221 research outputs found


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    The problem in this research is (1) how policy implementation No. 19 of 2009 about quality control guidelines Audit on the Inspectorate of Right Way District, (2) What aspects inhibit policy implementation number 19 year 2009 Audit quality control Guidelines on the Inspectorate of the right Way district. This method of research is using a qualitative research type with a descriptive analysis method. The use of this method is to examine and describe qualitatively, how the implementation of policy No. 19 of 2009 on quality control guidelines for Audit on the Inspectorate of Way Kanan District. The results showed that the implementation of policy No. 19 of 2009 on the Audit quality control guidelines on the Inspectorate of Way Kanan District, has been running by utilizing the human resources potential, according to the concept (1) communication, Implementation of policy No. 19 year 2009 is always communicated to the target institution, (2) the disposition/attitude of the officer, in general the employee has been good according to the provisions in carrying out the task, (3) resources, standards of Human resources competency The inspectorate has not been fulfilled, so the audit results are relatively less than optimal (4) bureaucratic structure, it has to do the task and authority is at the leadership of the organization that distributes tasks to subordinates. Aspects that inhibit policy implementation No. 19 year 2009 about quality control Audit at the Inspectorate of the right Way,  (1) The unit of results, the result of the monitoring of the aforementioned Bulum is fully acted upon on the Findings by OPD; So that the results of the audit is relatively less than optimal, (2) The unit time inspection is not uniform, so the timeliness in can impede the smooth audit quality, (3) The quality of work, with the weak audit techniques to uncover The substance of the findings is still weak, the results of work done relatively not optimal


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    The existence of such rapid social change movements in people's lives requires anticipation in the form of increased competence and capacity of Satpol PP personnel and institutions that are able to respond to these changes. This is also intended so that unnecessary social collisions and losses can be suppressed in such a way. With such competencies and abilities, it is hoped that Satpol PP duties will be more professional, have minimal social losses, succeed in accordance with the objectives of local government policies, and get full support from the community. In order to increase the capacity of human resources and optimize the performance of Satpol PP, the Government has established a Civil Service Police Functional Position based on the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Functional Position of the Civil Service Police and its Credit Score. The data collection techniques in this study are observation, interview and documentation. There are 7 informants in this study (objectives) people. The research method uses qualitative research methods. In general, the results of the study are that the implementation of the performance of functional officials at the Satpol PP of Lampung Province in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Lampung Province is quite effective because based on the indicators in measuring the improvement in performance that have been described, the role of functional officials is highly correlated with these activities. activities carried out in the midst of a pandemic that occurred, so that the implementation of functional activities synergized with prevention efforts carried out by the Satpol PP of Lampung Province

    DSSAT model as a tool for water and nitrogen management in intensive irrigated areas: calibration and validation [poster]

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    The DSSAT model has been used worldwide to simulate crop biomass and yield, and soil N dynamics under different management practices and various climatic conditions (Li et al., 2015). There is a continuous need to test and update the models under a wide range of environments and cropping practices (López‐Cedrón et al., 2008). This study was focused on the evaluation of the performance of CERES‐Maize to study the response (total biomass, grain yield and N uptake) of irrigated maize to different soil nitrogen availability under semi‐arid condition


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the application of the formulation of tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus. While the usefulness of a public information materials for farmers tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus in determining the type of feed the good order growth and increasing production. Research carried out for 2 months starting from September to October 2015 held at the Fish Farming Center, District Bontorannu, Gowa, South Sulawesi Province. Test animals used are tilapia fish age 1 month with a size of 3-5 cm a total of 120 individuals. Doses tested different treatments namely A (10%), B (15%), C (30 20%) and D controls. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test further. Results of research conducted during the two months showed that the mixing of the rumen to feed tilapia fish was lowest for the treatment of B (15%), without the mix feed the rumen which is highest in the control treatment

    End of life content in geriatric textbooks: what is the current situation?

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    BACKGROUND: Physicians caring for elderly people encounter death and dying more frequently than their colleagues in most other disciplines. Therefore we sought to examine the end-of-life content in popular geriatric textbooks and determine their usefulness in helping geriatricians manage patients at the end of their lives. METHODS: Five popular geriatric textbooks were chosen. Chapters on Alzheimer's disease, stroke, chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer were examined because of their high mortality rates among the elderly patients. Text relevant to end-of-life care was highlighted. Two reviewers independently coded text into 10 pre specified domains and rated them for the presence of end-of-life information. Content was rated as absent, minimally helpful, or helpful. The proportion of helpful information was calculated. RESULTS: The textbook with the best end-of-life coverage contained 38% helpful information, the worst had only 15% helpful information. Minimally helpful information ranged from 24% to 50%. As much as 61% of the content in one textbook contained no helpful information at all. Of the ten domains, epidemiology, disease progression and prognostic factors were fairly well covered. Information on advance care planning, ethical issues, decision making and effects of death and dying on patient's family were generally lacking under the individual diseases though they were covered as general topics in other parts of the textbooks. All except one textbook dedicated a chapter to the care of the dying. CONCLUSION: This study showed that end-of-life content in geriatric textbooks differed significantly. Most of the textbooks lack good coverage on end-of-life care and more can be done to improve on this


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, (a) mendeskripsikan dan mengungkapkan adanya hubungan kultur pendidikan pesantren al-Madinah dengan radikalisme, (b) mengungkapkan kultur pendidikan pesantren radikal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, partisipasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Sementara teknik analisis datanya adalah teknik analisis induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) kultur pendidikan pesantren al-Madinah memiliki kecenderungan pada radikalisme dan ekslusifisme, (b) kultur pendidikan pesantren memiliki kurikulum jihad sebagai bagian dari pemahaman agama yang dikembangkan dalam pendidikan pesantren. Hal tersebut menunjukan adanya perubahan kultur pendidikan pesantren yang mengarah pada heterogenitas pola, model, tujuan dan kultur pendidikan yang dikembangkan.  Kultur pesantren yang cenderung pada radikalisme, sejauh ini tidak hanya dapat diukur dari adanya kurikulum jihad atau lainnya akan tetapi dapat diamati dari muatan hidden curriculum yang cenderung dapat diukur melalui gejala dan ekspresi perilaku santri dan ustad. Misalnya segala perangkat nilai, pemikiran, syimbol, sistem, pola, proses pendidikan dan tradisi yang melekat dalam seluruh kegiatan, baik pada aspek yang dapat di amati (tangible) seperti perilaku fisik, bangunan, sikap fanatik, dan syimbol maupun yang tidak teramati (intangible) seperti aspek motivasi, keyakinan, antusisme, ideologi, niat, keberkahan, dan pemikiran.. Kata kunci: pesantren, pendidikan, radikalisme, kultur   CULTURE OF PESANTREN EDUCATION AND RADICALISM Abstract This study aims to, (a) describe and disclose their relationship education culture Pesantren al-Madinah with radicalism, (b) disclose the culture of radical pesantren education. This study was descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques using observation, participation, interview and documentation. While data analysis technique is inductive analysis techniques. The results showed that (a) the culture of al-Madinah Islamic boarding schools have a tendency to radicalism and exclusiveness, (b) the culture of jihad education schools have the same curriculum as part of the understanding of religion that developed in pesantren education. It shows the change in the culture of pesantren education leading to heterogeneity in patterns, models, goals and educational culture developed. Pesantren culture that tends to the radicalism, has so far not only be measured from their curriculum or other jihad but can be observed from the charge hidden curriculum which tends to be measured by the expression of symptoms and behavior of students and chaplains. For example all the values, thoughts, symbols, system, pattern, process of education and tradition inherent in all activities, both on aspects that can be observed (tangible) such as physical behavior, building, bigotry, and symbols and unobservable (intangible ) as aspects of motivation, confidence, enthusiasm, ideology, faith, blessings, and thinking. Keywords: School, education, radicalism, cultur

    Gestión agronómica y medioambiental del regadío del Valle Medio del Ebro: evaluación de las buenas prácticas en el maíz

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    Existe una preocupacio´n creciente por la contaminacio´n de las aguas superficiales y subterra´neas por nitratos proveniente de los sistemas agri´colas, debido a sus efectos nocivos sobre la salud humana y la eutrofizacio´n de las aguas continenta- les y costeras. Adema´s, la fertilizacio´n nitrogenada excesiva conduce a mayores emisiones de o´xido nitroso, un gas con un potente efecto invernadero. En Arago´n, la degradacio´n de la calidad de las aguas superficiales y subterra´neas se ha manifestado por un aumento del 34% de la superficie agraria declarada como vulnerable del 2013 al 2018 (IGEAR, 2019). La modernizacio´n de los regadi´os ha disminuido la masa de nitrato que se pierde por lavado. Sin embargo, sigue siendo necesario un manejo ma´s eficiente de los insumos de produc- cio´n de los principales cultivos que permita aumentar o man- tener los rendimientos agri´colas y asegurar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas agrarios, especialmente en las regiones a´ridas y semia´ridas como el Valle Medio del Ebro, donde el regadi´o es ba´sico para tener una agricultura competitiva y rentable. El cultivo de mai´z sigue teniendo una gran importancia en los grandes sistemas regables de Arago´n, y se caracteriza por un elevado potencial productivo (+15 t/ha de grano) y con unas necesidades elevadas de fertilizante nitrogenado para conseguir alcanzar esos altos rendimientos. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar distintos escenarios de manejo de la dosis del agua de riego y de la fertilizacio´n nitrogenada en el cultivo de mai´z (Foto 1) para determinar sus impactos medioambientales y determinar las pra´cticas ma´s adecuadas que permiten minimizar la contaminacio´n por nitratos, pero manteniendo un rendimiento adecuado de los cultivos

    Socio-demographic correlates of betel, areca and smokeless tobacco use as a high risk behavior for head and neck cancers in a squatter settlement of Karachi, Pakistan

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    BACKGROUND: Head and neck cancers are a major cancer burden in Pakistan. They share a common risk factor profile including regular consumption of products of betel, areca and tobacco. Use of paan, chaalia, gutka, niswar and tumbaku is acceptable in Pakistan and is considered a normal cultural practice. This cross-sectional study was carried out to understand the relation of socio-demographic factors for the consumption of paan, chaalia, gutka, niswar and tumbaku in Pakistani population. Through systematic sampling, 425 subjects from a squatter settlement in Karachi were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. High risk behavior was defined as Daily use of any of the above products. RESULTS: Daily use of all the substances except chaalia was higher among males compared to females. Chaalia use was higher among adolescents than adults while non-married consumed both chaalia and gutka more than married. Mohajir ethnicity had higher prevalence of paan, gutka and tumbaku use while Pathans had higher prevalence of niswar use. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of use of chewable products is high in Pakistan with particularly high use of certain substances related with socio-demographic profiles. Industrially prepared products, chaalia and gutka, are gaining popularity among youth. Policies and focused interventions can be developed taking into consideration the preferred use of products among different socio-demographic groups

    Effects of the Inclusion of Star Gooseberry (Sauropus androgynus) Leaf Meal in Ration on Physical and Nutritional Quality of KUB Chicken Breast Meat

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    Local chickens are among the enormous poultry genetic sources in Indonesia.  These chickens are potential to develop as they are found in big population throughout the country.  Chicken meat is a nutritious food containing nutrients including carbohydrate, protein, fat, water, minerals, and vitamins in balanced proportion.  Improvement of nutritive contents of Balitnak Superior Local Chicken (KUB chicken) meat can be achieved by providing the chickens with quality and nutritious feed.  The inclusion of star gooseberry leaf meal can be an alternative as it is nutritious, cheap, and plenty.  This study was aimed at assessing effects of star gooseberry leaf meal (SGLM) inclusion in ration on physical and nutritional quality of KUB chicken breast meat. Ninety-six (KUB chickens) aged 7 days were allocated into 4 treatments and 4 replicates in a completely randomized design.  Treatments consisted of 0% SGLM inclusion in ration (R0), 1% SGLM inclusion in ration (R1), 2% SGLM inclusion in ration (R2), and 3% SGLM inclusion in ration (R3).  Data were subjected to an analysis of variance (anova) and a Duncan test.  Results showed that treatments significantly increased (P0.05) ash, fat, and protein contents of breast meat.  Meat water holding capacity, cooking loss, and tenderness were found to be improved (P0.05) meat pH was observed

    Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. plant treatment by ultrasounds and microwaves to improve antioxidants yield and quality: An overview

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    The purpose of this review is to compile the literature published about different aspects of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) use and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) applied on jujube worldwide and to compare the results on the antioxidant activity obtained for each extraction method. As a result of the increased consumers demand for natural products, as well as for those of agro-food, nutraceutical, cosmetic industries, and green extraction techniques are nowadays trending to be potential alternatives that can improve antioxidant yield and its quality from an economical and environmental point of view by reducing time, energy, and solvent consumption. Ultrasounds and microwaves are widely used methods in the extraction of active principles due to their cavitation and dipolar rotation effect, respectively. These two techniques provide efficiency of extraction while minimizing the time and preserving the quality of the food matrix, overcoming the disadvantages of conventional techniques characterized by their consumption of large quantities of solvents and providing a sparse quantity of extraction. Jujube, a shrub with a high antioxidant potential, which can be affected by various extraction conditions can be the target of UAE and MAE to increase the antioxidant extraction yield. Exploiting the beneficial properties such as the antioxidant activity can lead to an industrialization process, replacing therefor synthetic antioxidants with natural compounds. These can also help in the development of new nutraceuticals and can be used, for instance, in agro-food industries as preservatives