7 research outputs found

    Bento Sanches Dorta representante portugués del progreso científico de la ilustración

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    Tese de mestrado em História e Filosofia das Ciências, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Bento Sanches Dorta fue un astrónomo y geógrafo portugués formado en matemáticas en la Universidad de Coimbra con condición de voluntario. En el año 1781 fue enviado a Brasil para la determinación de la frontera entre las posesiones españolas y portuguesas de América del Sur. Tras su llegada al nuevo continente, estuvo siete años sin recibir órdenes definitivas relativas al trabajo que, en primera instancia, le fue encomendado. No obstante, se puede apreciar cómo su instrucción en la Universidad de Coimbra en el período posterior a las Reformas Pombalinas, y los principios básicos de la Ilustración calaron de lleno en el portugués, incitando su interés por la física experimental y por las matemáticas. Esto explica que, durante su estancia en Brasil, pusiera todo su empeño en el registro de observaciones meteorológicas y astronómicas, así como en la realización de otras actividades científicas que, hasta el momento, son casi desconocidas. En este trabajo se ha tratado de trazar un recorrido que nos permita conocer en profundidad y, con ello, entender y sacar a la luz la labor que este português realizó en la colonia portuguesa. Se propone para ello describir inicialmente el contexto histórico en el cual estaba sumergido el científico, investigar su biografía, redescubrir y analizar sus producciones, y, por último, estudiar en profundidad sus registros y aportaciones científicas. Por ello, con esta investigación, no sólo se desea contribuir al desarrollo de la historiografía de la ciencia; se aspira también a sacar a la luz el esfuerzo realizado por Bento Sanches Dorta como hombre de ciencias, como científico Ilustrado.Bento Sanches Dorta was a Portuguese astronomer and geographer who studied mathematics in the University of Coimbra as volunteer student. In the year 1781 he was sent to Brazil in a geographical mission, to demarcate the limits of the Portuguese and Spanish territory in southern America. When Sanches Dorta arrived in Brazil, he was looking forward to receiving the orders from his supervisors for seven years. Thereby he was influenced by his education in the University of Coimbra due to the Pombaline reforms as well as due to the enlightened ideals of his time. Both of this woke his interest in physics and mathematics. For this reason, while he was in Brazil, he performed frequent meteorological and astronomical observations. Furthermore, he engaged in other scientific activity. Nevertheless, until now, most of his scientific contributions are unknow. The present work tries to know, understand and reveal the work that Bento Sanches Dorta carried out in Brazil. Its goal is to describe the historical context of the scientist, investigate his biography, rediscover and analize his publications, and finally, study his records and scientific contributions in depth. For this reason, with this investigation, we are notjust contributing to the development of the historiography of science; we are revealing the effort that Bento Sanche Dorta made as scientist as well

    Series y eventos meteorológicos de especial interés: aportaciones al ámbito Ibero-Americano

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    En esta tesis se presentan varios estudios enmarcados en el ámbito de la Climatología Histórica, relativos a recuperación y reconstrucción de series de observaciones meteorológicas y eventos poco frecuentes de la época preinstrumental (siglo XVIII y XIX). Para ello, en primer lugar se ha realizado una búsqueda en archivos históricos. Tras recuperar estas fuentes con contenido meteorológico o geofísico, así como testimonios de eventos poco frecuentes y/o extremos, la información ha sido analizada. El contenido informativo de estos documentos es muy rico, tanto desde una perspectiva científica como histórica. Por un lado, algunas nos permiten reconstruir con cierto grado de fiabilidad el comportamiento de las variables climáticas en aquel período. Por otro, las descripciones de eventos poco frecuentes, por entonces acontecidos, arrojan luz sobre la naturaleza, intensidad y características de los mismos. Por último, estos documentos nos dan información de primera mano del desarrollo de la ciencia de entonces y su contexto.This thesis presents several studies related to Historical Climatology. In this way, early instrumental series and old descriptions of rare and extreme events (eighteenth and nineteenth century) are recovered and analysed. In order to do this, firstly an historical archives search has been performed. Following, the information has been analysed. The information content of these documents is vast and rich, both from a scientific and historical perspective. On the one hand, they allow us to reconstruct the behaviour of the climate variables in that period with some degree of reliability. On the other hand, descriptions of rare events shed light on the nature, intensity and characteristics of the phenomenon. Finally, these documents give us first-hand information about the development of Science in its context

    Series y eventos meteorológicos de especial interés: aportaciones al ámbito Ibero-Americano

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    En esta tesis se presentan varios estudios enmarcados en el ámbito de la Climatología Histórica, relativos a recuperación y reconstrucción de series de observaciones meteorológicas y eventos poco frecuentes de la época preinstrumental (siglo XVIII y XIX). Para ello, en primer lugar se ha realizado una búsqueda en archivos históricos. Tras recuperar estas fuentes con contenido meteorológico o geofísico, así como testimonios de eventos poco frecuentes y/o extremos, la información ha sido analizada. El contenido informativo de estos documentos es muy rico, tanto desde una perspectiva científica como histórica. Por un lado, algunas nos permiten reconstruir con cierto grado de fiabilidad el comportamiento de las variables climáticas en aquel período. Por otro, las descripciones de eventos poco frecuentes, por entonces acontecidos, arrojan luz sobre la naturaleza, intensidad y características de los mismos. Por último, estos documentos nos dan información de primera mano del desarrollo de la ciencia de entonces y su contexto.This thesis presents several studies related to Historical Climatology. In this way, early instrumental series and old descriptions of rare and extreme events (eighteenth and nineteenth century) are recovered and analysed. In order to do this, firstly an historical archives search has been performed. Following, the information has been analysed. The information content of these documents is vast and rich, both from a scientific and historical perspective. On the one hand, they allow us to reconstruct the behaviour of the climate variables in that period with some degree of reliability. On the other hand, descriptions of rare events shed light on the nature, intensity and characteristics of the phenomenon. Finally, these documents give us first-hand information about the development of Science in its context

    Análisis de las guías docentes de Equipamiento e instalaciones deportivas impartidas en la educación superior española.

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    The current Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (TU CAFIDE), has undergone several changes over the last decades. Different legislative changes have been consolidating the credits related to the career opportunities of Sports Direction or Management. A total of 28 teaching guides have been analyzed at a national level (14 public universities and 14 private) to know if the contents taught sufficiently qualify the competences of the students for what the organizations of the sector demand. It is a subject considered in 75% of the university’s compulsory, highlighting the structure of 6 credit ECTS (82.1%) and where only one teacher (75%) appears as a professor. The greatest burden in the final grade is on the exam (50-70%), followed by practical works (30-50%) and 28.6% of the universities, value 10% the attendance. The results show that there are differences in the structure, methodology and contents taught in the subject, depending on the type of university (public/private) and its character (compulsory/optional), although these are not significant, except in the course in which it is taught according to its character (p=.009), greater weight of the exam when it is compulsory (p=.017) and differences in some contents taught according to the type of university (p=.020) and character (p=.043). This training should be analyzed and oriented in accordance with the resolution of the General Secretary of Universities on the establishment of recommendations to be followed in the verification reports of this Bachelor’s Degree, in addition to respond to the labor market.El actual Título Universitario oficial de Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (TU CAFIDE), ha sufrido numerosos cambios a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Así como la asignatura de equipamiento e instalaciones deportivas, materia relevante pues puede procurar conocimientos para la optimización de estos recursos. Se han analizado un total de 28 guías docentes a nivel nacional (14 ámbito público y 14 privado) para conocer si los contenidos, metodologías y procesos evaluativos pueden orientar suficientemente en la adquisición de las competencias del alumnado para lo que las organizaciones del sector demandan. Es una asignatura considerada en el 75% de las universidades obligatoria, destacando la carga de 6 créditos ECTS (82,1%) y donde solo un docente (75%) figura como profesor. El mayor peso en la calificación lo tiene la prueba de examen entre un 50-70%, seguida de la prueba de trabajos (30-50%) y para el 28,6% de las universidades se valora el 10% en asistencia. Los resultados determinan que existen diferencias en la estructura, metodología y contenidos impartidos de la asignatura, en función del tipo de universidad (pública/privada) y su carácter (obligatoria/optativa), si bien estas no son significativas, excepto en el curso en que se imparte en función de su carácter (p=.009), mayor peso del examen cuando es obligatoria (p=.017) y diferencias en algunos contenidos impartidos según su titularidad (p=.020) y carácter (p=.043). Debe analizarse esta formación y orientarla atendiendo a la resolución de la Secretaría General de Universidades sobre el establecimiento de las recomendaciones a seguir en las memorias de verificación del título de este grado, además de dar respuesta al mercado laboral

    Meteorological records of the Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794)

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    Meteorological observations made in the Malaspina Expedition from 1789 to 1794 have been retrieved. Variables such as air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and intensity, and weather conditions, were recorded in these observations. In total, nearly 17000 instrumental data were digitized

    Early Meteorological Records from Latin-America and Caribbean during the 18th and 19th centuries, collection of data files

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    Early instrumental observations are an important tool to understand multidecadal climate variability or put in context specific extreme phenomena. This paper provides early instrumental data recovered in Latin-America and the Caribbean. Data have been retrieved from 20 countries (Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, British Guiana, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, France (Martinique and Guadalupe), Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, El Salvador and Suriname) and they cover the 18th and 19th centuries. The main meteorological variables retrieved are air temperature, atmospheric pressure and precipitation but other variables, such as humidity, wind direction, or state of the sky have been retrieved when possible. In total, more than 300 000 early instrumental observations have been rescued (96% with daily resolution). Special effort has been done to document all the available metadata (instruments, observers, methodology of observation...) in order to allow further post processing. The compilation is far from being exhaustive but the data set will contribute to a better understanding of the climate variability in the region and to enlarge the overlapping period between instrumental data and natural and documentary proxies

    Early Meteorological Records from Latin-America and Caribbean during the 18th and 19th centuries (link to zip file)

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    This dataset provides early instrumental data recovered in Latin-America and the Caribbean. Data have been retrieved from 20 countries (Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, British Guiana, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, France (Martinique and Guadalupe), Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, El Salvador and Suriname) and they cover the 18th and 19th centuries. The main meteorological variables retrieved are air temperature, atmospheric pressure and precipitation but other variables, such as humidity, wind direction, or state of the sky have been retrieved when possible. In total, more than 300.000 early instrumental observations have been rescued. Each archive shows a headline with the following information: ID: 6 letters, the first three make reference to the country and the last three letters to the city/location of the observations. Country: Current name of the country where the observation were recorded. City: Current name of the city or location where the observation were recorded. Period: Time period covered by the series at monthly scale when possible. Resolution: Time resolution of the series. Observers: Name of the people that recorded the measurements. Location Observatory: Latitude and longitude of the observatory in WGS84, altitude when available. The name of the observatory or the street where it was is provided, when the location is exactly known. When the precise location is unknown a probable latitude and longitude is provided. Meteorological variables: Describe all the meteorological variables recorded, its units and the corresponding columns in the file. Data source: The complete reference of the documentary source in which the meteorological record was provided. Descriptive Name: A name of the archive that makes reference to the location and the period covered by the series. Other comments: All the metadata rescued about the observations or the observer. Also provides extreme or rare events recorded by the observer and any other information that could be useful to interpret the series. After the headline, the first columns give the temporal information of the record (year, season, month, day and hour) and the following columns show the measurements of each meteorological variable. Every column has a short descriptive title