87 research outputs found

    Le cadre juridique des investissements miniers et pétroliers chinois en Afrique : instruments pour une lex mercatoria sino-africaine

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    L’intérêt principal de l’analyse du cadre des investissements miniers et pétroliers chinois en Afrique est la détermination du chantier juridique résultant de la cohabitation de deux cultures juridiques en vue de l’émergence d’une lex mercatoria dans les investissements sino-africains. Elle comprend deux parties principales. D’abord, l’étude se penche sur l’origine des fonds chinois investis sur le continent africain qui sont les fonds souverains. La problématique des fonds souverains est celle de savoir s’il s’agit d’instruments politiques ou financiers. Néanmoins, cette inquiétude ne freine pas la force opérationnelle grandissante des fonds souverains chinois sur le continent africain. Rentrant dans l’encadrement et le contenu du contrat proprement dit, l’analyse des figures contractuelles usitées dans l’industrie pétrolière et minière sino-africaine séparément dans les contextes chinois et africains révèle l’inadéquation des contrats et de la législation africaine aux besoins économiques et technologiques du continent. En outre, l’examen particulier des clauses de choix de la loi applicable et de règlement des différends dans les contextes chinois et africain permet de soulever quelques options possibles pour le contexte sino-africain. Ensuite, l’analyse se penche sur les mécanismes mis en place pour favoriser les investissements chinois miniers et pétroliers sur le continent africain avant de relever les conséquences dans les domaines sociaux et environnementaux desdits investissements. Il ressort donc que des avantages fiscaux et douaniers sont mis en place en faveur des investissements chinois en Afrique ainsi que des traités bilatéraux signés entre la Chine et de nombreux pays africains. Cependant, sur le plan social, l’on s’interroge sur la place accordée à la lutte contre la corruption et la promotion de la transparence dans l’industrie extractive africaine avec ses relations avec la Chine. L’on constate également que l’absence de transfert de technologie influe négativement sur le développement économique et technologique, la concurrence et l’emploi local du pays hôte. De même, la protection de l’environnement dans le contexte sino-africain semble être reléguée au dernier plan. L’environnement africain court donc le risque de connaître une crise comme celle de la chine causée par l’industrialisation du pays. La société civile nous apparaît donc au regard de ces effets peu glorieux des investissements chinois en Afrique dans les domaines miniers et pétroliers comme une troisième partie de cette relation qui devra être la médiatrice ou régulatrice entre les deux autres.The main objective of this analysis is to determine the juridical patterns of the Chinese and African legal cultures cohabitations, in order to pursue a Chinese-African lex mercatoria. The survey of Chinese mines and oil investments in Africa will be done in two principal parts. First, the study goes over the origin of the Chinese funds invested in Africa. Sovereign wealth funds in general causes questioning concerning their real purpose: are they financial or political instruments? Nevertheless, it is still obvious that this questioning does not stop Chinese sovereign wealth funds to continue to expand all over Africa. Also, going into the contracts and the legislation itself, the analysis of the contractual figures used in the mining and oil extractive industry individually in the Chinese and African context reveals the African contracts and legislation is not adequate to the continent’s economical and technological needs. Continuing into the particular analysis of the applicable law and the arbitration clauses in the Chinese and African context individually, it was possible to outpoint some options to the Chinese-African context. Secondly, the survey points out the mechanisms enabling Chinese investment into Africa and the consequences of these investments in the economical, social and environmental context. It was then pointed out that fiscal and customs mechanisms and also bilateral investment treaties signed in between China and numerous African countries favors Chinese investments in Africa. Still, the main social impact reveals some interrogations concerning the fight against corruption and promotion of transparency in Africa. Is the Chinese partnership considerate of this aspect? Moreover, the lack of technology transfer gets to negatively influence local competition and employment as well as economical and technological development. Also, environmental protection in the Chinese-African context seems to me sent far behind. Therefore, the African environment risks to face an environmental crisis just like China did because of the country’s industrialization. Civil society here, considering these less attractive impacts of Chinese investment in oil and mining sectors in Africa, appears to be a very useful third party with the role of mediation and regulation between the two others

    Identification of Restricted Subsets of Mature microRNA Abnormally Expressed in Inactive Colonic Mucosa of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD) are two chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) affecting the intestinal mucosa. Current understanding of IBD pathogenesis points out the interplay of genetic events and environmental cues in the dysregulated immune response. We hypothesized that dysregulated microRNA (miRNA) expression may contribute to IBD pathogenesis. miRNAs are small, non-coding RNAs which prevent protein synthesis through translational suppression or mRNAs degradation, and regulate several physiological processes. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: Expression of mature miRNAs was studied by Q-PCR in inactive colonic mucosa of patients with UC (8), CD (8) and expressed relative to that observed in healthy controls (10). Only miRNAs with highly altered expression (>5 or 100 -fold and 0.05-0.19 -fold for over- and under- expression, respectively; 0.00

    Identification of Roles for Peptide: N-Glycanase and Endo-β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase (Engase1p) during Protein N-Glycosylation in Human HepG2 Cells

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    BACKGROUND: During mammalian protein N-glycosylation, 20% of all dolichol-linked oligosaccharides (LLO) appear as free oligosaccharides (fOS) bearing the di-N-acetylchitobiose (fOSGN2), or a single N-acetylglucosamine (fOSGN), moiety at their reducing termini. After sequential trimming by cytosolic endo beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (ENGase) and Man2c1 mannosidase, cytosolic fOS are transported into lysosomes. Why mammalian cells generate such large quantities of fOS remains unexplored, but fOSGN2 could be liberated from LLO by oligosaccharyltransferase, or from glycoproteins by NGLY1-encoded Peptide-N-Glycanase (PNGase). Also, in addition to converting fOSGN2 to fOSGN, the ENGASE-encoded cytosolic ENGase of poorly defined function could potentially deglycosylate glycoproteins. Here, the roles of Ngly1p and Engase1p during fOS metabolism were investigated in HepG2 cells. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: During metabolic radiolabeling and chase incubations, RNAi-mediated Engase1p down regulation delays fOSGN2-to-fOSGN conversion, and it is shown that Engase1p and Man2c1p are necessary for efficient clearance of cytosolic fOS into lysosomes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not possess ENGase activity and expression of human Engase1p in the png1Delta deletion mutant, in which fOS are reduced by over 98%, partially restored fOS generation. In metabolically radiolabeled HepG2 cells evidence was obtained for a small but significant Engase1p-mediated generation of fOS in 1 h chase but not 30 min pulse incubations. Ngly1p down regulation revealed an Ngly1p-independent fOSGN2 pool comprising mainly Man(8)GlcNAc(2), corresponding to approximately 70% of total fOS, and an Ngly1p-dependent fOSGN2 pool enriched in Glc(1)Man(9)GlcNAc(2) and Man(9)GlcNAc(2) that corresponds to approximately 30% of total fOS. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: As the generation of the bulk of fOS is unaffected by co-down regulation of Ngly1p and Engase1p, alternative quantitatively important mechanisms must underlie the liberation of these fOS from either LLO or glycoproteins during protein N-glycosylation. The fully mannosylated structures that occur in the Ngly1p-dependent fOSGN2 pool indicate an ERAD process that does not require N-glycan trimming

    Differentially expressed microRNAs in experimental cerebral malaria and their involvement in endocytosis, adherens junctions, FoxO and TGF-β signalling pathways

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    Cerebral malaria (CM) is the most severe manifestation of infection with Plasmodium, however its pathogenesis is still not completely understood. microRNA (miRNA) have been an area of focus in infectious disease research, due to their ability to affect normal biological processes, and have been shown to play roles in various viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, including malaria. The expression of miRNA was studied following infection of CBA mice with either Plasmodium berghei ANKA (causing CM), or Plasmodium yoelii (causing severe but non-cerebral malaria (NCM)). Using microarray analysis, miRNA expression was compared in the brains of non-infected (NI), NCM and CM mice. Six miRNA were significantly dysregulated between NCM and CM mice, and four of these, miR-19a-3p, miR-19b-3p, miR-142-3p and miR-223-3p, were further validated by qPCR assays. These miRNA are significantly involved in several pathways relevant to CM, including the TGF-β and endocytosis pathways. Dysregulation of these miRNA during CM specifically compared with NCM suggests that these miRNA, through their regulation of downstream targets, may be vitally involved in the neurological syndrome. Our data implies that, at least in the mouse model, miRNA may play a regulatory role in CM pathogenesis.This work was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (#1099920 for GEG). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Current Debates on Investor-State Arbitration in Latin America

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    Investor-state arbitration is the most common dispute resolution mean in International Investment Law. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, created in 1965 by the World Bank is known to be the principal institution of investor-state arbitration. To date, 161 countries are signatories to the Convention establishing ICSID. While investor state arbitration is still the main dispute resolution mean in international investment, its perception is shifting and its legitimacy is being challenged. Since 2005, there is a debate around the lawfulness and the equity of international arbitration. It will be interesting in this article to identify what arguments are being raised against this mean of dispute resolution. Latin America has been at the forefront of the wave of challenges around investor-state arbitration via ICSID. Here, the Calvo doctrine has a huge impact on the continent’s perception and approach in International Law and International Relations. Therefore, investor-state arbitration is influenced by the Calvo doctrine. The second articulation of this article will focus on the Calvo doctrine and its effect in investor-state arbitration.El arbitraje inversionista-Estado es el medio más común de resolución de disputas en la Ley de Inversiones Internacionales. El Centro Internacional para la Solución de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones, creado en 1965 por el Banco Mundial, se establece en institución principal de arbitraje entre inversionistas y el Estado. Hasta hoy en día, 161 países son miembros signatarios de la Convención que establece ICSID. Aunque el arbitraje del estado inversionista sigue siendo el principal medio de resolución de disputas en inversión internacional, tal percepción está cambiando y su legitimidad está siendo puesta en cuestión desde 2005, lo cual da lugar para que se tenga un debate sobre la legalidad y la equidad del arbitraje internacional. En este artículo será interesante identificar qué argumentos están surgiendo contra este medio de resolución de disputas, ya que América Latina encabeza en un primer plano el desafío a como se lleva a cabo el arbitraje inversionista-estado a través de ICSID. En ese sentido, la doctrina Calvo tiene mucho peso en la percepción y el enfoque de todo el continente en relación a leyes internacionales y relaciones internacionales. Por consiguiente, la doctrina Calvo influye en el proceso del arbitraje entre el inversionista y el estado. La segunda postura de este artículo se centrará en la doctrina Calvo y los efectos de esta en el arbitraje inversionista-estado

    MicroARN et physiopathologie intestinale

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    Les microARN (miARN) constituent une classe de petits ARN non codants d’environ 20 nucléotides qui contrôlent négativement l’expression d’ARN messagers cibles. Les eucaryotes multicellulaires utilisent les miARN pour contrôler leurs fonctions vitales, différenciation, prolifération ou apoptose. La diversité des miARN et le nombre considérable de leurs ARN messagers cibles en font des acteurs importants de la régulation de l’expression génique. Des études récentes ont révélé que l’expression anormale des miARN représente une caractéristique commune des cellules cancéreuses et que ces miARN peuvent fonctionner comme des gènes suppresseurs de tumeur ou des oncogènes. Cette revue fait le point des travaux portant sur l’implication des miARN dans la pathogénie des cancers colorectaux. Le rôle des miARN dans le contrôle de l’inflammation et leur implication potentielle dans les pathologies inflammatoires intestinales sont aussi discutés

    MicroRNAs and intestinal pathophysiology

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent an abundant class of endogenously expressed small RNAs, which is believed to control the expression of proteins through specific interaction with their mRNAs. MiRNAs are non-coding RNAs of 18 to 24 nucleotides that negatively regulate target mRNAs by binding to their 3'-untranslated regions (UTR). Most eukaryotic cells utilize miRNA to regulate vital functions such as cell differentiation, proliferation or apopotosis. The diversity of miRNAs and of their mRNA targets strongly indicate that they play a key role in the regulation of protein expression. To date, more than 500 different miRNAs have been identified in animals and plants. There are at least 326 miRNAs in the human genome, comprising 1-4% of all expressed human genes, which makes miRNAs one of the largest classes of gene regulators. A single miRNA can bind to and regulate many different mRNA targets and, conversely, several different miRNAs can bind to and cooperatively control a single mRNA target. The correlation between the expression of miRNAs and their effects on tumorigenesis and on the proliferation of cancer cells is beginning to gain experimental evidences. Recent studies showed that abnormal expression of miRNAs represents a common feature of cancer cells and that they can function as tumor suppressor genes or as oncogenes. Therefore, this diversity of action for miRNAs on several target genes could be one of the common mechanisms involved in the deregulation of protein expression observed during intestinal disorders. In this review, the emergent functions of miRNAs in colorectal cancer and their potential role in the intestinal inflammatory process are discussed

    Alcali-reaction du beton Essai d'expansion residuelle sur beton durci

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    SIGLEAvailable at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : 22988, issue : a.1997 n.44 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Determination de l'indice de fissuration d'un parement de beton

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : 22988, issue : a.1997 n.47 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
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