28 research outputs found

    Atmospheric forcing by ALADIN/MFSTEP and MFSTEP oriented tunings

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    International audienceALADIN/MFSTEP is a configuration of the numerical weather prediction (NWP) model ALADIN run in a dedicated real-time mode for the purposes of the MFSTEP Project. A special attention was paid to the quality of atmospheric fluxes used for the forcing of fine-scale oceanographic models. This paper describes the novelties applied in ALADIN/MFSTEP initiated by the MFSTEP demands, leading also to improvements in general weather forecasting

    Penentuan Lokasi Optimum Jalur Pipa Pdam Baru dengan Metode Least Cost Path Serta Analisis Debit dan Tekanan Airnya di Kecamatan Gamping dan Sekitarnya

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    PDAM Sleman mengembangkan jaringan pipa melalui program Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Regional Kartamantul, yaitu di Kecamatan Gamping dan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jalur optimalnya dan analisis debit serta tekanan airnya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Least Cost Path dikombinasikan dengan Analytic Heirarchy Process dalam penentuan bobot parameternya. Citra Alos menjadi salah satu sumber data yang digunakan untuk informasi penggunaan lahan, jaringan jalan, dan sungai. Analisis terkait debit dan tekanan air dilakukan menggunakan rumus Hazen-Williams, Mayor Losses, dan Minor Losses. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jalur optimum dengan total jumlah piksel 1.333 piksel atau dengan panjang ±17764,15 meter dan mempunyai error sebesar 1,7%. Hasil tersebut dapat diterima mengingat skala analisis yang berdasar pada skala 1:25.000. Hasil analisis debit dan tekanan air didapatkan nilai maksimal debit dalam satu periode waktu pemakaian pada jam puncak yaitu sebesar 36,4 Liter Per Detik. Hasil analisis tekanan paling besar 78,11 m dan paling rendah 1,08 m

    Students’ Perceptions of Hybrid Learning in The Face-To-Face Meeting System (PTM) Limited to Science Lesson at The MTs Level

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    This study aims to determine students' perceptions of learning Hybrid Learning in the Limited PTM System in Science Subjects Class IX at the SMP/MTs level. The research method uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data in the study were in the form of a questionnaire with 14 questions to students. The data analysis technique in this qualitative research is using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. One of the advantages of implementing Hybrid learning is being able to improve students' cognitive learning outcomes. However, in limited PTM the problem faced by students is limited student social interaction, students have difficulty understanding the material. So, among the weaknesses in limited PTM it is assumed that Hybrid Learning is able to overcome problems that occur when PTM is limited. So, it is important to do this research. The results of this study namely students' perceptions of Hybrid Learning learning that Hybrid Learning makes it easier for students to understand the material, students feel happy when learning Hybrid Learning because they can communicate directly both with teachers and with friends. So, it can be concluded that students' perceptions of Hybrid Learning give a positive response

    The annual air temperature ranges and selected statistics computed from GCM's outputs and measured datasets

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    The emphasis is put on the ability of the Global Climate Models (GCMs) to simulate annual ranges of air temperature. For a small prt of Central Europe modela are able to capture general features of annual temperature range behavior quite well at a global scale. ECHAM4 and HadCM2 outperform remaining two models CGCM1 and NCAR DOE-PCM

    Links between Temperature Biases and Flow Anomalies in an Ensemble of CNRM-CM5.1 Global Climate Model Historical Simulations

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate temperature and sea-level pressure (SLP) fields and to analyse a related anomalous flow over midlatitudes simulated by the CNRM-CM5.1 global climate model (GCM). Simulated flow over midlatitudes of the Northern Hemisphere was assessed through flow indices, classified into 11 circulation types. Reference data were taken from the NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis, version 2c. CNRM-CM5.1 exhibited analogous temperature biases to those reported for the mean of the CMIP5 GCMs’ ensemble. The most prominent features were an erroneous temperature dipole pattern in the Atlantic Ocean and a warm bias over regions of deep water upwelling (locally exceeding 5°C). The latter feature was associated with negative SLP biases in those regions. Too low pressure was found over midlatitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, and CNRM-CM5.1 simulated too frequent zonal flow in these latitudes. The usage of three ensemble members with different initial conditions did not improve model’s outputs because the bias is found to be considerably larger compared to the ensemble members’ spread. The study showed that temperature and SLP biases are connected in certain regions, suggesting that improvement of GCMs and development of bias correction methods should be carried out with a complex insight

    Peran Perhatian Orang Tua Terhadap Proses Belajar Anak Dari Rumah Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Peran perhatian orang tua dalam mengawasi proses belajar anak di rumah pada masa pandemi Covid-19 orang tua menjadi guru secara otomatis, menemani belajar anak, membantu menjelaskan materi pelajaran kepada anak, memberikan sarana mengakses belajar dari rumah seperti laptop, smart phon dan lain-lain, menfasilitasi akses internet. Faktor penghambat dalam terhadap proses belajar anak di rumah pada masa pandemi Covid-19 diantaranya: keterbatasan akses internet atau kuota, tidak memiliki lektop atau gaadged, kurangnya Perhatian orang tua, kesulitan dalam memahami pelajaran karena proses belajar daring, sedangkan faktor pendukung di antranya tersedianya alat belajar daring, adanya minat siswa dalam proses belajar daring , adanya motivasi dari orang tua dan kondisi siswa yang sehat. Metode penelitian ini merupakan riset lapangan atau field research. Subjek Penelitian, Subjek yang akan diteliti adalah anak-anak Sekolah di RT 002 RW 001 Kelurahan Sekayu Kota Semarang.Objek penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di RT 002 RW 001 Kelurahan Sekayu Kota Semarang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis non statistik melainkan dengan analisis kualitatif. Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 di RT 002 RW 001 Kelurahan Sekayu Kota Semarang dilihat dari sisi ekonomi tidak begitu berpengaruh tetapi di lihat dari segi pendidikan ini menunjukkan sangat mempengaruhi karena kesiapan dari sekolah maupun dari siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran daring