165 research outputs found

    Prática de ensino supervisionada em educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico. Cidadania na infância: contributos para uma educação na e para a cidadania

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    O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico pretende dar a conhecer os aspetos inerentes à dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi na instituição Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colônia Z-11, no Brasil, na cidade de Florianópolis, no ano letivo de 2015; e na instituição Escola Básica dos Canaviais, em Portugal, na cidade de Évora, no ano letivo de 2015/2016. Este relatório incide na temática Cidadania na Infância. Tive como propósito legitimar a criança como sujeito social (a criança cidadã) e contribuir para uma educação que vise a cidadania como direito na infância. Foi deste modo que me propus compreender como poderia contribuir nos espaços institucionais para uma educação na cidadania, vivida no presente, e uma educação para a cidadania, projetada para uma integração do cidadão também no futuro. Considerei que as instituições educativas devem criar uma relação com o dia-a-dia da criança nas diversas áreas, disciplinares e não disciplinares. Numa perspetiva de cidadania participativa, valorizando as instituições educativas como espaços de aquisição e de desenvolvimento de atitudes e competências do cidadão. A dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi no contexto de pré-escolar pretendeu acentuar a consciência de uma identidade cultural, coletiva e individual, valorizando os saberes que as crianças trazem do meio sociocultural de origem. A dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi no contexto de 1.ºciclo pretendeu promover espaços de diálogo, coconstrutivos para as aprendizagens do e entre o grupo. Através de uma análise reflexiva dos instrumentos de recolha de dados tentei dar resposta às questões que orientaram a investigação-ação que realizei, sendo estas: [O que é que a cidadania pode significar nos contextos educativos?]; [Como se promove a cidadania nas instituições escolares?] e [Como criar ambientes que permitam a participação cívica de todos?]; Report of the Supervised Teaching Practice to achieve the Master’s Degree in Pre-school Education and Teaching of the Primary School Abstract: The present report of Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary School aims to present the aspects inherent to the research dimension that I developed at the Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colônia Z-11, in Brazil, in the City of Florianopolis, in the academic year of 2015; And at the institution Escola Básica dos Canaviais, in Portugal, in the city of Évora, in the academic year of 2015/2016. The report focuses on the theme of Citizenship in childhood. I had the purpose to legitimize the child as a social subject (the child citizen) and contribute to an education that aims at citizenship as a right in childhood. It was in this way that I set out to understand how I could contribute in the institutional spaces for an education in citizenship, lived in the present, and an education for citizenship, projected for an integration of the citizen in the future. I considered that educational institutions should create a relationship with the child's daily life in the various areas, disciplinary and non-disciplinary. In a perspective of participatory citizenship, valuing educational institutions as spaces for acquisition and development of citizens' attitudes and skills. The research dimension that I developed in the pre-school context sought to accentuate the awareness of a collective, individual and cultural identity, valuing the knowledge that children bring from the socio-cultural environment where the child was born and lives. The investigative dimension that I developed in the context of the Primary School was intended to promote spaces for dialogue, coconstructives to the learnings of and between the group. Through a reflexive analysis of the instruments of data collection I tried to answer the questions that guide the action research that I realized, being these: [What can citizenship mean in the school contexts?]; [How citizenship could be promoted in the school institutions?] And [How to create environments which allow the civics participation of all?]

    Translation and validation of the Portuguese version of the surprise question

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    Translation and validation of the Portuguese version of the surprise question(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uma questão de espaço: protótipo de alojamento mínimo flexível

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    Em pleno século XXI, qualquer pessoa atenta, espectadora desse filme tão aclamado chamado “vida”, tem noção da permanente transformação da sociedade e dos seus hábitos, sustentada pelos recentes conceitos de mobilidade, portabilidade e rentabilização total do tempo. Estas alterações sociais e a sua forma de pensar reflectem-se no modo de vida das pessoas, na economia, na política, na educação, na história, e acima de tudo, na arquitectura, sendo que esta última tem que ser capaz de se adaptar e acompanhar esta progressiva mudança da sociedade. Assim, a arquitectura contemporânea surge como o ponto de transição, devendo ser considerada como um elemento impulsionador da criatividade arquitectónica conceptual, formal e material, aproveitando os recursos naturais, de modo a ser criada uma arquitectura económica e sustentável. Neste sentido, e numa tentativa de aproximação da arquitectura às necessidades permanentes do Homem, a escolha do tema desta dissertação tem por base o espaço mínimo habitável, considerando o arquitecto como criador do espaço com capacidade de perceber estas problemáticas, de forma a apresentar com soluções viáveis, intemporais e/ou em conformidade com a época em que vive. Deixamos para trás os grandes espaços arquitectónicos sobre os quais existe já uma grande quantidade de teorias, reflexões e informação. Para além disso, e uma vez que nos encontramos numa época de contenção, torna-se oportuno nesta dissertação, desenvolver a arquitectura de espaço mínimo conjugada com a sua consequente flexibilidade. Assim, nesta dissertação pretende-se estudar os hábitos e actividades exercidas na casa, bem como as funções que esta deve desempenhar, prevendo as actividades praticadas nos espaços internos sociais e nos privados. Deste modo, pretende-se levar à mínima expressão a questão da habitação, devendo esta ser funcional e flexível para que rapidamente o habitante se movimente e realize as suas necessidades enquanto Ser Humano. Apesar de apenas recentemente se ter começado a estudar intensa e internacionalmente o espaço mínimo, este é um tema que na prática aparece desde os primórdios da arquitectura, sendo a cabana primitiva o exemplo de excelência. Segundo Vitrúvio: Uns começaram a fazer cabanas com folhas, e outros a escavar cavidades nas montanhas; outros, imitando o engenho das andorinhas, realizavam, com pequenos galhos de árvore e terra mole, locais em que pudessem abrigar-se, e cada um, considerando a obra de seu vizinho, aperfeiçoava suas próprias invenções sobre as observações que fazia sobre a dos outros; e a cada dia faziam-se progressos na maneira de construir cabanas, pois os homens, cuja natureza viii é dócil e voltada à imitação, glorificando-se das suas invenções, comunicavam todos os dias aquilo que haviam inventado de novo.1 Verifica-se, portanto, que o conceito de cabana foi evoluindo, associando-se hoje em dia a habitações de espaço mínimo. Perceber a lógica desta evolução para a aplicar em futuras propostas implica, necessariamente, estudar as dimensões antropométricas do Homem como utilizador desse espaço mínimo, de modo a que haja uma adaptação da arquitectura ao Homem e não o contrário. Podem-se destacar dois casos de excelência, onde se manifesta a preocupação da adaptação da arquitectura ao Homem: 1) Leonardo Da Vinci, por volta de 1490 realiza o então conceituado desenho do Homem Vitruviano, onde se encontram previstas as diversas relações e proporções entre o corpo humano e as suas partes, tendo-se por esse motivo tornado o símbolo do Renascimento, em que o Homem apresenta o papel central, quer na arquitectura, quer em todas as outras actividades humanas; 2) Le Corbusier, baseando-se nas regras do número de ouro, nos números de Fibonacci, bem como nas dimensões médias humanas, desenvolveu um sistema de medição, o “Modulor”, permitindo assim a projecção de uma arquitectura para o Homem, de acordo com as medidas humanas. Exemplos de obras de espaços mínimos onde Le Corbusier aplica estas teorias são a Célula de 14m2, o Cabanon e até os “apartamentos-célula” que inclui no programa das villas que projectou desde os anos 20 até aos 50. Com o estudo aprofundado destas temáticas pretende-se criar um sistema que permita integrá-las numa arquitectura mínima, e consequentemente flexível e adaptável ao Homem e às suas necessidades. A proposta resultará na conceptualização de um protótipo de uma célula habitacional mínima, onde estará prevista uma distribuição flexível e funcional do espaço, adaptada ao Homem, de modo a reflectir assim a base teórica em estudo.In the XXI century, any attentive person spectator of the so acclaimed movie called ‘life’ is aware of the ongoing transformation of society and its habits, supported by recent concepts of mobility, portability and total time economy. These social changes and their way of thinking are reflected in people lifestyles, economy, politics, education, history, and above all, architecture, and these last one must be able to adapt and follow this progressive change in society. Thus, contemporary architecture appears as a transition point, and should be considered as a leading element for conceptual architectural creativity, formal and material, taking advantage of natural resources in order to be created an economic and sustainable architecture. In this sense and in an attempt to approach architecture to the permanent human needs, the choice of the subject of this dissertation is based on the minimum habitable space, considering the architect has a creator of the space with the ability to understand these issues, presenting viable solutions, timeless and/or in accordance with the time in which he lives. We leave behind the great architectural spaces about which there is already a huge amount of theory, reviews and information. Furthermore, and since we are in a time of restraint, it is opportune in this thesis to develop the minimum space architecture coupled with its resulting flexibility. Thus, this dissertation aims to study the habits and activities executed at such a house, as well as the functions it should perform, foreseeing the activities practiced in social internal spaces and in private spaces. In this way, it is intended to lead to the minimum expression the issue of housing, which must be functional and flexible so that the inhabitant quickly moves and performs its needs as human being. Despite only recently having started studying intensively and internationally the minimum space, this is a subject that appears from the very beginning of architecture, being the primitive hut the example of its pinnacle. According to Vitruvius: Some made them of green boughs, others dug caves on mountain sides, and some, in imitation of the nests of swallows and the way they built, made places of refuge out of mud and twigs. Next, by observing the shelters of others and adding new details to their own inceptions, they constructed better and better kinds of huts as time went on. And since they were of an imitative and teachable nature, they would daily point out to each other the results of their building, boasting of the novelties in it; and thus, with their natural gifts sharpened by emulation, their standards improved daily. 1 It appears therefore, that the concept of hut has been evolving, linking up today to minimum housing space. To understand the logic of this development to be implemented in future proposals, necessarily implies to study the anthropometric dimensions of Man as a user of this minimal space, so that there is an adjustment of the architecture to the Man and not the opposite. We can point out two cases of excellence, which express concern about the adaptation of architecture to Man: 1) Leonardo Da Vinci, around 1490 performs the prestigious drawing of the Vitruvian Man, where the various relations and proportions between the human body and its parts are found foreseen, having therefore been made the symbol of the Renaissance, wherein Man features the central role both in architecture, or in any other human activities; 2) Le Corbusier, based on the rules of the golden ratio, the Fibonacci numbers, as well as the average human dimensions, developed a system of measurement, the "Modulor", thus enabling the deployment of an architecture for Man in according to human measures. Examples of minimum space works by Le Corbusier where these theories are applied are the 14m2 cell, Le Cabanon and even the "cell-apartments" which include the program of the villas that were projected from the 20s to 50. With the detailed study of these issues it is intended to create a system that allows to integrate them in a minimal architecture, and consequently flexible and adaptable to Man and its needs. The proposal will result in the conceptualization of a prototype for a minimal cell housing, where will be planned a flexible and functional distribution of space, so that it suits Man

    Parenting, child development and primary care - 'Crescer em Grande!' intervention (CeG!) based on the Touchpoints approach: a cluster-randomised controlled trial protocol

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    Introduction Despite support for parenting being already recognised as a priority, there remains a paucity of evidence on how to facilitate its adoption in regular visits of maternal and child health primary care (PC). We describe the protocol for a study to assess the effect of an innovative universal Touchpoints-based intervention - 'Crescer em Grande!' (CeG!) - when supporting the process of transition to parenthood and early infancy, at multiple PC units. Methods and analysis A cluster-randomised trial will be conducted in 12 PC units (clusters) from the Lisbon metropolitan area, Portugal. Participants will be a minimum of three family physicians and one nurse/unit, as well as 216 expecting parents and future babies until 18 months who are using the PC services. Sites will be randomised to either the CeG! or usual care. The CeG! will consist of: (1) the integration of the Touchpoints approach in PC maternal and well-child visits, with the support of 28 leaflets for parents to file in a folder; plus (2) training for PC providers on how to perform the CeG! into existing practice. Parents will be required to fill in questionnaires at point throughout their child's 18-month, mostly online. The primary outcome will be the self-perception of parental competence (Parenting Sense of Competence Scale). Other outcomes include: family functioning, couple dynamics, mental health, well-being/quality of life, psychological experience of pregnancy, attachment, child development. Acceptability, satisfaction and feasibility of CeG! will also be obtained from providers' and parents' perspectives. Costs associated with delivering the CeG! will be calculated. Study analyses will be under the principle of intention-to-treat. Ethics and dissemination Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Regional Health Administration. The results will be shared with participants and disseminated via peer-reviewed published papers, presentations at scientific and professional conferences. Trial registration number ISRCTN90692907info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Papel da histeroscopia diagnóstica na avaliação da metrorragia pós-menopausa

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    Mestrado Integrado em MedicinaMaster Degree in Medicin

    High-viscosity reference liquids at high pressures

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    Encontro realizado no Porto a 31 de agosto de 201

    Density of the reference Ionic liquid [C6mim][NTf2] at high pressures

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    Workshop realizado em Lisboa de 2-3 Fevereiro de 2012Density of the ionic liquid [C6mim][NTf2] – a reference ionic liquid for thermophysical properties, as proposed by IUPAC8 was measured using an Anton Paar density meter DMA HP. The basic experimental setup was described previously, and the modifications introduced in order to avoid water contamination of the sample are described in the presentation. The measurements were performed in the temperature range (283.15 ≤ T ≤ 353.15) K and at pressures (0.1 ≤ p ≤ 65) MPa. The water content of the samples was measured by Karl-Fisher coulometry, both before and after the measurements. As the viscosity of that ionic liquid is much higher than the viscosity of the fluids used in the calibration of the densimeter, a correction of the results became necessary, to account for the consequent error in the period of oscillation of the U-tube. For this purpose, the viscosity effect on the density measurements on the Anton Paar DMA HP was quantified using the viscosity standard specimen (200GW) from ZMK, GmbH. The experimental determination of the viscosity correction to the measured density is described and also the preliminary results of the density of [C6mim][NTf2] are compared with literature values

    Mutual diffusivity in binary mixtures of n-heptane with n-hexane isomers

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    This paper presents a study of the influence of branching in the binary diffusion coefficients of n-heptane+n-hexane isomers, in the liquid state. The measurements have been made with the Taylor dispersion technique, at several compositions, at 283 and 298 K, for the X+n-heptane mixtures, where X=n-hexane, 3-methylpentane, 2, 3-dimethylbutane, and 2, 2-dimethylbutane. The results show a very interesting behavior of the composition dependence of the binary diffusion coefficients, presenting a maximum, for compositions about a molar fraction of n-heptane of 0.5, which increases with the increase in the degree of branching, suggesting the possibility of order~tisorder effects caused by stereochemically favored packing in the liquid phase and energetically favored segment interaction in the liquid mixtures. An attempt to apply the van der Waals model to these data could not predict the experimental binary diffusion coefficients of these systems within the experimental accuracy

    What we learned in kindergarten: five tips for collaboration in oncology

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    As you read the five tenets presented here, think about these simple truths of leading and influencing others, managing failure, thinking strategically, and resolving conflicts. Ap - ply them to the world in which we all now live and play. Far too often work (the place) is viewed simply as where work (the action) occurs. What we are saying is that, although institutional targets (such as reducing wait times to see new patients) are all laudable goals, there has to be more, and play has to become an essential component of work. What can we uncover, rediscover, and create to make the time spent with one another the best possible experience for everyone involved? Even more importantly, what must we do to ensure that what we create and share has the possibil - ity and potential to make our lives and the world a better place? Play isn’t something we do as a part of life—it is life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio