1,081 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with COPD

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    Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is beneficial for patients with COPD, with improvement in exercise capacity and health-related quality of life. Despite these overall benefits, the responses to PR vary significantly among different individuals. It is not clear if PR is beneficial for patients with COPD and normal exercise capacity. Although it is believed that longer pulmonary rehabilitation programs can provide better results, most of the evidence comes from short-term programs. Objective: The objective of this analysis was to determine the effectiveness of respiratory services provided in the hospital or community by respiratory therapists (RTs) in reducing health care utilization and improving patient outcomes. The aim was to evaluate the outcomes of a comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methodology: All 65 Pakistani patients who met the inclusion criteria with ages between 40 to 65 years, including both male and female, with mild to severe COPD were enrolled in the study on the basis of convenient sampling. Informed consent was taken from each patient starting about the study and their rights to withdraw from study. A demographics detail (name, age, sex) was noted along with the necessary medical history. A questionnaire was made to see the effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD. All necessary tests were performed to evaluate the patient betterment completely. Results: The mean FEV1 in the subjects was 1.29 ± 0.47 L/min, 64.8 ± 23.0% of predicted. Clinically there is a little effect on CXR pattern, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC after pulmonary rehabilitation. But overall quality of life improved after pulmonary rehabilitation. Mainly improvement occurs in peak expiratory flow rate, BORG dyspnea scale, 6 mint walk test distance (meters) and Oxygen saturation after rehabilitation. Conclusion: These results showed that patients with COPD had benefited from a comprehensive PR program in an out-patient setting regardless of disease severity. Exercise training can result in significant improvement in health-related quality of life, exercise capacity, respiratory muscle strength, and exertional dyspnea in subjects with COPD and normal exercise capacity

    Interferensi Gramatikal pada Peristiwa Tutur Berbahasa Indonesia Mahasiswa Kepulauan Kei Bagian Timur Indonesia di Surabaya

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    Kepulauan Kei merupakan daerah kepulauan yang berada di bagian timur Indonesia. Terdiri dari gugusan pulau-pulau kecil, kepulauan Kei terbagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu bagian Kei kecil dan Kei besar. Keduanya pun memiliki dailek bahasa Kei masing-masing. Meskipun berbeda dialek, kepulauan Kei memiliki bahasa pemersatu antar masyarakat yaitu bahasa melayu timur. Bahasa melayu timur adalah bahasa Indonesia yang telah terinterferensi B1 bahasa Kei. Bahasa tersebut pun kemudian menjadi bahasa penghantar masyarakat berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat non- Kei seperti suku Buton, suku Bugis, suku Arab dan suku pendatang lainnya. Munculnya bahasa melayu timur hingga bahasa Indonesia tidak terlepas dari pengaruh B1 bahasa Kei. bahasa Kei menjadi pendonor yang mampu menginterferensi pembendaharaan bahasa bagi penuturnya yang meliputi pengimbuhan, reduplikasi, hingga pola kalimat. interfensi tersebut menyebabkan tingkat kesulitan yang besar bagi masyarakat kepulaun Kei dalam mempelajari bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini karena bahasa Kei merupakan B1 yang telah lama digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk interferensi gramatikal yang meliputi ranah morfologis afikasasi dan reduplikasi. Juga pada ranah sintaksis interferensi frasa nomina dan pola kalimat. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian tersebut berubah data interferensi bahasa Kei pada Bahasa Indonesia yang dituturkan oleh subjek. Data-data tersebut diantaranya adalah gigi sakit dan katanya dong sewa polisi. Gigi sakit merupakan data yang menunjukkan interferensi sintaksis frasa nomina. Sedangkan, pada data katanya dong sewa polisi menunjukkan interferensi sintaksis pola kalimat sebab penggunaan kata sewa. Kata sewa merupakan nomina, sedangkan dalam kalimat tersebut menghendaki penggunaan verba menyewa. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori interferensi gramatikal. interferensi gramatikal tersebut terdiri dari interferensi morfologis yaitu pada ranah afikasasi dan reduplikasi. Juga pada ranah sintaksis pada ranah frasa nomina dan pola kalimat. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode simak dan teknik sadap sebagi teknik dasar dan dilanjutkan dengan teknik simak libat cakap. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah petistiwa tutur berbahasa Indonesia oleh oleh subjek penelitian yakni mahasiswa kepulauan Kei di Surabaya, menunjukkan adanya interferensi gramatikal. Interefernsi tersebut terjadi pada tataran afikasasi, reduplikasi, frasa nomina hingga pola kalimat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, ditemukan faktor-faktor penyebab interferensi. Sehingga, solusi atas permasalahan tersebut dapat dipecahkan melalui penelitian ini

    Moroccan consumer behavior during the introduction of participatory banks

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    Abstract. Nowadays, participatory banks have emerged in Morocco and they are finally operational. Bank Al Maghrib gives the green light to five of them. Not only fierce competition between them, but also with conventional banks. An environment conditioned by the implementation of a marketing strategy that will be used by the participating banks.The purpose of this article is to analyze the results of the work done in this area. This contribution aims at first identifying the state of Islamic finance in Morocco, and second, to study the behavior of a demanding consumer.Keywords. Participatory banking, Islamic finance, Consumer behavior.JEL. G21, G30, G39

    Approximate mechanical impedance of a thin linear elastic slab

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    An elastic deformable body covered with a thin elastic layer is considered. In the literature, it is well known that the effect of thin layers can be described by impedance boundary conditions. In this paper, we consider a planar geometry, and compute the mechanical impedance defined on the exterior surface of the elastic slab. It is given through a relation between the traction tensor and the displacement. In Fourier space it is a pseudodifferential operator of order one. After computing the exact mechanical impedance, we give an approximate impedance problem at order three with respect to the thickness of the thin elastic layer


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     Our aim in this paper is to establish the weak existence theorem andfind under suitable assumptions sufficient conditions on m,pm, p andthe initial data for which the blow up takes place for the followingboundary value problem:|u_t|^{\rho}u_{tt}-\Delta u-\Deltau_{tt}+\displaystyle\int_{0}^{t}g(t-s)\Delta u(s)ds+|u_{t}|^{m(x)-2}u_{t}=|u|^{p(x)-2}u.This paper extends some of the results obtained by the authors and it is focused on new results which are consequence of the presence ofvariable exponents.

    Teachers Motivation for Professional Development as a Means of Increasing Preschool Education Quality

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    The purpose of this research was to determine teachers professional development motivation as a way to improve the quality of preschool education. In the study, the descriptive survey model was used in quantitative research models. The study group of the research consisted of 307 preschool teachers working in various preschool education institutions in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The professional development motivation scale of preschool teachers was created by this study’s researchers. A quantitative analysis program was used to analyze the data. Since the Kolmogorov - Smirnov value indicated normal distribution, parametric tests were applied to the data set. Weighted mean, standard deviation, independent groups T-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied to analyze the data. As a result of the research, preschool teachers attitudes towards professional development motivation as a way to improve the quality of education were found to be high. It was determined that there was a significant difference in the attitudes of the preschool teachers participating in the research regarding their professional development motivation as a way to improve the quality of education, in favor of female preschool teachers, according to the gender variable. It has been determined that there is a significant difference in the attitudes of preschool teachers regarding their professional development motivation as a way to improve the quality of education, in favor of preschool teachers with 1-5 years and 6-10 years of professional seniority, according to the professional seniority variable

    4-H Senegal Community of Practice Developing STEM Curricula that Leads to Youth-driven Discovery and Innovation

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    In 2015, Jeunesse en Agriculture (JEA), French for “Youth in Agriculture” formed 4-H clubs in Senegal, West Africa. JEA set out to develop culturally relevant STEM curricula for their 4-H youth learners. This led to the novel formation of the 4-H Senegal STEM Community of Practice (CoP), a group designed to create engaging content and activities that leverage local interest and resources. The CoP Practice used a conceptual framework that applies the United States National Research Council’s Engage-Respond-Connect framing as criteria contextualized for 4-H Senegal STEM learning. JEA team members and the CoP used a design-based educational research approach to developing and testing new STEM curricula. The STEM curricula use the Do- Reflect- Apply model for learning through experience, along with scientific inquiry and engineering design as methodologies for youth learners to investigate and develop solutions on topics of their interest. This research note describes 4-H Senegal’s development of meaningful STEM content that enables youth-driven discovery and innovation

    Approximate impedance for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations in a non planar domain with contrasted multi-thin layers

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    The aim of this paper is to give asymptotic models for the impedance of contrasted multi-thin layers for the harmonic Maxwell’s equations. We start from a transmission problem which describes the scattering of electromagnetic waves by an obstacle covered with a thin coating (superposition of different thin layers of dielectric materials). We show how to model the effect of the thin coating by an impedance boundary conditions on the boundary of the propagation domain. To this end, we use a technique of abstract differential equations

    Pola Jaringan Komunikasi Kelompok dalam Menumbuhkan Solidaritas Aksi Unjuk Rasa Mahasiswa di Kota Makassar

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    The demonstration is a form of movements performed by students of university group to deliver all the demands and aspirations for a change. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of communication networks and how patterns of communication network used in grow up demonstration solidarity students of university in Makassar. This research is conducted at three universities in Makassar; there were Makassar State University (UNM), Alauddin-Makassar State Islamic University (UIN Makassar) and Muhammadiyah Makassar University (Unismuh Makassar). This type of research is the Field Research; this research used quantitative and qualitative research methods. The Research design used in this research was the design of a simple regression linear and quantitative approach is conducted by interviewing agency chairman and general coordinator of the action or the field to know the type of pattern used in communication networks grow up demonstration solidarity students of university in Makassar. This research finds that the influence of communication networks in demonstration solidarity students of university, with the amount of influence r = 0.432 or 43.2% (moderate correlation), the remaining 56.8% of solidarity students of university influenced by other variables not examined as a variable influence (predictors). In the studied group of student organizations, there are two types of patterns of communication network used in the student solidarity chain network model (Chain) and free network model (All-channel)

    Expressed emotion and wellbeing in South Asian heritage families living in the UK

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    The primary aim of this paper was to understand expressed emotion (EE) and its relationship to wellbeing in South Asians (SAs) living in the UK. A total of 529 participants of South Asian heritage were recruited from the UK and completed an online survey consisting of the family questionnaire, the level of expressed emotion scale (LEE), warmth measure, the hospital anxiety and depression scale. Components of EE and wellbeing were investigated using network analysis. Overall, the participants were classified as low EE for criticism, but high for emotional overinvolvement. They scored relatively high on the warmth scale. LEE scores were in the middle range. The network analysis revealed unique associations between EE subscales and symptoms of depression and anxiety, and highlighted positive aspects of EE. The network analysis also highlighted differences in EE between parents and partner. The findings provide an overview of the interactions and influence of EE variables within this population. Future research should focus on the differences between SA ethnicities and religions; differentiating between intrusive and non-intrusive involvement may help further explain part of the variance between variables; exploring first and second-generation immigrants would help discover the impact of acculturation and intergenerational trauma on EE