66 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis of the Effect of Exchange Rate Movement on Stock Market Performance in Nigeria

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    This paper investigates the impact and causal relationship between exchange rate movement and stock market performance in Nigeria using monthly data spanning from February 2001 to December 2017. Estimated models include pre-crisis, crisis, post-crisis, and the primary model. Johanson co-integration, IGARCH (1,1) and Pairwise Granger causality techniques were used for the analysis. The result of the co-integration test suggested the absence of a long-run relationship among the variables. The estimated IGARCH (1,1) model revealed that the exchange rate and money supply have positive impact on stock market performance. Furthermore, the paper established evidence of a one-way causality from exchange rate to stock market performance in the primary and pre-crisis models and no causality during the crisis and post-crisis periods. Thus, we recommend that the monetary authority should pay close attention to exchange rate movement, address the problem of market manipulations, and employ robust measures to protect the stock market from possible future crisis

    Fabrication Characteristics and Performance Enhancement of Nb18W16O93 and MoNb12O33 Nanowires for Lithium-Ion Batteries Application

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    To date, graphite is widely employed as an anode material for Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) because it has demonstrated superior cycling stability and high specific capacity in comparison with other potential anode materials. However, the use of graphite as an anode material in LiBs has been limited by its safety concern as well as low energy density. Thus, it is imperative to develop a new anode material to address these shortcomings. To this end, niobium-based oxide nanowires had been proposed as one of the alternative materials as a potential anode for LiBs. These materials have demonstrated high theoretical capacity, significant structural stability, high power density, and environmental friendliness. Furthermore, the enhanced performance of nanowires compared to their bulk counterparts as a material for LIBs anodes has motivated researchers to focus more attention on nanowires. Nevertheless, the kinetics of electrochemical reactions in these compounds is hindered by their intrinsically poor electronic conductivity and electron transfer properties. These tend to be significant flaws restricting their practical use in LIBs. More so, it is desirable to enhance its electrochemical performance to meet the needs of current energy applications. Consequently, investigations are carried out on two niobium based compounds namely niobium tungsten oxide (Nb18W16O93) and niobium-molybdenum oxide (MoNb12O33) nanowires. The nanowires of both materials were fabricated using the electrospinning technique. Firstly, the effect of working parameters on the electrospinning of Nb18W16O93 and MoNb12O33 nanofibers were studied and optimized using central composite design (CCD) based on the response surface methodology (RSM). Experiments were designed to assess the effects of five variables including the applied voltage (V), spinning distance (D), polymer concentration (P), flow rate (F), and addition of NaCl (N) on the resulting diameter of the nanofibers. Prediction models obtained using these variables and verified through analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that all variables, except flow rate, significantly influenced the nanofibers diameter. These models were used in subsequent experiments to set experimental variables for fabricating Nb18W16O93 and MoNb12O33 nanofibers with reduced diameter. To enhance the electrochemical activities of Nb18W16O93, pristine and nickel-doped (Ni = 1 wt.%, 3 wt.%, 5 wt.%) Nb18W16O93 nanowires were fabricated using the electrospinning technique, followed by annealing. The effect of nickel doping content on the morphology, structure, and electrochemical performance of Nb18W16O93 nanowires was investigated. The findings from the electrochemical experiments reveal that the 3 wt.% nickel-doped nanowires display an impressive capacity retention of 93.1% over 500 cycles at a high current rate of 5 C. Moreover, Ni doping considerably boosted the electronic conductivity in Nb18W16O93 comparison to the pristine nanowires. The CV test results also demonstrate that Ni doping reduces polarization and enhances the lithium-ion diffusion coefficient. Furthermore, the possibility of enhancing the electronic conductivity, lithium-ion mobility, and electrochemical kinetics of MoNb12O33 was also explored by fabricating NMO and NMO@H-Ar nanowires (@H-Ar denotes heat treatment under Hydrogen and Argon mixture). The hydrogenation treatment resulted in outstanding electrochemical kinetics, including high reversible specific capacity, high initial coulombic efficiency, excellent long-term cycling stability, and good rate performance. This study concludes that Ni doping and hydrogenation treatment considerably improved the electrochemical activities of Nb18W16O93 and MoNb12O33 nanofibers, which is beneficial for developing new anode materials for LIBs

    Amnesty as a Panacea for the Resolution of Resource Control Conflicts in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region

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    The objective of this paper is to determine the extentto which the implementation of the amnesty programme in theNigeria’s Niger Delta region has reduced the incidence ofmilitancy insurrection and conflicts in the area. The paperadopted qualitative approach and relies on secondary data,using the combination of analytical and descriptive method toassess the effects of amnesty programme in the resolution ofresource control conflicts in Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Thepaper observes that in spite of the implementation of theAmnesty programme by various civilian administrations since2008, recent reports demonstrate that militancy and theattendant consequences are still being experienced in the region.The paper submits that unless the factors causing violentconflicts in the region such as marginalisation, environmentaldegradation, inequitable distribution of oil revenues andunderdevelopment are addressed; the present peace in theregion may not subsist for long. It recommends measures forsuccessful implementation of amnesty in order to achieverelative peace in the region in particular and Nigeria as a whole

    Production of Enamel Stains from Igbokoda Silica Sand

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    Silica sand was sourced from Igbokoda, ondo state, this was washed, dried and the percentage clay and organic matter present in the silica sand determined. Some percentage of the silica sand was used to compose different batches of  enamel compositio and was fired to a temperature of 1200oC. The compositions were fritted in metallic bucket and then pulverized to form powder. The powder was mix with gum arabic to form a paste and this was used to print on ceramic wares and glass cups. The printed wares were tested to determine the resistance of the wares to acid and base environment. From the test, the result showed that the enamel produced exhibit a good resistance to acid and base. Keywords: Enamel, frits and  Igbokoda silic

    The effect of electrodes on the voltage generation of microbial fuel cell

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    Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device that coverts the chemical energy contents of organic matter to electrical energy by the catalytic action of microorganisms. Cow dungs as organic substrates were used in three sets of dual chambered MFCs to study the effects ofelectrodes on the open circuit voltage (OCV) generation of MFC. The anode and cathode compartments were connected using a protonexchange membrane, 1 kg of the cow dung diluted with 500 ml of water was introduced in the anode compartment of each of the setups. The electrode configurations for set-up 1, 2 and 3 respectively were Carbon-Carbon(C-C), carbon-copper(C-Cu) and carbon- zinc(C-Zn). Samples  for microbial load count were collected every two days from the anode compartment of the MFC and analyzed using standard microbiological methods. The OCV of the three setups were measured daily for two weeks using a digital multimeter. The microbial load ranged from 4.2 Ă— 104 to 8.5 Ă— 104 CFU/ml for bacteria and 2.1 Ă— 102 to 2.3 Ă— 103 CFU/ml for fungi. The range (average) of the OCV obtained from the set-ups were 0.06 to 0.72 V (0.42 V) for the C–C; 0.02 to 0.67 V (0.26 V) for C-Cu and 0.11 to 0.78 V (0.39 V) for the C-Zn. The OCV for the C-C electrode combination showed an increasing trend while the OCV of C-Cu and C-Zn showed decreasing trends with increasing number of days. The C-C electrode combination gave the best OCV. Keywords: microbial fuel cell, open circuit voltage, electrodes, organic substrat

    Leader Strategies That Increase Employee Performance in the Nigerian Public Sector

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    Low employee performance can hinder productivity in the Nigerian public sector. Leaders of public sector organizations in Nigeria who lack strategies to increase employees’ performance experience decreased productivity. Grounded in transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies leaders in the Nigerian public sector used to increase employee performance. Participants were four public sector leaders in Nigeria who successfully developed and implemented strategies to increase employee performance. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and internal and external documents, such as training programs, training calendars, meeting agendas, staff letters of recommendation, and staff handbooks. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Five themes emerged: (a) communication, (b) leadership by example, (c) on-the-job training, (d) motivation, and (e) teamwork. A key recommendation is for public sector leaders to implement on-the-job training and promote teamwork to motivate employees to achieve higher performance levels. The implication for positive social change includes the potential to increase employment opportunities and improve the quality of life for the populace in communities

    Leader Strategies That Increase Employee Performance in the Nigerian Public Sector

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    AbstractLow employee performance can hinder productivity in the Nigerian public sector. Leaders of public sector organizations in Nigeria who lack strategies to increase employees’ performance experience decreased productivity. Grounded in transformational leadership theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies leaders in the Nigerian public sector used to increase employee performance. Participants were four public sector leaders in Nigeria who successfully developed and implemented strategies to increase employee performance. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and internal and external documents, such as training programs, training calendars, meeting agendas, staff letters of recommendation, and staff handbooks. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Five themes emerged: (a) communication, (b) leadership by example, (c) on-the-job training, (d) motivation, and (e) teamwork. A key recommendation is for public sector leaders to implement on-the-job training and promote teamwork to motivate employees to achieve higher performance levels. The implication for positive social change includes the potential to increase employment opportunities and improve the quality of life for the populace in communities

    Improving public agency performance using balanced scorecard in Lagos Internal Revenue Service (LIRS)

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    Improving public agency performance vis-Ă -vis productivity is the greatest challenge facing the public sector. The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of performance measurement using balanced scorecard (BSC) in Lagos Internal Revenue Service (LIRS). Primary and secondary data were utilized for the study.  The primary data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency tables and simple percentages, were used in data presentation and analysis. while the stated hypotheses were tested using Regression Analysis.  The study adopts the theory of change (ToC) postulated by Weiss as a theoretical basis. The findings of the study reveal that using the balanced scorecard to measure performance periodically with stakeholders' reflection in LIRS has increased significantly the annual revenue generation in Lagos State. The study recommends among others that more attention should be paid to the provision of adequate incentives as well as training and development on contemporary issues in tax management for tax officers to promote their efficiency and effectiveness in developing economies including Nigeria. Furthermore, since citizens' expectation on societal general development and demand varies across various divisions and localities in Lagos State, the state government should, therefore, accommodate the aspirations of the various groups to engender sustainable tax compliance by citizens


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    In contemporary societies, delivering and maintaining public goods and services involves increased costs. As a result, questions about the performance and effectiveness of the public sector are discussed more and more often. Today, public sectors in African countries are facing challenges of improving performance and efficiency service delivery. Nigerian public sector seems not to be exempted from these maladies because the performance of Nigerian public sector has fallen short of expectations regarding the provision of services and has with inefficiency in delivering essential services. As a result, the need for public service to improve performance and efficiency in the public sector is becoming ever greater. The article discusses the usefulness of After Action Review (AAR) as a veritable tool in improving performance and effectiveness in the public sector. This article relies on secondary sources of data collection gathered through a broad review of relevant literature on the subject through books, journals, internet materials, newspaper articles, official archives and so on. The article argues that improving the performance of the public sector must take into account the efficiency, effectiveness, financial performance, and quality of service. Since it has been difficult to build a single model that would measure the performance of public organisations, the article advocates for the implementation of After Action Review as a mechanism for enhancing public service performance and efficiency in service delivery in Nigeria. It notes that AAR is a method that uses a review of experience to avoid recurrent mistakes and reproduce success. It can be used to improve responses, improve policy and procedures, and most importantly prevent the same errors from being repeated time and time again. The article believes that AAR is a powerful tool because it produces quick results in a short period and can be applied to a broad range of activities. It reveals that notwithstanding the misgivings, AAR is considered a good idea as it gives the state actors/public servants opportunity to review the mission of the organisation, what went well? What could have gone better? What might have done differently? Moreover, who needs to know more to improve performance?. The article, therefore, concludes that After Action Review is a useful mechanism for assessing performance in public sector organisation, its application in Nigerian public service, therefore, will improve performance and efficient service delivery. It recommends some measures for the successful implementation of AAR to achieve adequate performance and efficiency in public-sector management and the provision of services in the Nigerian public service in particular and Africa as a whole. been identified&nbsp
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