738 research outputs found

    Sheraton Hotel- Life Safety Report

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    This report evaluates the prescriptive life safety requirements for levels one (1) through four (4) of the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Phoenix. In addition, this report discusses two fire scenarios that evaluate the tenability during egress the in pre-function area on level two (2) and in the main ballroom on level three (3) of the hotel. The prescriptive standards/codes used to evaluate the hotel are the International Building Code (IBC), International Fire Code (IFC), and applicable standards from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Performance based analysis were conducted using Pathfinder, CFast, and Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS). Two fire scenarios were picked in this performance based analysis. The first scenario was a couch fire in the main lobby that had an atrium that shared space with the pre-function area on level (2). The second scenario was a kiosk fire in the main ballroom on level three (3). The Sheraton Hotel complied with the majority of the code requirements. There are two areas that did not meet the mean egress requirements. The terrace on level two (2) had an exit separation issue and the main ballroom north doors on level (3) had an encroachment issue in the vestibules used to egress. It is recommended to re-locate the doors on the terrace area to meet the exit separation code. For the encroachment issue, it is recommended to increase the width of the vestibules or to classify the doors as service doors rather than egress doors. The performance analysis determined the couch fire scenario in the lobby created an environment in the pre-function area on level (2) that does not meet the tenability requirements. A recommendation is to provide glass wall partitions in between the pre-function area and atrium in order to meet tenability requirements. The second performance based analysis determined that a kiosk fire the main ballroom is able to maintain tenability during egress of the occupants as well as to validate that propagating flame spread from the fire source is not a concern in the ballroom. The proposed recommendations in this report are based on the code review and performance based analysis

    Pelaksanaan Program Kkn Internasional Di Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia Cabang Sanggar Belajar Sungai Penchala

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    KKN sekarang sudah memiliki banyak jenis dan program yang bisa diikuti oleh mahasiswa, baik di tingkat lokal, nasional maupun internasional. Untuk mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah Aisyiah (PTMA) terdapat juga program KKN Mas dengan tingkat nasional dan juga KKN Internasional yang dikelola oleh Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah bidang Majelis Diktilitbang. Kegiatan KKN Internasional tahun ini masih diselenggarakan di Malaysia melalui berbagai sanggar belajar (SB) dengan berbagai mitra yang sudah ditentukan. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan persiapan, analisis situasi dan pelaksanaan program. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu pelaksanaan program kegiatan terdiri dari program akademik, keagamaan, kebudayaan dan kesehatan. Kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat untuk anak-anak Indonesia untuk menambah pengetahuan mereka tentang Indonesia seperti kebudayaan, suku-suku, kepulauan dan tentunya mengenal Muhammadiyah

    Coupled x-ray fluorescence and x-ray absorption spectroscopy for microscale imaging and identification of sulfur species within tissues and skeletons of scleractinian corals

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Analytical Chemistry 90 (2018): 12559–12566, doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02638.Identifying and mapping the wide range of sulfur species within complex matrices presents a challenge for under-standing the distribution of these important biomolecules within environmental and biological systems. Here, we present a coupled micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy method for determining the presence of specific sulfur species in coral tissues and skeletons at high spatial resolution. By using multiple energy stacks and principal component analysis of a large spectral database, we were able to more accurately identify sulfur species components and distinguish different species and distributions of sulfur formerly unresolved by previous studies. Specifically, coral tissues were domi-nated by more reduced sulfur species, such as glutathione disulfide, cysteine and sulfoxide, as well as organic sulfate as represented by chondroitin sulfate. Sulfoxide distributions were visually correlated with the presence of zooxanthellae endosymbionts. Coral skeletons were composed primarily of carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS), along with minor contributions from organic sulfate and a separate inorganic sulfate likely in the form of adsorbed sulfate. This coupled XRF-XANES approach allows for a more accurate and informative view of sulfur within biological systems in situ, and holds great promise for pairing with other techniques to allow for a more encompassing understanding of elemental distributions within the environment.We thank Ray Dalio for funding the Micronesian expedition and K. Hughen,This material is based upon work supported by the Na-tional Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. 1122374 and a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Gabriela Farfan

    Recycled rubber in the compressive strenght and bending of modified concrete with plasticizing admixtrue

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    The use of concrete made with recycled materials allows an alternative in the optimization and considerable reduction of resources during the manufacturing process of the components. The resistance to compression and bending in concrete of 210 Kg/cm2 modified with plastifying additive at ages 7, 14 and 28 days were evaluated using recycled rubber of 5, 10 and 15% in its composition. Three experimental groups were included, with plasticizing admixture and recycled rubber, and two control groups, with and without plastifying additive. The resistance to compression reached maximum values of 218.45 Kg/cm2 and 212.33 Kg/cm2 at 5% and 10% rubber, respectively. As for the flexural strength, a maximum value of 81.86 Kg/cm2 was achieved for 10% rubber. The recycled rubber proved to be an excellent addition to be used in concrete mixtures despite the losses of mechanical strength, but by adding plastifying additive, it significantly improves making it possible to be incorporated into concrete up to 10%. By means of variance analysis with significance of 5%, it is concluded that the percentage of recycled rubber has a significant effect on the resistance to compression and bending in the manufacture of modified concrete with plastifying additive.La utilización de concreto elaborado con materiales reciclados permite tener una alternativa en la optimización y disminución considerable de recursos durante el proceso de fabricación de los componentes. Se evaluaron las resistencias a compresión y flexión en concreto de 210 Kg/cm2 modificado con aditivo plastificante a edades 7, 14 y 28 días, usando en su composición caucho reciclado de 5, 10 y 15%. Se incluyeron tres grupos experimentales, con aditivo plastificante y caucho reciclado, y dos grupos control, con aditivo plastificante y sin él. La resistencia a la compresión logró valores máximos de 218.45 Kg/cm2 y 212.33 Kg/cm2 a 5% y 10% de caucho, respectivamente. Para la resistencia a flexión se logró un valor máximo de 81.86 Kg/cm2 para 10% de caucho. El caucho reciclado demostró ser un excelente agregado a ser empleado en mezclas de concreto a pesar de las pérdidas de resistencia mecánica, pero agregándole aditivo plastificante mejora significativamente haciendo viable su incorporación en el concreto hasta en 10%. Mediante análisis de varianza con significancia de 5%, se concluye que el porcentaje de caucho reciclado tiene efecto significativo en la resistencia a compresión y flexión en la fabricación de concreto modificado con aditivo plastificant

    Characterization of Growth Morphology and Pathology, and Draft Genome Sequencing of Botrytis fabae, the Causal Organism of Chocolate Spot of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.)

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    Chocolate spot is a major fungal disease of faba bean caused by the ascomycete fungus, Botrytis fabae. B. fabae is also implicated in botrytis gray mold disease in lentils, along with B. cinerea. Here we have isolated and characterized two B. fabae isolates from chocolate spot lesions on faba bean leaves. In plant disease assays on faba bean and lentil, B. fabae was more aggressive than B. cinerea and we observed variation in susceptibility among a small set of cultivars for both plant hosts. Using light microscopy, we observed a spreading, generalized necrosis response in faba bean toward B. fabae. In contrast, the plant response to B. cinerea was localized to epidermal cells underlying germinated spores and appressoria. In addition to the species characterization of B. fabae, we produced genome assemblies for both B. fabae isolates using Illumina sequencing. Genome sequencing coverage and assembly size for B. fabae isolates, were 27x and 45x, and 43.2 and 44.5 Mb, respectively. Following genome assembly and annotation, carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZymes) and effector genes were predicted. There were no major differences in the numbers of each of the major classes of CAZymes. We predicted 29 effector genes for B. fabae, and using the same selection criteria for B. cinerea, we predicted 34 putative effector genes. For five of the predicted effector genes, the pairwise dN/dS ratio between orthologs from B. fabae and B. cinerea was greater than 1.0, suggesting positive selection and the potential evolution of molecular mechanisms for host specificity in B. fabae. Furthermore, a homology search of secondary metabolite clusters revealed the absence of the B. cinerea phytotoxin botrydial and several other uncharacterized secondary metabolite biosynthesis genes from B. fabae. Although there were no obvious differences in the number or proportional representation of different transposable element classes, the overall proportion of AT-rich DNA sequence in B. fabae was double that of B. cinerea

    Photocatalytic degradation of 2-chlorophenol by tio2: kinetic studies

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    Kinetic studies of 2-chlorophenol photocatalytic degradation are carried out in a batch stirred built in quartz laboratory scale, using TiO2 as catalyst photoactived with ultraviolet light. Experimental design is performed using as independent variables or factors: catalyst concentration, catalyst calcinations temperature and initial concentration of 2-chlorophenol, to establish the best conditions of the degradation process. The experimental data were fitted with the Langmuir-Hinshelwood model. A kinetic constant k of 0.24 mg L-1min-1 was obtained.Fil: Morales, Graciela del Valle. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Sham, Edgardo Ling. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Cornejo, Rosario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Farfan Torres, M. E.. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; Argentin


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    This report will present hand calculations for transport efficiency based on aspiration efficiency and particle deposition losses. Because the hand calculations become long and tedious, especially for lognormal distributions of aerosols, an R script (R 2011) will be provided for each element examined. Calculations are provided for the most common elements in a remote air sampling system, including a thin-walled probe in ambient air, straight tubing, bends and a sample housing. One popular alternative approach would be to put such calculations in a spreadsheet, a thorough version of which is shared by Paul Baron via the Aerocalc spreadsheet (Baron 2012). To provide greater transparency and to avoid common spreadsheet vulnerabilities to errors (Burns 2012), this report uses R. The particle size is based on the concept of activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD). The AMAD is a particle size in an aerosol where fifty percent of the activity in the aerosol is associated with particles of aerodynamic diameter greater than the AMAD. This concept allows for the simplification of transport efficiency calculations where all particles are treated as spheres with the density of water (1 g�cm-3). In reality, particle densities depend on the actual material involved. Particle geometries can be very complicated. Dynamic shape factors are provided by Hinds (Hinds 1999). Some example factors are: 1.00 for a sphere, 1.08 for a cube, 1.68 for a long cylinder (10 times as long as it is wide), 1.05 to 1.11 for bituminous coal, 1.57 for sand and 1.88 for talc. Revision 1 is made to correct an error in the original version of this report. The particle distributions are based on activity weighting of particles rather than based on the number of particles of each size. Therefore, the mass correction made in the original version is removed from the text and the calculations. Results affected by the change are updated

    Headache during pregnancy : an observational study

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    Introducción: Las cefaleas primarias (CP) tienen mayor prevalencia e incidencia a menor edad y en su mayoría afectan a mujeres. La predilección femenina puede ser explicada por la relación de la cefalea y las hormonas sexuales, en particular el estrógeno. La migraña es la CP más discapacitante. Diversos estudios demuestran que dicha cefalea mejora durante el embarazo, principalmente en cuanto a frecuencia e intensidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar las CP según su intensidad y frecuencia durante el embarazo, además de valorar aspectos demográficos y clínicos asociados en estas pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal que analizó al azar mujeres durante el embarazo o puerperio mediato y se investigó el padecimiento de cefalea antes o durante el curso de dicho estado, mediante un cuestionario realizado por médicos del Servicio de Neurología. Se emplearon criterios de la International Headache Society 2018 (IHS) para la clasificación de cefaleas. Se analizaron datos con EpiInfo 7. Resultados: Se incluyeron 102 pacientes obstétricas. La media de edad fue de 27,6 años (DS+/-7). El 47,1% cursaba puerperio, 40,2% tercer trimestre, 7,8% segundo trimestre, 4,9% primer trimestre. El 14% presentaba antecedentes patológicos previos. El 89,2% padecía CP previa al embarazo siendo mayor en frecuencia la cefalea tensional episódica (61,8%). Se observó que hubo mejoría durante el embarazo en el 71,4%.Además se vio que el 12,8% de las pacientes presentaron cefalea nueva durante el embarazo siendo más frecuente la secundaria (8,8%). Conclusión: Entre las pacientes que presentaban CP previa al embarazo se observó que la mayoría mejoró durante el mismo. Además se concluyó que ante la aparición de cefalea nueva durante el embarazo se deberían realizar estudios complementarios ya que la mayoría fue secundaria a patologías graves.Introduction: Primary headache disorders (PH) are pathologies with high prevalence and incidence in young people, affecting women predominantly. Female predilection is associated with the linkage between headache and sexual hormones, mainly estrogens. Migraine is the most disabling primary headache. Some studies have shown that intensity and frequency of migraine tend to improve during pregnancy. Objetive: Describe primary headaches during pregnancy, in terms of frequency and intensity, and assess demographic and clinical manifestations associated with this condition. Subjects and methods: Descriptive, transversal study that randomly analyzed women during pregnancy or mediate puerperium. Existence of headache before and after these conditions was investigated trough a questionary made by physicians of the Neurology Service. International Headache Society 2018 criteria (IHS) were used to classify headaches. Data were analyzed with EpiInfo 7. Results: One hundred and twoobstetric patients were included. Median agewas 27,6 (SD +/-7). 47,1% patientswere in puerperium, 40,2% in the third trimester, 7.8% in the second trimester and 4.9% in the first trimester. Previous medical history was reported in 14% cases. PH prior to pregnancy was reported in 89.2% patients, being episodic tension headache the most frequent (61.8%). Improvement of headache during pregnancy was detected in 71.4% of the cases. There was a 12,8% of new-onset headache during pregnancy, with the secondary etiology as the most frequent cause (8,8%). Conclusion: Most of the headaches previous to pregnancy improve during this condition. New-onset headache during pregnancy must induce to request complementary studies in order to rule out severe secondary etiologies.Fil: Peñalver, F.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Galiana, G.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Delfino, C.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Farfan Alé, F.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Sánchez, C.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Gonzalez, M.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Giner, F.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Rodríguez, N.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Martínez, M.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y NeurocirugíaFil: Ianardi, S.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Neurología y Neurocirugí

    Mineralogy of Deep-Sea Coral Aragonites as a Function of Aragonite Saturation State

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    In an ocean with rapidly changing chemistry, studies have assessed coral skeletal health under projected ocean acidification (OA) scenarios by characterizing morphological distortions in skeletal architecture and measuring bulk properties, such as net calcification and dissolution. Few studies offer more detailed information on skeletal mineralogy. Since aragonite crystallography will at least partially govern the material properties of coral skeletons, such as solubility and strength, it is important to understand how it is influenced by environmental stressors. Here, we take a mineralogical approach using micro X-ray diffraction (XRD) and whole pattern Rietveld refinement analysis to track crystallographic shifts in deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa samples collected along a natural seawater aragonite saturation state gradient (Ωsw = 1.15–1.44) in the Gulf of Mexico. Our results reveal statistically significant linear relationships between rising Ωsw and increasing unit cell volume driven by an anisotropic lengthening along the b-axis. These structural changes are similarly observed in synthetic aragonites precipitated under various saturation states, indicating that these changes are inherent to the crystallography of aragonite. Increased crystallographic disorder via widening of the full width at half maximum of the main (111) XRD peaks trend with increased Ba substitutions for Ca, however, trace substitutions by Ba, Sr, and Mg do not trend with crystal lattice parameters in our samples. Instead, we observe a significant trend of increasing calcite content as a function of both decreasing unit cell parameters as well as decreasing Ωsw. This may make calcite incorporation an important factor to consider in coral crystallography, especially under varying aragonite saturation states (ΩAr). Finally, by defining crystallography-based linear relationships between ΩAr of synthetic aragonite analogs and lattice parameters, we predict internal calcifying fluid saturation state (Ωcf = 11.1–17.3 calculated from b-axis lengths; 15.2–25.2 calculated from unit cell volumes) for L. pertusa, which may allow this species to calcify despite the local seawater conditions. This study will ideally pave the way for future studies to utilize quantitative XRD in exploring the impact of physical and chemical stressors on biominerals

    Quantifying the motor efficiency via information theory

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    En este trabajo se propone un método para cuantificar la eficiencia motriz, basado en métricas específicas de la teoría de la información. Así, una medida de información es obtenida a partir de registros electromiográficos (EMG) y características cinemáticas de la actividad motora. Las señales de EMG fueron obtenidas del músculo deltoides medio durante contracciones dinámicas evocadas por elevaciones laterales (movimientos de abducción y aducción del brazo) en el plano escapular. Esta actividad motora fue realizada a diferentes velocidades y bajo diferentes condiciones de carga. La eficiencia de la actividad motora fue evaluada para cada situación. El método propuesto resultó adecuado para situaciones en el cual la actividad motora es realizada bajo condiciones no estacionarias (contracciones dinámicas).A method based on Information Theory for quantify the movement efficiency was proposed. The measurement of information provides a quantitative metric of motor efficiency. This measure is obtained from electromyographic (EMG) recordings and the kinematic of motor activity. Here, the EMG signals from middle right deltoid were recorded during dynamic contraction. These contractions were evoked by abduction-adduction arm movements at scapular plane. The arm movements were realized at different speeds and under different loading conditions. The efficiency of motor activity was then evaluated for each situation. The proposed method is suitable for situations in which motor activity is performed under non-stationary conditions (dynamic contractions).Fil: Soria, Verónica D.. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Navarro, Cecilia M.. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Pizá, Alvaro Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Lucianna, Facundo Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, Gabriel Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Farfan, Fernando Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología; Argentin