12 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Bio-Oil dari Hasil Pirolisis terhadap Biomasa

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    The utilization of biomass as a source of new and renewable energy is being carried out. One of the technologies to convert biomass as an energy source is pyrolysis which is converting biomass into more valuable products, such as bio-oil. Bio-oil is a liquid which produced by steam condensation process from the pyrolysis of coconut shell. The composition of biomass such as hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin will be oxidized to phenol, alcohol, and acetate acid as the main content of the bio-oil. The experiments typically occurred at the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory furnace at temperatures ranging from 300 to 550oC with a heating rate of 10oC/min and a holding time of 1 hour at the pyrolysis temperature. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) was used to analyze the bio-oil components. The obtained bio-oil has the viscosity of 1.185 cp (coconut husk), 1.133 cp (coffee husk), 1,094 cp (sawdust); the density of 1.008 g/cm3 (coconut husk), 0.994 g/cm3 (coffee husk), 0.98 g/cm3 (sawdust);the caloric value of 3500kcal/kg (coconut husk),4200 kcal/kg (coffee husk), 1500 kcal/kg (sawdust); and the moisture content of 16% (coconut husk),31% (coffee husk),13% (sawdust). The analysis of GC-MS result showed that the bio-oil from coconut husk contained ethyl ester (37.60%), phenol (40.01%); bio-oil from coffee husk contained acetic acid (26%), phenol (34%); and bio-oil from sawdust contained acetaldehyde (26.15%), acetic acid (20.90%)

    Karakterisasi Bio-Oil dari Hasil Pirolisis terhadap Biomasa

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    The utilization of biomass as a source of new and renewable energy is being carried out. One of the technologies to convert biomass as an energy source is pyrolysis which is converting biomass into more valuable products, such as bio-oil. Bio-oil is a liquid which produced by steam condensation process from the pyrolysis of coconut shell. The composition of biomass such as hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin will be oxidized to phenol, alcohol, and acetate acid as the main content of the bio-oil. The experiments typically occurred at the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory furnace at temperatures ranging from 300 to 550oC with a heating rate of 10oC/min and a holding time of 1 hour at the pyrolysis temperature. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) was used to analyze the bio-oil components. The obtained bio-oil has the viscosity of 1.185 cp (coconut husk), 1.133 cp (coffee husk), 1,094 cp (sawdust); the density of 1.008 g/cm3 (coconut husk), 0.994 g/cm3 (coffee husk), 0.98 g/cm3 (sawdust);the caloric value of 3500kcal/kg (coconut husk),4200 kcal/kg (coffee husk), 1500 kcal/kg (sawdust); and the moisture content of 16% (coconut husk),31% (coffee husk),13% (sawdust). The analysis of GC-MS result showed that the bio-oil from coconut husk contained ethyl ester (37.60%), phenol (40.01%); bio-oil from coffee husk contained acetic acid (26%), phenol (34%); and bio-oil from sawdust contained acetaldehyde (26.15%), acetic acid (20.90%)


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    Desa Magelung adalah salah satu desa penghasil ketela pohon di Kecamatan Kaliwungu Barat Kabupaten Kendal. Setelah terbentuknya beberapa Kelompok Tani Singkong (KTS) di desa ini, singkong bisa diproduksi menjadi tepung tapioka. Namun usaha ini masih sangat sederhana dan tersendat-sendat karena teknologi yang digunakan masih sangat sederhana dan bersifat manual. Untuk itu dibutuhkan pengolahan tapioka full otomated dengan modifikasi asam yang memiliki efisiensi tinggi, karena proses produksi memerlukan tenaga kerja yang sedikit, waktu lebih pendek dan menghasilkan tapioka lebih berkualitas (lebih putih, lebih mudah larut dalam air, dan lebih halus). Tepung tapioka termodifikasi asam biasa disebut dengan maltodekstrin yang mempunyai nilai jual jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan singkong maupun tepung tapioka. Kegiatan pengabdian ini mempunyai beberapa target yaitu (1) ketersediaan peralatan yang sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat untuk diversifikasi produk unggulan yang telah dikembangkan, misalnya mesin penggerak/generator, mesin parut, mesin pompa, dan mesin ayakan, mesin pembuat pakan ternak, dan mesin bioetanol untuk praktik. (2) Pelatihan dan praktik pembuatan tepung tapioka termodifikasi asam, pakan ternak terfermentasi, dan bioetanol. (3) Melalui program diversifikasi produk, singkong dapat menghasilkan produk yang bervariasi dan potensial untuk pengembangan potensi industri olahan rumah tangga, sehingga diharapkan memiliki jiwa enterpreneurship yang meningkat dan bisa mengolah singkong menjadi produk industri rumah tangga yang kreatif dan inovatif. (4) Menghasilkan desain kemasan sehingga menarik konsumen, ditunjang pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran dan promosi yang telah dipilih oleh peserta KTS bersama tim pendamping. (5) Penciptaan struktur organisasi yang bisa memisahkan tugas dan tanggung jawab secara tegas antar masing-masing anggota organisasi. (5) Menjalin pola kemitraan antara KTS dengan Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kabupaten Kendal untuk menciptakan iklim usaha yang kondusif, menumbuh kembangkan industri kecil dan menengah di Desa Magelung. (6) Pengemasan produk juga menjadi aspek yang menjadi satu paket konsep produk luaran kami. Luaran yang dihasilkan publikasi di jurnal/prosiding dan media massa, peningkatan omzet mitra, kualitas dan kuantitas produk, keterampilan masyarakat dan produk berupa tepung tapioka termodifikasi asam, pakan ternak terfermentasi, dan bioetanol

    Optimasi Proses Ekstraksi P-Kresol Dari Tir Batu Bara Artifisial Dalam Tangki Berpengaduk Dengan Pelarut Aseton-Air

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    The aim of this research is to determining the effect of operation variables which related to the extraction of p-cresol. This research used liquid-liquid extraction method in stirred tank. 250 mL model coal tar mixed with 250 mL aqueous acetone in the stirred tank. Extraction starting with conditioning the temperature and stirring speed is 250 rpm. Sample to be analyzed is concentration p-cresol taken in the interval 5,10,15,20,25, and 30 minutes. The result of this research shows that concentration p-cresol will be even greater with the high-speed rotary mixer, temperature, vessel diameter and inversely proportional stirrer diameter. The amount of concentration of extraction is 8,96% for temperature is 40oC, vessel diameter is 10 cm, stirrer diameter is 3,5 cm and speed of stirrer is 250 rpmPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel operasi yang berkaitan dalam ekstraksi p-kresol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ekstraksi cair-cair dengan tangki berpengaduk. Larutan tir batu bara artifisial sebanyak 250 mL dicampurkan dengan larutan solven (aseton-air) 250 mL dalam tangki berpengaduk. Ekstraksi dimulai dengan mengkondisikan suhu dan kecepatan pengadukan sebesar 250 rpm. Pengambilan sampel selama proses ekstraksi dilakukan dalam selang waktu 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 dan 30 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi p-kresol yang terekstrak semakin besar dengan meningkatnya kecepatan putar pengaduk, suhu, ukuran diameter tangki dan berkurangnya ukuran diameter pengaduk. Konsentrasi ekstrak p-kresol sebesar 8,96% diperoleh pada suhu ekstraksi 40oC dalam tangki berdiameter 10 cm, diameter pengaduk 3,5 cm dan kecepatan pengadukan 250 rp


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    Coal tar is a liquid by-product of coal pyrolysis processes. This liquid oil mixture contains various kind of useful compounds such as benzoic aromatic compounds and phenolic compounds. These compounds are widely used as raw material for insecticides, dyes, medicines, perfumes, coloring matters, and many others. The coal tar was collected by pyrolysis process of coal obtained from PT Kaltim Prima Coal and Arutmin-Kalimantan. The experiments typically occurred at the atmospheric pressure in a laboratory furnace at temperatures ranging from 300 to 550oC with a heating rate of 10oC/min and a holding time of 1 hour at the pyrolysis temperature. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) was used to analyze the coal tar components. The obtained coal tar has the viscosity of 3.12 cp, the density of 2.78 g/cm3, the calorific value of 11,048.44 cal/g, and the molecular weight of 222.67. The analysis result showed that the coal tar contained more than 78 chemical compounds such as benzene, cresol, phenol, xylene, naphtalene, etc. The total phenolic compounds contained in coal tar is 33.25% (PT KPC) and 17.58% (Arutmin-Kalimantan). The total naphtalene compounds contained in coal tar is 14.15% (PT KPC) and 17.13% (ArutminKalimantan)


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    The research of Computer Asissted Instruction with animation and simulation was used to misconception remediation of atomic orbital, molecular orbital, and hibridiziation concepts. The applicated instruction model was focused on concept approach with macromedia flash player and power point programme. The subject of this research were the 2nd semestre students of Chemistry Department. The data were collected by using of true-false pre-test and post- test followed by the reason of its. The analysis reveals that the Computer Asissted Instruction with animation and simulation model increased the understanding of atomic orbital, molecular orbital, and hibridiziation concepts or remediation of concepts missconception, shown by the significant score gained between before and after the implementation of Computer Asissted Instruction with animation and simulation model. The instruction model developed the students's generic skills too.   Keywords: animation simulation,misconception remediation, orbital, hibridizatio

    Kinetics of mace (Myristicae arillus) essential oil extraction using microwave assisted hydrodistillation: Effect of microwave power

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    Mace essential oil extractions were carried out using hydrodistillation (HD) and microwave assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD). The powers used were varied from 300, 600, and 800 W. The amounts of oil from dew resulted from condensation were measured every 1 min. The condensation was done using 12 °C cold water. From the experimental results, MAHD is seen to be superior to HD. The extraction using MAHD at 800 W stopped after 20 min (8.63% yield), while the one using HD stopped after 73 min (7.03% yield). The power used affected the yields of essential oils obtained. From the various powers used, in 10 min, the yields obtained were 2.68, 4.56, 5.41%, in 15 min 4.12, 6.20, 6.83%, and in 20 min 5.13, 7.39, 6.83% at 300, 600, and 800 W, respectively. It can also be seen that time has a significant effect on the essential oil yields obtained. The main components of the essential oil obtained from HD and MAHD were beta pinene, alpha pinene, myristicin, 4-terpineol, and gamma terpinene. The mechanism of mace essential oil mass transfer using HD and MAHD methods was controlled by intra-particle diffusion following the Fick’s law. The diffusion coefficient (De) of HD was 4.98 × 10−14 m2/s and the diffusion coefficients of MAHD were 9.17 × 10−14, 1.39 × 10−13, and 1.65 × 10−13 m2/s at 300, 600, and 800 W, respectively. The empirical correlation of diffusion coefficient and MAHD power can be approximated by De = 3.02 × 10−15 × P0.5985

    Producing Bio-Oil from Coconut Shell by Fast Pyrolysis Processing

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    The utilization of biomass as a source of new and renewable energy is being carried out. One of the technologies to convert biomass as an energy source is pyrolysis which is converting biomass into more valuable products, such as bio–oil. Bio–oil is a liquid which produced by steam condensation process from the pyrolysis of coconut shell. The composition of biomass such as hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin will be oxidized to phenol as the main content of the bio–oil. Production of bio–oil from coconut shell was investigated via fast pyrolysis reactor. Fast pyrolysis was carried out at 500 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C and 1 hour holding time at pyrolysis temperature. The Bio-oil chemical composition was investigated using GC–MS. Percentage value of phenol, 2–methoxy phenol, 3–methoxy 1,2–benzenediol, and 2,6–dimethoxy phenol was 45.42%, 13.37%, 10.09%, and 11.72% respectively

    Synthesis of Silica Powder from Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash and Its Application as Adsorbent in Adsorptive-distillation of Ethanol-water Solution

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    In this study, sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) as waste from sugarcane factory was extracted into silica powder. This powder was then used as adsorbent for ethanol purification. Prior to used, the SCBA was washed using HCl solution. The silica extraction was conducted using various NaOH concentrations (0.5; 1; 1.5 and 2 mol/L) as well as extraction times (30, 60 and 90 minutes). After that the mixture was precipitated using HCl solution. The solution was filtrated through a paper filter and its solid particle was dried until its weight was constant. The particle was grounded and sieved using 18 mesh sieves. The silica powder obtained was analysed using FTIR and its result showed that the powder has silica functional groups. The silica yield increases with increasing of concentration of NaOH solution as well as extraction time. The highest silica yield (45.5% w/w) was achieved at 2 mol/L NaOH solution at 90 min. The surface area, pore diameter, and pore volume of silica powder were measured to be 407 m2/g, 3.81Ã…, and 2.76 dm3/g, respectively. From application of silica powder as adsorbent in adsorptive-distillation, ethanol concentration can reach 99.3% w/w which indicates azeotropic point can be passed

    Synthesis of Silica Powder from Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash and Its Application as Adsorbent in Adsorptive-distillation of Ethanol-water Solution

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    In this study, sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) as waste from sugarcane factory was extracted into silica powder. This powder was then used as adsorbent for ethanol purification. Prior to used, the SCBA was washed using HCl solution. The silica extraction was conducted using various NaOH concentrations (0.5; 1; 1.5 and 2 mol/L) as well as extraction times (30, 60 and 90 minutes). After that the mixture was precipitated using HCl solution. The solution was filtrated through a paper filter and its solid particle was dried until its weight was constant. The particle was grounded and sieved using 18 mesh sieves. The silica powder obtained was analysed using FTIR and its result showed that the powder has silica functional groups. The silica yield increases with increasing of concentration of NaOH solution as well as extraction time. The highest silica yield (45.5% w/w) was achieved at 2 mol/L NaOH solution at 90 min. The surface area, pore diameter, and pore volume of silica powder were measured to be 407 m2/g, 3.81Ã…, and 2.76 dm3/g, respectively. From application of silica powder as adsorbent in adsorptive-distillation, ethanol concentration can reach 99.3% w/w which indicates azeotropic point can be passed