566 research outputs found

    Field aligned current observations in the polar cusp ionosphere

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    Vector magnetic field measurements made during a sounding rocket flight in the polar cusp ionosphere show field fluctuations in the lower F-region which are interpreted as being caused by the payload's passage through a structured field aligned current system. The field aligned currents have a characteristic horizontal scale size of one kilometer. Analysis of one large field fluctuation gives a current density of 0.0001 amp/m sq

    Magnetospheric multiprobes: Investigations and instrumentation

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    The multiprobe scientific objectives are to: (1) determine the spatial structure of plasma phenomena such as the aurora, convection reversals, and ion troughs; (2) separate spatial and temporal variations in these phenomena; (3) determine field aligned current densities; (4) perform multiple point analysis of particle beams, wave fields, and plasma clouds that are injected into the ionosphere and magnetosphere by Spacelab active experiment facilities. Trade studies described include: instrument accommodations, power, attitude determination, electric field antennas, storage and ejection, thermal control, tracking communications, command and data management, payload and mission specialist support, functional objectives, and orbital analysis

    A qualitative study on the effects of psychoactive substance use upon artistic creativity

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    Background: Psychoactive substance use has often been claimed to help generate and facilitate the artistic creative process. Aims: The present study explored the role of artists’ substance use in their creative processes and their efforts to balance between enhancement and relaxation. Methods: Semi-structured interviews concerning the artistic creative process and the role of psychoactive substance use were recorded with 72 artists and analyzed using content analysis. The participants were classified according to their substance use in three groups (Cannabis Group, Alcohol Group, and Control Group). Results: Results show that both alcohol and cannabis were used to facilitate creativity and the emotional states that are necessary for the artistic creative process. Participants in the Control group reported that listening to music might function as a mind-altering tool. It was also found that for some artists, substance use is not only characteristic to creation, but it is also part of their everyday lives. Conclusion: Artists are aware of the balancing phenomenon during the artistic creative process. Whether psychoactive substance(s) or other environmental stimuli (such as music) are used to reach the required effect appears to depend upon the individual

    A quantitative polymerase chain reaction-enzyme immunoassay for accurate measurements of human papillomavirus type 16 DNA levels in cervical scrapings

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    A quantitative polymerase chain reaction-enzyme immunoassay (Q-PCR-EIA) was developed to measure the amount of human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 DNA per genome equivalent in cervical scrapings. The quantitative approach was based on a combined competitive PCR for both HPV 16, using the general primer GP5+/6+ PCR, and β-globin DNA. The two competitive PCRs involve co-amplification of target sequences and exogenously added DNA constructs carrying a rearranged 30 bp sequence in the probe-binding region. The accuracy of quantification by combining the two competitive PCR assays was validated on mixtures of HPV 16 containing cervical cancer cells of CaSki and SiHa cell lines. Comparison of this fully quantitative PCR assay with two semi-quantitative HPV PCR assays on a series of crude cell suspensions from HPV 16 containing cervical scrapings revealed remarkable differences in the calculated relative HPV load between samples. We found evidence that correction for both intertube variations in PCR efficiency and number of input cells/integrity of DNA significantly influence the outcome of studies on viral DNA load in crude cell suspensions of cervical scrapings. Therefore, accurate measurements on viral DNA load in cervical scrapings require corrections for these phenomena, which can be achieved by application of this fully quantitative approach. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Different expressions of the same mode: a recent dialogue between archaeological and contemporary drawing practices

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    In this article we explore what we perceive as pertinent features of shared experience at the excavations of an Iron Age Hillfort at Bodfari, North Wales, referencing artist, archaeologist and examples of seminal art works and archaeological records resulting through inter-disciplinary collaboration. We explore ways along which archaeological and artistic practices of improvisation become entangled and productive through their different modes of mark-making. We contend that marks and memories of artist and archaeologist alike emerge interactively, through the mutually constituting effects of the object of study, the tools of exploration, and the practitioners themselves, when they are enmeshed in the cross-modally bound activities. These include, but are not limited to, remote sensing, surveying, mattocking, trowelling, drawing, photographing, videoing and sound recording. These marks represent the co-signatories: the gesture of the often anonymous practitioners, the voice of the deposits, as well as the imprint of the tools, and their interplay creates a multi-threaded narrative documenting their modes of intra-action, in short our practices. They occupy the conceptual space of paradata, and in the process of saturating the interstices of digital cognitive prosthetics they lend probity to their translations in both art form and archive

    Tonic Shock Induces Detachment of Giardia lamblia

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    The single-celled organism Giardia lamblia colonizes the small intestine of a wide variety of hosts, including humans. Giardiasis infections can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms and pose a major health concern in the developing world. Giardia are known to attach robustly to a variety of surfaces, but the conditions that influence this attachment are not known. In this study, we examined the behavior of attached Giardia parasites exposed to rapid changes in solution properties, like those Giardia might encounter in the intestine. After systematically varying media concentration and composition, we found that only one solution property caused rapid detachment of Giardia cells: tonicity, which is a measure of the total concentration of solutes in the solution that are unable to pass through a semi-permeable membrane (here, the cell membrane of Giardia). We found similar results for Giardia initially attached to monolayers of intestinal cells. Giardia cells remaining attached after a change in tonicity are able to adapt to the change, highlighting the general ability of this organism to weather normal changes in the intestinal environment. We propose that Giardia's susceptibility to large changes in tonicity could be explored as a possible new route for treatment of giardiasis

    Haloarchaea swim slowly for optimal chemotactic efficiency in low nutrient environments

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    Archaea have evolved to survive in some of the most extreme environments on earth. Life in extreme, nutrient-poor conditions gives the opportunity to probe fundamental energy limitations on movement and response to stimuli, two essential markers of living systems. Here we use three-dimensional holographic microscopy and computer simulations to reveal that halophilic archaea achieve chemotaxis with power requirements one hundred-fold lower than common eubacterial model systems. Their swimming direction is stabilised by their flagella (archaella), enhancing directional persistence in a manner similar to that displayed by eubacteria, albeit with a different motility apparatus. Our experiments and simulations reveal that the cells are capable of slow but deterministic chemotaxis up a chemical gradient, in a biased random walk at the thermodynamic limit

    5-Methylcytosine and 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Spatiotemporal Profiles in the Mouse Zygote

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    Background: In the mouse zygote, DNA methylation patterns are heavily modified, and differ between the maternal and paternal pronucleus. Demethylation of the paternal genome has been described as an active and replication-independent process, although the mechanisms responsible for it remain elusive. Recently, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine has been suggested as an intermediate in this demethylation. Methodology/principal findings: In this study, we quantified DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in both pronuclei of the mouse zygote during the replication period and we examined their patterns on the pericentric heterochromatin using 3D immuno-FISH. Our results demonstrate that 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine localizations on the pericentric sequences are not complementary; indeed we observe no enrichment of either marks on some regions and an enrichment of both on others. In addition, we show that DNA demethylation continues during DNA replication, and is inhibited by aphidicolin. Finally, we observe notable differences in the kinetics of demethylation and hydroxymethylation; in particular, a peak of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, unrelated to any change in 5-methylcytosine level, is observed after completion of replication. Conclusion/significance: Together our results support the already proposed hypothesis that 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is not a simple intermediate in an active demethylation process and could play a role of its own during early development
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