619 research outputs found

    Petrographic characterization of evaporites in the Petäjäskoski formation, Peräpohja belt, Northern Finland

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    Abstract. The present study aims to characterize the Petäjäskoski formation in the Paleoproterozoic Peräpohja belt, and to identify the evaporite sequence through petrographic and electron microprobe analysis. The Peräpohja belt in northwestern Finland is known to host for example atypical orogenic Gold (Au)-Cobalt (Co)-Uranium(U) deposits of Rompas-Rajapalot, where evaporites have shown to play a major role in formation of these deposits. Evaporites have also important part in the genesis of various deposits worldwide, including Iron Oxide Copper Deposit (IOCG) and Sediment hosted stratiform (SSC). In order to comprehend the source of the salt rich solutions and rock types, drill core samples from Petäjäskoski were examined through petrographic and electron microprobe studies. Petrographic studies shows the major lithologies as a mudstone-sandstone-dolomite unit with collapsed breccias. Mudstones contains fine and dark layers with quartz, feldspar, muscovite, and sericite. Sandstone is recrystallized as well as well-rounded sub-arkose units with quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, microcline, biotite, muscovite, and trace zircon and hematite. Dolomite is recrystallized and talc rich while conglomerate is monomictic with mudstone clast and quartz, feldspars, and talc as major minerals. Microprobe analysis of selected samples showed in accessory halite, anhydrite, sylvite and bischofite which are supporting the evaporitic origin the Petäjäskoski formation. Stromatolitic dolomite, flaser and lenticular bedded mudstone, brecciated unit, anhydrite pseudomorphs, and fractures filled with calcite pseudomorphs after evaporite minerals suggests shallow ramp tidal flat/lagoonal depositional condition, where conditions were suitable for evaporite sedimentation. Further support is indicated by collapse breccias within the formation making these rocks oldest evaporitic rocks in the Fennoscandian shield

    POLITICAL ACTORS IN 2024 ELECTION Critical Discourse Analysis of Teun A. Van Djik on disway. id, tribunnews.id, and detik.com Online Media reports About Airin Rachmi Diany as A Candidate Governor of Banten

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    Political actors play an important role in the defense and development of the country. Without political actors, the country can experience prosperity because there is no actor who leads. The problem to be discussed is the role of the media in showing meaningful and clear information about an actor without excessive framing. In this study, the object to be studied is the mayor of Tangerang, Airin Rachmi Diany. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the news construction and media ideology behind the news of Airin Rachmy Diany as a candidate for governor of DKI and Banten in detik.com, kompas.com and tribunnews.com media in the 2024 Pilkada. Political communication theory and Van Djik’s critical discourse theory is the theory used as a reference and analysis in this study. This research paradigm uses a critical paradigm with a qualitative research approach through van djik’s critical discourse analysis method with data collection techniques through observation, documentation and literature study. As for the data analysis technique using Vandjik critical discourse analysis procedures including context and cognition text analysis. The analytical method used in this research is to use critical discourse developed by Teun A. Van Djik. The results prove that the three media are able to give meaningful messages to the audience about actor Airin Rachmi Diany. The media basically gives a big role to each individual because of the information that can be given to the general public. The media can give a diferent impression in the view of each individual. Three elements of Teun Van Djik is identifed in the analysis

    Sickness and death

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    This paper investigates the economic consequences of sickness and death and the manner in which poor urban households in Bangladesh respond to such events. Based on longitudinal data we assess the effects of morbidity and mortality episodes on household income, medical spending, labour supply and consumption. We find that despite maintaining household labour supply, a serious illness exerts a n

    The co-movement of Bitcoin and some African currencies – A wavelet analysis

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    This paper investigated the co-movement between the bitcoin (BTC) and the exchange rates of some African currencies to the USD (United States Dollars) using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and wavelet coherence (WTC). This was done for the noisy as well as the denoised series. The CWT for the noisy series suggests high volatility for those who hold the currencies for the short term and low volatility for those who hold the currencies for a long-term period. The CWT of the denoised series suggests that volatility at low frequency is driven by noise, while volatility at a higher frequency is driven by market forces. The wavelet coherence suggests that in the presence of noise, bitcoin will be a hedge for the currencies. However, in the absence of noise, bitcoin is a haven for the Egyptian EGP, followed by the Algerian DZD, then the Nigerian NGN, and may not be a haven for the South African ZAR

    Waqf, its substitution (istibdal), and selected resolutions of Islamic Fiqh Academy India : a maqasid al-shari'ah perspective

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    Waqf is a charity in which corpus is maintained and the usufruct is given to the benefisiaries. The continuity of the usufruct depends on the maintenance and management of the corpus. One of the modes used both in classical and modern times to mantain waqf-properties is substitution of one waqf-property with another known as istibdal. This paper reads into istibdal, selected resolutions of Fiqh Academy India and scrutinizes them under the shari'ah objectives of waqf and tabaeeu at ( donation ). The finding shows that modes of istibdal permitted by Islamic law realize the shari'ah objectives of waqf concomitantly. Modes which were not permitted oppose the objectives of the shari'ah. This work is a potential guide for institutions and committees involved with the development of waqf-properties using innovative financing modes

    Violations of basic rights of prisoners in conventional and Islamic law: theory and practice

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    In prisons, the convicted are most often unattended by the authority and therefore they become victim to abuses and maltreatment. Their basic rights as humans are being violated in most of the prisons. Although there have been a lot of laws and regulations upholding the rights of prisoners prevalent in the international community, it seems ineffective in protecting their rights in real life. This paper examines the problems of the prisoners in general and discloses the issue of human rights violation of prisoners. The paper particularly exposes problems in the prisons such as sexual abuse, mental and physical torturing, illegal enforcement of prison labour, overcrowding, poor education and health care initiations. With approaching the issues of the prisoners from a human rights perspective, the paper also explores the issues from an Islamic law viewpoint and attempts to provide a conceptual frame work of solutions. A critical and descriptive analytical approach is employed in this study

    Strategi Promosi dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Lokal di Desa Wisata Jelekong

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    The approach of this research is qualitative, using case study method. The data was obtained through in-depth interview, observation, literature study, and documentation. The data analysis steps used were data reduction, data display, and verification. The purpose of the research is to investigate the promotion strategy of the tourism village of Jelekong, Bandung Regency performed by Kompepar Giriharja. The result of the research shows that Kompepar Giriharja performs promotion mix, i.e., word of mouth, public relations, personal selling, event, exhibition, merchandise, publication, and website. From overall promotion strategy applied by Kompepar Giriharja, the main priority was through event and public relations. The conclusion of this research is Kompepar Giriharja has not formulated comprehensive and integrated promotion strategy

    Bilateral Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage in a Patient with Confirmed COVID-19

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    Bilateral basal ganglia hemorrhage is exceedingly rare. To our knowledge, our patient is the first reported case of a confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patient who had bilateral basal ganglia hemorrhage. In the absence of other risk factors for bilateral deep cerebral involvement, we suspect that COVID-19 may be contributing to these rare pathologies. Most published data represent a correlation between COVID-19 and neurologic complications, and more research is still needed to prove causation