443 research outputs found

    A deep dive into NGC 604 with Gemini/NIRI imaging

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    The giant HII region NGC 604 constitutes a complex and rich population to studying detail many aspects of massive star formation, such as their environments and physical conditions, the evolutionary processes involved, the initial mass function for massive stars and star-formation rates, among many others. Here, we present our first results of a near-infrared study of NGC 604 performed with NIRI images obtained with Gemini North. Based on deep JHK photometry, 164 sources showing infrared excess were detected, pointing to the places where we should look for star-formation processes currently taking place. In addition, the color-color diagram reveals a great number of objects that could be giant/supergiant stars or unresolved, small, tight clusters. A extinction map obtained based on narrow-band images is also shown.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 266, Star Clusters: Basic Galactic Building Blocks Throughout Time and Space, eds. R. de Grijs and J. Lepin

    The molecular environment of the pillar-like features in the HII region G46.5-0.2

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    At the interface of HII regions and molecular gas peculiar structures appear, some of them with pillar-like shapes. Understanding their origin is important for characterizing triggered star formation and the impact of massive stars on the interstellar medium. In order to study the molecular environment and the influence of the radiation on two pillar-like features related to the HII region G46.5-0.2, we performed molecular line observations with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment, and spectroscopic optical observations with the Isaac Newton Telescope. From the optical observations we identified the star that is exciting the HII region as a spectral type O4-6. The molecular data allowed us to study the structure of the pillars and a HCO+ cloud lying between them. In this HCO+ cloud, which have not any well defined 12CO counterpart, we found direct evidence of star formation: two molecular outflows and two associated near-IR nebulosities. The outflows axis orientation is perpendicular to the direction of the radiation flow from the HII region. Several Class I sources are also embedded in this HCO+ cloud, showing that it is usual that the YSOs form large associations occupying a cavity bounded by pillars. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the RDI process is not occurring in one of the pillar tips.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS (2017 June 13

    Three types of shopping precincts. Three different ways to influence the public sphere of neighborhoods

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    Indexación: Scopus.Considerando que en la teoría urbana el mercado y los espacios públicos están históricamente vinculados, este artículo analiza un mercado, una galería comercial y un centro comercial (mall). El fin es ilustrar los factores que son determinantes para que en Santiago de Chile estas tipologías de comercio adquieran carácter público y puedan contribuir a la esfera pública de la ciudad, al menos dentro de las limitaciones que se derivan de su condición privada. Hasta ahora el debate ha reflexionado extensivamente sobre estas tres tipologías, sin embargo, existen aún pocos estudios que miran la vida pública que tiene lugar en estas diferentes tipologías de manera paralela, considerando que hoy todas ellas están presentes simultáneamente en la ciudad y se disputan su espacio en ella. Esta investigación describe características físicoespaciales y de administración de estos tres casos para aportar a las políticas públicas y el diseño urbano. Se estudia el comercio en relación a la accesibilidad a nivel metropolitano y en cuanto a los diferentes tipos de comercio, que pretenden atraer un público diverso y promueven el carácter público de los espacios.According to urban theory, commerce and public spaces are historically related to each other. Based on this premise, this paper analyzes a market, a shopping center and a mall. The goal of this research is to identify the key factors that turn these shopping precincts into public spaces and contribute to the public sphere in Santiago, Chile, at least within the context of the limitations associated with their private nature. To date, these three typologies have been the focus of intense debate. However, there are few studies of the public life that takes place in these spaces, especially when considering that they coexist simultaneously in the city, claiming a space within it. This research describes the physical-spatial and administrative characteristics of these three cases in order to contribute to the strengthening of public policies in urban design. Likewise, commerce is studied in relation to accessibility patterns at metropolitan level and the types of markets that aim to attract different users and promote the public nature of these spaces.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-83582018000100089&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    An Efficient Representation of Enriched Temporal Trajectories

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    [Abstract] We present a novel representation of enriched trajectories of a mobile workforce management system. In this system, employees are tracked during their working day and both their routes and the tasks performed at each time instant are recorded. Our proposal tackles the representation of this information paying special attention to the space footprint without neglecting query time. We performed experiments using real and synthetic datasets where we show the compression effectiveness as well as the efficiency at query time. Our results showed that our proposal yields promising results in terms of the space needed to represent both users’ locations and activities while performing access queries to the original data within microseconds.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; IG240.2020.1.185Xunta de Galicia; IN852A 2018/14Partially funded by the CITIC research center funded by Xunta/FEDER-UE 2014-2020 Program, grant ED431G 2019/01. MICIU (PGE/ERDF) [Datos 4.0: TIN2016-78011-C4-1-R; STEPS: RTC-2017-5908-7; BIZDEVOPS: RTI2018-098309-B-C32]. IGAPE/Xunta (FEDER-UE) 2014-2020 [IG240.2020.1.185]. Xunta/GAIN (ERDF) [GEMA: IN852A 2018/14] and by FPI Program [BES-2017-081390].https://www.scitepress.org/ProceedingsDetails.aspx?ID=H6opWeZtwKs=&t=

    Revisiting compact RDF stores based on k2-trees

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    We present a new compact representation to efficiently store and query large RDF datasets in main memory. Our proposal, called BMatrix, is based on the k2-tree, a data structure devised to represent binary matrices in a compressed way, and aims at improving the results of previous state-of-the-art alternatives, especially in datasets with a relatively large number of predicates. We introduce our technique, together with some improvements on the basic k2-tree that can be applied to our solution in order to boost compression. Experimental results in the flagship RDF dataset DBPedia show that our proposal achieves better compression than existing alternatives, while yielding competitive query times, particularly in the most frequent triple patterns and in queries with unbound predicate, in which we outperform existing solutions.Comment: This research has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 BIRDS GA No. 69094

    Identification of anatomical reference points to assess balance using kinematic devices

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    [Resumen] Objetivo Analizar el comportamiento de los niveles raquídeos más empleados en el análisis cinemático y definir el punto óptimo de colocación de acelerómetros para la medida del equilibrio en adultos. Material y método Se valoró a un total de 71 sujetos sanos de los que la mayoría fueron mujeres (92,96%), con una edad media ± desviación estándar de 64,86 ± 7,63 años. Para la valoración se utilizaron 3 acelerómetros triaxiales ubicados en esternón, L4 y L5-S1, que registraron datos cinemáticos durante la realización de 2 pruebas de equilibrio: equilibrio monopodal con ojos cerrados y equilibrio dinámico monopodal. Se consideraron criterios de exclusión para participar en el estudio la incapacidad para realizar la marcha de forma independiente, para mantener el equilibrio estático bipodal con ojos abiertos durante 60 s o la presencia de alguna contraindicación. Todos los sujetos realizaron las pruebas descalzos con calcetines. Resultados Se encontró que las oscilaciones producidas en las 3 ubicaciones de referencia analizadas durante las pruebas de equilibrio se incrementan de forma proporcional a la distancia al centro de gravedad. En relación con el punto óptimo de colocación del dispositivo en la región lumbo-pélvica, los resultados obtenidos indicaron que no existen diferencias relevantes entre ubicar el dispositivo al nivel de L4 o L5-S1. Conclusiones Se recomienda la elección de la cuarta vértebra lumbar como punto de medición, ya que así se limita la introducción de ruido en la señal recogida por los acelerómetros derivada de la movilidad intrínseca de la cintura pélvica.[Abstract] Objective This paper has aimed to analyze the behavior of the spinal levels used most in the kinematic analysis and to define the best place for accelerometers to measure balance in adults. Material and method A total of 71 healthy adults were evaluated. Most were women (92.96%), with an average age of 64.86 years (SD ± 7.63). Three tri-axial accelerometers were used to evaluate balance. One was placed on the sternum and two more on L4 and L5-S1. Kinematic data was obtained from two balance tests: eyes closed monopodal balance and monopodal dynamic balance. Exclusion criteria included inability to walk independently; to be unable to maintain bipodal static balance with eyes wide-open for 60 seconds and the existence of contraindications to be tested. All the subjects performed the tests in bare feet with socks. Results The results showed that the three reference locations analyzed during the balance tests proportionally increased to the distance to the center of gravity. Regarding the optimal devise placement point in the lumbar-pelvic regions, the results obtained did not show significant differences between the accelerometer on L4 and L5-S1. Conclusions Using the fourth lumbar vertebra for measurement is recommended because it limits the introduction of noise on the accelerometer signal due to pelvic girdle motion
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