173 research outputs found

    Pollution Study And Bioremediation Of Heavy Metal In Aqueous And Sediment Phases Of Sungai Pinang River Basin

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    Sungai Pinang is known as one of the most polluted river in Malaysia. A study was conducted to verify the status of the water quality in Sungai Pinang and its tributaries. Eight sampling locations which located just before the meeting of each tributary were selected. The physical and chemical characteristics of water and sediment of each sampling sites were determined. Several variations in the results show that the water quality of Sungai Pinang and its tributaries are mainly due to season, sampling location and parameter tested. Better water quality index is achieved during rainy period compared to dry season. According to water quality index and Interim Water Quality Standards of Malaysia (INWQS), the water quality of the river fall within Class III to V for DO, BOD5, COD and AN while TDS, TSS, pH and EC fall between Class I and II. The temperatures of the waters during both seasons were at the normal range whilst the turbidity of the rivers was in Class II to IV. An evaluation on sediment characteristics and quality showed that the particle size distribution of the rivers were high with sand and a brief of silt and clay near to the river mouth. The results also revealed that the pH of the sediment were acidic except for Sungai Pinang which was slightly alkaline. Other chemical parameters for the sediments which are TOC, moisture content and TKN were high at several sampling locations while low PO4 3- concentrations was determined. Detailed surveys as well as referring to secondary data were also carried out to identify the key problems of each area with respect to land use. Four groups of river polluters affecting the quality of the river water within Sungai Pinang were identified which are firstly, sullage waters generated from domestic, wet markets, commercials and trades and abattoir, secondly, the sewage wastewater, thirdly, industrial effluents and fourthly, discriminant dumping of wastes into the rivers

    Pleomorphous leiomyosarcoma of the mesocolon: a case report

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    Leiomyosarcoma is a rare tumor of the smooth muscle, but relatively frequent in the stomach and the small intestine. The mesocolic site is rare. Globally, leimyosarcoma represents less than 0, 1% of the malignant tumors found in the colon and the anus. Because of the similarities with other digestive tumors, namely mesenchymatous or benign tumors of the smooth muscle, the diagnosis of a pleomorphic sarcoma remains difficult even at the histological stage. Surgery is the mainstay of the therapy. We report a case of leiomyosarcoma of the mesocolon and discuss about its main characteristics in the view of the current literature about this pathological condition.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Prediction of rain-induced cross polarization at millimeter wave bands in guinea

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    Microwave communication systems are planned to utilize orthogonal polarization. Two independent information channels of the same frequency band sent over a single link to make an optimum use of the frequency spectrum. However, above 10 GHz, the amount of rain aloft can severely degrade the performance of both satellite and terrestrial links, especially in tropical regions, at millimetre wave bands. This paper evaluates the differential attenuation and differential phase shift for the prediction of cross polarization discrimination using a 10-year rain data recorded in Conakry, Guinea. The drop size distribution (DSD) was computed using Marshall and Palmer (MP) model

    Enxtraoviarian granulosa cell tumor: a case report

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    Extraovarian granulosa cell tumor (GCT) is a very unusually tumor, assumed to arise from the ectopic gonadal tissue along the embryonal route of the genital ridge. One such rare case of extraovarian granulosa cell tumor was encountered in a 60-year-old female patient who presented with a large intra-abdominal mass. Computerized tomography revealed a large retroperitoneal mass measuring 11 x 10 x 8cm in size. Her past medical history was irrelevant. She underwent exploration laparotomy and the mass was excised. Histopathological examination of the excised mass showed features of adult-type granulosa cell tumor.The tumor showed positivity for inhibin while epithelial membrane antigen was negative thus confirming the diagnosis of granulosa cell tumor. A diagnosis of extraovarian granulosa cell tumor can only be done after excluding any previous history of granulosa cell tumor of the ovary. Immunostains help to differentiate granulosa cell tumors from other neoplasms.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Effect of tropical climate to compressive strength of high performance fibre reinforced concrete

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    High performance fibre reinforced concrete (HPFRC) is relatively an advance fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) material, which is made of more than 2% volume fraction of fibres. This research focuses on the effect of tropical climate on the compressive strength of HPFRC. Total of 56 HPFRC cubes made of 3%, 4% and 5% of hooked-end fibres and grade 80 slurry were prepared. Half of which were exposed to tropical climate condition (80% humidity at 35°C) for 30 days which the other half are placed in room temperature. After which, the compression test was carried out. The highest compressive strength of 152.2 MPa was recorded from samples made of 5% fibre volume and being exposed to tropical climate, which is 90% higher than the control sample

    Verbal processes in the Covid-19 news discourses: An analysis of ‘aswaqpress.com’ coverage on Malaysia: Proses verbal dalam wacana berita Covid-19: Analisis portal ‘aswaqpress.com’ berkaitan Malaysia

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    December 2019 marked the emergence of a deadly virus known as Covid-19. Since then, we have been battling the virus, which has infected more than 250 million people and killed 4.5 million globally. The pandemic has become the headline of almost every media outlet, local and international news agency. Hence, this article aims to examine the Arabic online news discourse of the event by focusing on the verbal processes strategically utilised in reporting the pandemic in Malaysia. This study's data consists of Modern Standard Arabic online news published by Aswaq (aswaqpress.com) news portal between January and July 2021. Aswaq provides Arabic news and information on Malaysia to the Arab world. Hence, the information provided by the portal is vital in portraying Malaysia to Arab audiences, particularly in framing the way Malaysia deals with the Covid-19. The study employs corpus linguistics analytical tools using corpus software AntConc 3.5.8 (2019). Then, the quantitative result will be analysed using a qualitative approach based on the textual-oriented Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Fairclough (1992). It is shown that Aswaq has strategically utilised various verbal processes to report on the word said and articulated around the pandemic. The diversity of verbal processes usage indicates different connotations that hint at different strategic approaches in reporting the news. Hence, it may lead to uncovering the outlet stance of the event. Finally, the study will present suggestions for other related studies in the future

    Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fibre Composite Incorporating Pulverized Fuel Ash

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    Abstract. This study reports the findings of an experimental investigation for bamboo fibre (BF) reinforced concrete board. In this research, all specimens were prepared at 0.4 water/binder ratio. There were two series of specimens namely A series and B series. The A group utilizes only ordinary portland cement (OPC) as binder. Meanwhile, series B specimens uses binary binders, which were combination of OPC and pulverized fuel ash (PFA) with PFA to OPC ratio of 0.2. The performance of flat board plates with different percentage of bamboo fiber ranging from 0% to 5% and 20% PFA incorporation of cement weight were tested for bending strength (flexural) and compressive strength in accordance to BS 5669: Part 1 for particleboards. Specimens are cured in water curing tank and tested at 3, 7 and 28 days for compression test. Meanwhile for flexural strength test, the specimens are tested at 28 days. It is found that flexural and compressive strength increases with addition of BF. The optimum compressive and flexural strength at 28 days are recorded with 3% incorporation of BF for both PFA and control samples. Therefore, utilizing natural fibre and waste material for partial substitution of cement content in producing internal wall paneling system could contributes to the economic appeal and promoting sustainable construction approach. Keywords: Fibre reinforced concrete board; natural fibre; bamboo fibre; pulverized fuel ash; compressive strength; flexural strengt

    K-Means clustering of optimized wireless network sensor using genetic algorithm

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    Wireless sensor network is one of the main technology trends that used in several different applications for collecting, processing, and distributing a vast range of data. It becomes an essential core technology for many applications related to sense surrounding environment. In this paper, a two-dimensional WSN scheme was utilized for obtaining various WSN models that intended to be optimized by genetic algorithm for achieving optimized WSN models. Such optimized WSN models might contain two cluster heads that are close to each other, in which the distance between them included in the sensing range, and this demonstrates the presence of a redundant number of cluster heads. This problem exceeded by reapplying the clustering of all sensors found in the WSN model. The distance measure was used to detect handled problem, while K-means clustering was used to redistributing sensors around the alternative cluster head. The result was extremely encouraging in rearranging the dispersion of sensors in the detecting region with a conservative method of modest number of cluster heads that acknowledge the association for all sensors nearby

    Investigation of blaIMP-1, blaVIM-1, blaOXA-48 and blaNDM-1 carbapenemase encoding genes among MBL-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) places among major opportunistic nosocomial pathogen which has developed extensive drug resistance. Due to uncontrolled consumption of antibiotics, multidrug-resistant (MDR) P. aeruginosa species are increasingly isolated from various settings of hospitals globally. This research aimed to determine the genes reproducing blaOXA-48, blaIMP-1, blaVIM-1 and blaNDM-1 metallo beta lactamase (MBL) genes from MDR P. aeruginosa isolates. Herein, the isolates of 200 P. aeruginosa have been obtained from microbiology laboratory of burn ward. The antibiotic susceptibility profile was using Disc Diffusion Method (DDM and in compliance with CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) advice. Study of MBL-bearing strains and the existence of encoding genes was specified by means of polymerase chain reaction. In addition, pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is performed for typing. In this study, 124 (62%) were extended spectrum β-lactamase producer and 51 (25.5%) were MBL producers. Moreover, 148 (74%) isolates were MDR-P. aeruginosa. Additionally, 42 (21%), 21 (10%), 10 (5%) and 2 (1%) isolates carried the blaIMP-1, blaOXA-48, blaVIM-1 and blaNDM-1 genes, respectively. The PFGE showed no genetic relationships among isolates. The study observed high rate of MDR P. aeruginosa in hospital settings, though not being outbreak, which nearly half of them carried carbapenemase enzymes. Therefore, the proper control of related infections and appropriate prescription and consumption of antibiotics is essential

    Keperluan penambahbaikan pembelajaran Rasm Uthmani dan dabt al-Quran

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    Penyelidikan ini merupakan kajian tahap kefahaman dabt al-Quran dalam kalangan pelajar semester 6, Diploma Tahfiz al-Quran dan al-Qiraat, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), dan Darul Quran (DQ), JAKIM. Mushaf Imla’i adalah salah satu versi al-Quran yang ditulis berdasarkan tulisan Arab standard. Ia juga dikenali sebagai Rasm Imla’i atau Rasm Qiyasi. Struktur rasm al-Quran (ortografi) dan dabt (tanda-tanda yang menentukan sebutan yang betul Al-Quran) dalam Mushaf Imla’i adalah berbeza dari Mushaf Uthmani disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti penambahan huruf (ziyadah), pertukaran huruf (badl) dan sebagainya. Perbezaan beberapa aspek tersebut telah membawa kepada berlakunya kekeliruan dan kesilapan dalam membaca al-Quran. Oleh itu, tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti keperluan pelajar dalam penguasaan metode rasm dan dabt di samping memastikan individu dalam bidang al-Quran adalah mahir dalam ilmu ini. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif, di mana soal selidik telah diedar kepada sampel-sampel di pusat yang telah dikenal pasti. Ia juga berbentuk deskriptif bagi menjelaskan sesuatu kenyataan dengan menganalisis data daripada soal selidik yang diperolehi. Sebagai kesahan instrumen kajian ini, kajian rintis telah dijalankan di, Institut al-Quran Saidina Ali, Melaka. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat pelbagai keperluan yang perlu dipenuhi bagi meningkatkan kefahaman ilmu ini dalam kalangan pelajar. Diharap pihak di institusi yang berkaitan mengambil cakna keperluan ini dalam meningkatkan penambahbaikan bagi membantu pelajar dalam memahami ilmu ini agar menjadi lebih mantap. Seterusnya, dapat membantu Kerajaan Negeri dan agensi-agensi berkepentingan dalam memastikan matlamat Pendidikan Islam dalam negara ini tercapai