392 research outputs found


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    AbstractThis study aims to find out (1) The Development of Demand for Balinese Beef (2) the feasibility of Bali Cattle business and (3) the prospect of agribusiness development of Bali Cattle.The research was conducted in Tombolo Pao subdistrict and Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. The determination of the research location was done deliberately and the selection of samples was determined randomly, namely 76 farmers respondents from a total population of 320 farmers.  Data collection is done by direct interview, observation and documentation. The data was analyzed using trend analysis, R/C Ratio analysis and SWOT analysis.The results showed that the demand for Balinese beef is projected to increase by 125,461 kg per year.  Bali Cattle farming business is worth trying because it can provide benefits to farmers of Rp. 3,938,881.4 kg per year or Rp. 328,240 per month with an R/C Ratio of 1.41.  The prospect of bali cattle development based on strength and opportunities has good prospects to be developed. Keywords: Bali Cattle Farming Business and Agribusiness System Implementation

    Implementasi Pembinaan Kepribadian Melalui Kesadaran Beragama Terhadap Narapidana Lanjut Usia

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    This study aims to describe the process of implementing personality development for elderly prisoners in class IIB prison in Klaten, Central Java. The research approach used a qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out through observation and in-depth interviews. Through this research, some information was obtained, such as; The personality development program for the elderly is carried out through religious awareness by strengthening the values of religiosity, self-motivation, and increasing the physical endurance of elderly prisoners. Coaching activities are carried out through counseling and training. Personality coaching is still not running optimally. In conclusion, this activity has a great impact on elderly prisoners but has not been implemented maximally due to limited facilities and infrastructure that cannot be maximally realized by class II penitentiary institutions Klaten, Central Java, not only that, the implementation process has not been maximized due to other factors such as physical and the age of the elderly inmates themselves. The implication of the results of this study is expected to be able to provide improvements from stakeholders who can provide policies so that correctional institutions can provide treatment and guidance to elderly prisoners in the future. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses implementasi pembinaan kepribadian narapidana yang sudah lanjut usia di lapas kelas IIB Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara secara mendalam. Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh beberapa informasi, seperti; program pembinaan kepribadian lansia yang dilakukan melalui kesadaran beragama dengan penguatan nilai-nilai religiositas, motivasi diri, dan peningkatan ketahanan fisik narapidana lansia. Aktivitas pembinaan dilaksanakan melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Pembinaan kepribadian masih belum berlangsung dengan maksimal. Simpulannya, kegiatan ini sangat berdampak untuk narapidana lansia namun belum terimplementasi dengan maksimal dikarenakan keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana yang belum bisa dapat direalisasikan dengan maksimal oleh institusi lembaga pemasyarakatan kelas II Klaten, Jawa Tengah, tidak hanya itu, belum maksimalnya proses implementasi dikarenakan faktor lainnya seperti fisik dan usia narapidana lansia itu sendiri. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan perbaikan dari para stakeholder yang mampu memberikan kebijakan sehingga lembaga pemasyarakatan dapat memberikan perlakuan dan pembinaan terhadap narapidana yang sudah lanjut usia ke depannya dengan maksimal

    Job satisfaction at the Sabah Youth and Sport (Federal) Department / Fatimah Abd Rahman

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    This study surveyed the job satisfaction at the Sabah Youth and Sport (Federal) Department, Kota Kinabalu. It aimed to determine the level of job satisfaction at the Sabah Youth and Sport (Federal) Department and it identified possible ways to increased and improved the job satisfaction at the Youth and Sport (Federal) Department. The respondents were 40 staff and officers from Management and Professional (Grade S41-S52), Support Group 1 (Grade N17-N26, Grade S17-S38) and Support Group 2 (Grade N16 and below). Data was collected by questionnaire and some interview to respondents. The questionnaire had asked about level of satisfaction with variable factors that associated to job satisfaction at the Sabah Youth and Sport (Federal) Department. Findings showed that staff and officer were satisfied with their job. All independent variables such as compensation, opportunities for growth, workplace environment and resources, teamwork, leadership and policy does not given any differences toward respondents in three group of post category and it is significantly associated with job satisfaction among staff and officer at the Sabah Youth and Sport (Federal) Department

    Online Sport Booking System

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    This paper reports that the functionality and usability ofthe online system on internet. In using web technology, it will delivers the promise of access to information from anywhere in the world. Booking sport facilities is difficult nowadays because people are quite busy and do not have enough time to go to sport council just for making a reservation. To overcome this problem, this project will helps their residents to organize the data and the information into better style and format and also to their customers so they can make a reservation easily through internet connection because in Perak, the government has taken a good advantage ofInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) by built K-Perak. Every council or department also must take this opportunity in improving and update their e-services regularly because in this new era, people are start using e-service in order to save their time and money. Ifother country can make used of this new technology of ICT too, life will become easier and we can save a lot oftime. Besides that, we also can improve our culture and our generation to a next step which is more intellectual and independent same as other countries in this world

    Important criteria for measuring heritage building condition

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    The excellence condition of a heritage building lies not only in the appearance of its individual elements, but also in the integrity of all its components, considered as unique criteria of the specific construction technology of its time and place. However, these criteria are varied and not specific. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and rank the important criteria for measuring the condition of heritage buildings in Malaysia. Data obtained through questionnaire and analyzed using Average Index (AI) in order to establish the important criteria. Samples were selected from a panel of experts in the field of heritage buildings management including industry players and academicians. The established criteria will be used as components to develop a new method of heritage building condition determination model in Malaysia

    Preparation and characterizations of poly (aniline-co-m-aminobenzoic acid) / polystyrene composite nanofibers and films

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    In this research, a simple method was used to synthesize poly(aniline-co-m-aminobenzoic acid) also known as P(ANI-co- m-ABA) composite polystyrene (PS) nanofibers by using in situ chemical polymerization technique. The copolymer was polymerized on electrospun PS nanofibers mats with varied monomers solution concentration and the polymerization time. P(ANI-co-m-ABA) was also polymerized on PS films were prepared for comparison. The conductivity of the composites was studied and the result showed addition of graphene (GP) into the composites improved the conductivity of the composites. The composites of P(ANI-co-m-ABA)/PS nanofibers and films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy. Surface morphology of the composite was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Lake water treatment using effective microorganisms (EM) solution and mudballs

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    Water pollution is a change in the physical, thermal, chemical or biological properties of water that may affect any beneficial use, causing a hazardous condition to public health and safety or to life and plants [1]. Water pollution also has many sources. Humans and other organisms produce bodily hat continues to flow into rivers, lakes, oceans and other surface waters, at high concentrations these residues can cause bacterial pollution and excessive nutrient loading (eutrophication)