361 research outputs found

    Importación de autopartes chinas al mercado peruano en el periodo 2008-2014

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el crecimiento de las Importaciones de Autopartes Chinas al Mercado Peruano en el 2008 – 2014. El tipo y diseño de investigación fue descriptivo correlacional, el objeto de estudio de esta investigación estuvo constituida por las principales empresas importadoras en el rubro Automotor, no requerimos de una técnica o instrumento especial de recolección datos, porque nuestros datos fueron ex post facto. Se concluyó según los resultados obtenidos que existe una relación entre los indicadores que son el valor, volumen y precio

    Propuesta de mejora de la gestión de inventarios en la empresa Dulcemanía & Service E.I.R.L. para incrementar los ingresos

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    En la presente investigación se detectó una deficiente gestión de inventarios en la empresa DULCEMANÍA & SERVICE E.I.R.L., la cual se dedica a la venta al por mayor de alimentos, dulces, y artículos de fiesta. El principal problema que enfrenta son los bajos ingresos, debido a que no existen políticas claras de planificación de la demanda, almacenamiento y control de inventarios, existen elevados costes logísticos, ingresos no percibidos por roturas de stock, demoras innecesarias, y no cuenta con trabajadores capacitados con alguna herramienta tecnológica. Los costes logísticos representan actualmente el 25,75% de las ventas totales, lo cual, según LALC [23], rebaza el límite. Calculando, la empresa está dejando de percibir un 9,26% de beneficios por su deficiente gestión de inventarios, lo cual, reflejado en soles, se traduce a un monto de 676 180,9 soles. Por este motivo, se inicia con un diagnóstico de la situación actual de la empresa para poder definir de manera más exacta los indicadores de rentabilidad, logísticos y de pérdidas con respecto a ventas con el fin de mejorar el sistema de gestión de inventarios que incremente los ingresos de la empresa. Finalmente se realiza un estudio costo-beneficio obteniendo como resultado un TIR de 108% y un VAN de 778 981,14 soles

    Interaction of genotype, water availability, and nitrogen fertilization on the mineral content of wheat grain

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    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that genetic variability is the key driver of mineral concentration in wheat grain in Mediterranean conditions. We grew 12 modern winter wheat varieties in semi-arid conditions and alkaline soils, in two consecutive years of contrasting water availability, and at three rates of N-fertilization: 64, 104, and 130 Kg N/ha. The genotype was the main driver of [Ca], [K], [Mg], and [S] in wheat grain, while the environmental conditions were more relevant for [Fe] and [Zn]. The nitrogen fertilization rate had little effect. The thousand-grain weight correlated negatively with the mineral concentration in the grain, revealing the importance of grain shape. CH-Nara grains were highly nutritious making this variety a potential source of germplasm. The knowledge gained from this study will guide future breeding and agronomic practices and guarantee food safety in the region in the advent of climate change.This work was supported in part by the Spanish projects PID2019-106650RB from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. FZR is the recipient of a research grant (FI-AGAUR) sponsored by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), in collaboration with the University of Barcelona. JLA acknowledges the support from ICREA Academia, the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, Spain

    Arabidopsis AtDjA3 null mutant shows increased sensitivity to abscisic acid, salt, and osmotic stress in germination and post-germination stages

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    "DnaJ proteins are essential co-chaperones involved in abiotic and biotic stress responses. Arabidopsis AtDjA3 gene encodes a molecular co-chaperone of 420 amino acids, which belongs to the J-protein family. In this study, we report the functional characterization of the AtDjA3 gene using the Arabidopsis knockout line designated j3 and the 35S::AtDjA3 overexpression lines. Loss of AtDjA3 function was associated with small seed production. In fact, j3 mutant seeds showed a reduction of 24% in seed weight compared to Col-0 seeds. Expression analysis showed that the AtDjA3 gene was modulated in response to NaCl, glucose, and abscisic acid (ABA). The j3 line had increased sensitivity to NaCl and glucose treatments in the germination and cotyledon development in comparison to parental Col-0. Furthermore, the j3 mutant line exhibited higher ABA sensitivity in comparison to parental Col-0 and 35S::AtDjA3 overexpression lines. In addition, we examined the expression of ABI3 gene, which is a central regulator in ABA signaling, in j3 mutant and 35S:rAtDjA3 overexpression lines. Under 5 RNA ABA treatment at 24 h, j3 mutant seedlings displayed higher ABI3 expression, whereas in 35S::AtDjA3 overexpression lines, ABI3 gene expression was repressed. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the AtDjA3 gene is involved in seed development and abiotic stress tolerance.

    Agronomical and analytical trait data assessed in a set of quinoa genotypes growing in the UAE under different irrigation salinity conditions

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    The importance of quinoa has been emphasized considerably in the recent decades, as a highly nutritional crop seed that is tolerant to salinity and amenable to arid agronomical conditions. The focus of this paper is to provide raw and a supplemental data of the research article entitled "Agronomic performance of irrigated quinoa in desert areas: comparing different approaches for early assessment of salinity stress" [1], aiming to compare different approaches for early detection, at the genotypic and crop levels, of the effect of salinity caused by irrigation on the agronomic performance of this crop. A set of 20 genotypes was grown under drip irrigation in sandy soil, amended with manure, at the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (UAE) for two weeks, after which half of the trial was submitted to irrigation with saline water and this was continued until crop maturity. After eight weeks of applying the two irrigation regimes, pigment contents were evaluated in fully expanded leaves. The same leaves were then harvested, dried and the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions (δ13C and δ15N) and the total nitrogen and carbon contents of the dry matter analyzed, together with ion concentrations. At maturity yield components were assessed and yield harvested. Data analysis demonstrated significant differences in genotypes response under each treatment, within all assessed parameters. The significant level was provided using the Tukey-b test on independent samples. The present dataset highlights the potential use of different approaches to crop phenotyping and monitoring decision making

    Dataset of above and below ground traits assessed in Durum wheat cultivars grown under Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions

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    Ideotypic characteristics of durum wheat associated with higher yield under different water and temperature regimes were studied under Mediterranean conditions. The focus of this paper is to provide raw and supplemental data from the research article entitled "Durum wheat ideotypes in Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions" [1], which aims to define specific durum wheat ideotypes according to their responses to different agronomic conditions. In this context, six modern (i.e. post green revolution) genotypes with contrasting yield performance (i.e. high vs low yield) were grown during two consecutive years under different treatments: (i) winter planting under support-irrigation conditions, (ii) winter planting under rainfed conditions, (iii) late planting under support-irrigation. Trials were conducted at the INIA station of Colmenar de Oreja (Madrid). Different traits were assessed to inform about water status (canopy temperature at anthesis and stable carbon isotope composition (delta C-13) of the flag leaf and mature grains), root performance (root traits and the oxygen isotope composition (delta O-18) in the stem base water), phenology (days from sowing to heading), nitrogen status/photosynthetic capacity (nitrogen content and stable isotope composition (delta N-15) of the flag leaf and mature grain together with the pigment contents and the nitrogen balance index (NBI) of the flag leaf), crop growth (plant height (PH) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at anthesis), grain yield and agronomic yield components. For most of the parameters assessed, data analysis demonstrated significant differences among genotypes within each treatment. The level of significance was determined using the Tukey-b test on independent samples, and ideotypes were modelled from the results of principle component analysis. The present data shed light on traits that help to define specific ideotype characteristics that confer genotypic adaptation to a wide range of agronomic conditions produced by variations in planting date, water conditions and seasonThis study was supported by the Spanish projects PID2019-106650RB-C21 and PCIN-2017-063, from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain. FZR is a recipient of a research grant (FI-AGAUR) sponsored by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) in collaboration with the University of Barcelona (UB) . We thank the personnel from the exper-imental station of INIA at Colmenar de Oreja (Aranjuez) for their continued support of our re-search. We thank the members of the Integrative Crop Ecophysiology Group for their assistance during the data assessment of the study. We extend our thanks to The Water Research Institute (IdRA) for their financial support to cover laboratory analyses. JLA acknowledges support from ICREA Academia, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain. We thank Dr. J.Voltas from the University of Lleida, Spain, for his support with the delta 18O water analyses

    Remote sensing techniques and stable isotopes as phenotyping tools to assess wheat yield performance: effects of growing temperature and vernalization

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    This study compares distinct phenotypic approaches to assess wheat performance under different growing temperatures and vernalization needs. A set of 38 (winter and facultative) wheat cultivars were planted in Valladolid (Spain) under irrigation and two contrasting planting dates: normal (late autumn), and late (late winter). The late plating trial exhibited a 1.5 °C increase in average crop temperature. Measurements with different remote sensing techniques were performed at heading and grain filling, as well as carbon isotope composition (δ13C) and nitrogen content analysis. Multispectral and RGB vegetation indices and canopy temperature related better to grain yield (GY) across the whole set of genotypes in the normal compared with the late planting, with indices (such as the RGB indices Hue, a* and the spectral indices NDVI, EVI and CCI) measured at grain filling performing the best. Aerially assessed remote sensing indices only performed better than ground-acquired ones at heading. Nitrogen content and δ13C correlated with GY at both planting dates. Correlations within winter and facultative genotypes were much weaker, particularly in the facultative subset. For both planting dates, the best GY prediction models were achieved when combining remote sensing indices with δ13C and nitrogen of mature grains. Implications for phenotyping in the context of increasing temperatures are further discussed

    Propuesta didáctica para promover la vivencia de la fe en los estudiantes de segundo año de educación secundaria de una institución educativa privada de Surquillo (Lima)

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    La propuesta pedagógica presentada tiene como fundamento teórico el Paradigma Socio cognitivo Humanista, pues se tiene en cuenta tanto en la aplicación como en la práctica del modelo pedagógico presentado en el presente trabajo. Las actividades aquí presentadas tienen un desarrollo lógico, que muestran como desarrollar e incentivar la adquisición de competencias dentro del aula. Por lo cual en el primer capítulo se presentan la realidad problemática, los objetivos y la justificación. En el segundo capítulo, se presentan los fundamentos teóricos sobre los que está basado el Paradigma Socio cognitivo Humanista, que son la Teoría Cognitiva y la Teoría Sociocontextual. Por último, en el tercer capítulo se desarrolla la programación curricular, donde también se encuentra la programación general, específica, los materiales de apoyo, las evaluaciones de progreso y de unidad. Es así, que en el presente trabajo se muestra una propuesta concreta y completa para desarrollar las competencias en los estudiantes de segundo año de secundaria en el área de educación religiosaTrabajo de suficiencia profesiona