38 research outputs found

    Análise do grau de restritividade de exigências técnicas às exportações brasileiras

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    The objective of this investigation was to evaluate to what degree technical requirements restrict Brazilian exports, based on a survey applied to 77 firms. The variables represented six types of technical measures that are usually imposed upon exported products. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, factorial analysis was used to reduce the number of variables involved. This allowed the construction of two indicators of the degree of restrictiveness of the technical barriers focused by the study. These were an indicator of requirements of technical specification (ITS) and an indicator for information and label requirements (IIL). Descriptive statistics and paired t test showed that the firms surveyed considered the ITS more restrictive to their exports, that is, these have been subject to greater restrictions affecting the production process, including quality, the production process pattern and conformity assessment.Technical requirements, Survey, Brazilian exports, Restrictiveness indicators, International Relations/Trade,

    Heterogeneity Index of Trade and Actual Heterogeneity Index – the case of maximum residue levels (MRLs) for pesticides

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    Non-tariff measures (NTMs) beyond traditional trade policy instruments define the requirements that importing countries imposed on foreign products. Due to differences across countries, requirements for supplying foreign markets can lead to trade costs and thus hamper international trade. In this paper, we introduce two regulatory heterogeneity indexes which are subsequently applied to the case maximum residue levels (MRLs) of pesticides. The Heterogeneity Index of Trade (HIT) reflects the respective differences across countries based on the assumption that the mere fact of difference in requirements causes trade costs. Taking the HIT index as a starting point, the Actual Heterogeneity Index (AHI) specially considers the situation where the requirements demanded by the importing country are stricter than those of the exporting country. The focuses is on the pesticide MRLs that the EU27 and 10 trade partner countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Russia and the US) apply on a set of agri-food products (cheese, beef, pig meat, potatoes, tomatoes, apples and pears, aubergines, peppers, maize, barley and rape seed). In particular, we take the EU export perspective as the benchmark for the comparison and calculate the indexes. The indexes identify if the respective MRLs are similar or dissimilar, equal, stricter or more lenient, and the results of our analysis thus point out potential areas for negotiating equivalence or other strategies in order to overcome the possible trade-restricting impact of diverging MRLs.Non-tariff measures (NTMs), maximum residue levels (MRLs), regulatory heterogeneity index, agri-food trade, index analysis, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Efeitos da imposição de barreiras técnicas e fitossanitárias nas exportações brasileiras de mamão

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    The main objective of this paper was to identify technical and sanitary requirements that could be qualified as export barriers for the Brazilian papaya and to quantify their effects on the volume exported to the United States of America. The methodology consisted of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative information collected by means of interviews with producers and exporters were analyzed with the use of frequencies and descriptive statistics. A time series model of transfer function was estimated to analyze the impact of technical and sanitary barriers upon Brazilian papaya exports. Through the qualitative analysis it was possible to identify five technical and sanitary requirements that could be qualified as export barriers. Due to the lack of appropriate time series data, only two of them were subject to quantitative investigation. It was concluded that the Brazilian papaya exports have been negatively affected by these barriers and that this could be discussed bilaterally with the United States in the regular meetings of the Technical and Sanitary Barriers Committee.Technical barriers, Sanitary requirements, Papaya, Transfer function model, International Relations/Trade,

    Análise de evidências sobre a importância de barreiras técnicas à exportação de empresas brasileiras

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    Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa aplicada a empresas brasileiras exportadoras para levantar dados primários e conduzir análises estatísticas sobre a importância relativa de barreiras técnicas ao comércio. O procedimento metodológico empregado consistiu na aplicação de testes não-paramétricos aos dados. Verificou-se que as empresas que colaboraram com a análise consideram os efeitos das barreiras técnicas sobre suas exportações relativamente mais importantes que barreiras tarifárias, outras BNTs, impostos e custo com marketing internacional. Fatores como preço, demanda externa e custo de transporte foram indicados como mais importantes que exigências técnicas. Dentre os tipos de exigências técnicas, requisitos de qualidade, aparentemente, são os que mais influenciam as exportações. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que diferentes modalidades de exigências mostraram impactos diferenciados entre os setores analisados.This article presents results of a survey applied to Brazilian exporting firms to obtain primary data, which are subject to a statistical analysis about the relative importance attributed to technical barriers to trade. The methodological procedure used consisted in non parametric tests The firms that collaborated with the analysis indicated that technical barriers effects upon exports are relatively more important than tariff barriers, other non tariff barriers, taxes and international marketing costs. Factors such as price, external demand and transport costs seemed to be more important than technical requirements. Within the technical requirements, quality seemed to be what has most influence upon exports. In addition, different types of requirements present different impacts within the sectors evaluated

    Levantamento e avaliação da literatura econômica sobre o BNDES

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    Projeto executado com o apoio financeiro do Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), por meio de refinanciamento não reembolsável com recursos do Fundo de Estruturação de Projetos do BNDES (FEP): Pesquisa Científica nº 03/2011 - FEP/BNDES Literatura Econômica.Créditos : Pesquisadores: Anne Hanley, Júlio Manuel Pires, Maurício Jorge Pinto de Souza, Renato Leite Marcondes, Rosane Nunes de Faria, Sérgio Naruhiko SakuraiA nossa pesquisa objetiva realizar uma sistematização e avaliação da literatura econômica produzida a respeito do BNDES desde o seu início. Para tanto, na primeira parte do projeto, a qual se refere esse relatório, realizamos uma revisão dos argumentos teóricos para a atuação de um banco de desenvolvimento, bem como, uma discussão da perspectiva histórica associada à criação e evolução dos bancos de desenvolvimento, em especial do BNDES. Nas próximas etapas da pesquisa, tal arcabouço teórico e histórico possibilitará avaliar não apenas o conjunto da produção por meio de uma análise bibliométrica, mas também os argumentos e evidências utilizados nos trabalhos acadêmicos de maior impacto que analisam o papel do BNDES

    Confirmation of the utility of the International Staging System and identification of a unique pattern of disease in Brazilian patients with multiple myeloma

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    Santa Casa São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniv São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilHEMOPE, Recife, PE, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Bahia, BR-41170290 Salvador, BA, BrazilHosp Brigadeiro São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande do Sul, BR-90046900 Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilSch Med, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniv Fed Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, BR-13081970 Campinas, SP, BrazilInst Nacl Canc Rio Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilCanc Res & Biostat, Seattle, WA USACedars Sinai Outpatient Canc Ctr, Aptium Oncol Inc, Los Angeles, CA USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Evaluation on the effects technical requirements produces on Brazilian food products exports

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar um estudo empírico acerca dos efeitos da dificuldade de adequação às exigências técnicas no desempenho exportador das empresas da indústria de alimentos. Procurou-se identificar quais são as exigências técnicas que oferecem maior dificuldade para as empresas que exportam alimentos e quais características da empresa podem influenciar essa dificuldade. Foi conduzido um levantamento de dados por meio de um questionário enviado por e-mail a 400 empresas. Destas, 117 empresas retornaram o questionário corretamente preenchido. As respostas dos questionários foram analisadas por meio de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas como análise fatorial e árvores de classificação multivariada, além de modelos econométricos. A partir dos resultados obtidos constatou-se que, para as empresas que exportam alimentos, a dificuldade para adequar os produtos e processos às especificações técnicas (adequação da planta e do processo de produção, testes de conformidade, segurança do alimento, características do produto e requisitos de meio-ambiente) é maior do que para exigência de requerimento de informação (rotulagem, embalagem, rastreabilidade e requisitos nos portos de entrada). As características da empresa que podem influenciar essa dificuldade são: categoria de produtos, tamanho e adoção de normas internacionais. As empresas que exportam Carnes e Peixes frescos e processados têm maior dificuldade de adequação às exigências técnicas do que aquelas que exportam outros tipos de alimentos. As micro e pequenas empresas também apresentam maior dificuldade para adaptar os produtos e processos às exigências técnicas, relativamente às grandes empresas. As empresas que são certificadas para normas internacionais também apresentam maior dificuldade de adequação. Verificou-se também que quanto maior a dificuldade percebida pelas empresas melhor o seu desempenho exportador (percentual da exportação sobre as vendas totais).This research analyzes how the effects of the difficulties that food industry faces to adapt to the export technical standards affects its export performance. In addition, it aims to identify which technical requirements most affect the food industry and which characteristics most influence them. The data was collected in a survey with 117 firms and analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques such as factorial analysis, multivariate classification trees and econometric models. It was found that for food exporter firms, it is more difficult to adjust products and processes to technical specifications (plant and production process requirements, conformity assessment procedures, food safety, product characteristics and environmental requirements) than to information requirements (labeling, packaging, traceability and requirements at ports of entry). The firms characteristics that might influence the adjustment difficulties are: types of exported products, firm dimension and the adoption of international standards. Firms which export \"Meat and Fish, fresh and processed\" find it more difficult to meet technical requirements than those which export other types of food. Micro and small firms also have more difficulty to adjust their products and processes to technical requirements than larger firms. Certified firms for international standards also have greater adjustment difficulties. Finally, it was found that the greater adjustment difficulty, the better the firms exportation performance (calculated as the percentage of exports over total sales)

    Effects of no-tariff barriers impositions in the brazilian papaya exports

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    Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial os países iniciaram um processo de negociação multilateral buscando reduzir as tarifas de importação, o que facilitaria o fluxo de comércio internacional. Desde então, as tarifas têm sofrido significativas reduções, porém paralelamente às quedas nas taxas de importação o uso de outros mecanismos de proteção não-tarifários tem aumentado. Alguns setores são mais diretamente afetados por Barreiras Não-Tarifárias – BNT’s. No caso do setor frutícola brasileiro, especialmente para o mamão, inúmeras restrições técnicas e fitossanitárias são impostas à exportação e essas restrições têm prejudicado o desempenho do setor como exportador. Assim sendo, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi identificar as medidas técnicas e fitossanitárias que podem se configurar em barreiras e quantificar o efeito dessas barreiras no volume exportado de mamão. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar as BNT’s que mais freqüentemente incidem nas exportações de mamão para os Estados Unidos e a União Européia e analisar a percepção dos exportadores diante da imposição dessas barreiras. Também buscou-se quantificar os efeitos de barreiras técnicas e fitossanitárias no volume exportado de mamão. Como suporte teórico, fez-se uso da teoria das tarifas, assim como da definição de vários instrumentos não-tarifários. O método de análise consistiu em uma abordagem qualitativa, por meio de questionários e entrevistas, e em uma abordagem quantitativa, onde foram utilizados modelos de séries temporais. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de BNT que mais fortemente incide nas exportações de mamão, e provavelmente nas exportações de outras frutas são as restrições de caráter técnico e fitossanitário. Essas barreiras têm influenciado a competitividade externa das empresas, pois os custos para adequação a tais exigências são altos, o que reduz a rentabilidade e a disposição de novos investimentos na capacidade de produção. Foram identificadas oito medidas que podem estar se caracterizando em barreiras. Quantificou-se o efeito de três dessas barreiras, porém apenas uma se mostrou significativa, indicando efeitos da imposição de barreiras técnicas e fitossanitárias no volume exportado de mamão. Os resultados levam a concluir que os exportadores brasileiros de mamão têm se deparado efetivamente com barreiras não-tarifárias. Assim, pode-se dizer que o governo brasileiro teria argumentos técnicos para discutir e tentar solucionar essas questões bilateralmente com a União Européia e os Estados Unidos nos encontros regulares dos Comitês de Medidas Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias e de Barreiras Técnicas.After the Second World War, the countries had initiated a process of multilateral negotiation searching to reduce the tariff import, it would contribute to the international trade flow. Since then, the tariffs have suffered significant reductions, however, parallel to the falls in the taxes of importation the use of other no- tariffs protection mechanisms has increased. Some sectors are more directly affected by no- tariff barriers -BNT’s. In Brazilian case, the fruit sector, especially the papaya, countless technical and phytosanitary restrictions are imposed concerning exportation and these restrictions have harmed the performance of the sector as exporting. Thus being, the main purpose of this work was to identify the technical and phytosanitary measures that can be configured in barriers and quantify the effect of these barriers in the papaya’s exported volume. Specifically, this work searched to quantify the BNT’s that more frequently happens in papaya exportations for the United States and the European Union, and to analyse the perception of exporters according to the imposition of these barriers. It was searched to quantify the effect of technical and phytosanitary barriers in the papaya exported volume. As theoretical support, the use of the theory of barriers became as well as the definition of some no- tariff instruments. The analysis method consisted in qualitative boarding, using questionnaires and interviews and the quantitative boarding using models of secular series. The results showed the BNT type that most strongly happens in exportation of papaya, and probably in the exportation of other fruits, are technical and phytosanitary restrictions. These barriers have influenced the external competitiveness of the companies, therefore, the costs concerning adequacy these requirements are high. It reduces the yield and disposal of new investments in production’s capacity. It was identified eight measures that can become barriers. The three effects were quantified in these barriers, though only one showed significant, what indicates effect of the imposition of technical and phytosanitary barriers in papaya exported volume. The results conclude that Brazilian exporters of papaya have come across effectively with no- tariff barriers. Thus, it can be said the Brazilian government would have technician arguments to discuss or to solve these questions bilaterally such as the European Union and The United States in regular meetings of the Committees of sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Direction, Extension and Price of Exports’ Quality

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    We examine some issues related to trade in produc quality, based on evidence of Brazil's exports in 1995, 2005, and 2014, with goods classified according to the Rauch's (1999) list (4-digits SITC Rev. 2) of differentiated goods, reference-priced goods, and organized-exchange goods. We mainly focus on differentiated goods, whose unit values variations can be more definitely connected with quality variation. We start with some exploratory statistical analysis around the extensive market and good's margins, which helps to highlight the main determinant of market entry. With the help of a richly devised graphic, we manage to highlight both the role of GDP per capita, as well as of a network-adjusted distance variable. In the same sense, with the help of a step-plot, we could outline how product quality is associated with ampler extension of markets. All analyses on the quality margins are based on regression models, starting with a demand-structured quality model, which confirms all major finding of the previous data visualization. The positive coeficiente of distance is worth emphasizing, showing that high-quality product, which is proxied by unit value (UV), reach more distant markets. But the best stastical model is our attempted demand and supply structured model, which takes substituting UV by RUV, relative unit value. All main exploratory variables becomes statistically signficant, begining with the negative coeficient of importing market size, which further help to untangle this variable from GDP per capita, which is related to consumer's characteristics. Most importantly, both supply-side variable, built on 3-digits level classification, have positive coefficients. In the case of RCA, it refers us to a stabilished argument in the multi-product firm literature: that the supplier has higher quality competition in its core-competence área


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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent of asynchronicity in the authorisations of new genetically modified organism (GMO) events between importing and exporting countries. Based on the literature, we systemise the GMO regulatory framework and use dissimilarity and stringency indices to assess the regulatory differences. The results show an increase in the asynchronous approval across the majority of country pairs. However, focusing only on commercialised events and considering only regulatory differences in which the importers are more stringent than the exporters, the asynchronous approval is considerably lower, and the result indicates that the major trade leaders have synchronised their approval status for GMOs over time