5 research outputs found

    Agricultural insurance mechanisms through mutualism: the case of an agricultural cooperative

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    O objetivo desse artigo foi verificar como o sistema de mutualismo é aplicado em uma cooperativa para a mitigação de riscos, como opção à contratação de seguros tradicionais. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo de caso único, holístico, em uma cooperativa agroindustrial no Estado do Paraná, com dados levantados entre junho e setembro de 2014. Foram identificadas quatro aplicações do mutualismo na cooperativa estudada, especificamente para mitigação de riscos de intempéries para produtores de grãos (milho, soja e feijão); para mitigação de riscos da volatilidade de preços de suínos; e para a mitigação de riscos de morte por raio, brucelose e tuberculose (bovinos). Foi verificado que por meio da mutualidade as cooperativas constituem soluções para problemas próprios do seu meio e específicos do setor do agronegócio. As cooperativas são coordenadoras e administradoras de todo o mecanismo de seguro mútuo para atender aos riscos envolvidos em atividades desenvolvidas nelas e/ou pelos seus cooperados. O mutualismo se mostrou eficaz em diversas situações identificadas de sinistros. Entretanto, a exemplo das formas de seguro tradicionais, em caso de catástrofes o sistema não alcança a cobertura necessária.El objetivo en este estudio fue verificar cómo se aplica el sistema de mutualismo en una cooperativa con el fin de mitigar el riesgo, como una alternativa al contrato de seguro tradicional. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un estudio de caso único, holístico, en una cooperativa agroindustrial ubicada en el estado de Paraná. Los datos fueron recolectados en el período comprendido entre junio y septiembre de 2014. Se identificaron cuatro aplicaciones del mutualismo en la cooperativa estudiada, específicamente para mitigar los riesgos de las intemperies para productores de granos (maíz, soja y frijoles/porotos); para mitigar los riesgos de la volatilidad de los precios del cerdo; y para mitigar los riesgos de muerte por rayos, brucelosis y tuberculosis (de vacunos). Se encontró que, por medio de la mutualidad, las cooperativas constituyen soluciones para problemas propios de su entorno y específicos de la agroindustria. Las cooperativas son coordinadoras y gestoras de todo el mecanismo de seguro mutuo para hacer frente a los riesgos involucrados en actividades desarrolladas en las mismas y/o por sus afiliados. El mutualismo se muestra eficaz en diversas situaciones identificadas de siniestros. Sin embargo, como en las formas de seguro tradicional, en caso de catástrofes, el sistema no alcanza la cobertura necesaria.The aim of this article is to verify how the mutualism model is applied in cooperatives to mitigate risks. We conducted a single, holistic case study of an agribusiness cooperative in Paraná State. The data were collected from June to September 2014. Four applications of the mutualism model were identified, specifically to mitigate risks of weather for grain (corn, beans and soybeans) farmers, death by lightning, brucellosis and tuberculosis for cattle farmers and the volatility of prices for pig farmers. Through the mutualism model, it was observed that cooperatives find solutions for their specific agribusiness sector problems. Cooperative companies are the managers and coordinators of the entire insurance mechanism to address the risks involved in their activities or/and the activities of their members. The mutualism model has been effective for covering common risks. However, like regular insurance, it proved to be ineffective in the case of catastrophes

    Agricultural insurance mechanisms through mutualism: the case of an agricultural cooperative

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    Abstract The aim of this article is to verify how the mutualism model is applied in cooperatives to mitigate risks. We conducted a single, holistic case study of an agribusiness cooperative in Paraná State. The data were collected from June to September 2014. Four applications of the mutualism model were identified, specifically to mitigate risks of weather for grain (corn, beans and soybeans) farmers, death by lightning, brucellosis and tuberculosis for cattle farmers and the volatility of prices for pig farmers. Through the mutualism model, it was observed that cooperatives find solutions for their specific agribusiness sector problems. Cooperative companies are the managers and coordinators of the entire insurance mechanism to address the risks involved in their activities or/and the activities of their members. The mutualism model has been effective for covering common risks. However, like regular insurance, it proved to be ineffective in the case of catastrophes

    Weed Coexistence in Eucalyptus Hybrid Stands Decreases Biomass and Nutritional Efficiency Mid-Rotation

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    Determining the period of weed coexistence with eucalyptus stands assists in the integrated management of weed competition, which reduces the application of herbicides, economic costs, and environmental damage. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to evaluate the impact of a hybrid stand of Eucalyptus grandis × Eucalyptus urophylla trees on biomass production, the concentration and stock of macro and micronutrients, and the efficiency of nutrient utilization under different periods of coexistence with weeds. Our study is the first to report the impacts of weed management on the biomass and nutrients present in the leaves, branches, stembark, and stemwood at the time of mid-rotation (4.5 years old). The experiment was carried out in southern Brazil in the Pampa biome and followed a randomized block design, with three replications. The treatments consisted of increasing periods of coexistence with or control of weeds. The total biomass in the coexistence up to 378 days treatment was 53.7 Mg ha−1, and in the control treatment up to 168 days, it was 81.4 Mg ha−1, differing statistically. This reduction was in the order of 34%. The continuous presence of weeds led to a significant reduction in the production of wood and total biomass. The highest nutrient utilization efficiency (NUE) was observed for wood. The control of weeds for up to 168 days promoted greater productivity than controlling weeds for 378 days. This recommendation can be adopted by plantation managers for this region, reducing the amount of herbicide applied on the stand

    Transcriptomics and systems biology analysis in identification of specific pathways involved in cacao resistance and susceptibility to witches' broom disease

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    This study reports on expression analysis associated with molecular systems biology of cacao- Moniliophthora perniciosa interaction. Gene expression data were obtained for two cacao genotypes (TSH1188, resistant; Catongo, susceptible) challenged or not with the fungus M. perniciosa and collected at three time points through disease. Using expression analysis, we identified 154 and 227 genes that are differentially expressed in TSH1188 and Catongo, respectively. The expression of some of these genes was confirmed by RT-qPCR. Physical protein-protein interaction (PPPI) networks of Arabidopsis thaliana orthologous proteins corresponding to resistant and susceptible interactions were obtained followed by cluster and gene ontology analyses. The integrated analysis of gene expression and systems biology allowed designing a general scheme of major mechanisms associated with witches' broom disease resistance/susceptibility. In this sense, the TSH1188 cultivar shows strong production of ROS and elicitors at the beginning of the interaction with M. perniciosa followed by resistance signal propagation and ROS detoxification. On the other hand, the Catongo genotype displays defense mechanisms that include the synthesis of some defense molecules but without success in regards to elimination of the fungus. This phase is followed by the activation of protein metabolism which is achieved with the production of proteasome associated with autophagy as a precursor mechanism of PCD. This work also identifies candidate genes for further functional studies and for genetic mapping and marker assisted selection. (Résumé d'auteur