466 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dalam Membayar Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kecamatan Cibiru Kota Bandung

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    Land and Building Tax is a regional tax that has the largest contribution to regional development. The decreasing level of compliance in paying taxes and not achieving the realization of Land and Building Tax receipts are the problems found in this study. This study aims to determine the level of taxpayer compliance in paying Land and Building Tax in Cibiru District, Bandung City, the obstacles encountered and the efforts made by the Regional Government. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results show that in the 2018-2020 range, taxpayer compliance in Cibiru District, Bandung City can be said to be quite obedient based on the realization of Land and Building Tax receipts for the last 3 years even though it always does not reach the target to be achieved. The obstacles found are that there are still taxpayers who do not pay taxes on time, and do not report changes in the subject or object of the tax to the tax officer. The local government's efforts are conducting socialization, putting up banners at road points, applying to attach proof of land and building taxes in full each time they will carry out government administration services to the Kelurahan, as well as an integrated operation program to make it easier for the community to pay Land and Building Tax

    Pengaruh Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Tingkat Inflasi, Kurs Us Dollar Terhadap Rupiah, Dan Tingkat Suku Bunga Terhadap Return Saham Syariah Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Periode 2008-2010

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), tingkat inflasi, kurs US dollar terhadap rupiah, dan tingkat suku bunga terhadap return saham syariah di BEI pada periode 2008-2010. Oleh karena itu dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi return saham syariah yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan nilai Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), inflasi, kurs US dollar terhadap rupiah, dan suku bunga sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam keputusan pembelian saham. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analiss regresi linear berganda dengan uji t, uji f, dan koefisien determinasi (R2). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh saham perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI dan tergabung dalam kelompok JII, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah 29 saham perusahaan yang sudah terdaftar di BEI dan tergabung dalam JII. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) diperoleh tsign sebesar 0,027 0,05; artinya inflasi mempunyai pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap return saham syariah. Kurs US dollar terhadap Rupiah diperoleh tsign sebesar 0,033 <0,05; artinya variabel kurs US dollar terhadap rupiah mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham. Tingkat Suku Bunga Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI) diperoleh tsign sebesar 0,000 <0,05; artinya tingkat suku bunga (SBI) mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap return saham syariah. Hasil perhitungan diperoleh Fsign sebesar 0,000 <0,05; berarti bahwa Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), tingkat inflasi, kurs US dollar terhadap Rupiah, dan tingkat suku bunga secara bersama sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham syariah. Hasil koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,658. Hal ini berarti 65,8% variasi dari return saham syariah dijelaskan oleh variabel Indeks Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), tingkat inflasi, kurs US dollar terhadap Rupiah, dan tingkat suku bunga. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 34,2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain diluar model


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    Customer dissatisfaction as a customer response to the evaluation of mismatch (disconfirmation) perceived between initial expectations with prior purchases (or other performance norms) and perceived actual performance of the product after use. Customer complaints in response to the evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between initial expectations and actual product before purchase is perceived after use.Satisfaction can only be felt after we make a purchase and enjoy the services provided. Customer satisfaction can be seen after the purchase and re-purchase recommended by existing customers.The growth rate of Internet users in Indonesia is estimated at 23% annually. Of this figure could be higher if the crisis recovery is faster. Besides the actual number of Internet users still need to account for access from Internet cafes are mushrooming growth.Statistical test results showed that a significant difference between the variable Value to the Customer Customer Satisfaction Speedy in Surabaya. This is because customer satisfaction is usually formed into a key indicator of a market share and profits, and an important indicator of a company's financial health entirely. More from Mazumdar (1993) that the value of the customer to be more oriented to customer satisfaction and interact with each other. Rather, they tend to make a decent exchange between benefits and sacrifices formed in getting a product or jacke

    Time cost model for water related projects

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    Planning is one of the elements of management, next to organizing, motivating and control. It draws attention to the determinants and characteristics of the planning part and its particular importance in the project management process. Assessing the accuracy of the project timeline should be considered an essential part during planning stage. Neglecting to estimate timeline accuracy may lead to wrong decisions on acquisition of cost assessment and exposed to unforeseen events, risks, and deviations. Thus, the study was conducted to develop and evaluate new time cost relationship model based on previous 5 years projects under Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia (JPS). To attempt this study, 47 projects under JPS Johor had been selected for evaluation and comparison. The data gathered through objective were measured and translated into table and scatter graph. The model was developed in line with the time cost model developed by Bromilow in 1980 where the predictive efficacy of a model measured in its coefficient determination of R2 . The R2 value indicated quite relevant as the study registered R2 value more than 0.7. The study further revealed that construction size measured by the cost has a far reaching effect on the time of completion indicated by the R2 value. Respondents with vast experiences have been interviewed to gather all data and information on disparity, similarity and effectiveness of current model practiced by their organizations. The data was tabulated into graph to acquire relevant information pertaining model of current practice in determining various project timeline and the effectiveness of model used in different organization. However, the others industry players are not practicing this model in their organizations as the other variables that they believed are important were keeping constants. The prediction efficacy of the model could be improved by incorporating other significant variables influencing construction durations. The results will be benefited as another comparison or assessment mechanism in getting comprehensive timeline during feasibility study. Findings of the study are expected to aid inputs to JPS in the direction to revise current theories which take place in 2020


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    ABSTRACT This reseach based on phenomena, which has been in company this is still rate system of cooperatives. The factors that considered by customers of 5 factors. This reseach have pupose intend to analyze regresi linier is amounting 64 responden Primer Koperasi UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya. Analysis technique used analysis regresi linier. The sample technique used Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. The Instrumens technique used Semantic defferential. That influere consideration costumer Primer Koperasi UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya. So the for information that obtained can be useful for the creditor to determine what the right development way of the Primer Koperasi UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. Based on the result of factor analysis we obtain that factor for creditor in Primer Koperasi UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya is perceptively official employee Primer Koperasi UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur Surabaya, take care of complaint, rate of thr banking, guarante, credite, leafe time, transaction servires

    Gaji Pendidik Dalam Teori-teori Pendidik

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    Viewing educator as a "profession" means considering not only the compliance of elements and scientific procedures but also the fulfillment of salaries for professional staff. Payroll practices of educators had been institutionalized in medieval Islamic educational system, although the institutionalization process had invited controversy among scholars. Along with the institutionalization of the payroll practices of educators, educational theories evolved toward a discussion of issues of the competences of educators who make teaching activities as a "profession". The historical experience of Muslims can give us a lesson for resolving the problems of professionalism of educators today

    Haflah Imtihan Dalam Diskursus Penunjang Kualitas Dan Kuantitas Siswa : (Studi Kasus MI Se - Kec Kedungdung dan Robatal Sampang)

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    Haflah Imtihan merupakan rutinitas tahunan yang diselenggarakan sekolah/madrasah dengan spirit dan antusias tinggi dari semua stakeholder. Fungsi motivasi dan syukuran dari Haflah Imtihan yang digelar sebetulnya harus mampu dioptimalkan dan diefektifkan. Namun faktanya berbeda. Haflah Imtihan di sekolah se-Kec. Kedungdung dan Robatal hanya dijadikan ajang meningkatkan kuanititas siswa bukan kualitas mutu pendidikan. Hal itu dilihat dari tiga fakta, yaitu: 1. Wisuda menjadi program prioritas utama yang berlebihan. Barometer lulusan bukan angka nilai ujian akhir tapi angka finansial dalam menfasilitasi aksesoris wisuda, 2. Program hiburan yang mendominasi acara Haflah Imtihan tidak berhasil membangun motivasi belajar, bahkan mengalihkan secara total fokus belajar dan merusak pengetahuan siswa, 3. Program ilegal syar’i yang banyak dilakukan dalam Haflah Imtihan merusak pribadi takwa siswa. Sedangkan ketakwaan merupakan syarat pokok mendapatkan ilmu yang barokah dan meningkatkan kualitas mutu pendidikan. Sekaligus membatalkan makna esensi syukuran yang menjadi tujuan utama diselenggarakan rutinitas tahunan ini


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    Persaingan antar pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan tidak bisa dihindari lagi, pesantren dituntut untuk melakukan inovasi dan membuat strategi demi meningkatkan animo masyarakat terhadap Pesantren. Salah satu strategi yang menjadi penting untuk dilakukan adalah memberdayakan alumni dari pesantren tersebut. Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlisin merupakan salah satu Pesantren yang berada di Kabupaten Sampang. Berdasarkan data empiris, menunjukkan bahwa alumni mempunyai pengaruh kuat dalam meningkatkan animo masyarakat terhadap Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlishin. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka ada dua fokus penelitian yang menjadi kajian pokok dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: Pertama, kegiatan apa saja yang melibatkan para alumni dalam kegiatan Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlishin? Kedua, bagaimana alumni dilibatkan oleh lembaga pendidikan dalam maningkatkan animo Masyarakat terhadap Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlishin?. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dan jenis penelitian lapangan. Adapun sumber data yang diperoleh yaitu melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informannya adalah Kepala Pondok, Pengurus Alumni dan Masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhlishin melibatkan alumni dalam pemasaran jasa pendidikan yaitu dengan konsep pemasaran yaitu promosi dengan melalui media-media sosial (Whastaap, Facebook, dan Youtobe), serta memperkenalkan dengan mengadakan kegiatan-kegiatan. Konsep tersebut sesuai dengan Konsep bauran Pemasaran 7P,15 Promosi juga bisa dilakukan melalui keterlibatan alumni–alumni yang senantiasa ikut mempromosikan kepada masyarakat. Kedua, dampak pemberdayaan alumni dalam meningkatkan animo masyarkat terhadap pondok yaitu meningkatnya fasilitas-fasilitas Pondok, terbantunya pengelolaan program baru dan meningkatnya minat calon peserta didik baru. &nbsp