3,053 research outputs found

    Searching for binary coalescences with inspiral templates: Detection and parameter estimation

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    There has been remarkable progress in numerical relativity recently. This has led to the generation of gravitational waveform signals covering what has been traditionally termed the three phases of the coalescence of a compact binary - the inspiral, merger and ringdown. In this paper, we examine the usefulness of inspiral only templates for both detection and parameter estimation of the full coalescence waveforms generated by numerical relativity simulations. To this end, we deploy as search templates waveforms based on the effective one-body waveforms terminated at the light-ring as well as standard post-Newtonian waveforms. We find that both of these are good for detection of signals. Parameter estimation is good at low masses, but degrades as the mass of the binary system increases.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to proceedings of the NRDA08 meeting, Syracuse, Aug. 11-14, 200

    Black holes in the low mass gap: Implications for gravitational wave observations

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    Binary neutron-star mergers will predominantly produce black-hole remnants of mass ∼3−4 M⊙\sim 3-4\,M_{\odot}, thus populating the putative \emph{low mass gap} between neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes. If these low-mass black holes are in dense astrophysical environments, mass segregation could lead to "second-generation" compact binaries merging within a Hubble time. In this paper, we investigate possible signatures of such low-mass compact binary mergers in gravitational-wave observations. We show that this unique population of objects, if present, will be uncovered by the third-generation gravitational-wave detectors, such as Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope. Future joint measurements of chirp mass M{\cal M} and effective spin χeff\chi_{\rm eff} could clarify the formation scenario of compact objects in the low mass gap. As a case study, we show that the recent detection of GW190425 (along with GW170817) favors a double Gaussian mass model for neutron stars, under the assumption that the primary in GW190425 is a black hole formed from a previous binary neutron star merger.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. v4: matches the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Comparison of Gravitational Wave Detector Network Sky Localization Approximations

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    Gravitational waves emitted during compact binary coalescences are a promising source for gravitational-wave detector networks. The accuracy with which the location of the source on the sky can be inferred from gravitational wave data is a limiting factor for several potential scientific goals of gravitational-wave astronomy, including multi-messenger observations. Various methods have been used to estimate the ability of a proposed network to localize sources. Here we compare two techniques for predicting the uncertainty of sky localization -- timing triangulation and the Fisher information matrix approximations -- with Bayesian inference on the full, coherent data set. We find that timing triangulation alone tends to over-estimate the uncertainty in sky localization by a median factor of 44 for a set of signals from non-spinning compact object binaries ranging up to a total mass of 20M⊙20 M_\odot, and the over-estimation increases with the mass of the system. We find that average predictions can be brought to better agreement by the inclusion of phase consistency information in timing-triangulation techniques. However, even after corrections, these techniques can yield significantly different results to the full analysis on specific mock signals. Thus, while the approximate techniques may be useful in providing rapid, large scale estimates of network localization capability, the fully coherent Bayesian analysis gives more robust results for individual signals, particularly in the presence of detector noise.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Figure

    Early Advanced LIGO binary neutron-star sky localization and parameter estimation

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    2015 will see the first observations of Advanced LIGO and the start of the gravitational-wave (GW) advanced-detector era. One of the most promising sources for ground-based GW detectors are binary neutron-star (BNS) coalescences. In order to use any detections for astrophysics, we must understand the capabilities of our parameter-estimation analysis. By simulating the GWs from an astrophysically motivated population of BNSs, we examine the accuracy of parameter inferences in the early advanced-detector era. We find that sky location, which is important for electromagnetic follow-up, can be determined rapidly (~5 s), but that sky areas may be hundreds of square degrees. The degeneracy between component mass and spin means there is significant uncertainty for measurements of the individual masses and spins; however, the chirp mass is well measured (typically better than 0.1%).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Published in the proceedings of Amaldi 1

    Supplement: Going the Distance: Mapping Host Galaxies of LIGO and Virgo Sources in Three Dimensions Using Local Cosmography and Targeted Follow-up

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    This is a supplement to the Letter of Singer et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.07333), in which we demonstrated a rapid algorithm for obtaining joint 3D estimates of sky location and luminosity distance from observations of binary neutron star mergers with Advanced LIGO and Virgo. We argued that combining the reconstructed volumes with positions and redshifts of possible host galaxies can provide large-aperture but small field of view instruments with a manageable list of targets to search for optical or infrared emission. In this Supplement, we document the new HEALPix-based file format for 3D localizations of gravitational-wave transients. We include Python sample code to show the reader how to perform simple manipulations of the 3D sky maps and extract ranked lists of likely host galaxies. Finally, we include mathematical details of the rapid volume reconstruction algorithm.Comment: For associated data release, see http://asd.gsfc.nasa.gov/Leo.Singer/going-the-distanc

    Spaceborne radar observations: A guide for Magellan radar-image analysis

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    Geologic analyses of spaceborne radar images of Earth are reviewed and summarized with respect to detecting, mapping, and interpreting impact craters, volcanic landforms, eolian and subsurface features, and tectonic landforms. Interpretations are illustrated mostly with Seasat synthetic aperture radar and shuttle-imaging-radar images. Analogies are drawn for the potential interpretation of radar images of Venus, with emphasis on the effects of variation in Magellan look angle with Venusian latitude. In each landform category, differences in feature perception and interpretive capability are related to variations in imaging geometry, spatial resolution, and wavelength of the imaging radar systems. Impact craters and other radially symmetrical features may show apparent bilateral symmetry parallel to the illumination vector at low look angles. The styles of eruption and the emplacement of major and minor volcanic constructs can be interpreted from morphological features observed in images. Radar responses that are governed by small-scale surface roughness may serve to distinguish flow types, but do not provide unambiguous information. Imaging of sand dunes is rigorously constrained by specific angular relations between the illumination vector and the orientation and angle of repose of the dune faces, but is independent of radar wavelength. With a single look angle, conditions that enable shallow subsurface imaging to occur do not provide the information necessary to determine whether the radar has recorded surface or subsurface features. The topographic linearity of many tectonic landforms is enhanced on images at regional and local scales, but the detection of structural detail is a strong function of illumination direction. Nontopographic tectonic lineaments may appear in response to contrasts in small-surface roughness or dielectric constant. The breakpoint for rough surfaces will vary by about 25 percent through the Magellan viewing geometries from low to high Venusian latitudes. Examples of anomalies and system artifacts that can affect image interpretation are described

    Mojave remote sensing field experiment

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    The Mojave Remote Sensing Field Experiment (MFE), conducted in June 1988, involved acquisition of Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS); C, L, and P-band polarimetric radar (AIRSAR) data; and simultaneous field observations at the Pisgah and Cima volcanic fields, and Lavic and Silver Lake Playas, Mojave Desert, California. A LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) scene is also included in the MFE archive. TM-based reflectance and TIMS-based emissivity surface spectra were extracted for selected surfaces. Radiative transfer procedures were used to model the atmosphere and surface simultaneously, with the constraint that the spectra must be consistent with field-based spectral observations. AIRSAR data were calibrated to backscatter cross sections using corner reflectors deployed at target sites. Analyses of MFE data focus on extraction of reflectance, emissivity, and cross section for lava flows of various ages and degradation states. Results have relevance for the evolution of volcanic plains on Venus and Mars

    Report of the panel on the land surface: Process of change, section 5

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    The panel defined three main areas of study that are central to the Solid Earth Science (SES) program: climate interactions with the Earth's surface, tectonism as it affects the Earth's surface and climate, and human activities that modify the Earth's surface. Four foci of research are envisioned: process studies with an emphasis on modern processes in transitional areas; integrated studies with an emphasis on long term continental climate change; climate-tectonic interactions; and studies of human activities that modify the Earth's surface, with an emphasis on soil degradation. The panel concluded that there is a clear requirement for global coverage by high resolution stereoscopic images and a pressing need for global topographic data in support of studies of the land surface

    Time evolution of a non-singular primordial black hole

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    There is growing notion that black holes may not contain curvature singularities (and that indeed nature in general may abhor such spacetime defects). This notion could have implications on our understanding of the evolution of primordial black holes (PBHs) and possibly on their contribution to cosmic energy. This paper discusses the evolution of a non-singular black hole (NSBH) based on a recent model [1]. We begin with a study of the thermodynamic process of the black hole in this model, and demonstrate the existence of a maximum horizon temperature T_{max}, corresponding to a unique mass value. At this mass value the specific heat capacity C changes signs to positive and the body begins to lose its black hole characteristics. With no loss of generality, the model is used to discuss the time evolution of a primordial black hole (PBH), through the early radiation era of the universe to present, under the assumption that PBHs are non-singular. In particular, we track the evolution of two benchmark PBHs, namely the one radiating up to the end of the cosmic radiation domination era, and the one stopping to radiate currently, and in each case determine some useful features including the initial mass m_{f} and the corresponding time of formation t_{f}. It is found that along the evolutionary history of the universe the distribution of PBH remnant masses (PBH-RM) PBH-RMs follows a power law. We believe such a result can be a useful step in a study to establish current abundance of PBH-MRs.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.
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