394 research outputs found

    Intra-radicular dentin treatments and retention of fiber posts with self-adhesive resin cements

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treating intraradicular dentin with irrigating solutions on the retention of glass-fiber posts luted with self-adhesive resin cement. Bovine incisors were endodontically treated, and 9-mm-deep postholes were prepared. Before inserting the cement, the root canals were irrigated with various solutions: 11.5% polyacrylic acid for 30 s, 17% EDTA for 60 s, or 5% NaOCl for 60 s, respectively. Irrigation with distilled water was used in the control group. After all specimens had been rinsed with distilled water, the excess moisture was removed and the posts were luted using either BisCem (Bisco) or RelyX Unicem clicker (3M ESPE). Seven days after luting, the specimens were sectioned transversally into 1-mm-thick slices, which were submitted to push-out testing on a mechanical testing machine. Bond strength data (n = 6 per group) were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls' test (α = 0.05). For Unicem, EDTA showed lower bond strength than the other solutions, which had similar results. For BisCem, EDTA showed higher bond strength than the other treatments, while application of NaOCl yielded higher bond strength than polyacrylic acid whereas the control group had intermediate results. In conclusion, irrigating root canals before insertion of self-adhesive resin cements, especially EDTA, might interfere with retention of the fiber posts

    Is the bonding of self-adhesive cement sensitive to root region and curing mode?

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    Abstract Objectives To evaluate the influence of two curing techniques on the degree of conversion (DC) of resin cements and on bond strength (BS) of fiber posts in different regions of root dentin. Material and Methods Twenty single-rooted premolars were endodontically treated, and the post spaces were prepared. The roots were randomly divided into two groups (n=10), according to the activation mode of the resin cement RelyX&#8482; U200 (3M ESPE Saint Paul, MN, USA): conventional (continuous activation mode) and soft-start activation mode (Ramp). The posts (WhitePost DC/FGM) were cemented according to the manufacturer&#8217;s recommendations and, after one week, the roots were cross-sectioned into six discs each of 1-mm thickness, and the cervical, medium, and apical thirds of the root canals were identified. The DC was evaluated under micro-Raman spectroscopy and the BS was evaluated by the push-out test. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey&#8217;s test (&#945;=0.05). Results Neither the activation mode nor the root regions affected the DC of the resin cement. Higher BS was achieved in the soft-start group (p=0.036); lower BS was observed in the apical third compared to the other root regions (p<0.001). Irrespective of the activation mode and root region, the mixed failure mode was the most prevalent. Conclusion The BS of fiber posts to root canals can be improved by soft-started polymerization. The DC was not affected by the curing mode

    Bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to composite submitted to different surface pretreatments

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    Objectives: Extensively destroyed teeth are commonly restored with composite resin before cavity preparation for indirect restorations. The longevity of the restoration can be related to the proper bonding of the resin cement to the composite. This study aimed to evaluate the microshear bond strength of two self-adhesive resin cements to composite resin. Material and Methods: Composite discs were subject to one of six different surface pretreatments: none (control), 35% phosphoric acid etching for 30 seconds (PA), application of silane (silane), PA + silane, PA + adhesive, or PA + silane + adhesive (n = 6). A silicone mold containing a cylindrical orifice (1 mm2 diameter) was placed over the composite resin. RelyX Unicem (3M ESPE) or BisCem (Bisco Inc.) self-adhesive resin cement was inserted into the orifices and light-cured. Self-adhesive cement cylinders were submitted to shear loading. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). Results: Independent of the cement used, the PA + Silane + Adhesive group showed higher microshear bond strength than those of the PA and PA + Silane groups. There was no difference among the other treatments. Unicem presented higher bond strength than BisCem for all experimental conditions. Conclusions: Pretreatments of the composite resin surface might have an effect on the bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to this substrate

    Bond strength of adhesive luting agents to caries-affected dentin

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of adhesive luting agents to caries-affected dentin (CAD). Methods: Forty human molars were sectioned to create dental slices presenting exposed occlusal dentin. Half of the samples were submitted to eight caries-induction demineralizing/mineralizing cycles. The pH-cycling model consisted of three hours in a demineralizing solution followed by 45 hours of immersion in a mineralizing solution. Dentin hardness was measured before and after the pH cycling. Resin cement cylinders were built up over the dentin surface using RelyX Unicem or RelyX ARC/Scotchbond Multipurpose Plus. The cement cylinders were submitted to shear load, and the data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p<0.05). Hardness data were also submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05). The relationship of hardness vs bond strength was assessed via nonlinear regression analysis. Results: Sound dentin (tested and used in caries induction) showed similar values of hardness and were superior to CAD. Both resin cements showed higher bond strength to sound dentin than to CAD. Independent of substrate, RelyX ARC showed the highest values of bond strength. A positive linear relationship between dentin hardness and bond strength was observed for both cements evaluated. Conclusions: The adhesive luting agents evaluated showed lower bond strength to CAD
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