summation

    A comparative study of TODIM and TOPSIS approach to multi criteria decision making (MCDM) / Farah Nur Hamizah Zainon and Fatin Amira Abdul Halim

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    This research is focusing on the application of an acronym in Po11uguese for Interactive and Multi- Criteria Decision Making (TODIM) and a Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods to solve the multi criteria decision making. The problem with this study is there is a lot of method in fuzzy sets that can be used to solve the multi criteria decision making (MCDM) and it is quite hard for the decision maker to choose the best selection and ranking the different alternatives. The objectives of this research are to apply TOD IM and TOPSI S method in MCDM and to study the alternatives ranking between TODIM and TOPSIS method. First process of methodology is applied the TOD IM method to solve the selection in the best offer from set of proposal by Roszkowska (2011) and a comparative study of classical TOP SIS and new TOPSIS method by Garcia-Cascales & Lamata (2012). Next, process of application TOPSIS method in the selection in the elective courses by Aytac, Tus, & Kundakci (2016) and in the selection in the residential properties by Uysal & Omur (2014). From this study, the result shows the most impo11ant alternative based on the prefe1Ted criteria after applying TODIM and TOPSIS methods

    Influence of stimulus polarity on the auditory brainstem response from level-specific chirp

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    Background and Objectives: No known studies have investigated the influence of stimulus polarity on the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) elicited from level-specific (LS) chirp. This study is important as it provides a better understanding of the stimulus polarity selection for ABR elicited from LS chirp stimulus. We explored the influence of stimulus polarity on the ABR from LS chirp compared to the ABR from click at 80 dBnHL in normal-hearing adults. Subjects and Methods: Nineteen adults with normal hearing participated. The ABRs were acquired using click and LS chirp stimuli using three stimulus polarities (rarefaction, condensation, and alternating) at 80 dBnHL. The ABRs were tested only on the right ear at a stimulus rate of 33.33 Hz. The ABR test was stopped when the recording reached the re- sidual noise level of 0.04 μV. The ABRs amplitudes, absolute latencies, inter-peak latencies (IPLs), and the recorded number of averages were statistically compared among ABRs at different stimulus polarities and stimuli combinations. Results: Rarefaction polarity had the largest ABR amplitudes and SNRs compared with other stimulus polarities in both stimuli. There were marginal differences in the absolute latencies and IPLs among stimulus polarities. No significant difference in the number of averages required to reach the stopping criteria was found. Conclusions: Stimulus polarities have a significant influence on the ABR to LS chirp. Rarefaction polarity is recommended for clinical use because of its larger ABR peak I, III, and V amplitudes than those of the other stimulus polaritie

    Construction waste management practices in Malaysia: an overview

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    The construction industry is one of the major wealth-generating industries and is seen as an elevated sector in the Malaysia economy. However, this activity has generated a significant amount of waste which is detrimental to the environment. The increasing amount of waste from construction projects has shown that construction waste management has not been practised effectively in Malaysia. Therefore, an overview of the composition of construction waste and existing waste management practices on construction sites in Malaysia are the highlights of this study. The findings can potentially be used to enhance the effectiveness of construction waste management in Malaysia and create awareness among contractors for a better alternative in managing the construction waste on-site. Current practices in the construction sector need to be analysed in order to enhance strategies so that improved and more sustainable design, development, operation and maintenance will be attained, leading to minimal waste