11 research outputs found

    Uji toksisitas air limbah domestik Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Bojongsoang Bandung sebelum dan setelah Fitoremediasi menggunakan Eichhornia Crassipes dan Pistia Stratiotes terhadap Daphnia magna

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    Air limbah domestik dengan kandungan polutan di dalamnya dapat mengakibatkan ketidakseimbangan ekosistem perairan dan mengganggu kesehatan manusia. Fitoremediasi menggunakan Eichhornia crassipes dan Pistia stratiotes dapat menjadi alternatif penurunan kadar polutan dalam air limbah domestik yang alamiah dan efisien. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui toksisitas air limbah domestik sebelum dan setelah fitoremediasi menggunakan E.crassipes dan P.stratiotes terhadap Daphnia magna. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 konsentrasi dan 3 kali pengulangan untuk masingmasing air limbah domestik outlet kolam anaerob, fakultatif, dan maturasi IPAL Bojongsoang Bandung. Uji toksisitas menggunakan metode uji toksisitas akut yang dilakukan selama 48 jam dengan parameter pengamatan persentase mortalitas D. magna, sedangkan uji reproduksi dilakukan selama 21 hari dengan parameter pengamatan berupa jumlah anak, hari pertama beranak dan frekuensi beranak. Analisis data menggunakan analisis variansi dilanjutkan dengan uji berjarak Duncan. Hasil uji toksisitas akut menunjukkan bahwa air limbah domestik IPAL Bojongsoang Bandung sebelum dan setelah fitoremediasi menggunakan E. crassipes dan P.stratiotes termasuk ke dalam tingkat toksik rendah. Air limbah domestik sebelum fitoremediasi mematikan 6% D. magna pada kolam anaerob, 1% pada kolam fakultatif, dan 2% pada kolam maturasi. Terjadi kenaikan persentase mortalitas D. magna setelah air limbah difitoremediasi menggunakan E. crassipes dan P. stratiotes masingmasing 13.6% dan 5%. Anava menunjukan mortalitas antar kolam pada air limbah domestik sebelum dan setelah fitoremediasi menggunakan E. crassipes berpengaruh signifikan, sedangkan hasil tidak signifikan ditunjukan air limbah domestik setelah fitoremediasi menggunakan P. stratiotes. Hasil uji reproduksi D. magna menunjukan bahwa air limbah domestik IPAL Bojongsoang Bandung sebelum dan setelah fitoremediasi menggunakan E. crassipes dan P. stratiotes berpengaruh terhadap meningkatnya jumlah anak dari kontrol sebanyak 128 menjadi rerata 524, 346, dan 285 neonet, meningkatnya frekuensi beranak dari kontrol sebanyak 11 kali menjadi paling tinggi 15, 13, dan 14 kali beranak, dan mempercepat hari awal beranak dibanding kontrol hari ke-10 menjadi hari ke-4, hari ke-7 dan hari ke-6

    Growth And Lipid Accumulation of Chaetoceros calcitrans After Phosphorus And Light Intensity Optimization

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    AbstractGrowth and lipid content of Chaetoceros calcitrans are greatly influenced by environmental factors. The aims of this study to optimize phosphorus concentrations and light intensity on the growth and lipid accumulation of C. calcitrans. This study used N:P:light intensity concentration from the previous research, namely 441:36.2 µM:2,500 lux (12:1:2,500 lux). Concentrations of P were then optimized to 36.2 µM, 27.5 µM, 18.1 µM, 9.05 µM (1; 0.75; 0.5; 0.25) and light intensity to 2,500; 3,000; 3,500; 4,000 lux. C. calcitrans was cultured in medium f/2 guillard, the initial density was 6 x 105 cells/mL. Sampling for lipid analysis was conducted in exponential, stationary, and the end of stationary phase by centrifugation, whereas lipid was extracted using the Bligh and Dyer method, and dried lipids were analyzed using gas chromatography-GC. The highest lipid content found at the late stationary phase of the N:P concentrations and light intensity 12:0.5:(4,000 lux), there was 15.46 ± 0.53%-dw with the highest cell density of 5.5 ± 5.56 x 106 cells/mL. The analysis result showed that palmitoleic acid (C16:1) was the highest fatty acid produced by each optimization. Nutritional deficiency and high light intensity were triggers for of C. calcitrans to accumulate lipids, and influence the fatty acid profile of C. calcitrans.AbstrakPertumbuhan dan kandungan lipid Chaetoceros calcitrans sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengoptimasi konsentrasi fosfor dan intensitas cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan dan akumulasi lipid C. calcitrans. Penelitian ini menggunakan hasil konsentrasi N:P:intensitas cahaya dari penelitian sebelumnya, yaitu 441:36.2µM:2,500 lux (12:1:2,500 lux). Konsentrasi P kemudian dioptimasi menjadi 36,2 µM, 27,5 µM, 18,1 µM, 9,05 µM (1; 0,75; 0,5; 0,25), dan intensitas cahaya menjadi 2.500; 3.000; 3.500; 4.000 lux. C. calcitrans dikultur dalam medium f/2 guilard, densitas awal 6 x 105 sel/mL. Pengambilan sampel untuk analisis lipid dilakukan pada fase eksponensial, stasioner, dan akhir stasioner dengan sentrifugasi, sedangkan lipid diekstraksi menggunakan metode Bligh dan Dyer, lipid kering dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas-GC. Kandungan lipid tertinggi terdapat pada fase akhir stasioner konsentrasi N:P dan intensitas cahaya 12:0,5:(4,000 lux), yaitu sebesar 15,46 ± 0,53%-dw dengan kerapatan sel tertinggi 5,5 ± 5,56 x 106 sel/mL. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa asam palmitoleat (C16:1) merupakan asam lemak tertinggi yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing optimasi. Kekurangan nutrisi dan intensitas cahaya yang tinggi menjadi pemicu C. calcitrans. mengakumulasi lipid, dan mempengaruhi profil asam lemak C. calcitrans

    Peranan sikap peminat sebagai pengantara dalam hubungan antara buli siber, penghargaan kendiri dan kesejahteraan psikologi

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    Stereotaip oleh netizen telah keterlaluan terhadap peminat dewasa muda yang secara terbuka berkongsi minat mereka terhadap selebriti, contohnya, BTS sehingga menyebabkan mereka menjadi mangsa buli siber. Mesej positif BTS tidak lain adalah pengaruh dalam kehidupan peminat mereka mengenai harga diri dan kesejahteraan psikologi mereka. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara pengalaman tingkah laku buli siber dan harga diri dengan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan peminat dewasa muda BTS di Malaysia dan untuk melihat sikap peminat sebagai pengantara yang berpotensi dalam hubungan ini. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 397 orang dewasa muda dan soal selidik diedarkan menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan dan bola salji. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengalaman tingkah laku buli siber dengan kesejahteraan psikologi manakala terdapat hubungan signifikan yang positif antara harga diri dan kesejahteraan psikologi. Sikap peminat membuktikan ia berperanan sebagai orang tengah dalam hubungan antara harga diri dan kesejahteraan psikologi. Beberapa cadangan telah dicadangkan bagi meningkatkan kualiti kajian masa hadapan seperti kajian akan dijalankan secara longitudinal menggunakan teknik kajian temu bual dan pemerhatian

    Pharmacophore Analysis of Monoterpene Melaleuca leucadendra as an Inhibitor for 3CLPro of the SARS-CoV-2

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    The monoterpene compound has been reported to have antiviral activities . This study aimed to test the monoterpene compound in Melaleuca leucadendra to inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The monoterpenes tested were α-Pinene, β-Pinene, Linalool, α-Terpineol, and Terpinene-4-Ol. The method used was computational through pharmacophore analysis. The indicator for the quality of the compound was the fit score. A fit score of more than 50% indicates a good-quality compound, while a fit score of less than that indicates a  poor-quality compound. Based on the analysis results, the monoterpene compound in Melaleuca leucadendra can potentially inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus directly through the inhibition of 3C-like protease. The linalool showed a fit score of 55% with interactions of hydrophobic, electrostatic, and hydrogen bonds. All the compounds did not inhibit the metabolic process and were safe, possibly having no side effects based on ADMET analysis

    The Effect of Limbal Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome on Corneal Neovascularization in Experimental Model of Corneal Alkali Injury

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    Abstract Background: To investigate the effect of limbal mesenchymal stem cell (L-MSC) secretome in inhibition of corneal neovascularization in animal model of alkali chemical injury Methods: Secretome was collected from limbal mesenchymal stem cells of corneoscleral tissue of healthy male rabbit. Rabbits were exposed to NaOH. The research subjects consisted of 3 groups, normal control group, Balance salt solution (BSS) group, and (L-MSC) secretome group. Clinical corneal neovascularization level, number of corneal neovascularization histopathologically with hematoxylin-eosin staining and VEGF expression by immunohistochemical staining were analyzed. Results: After seven days of administration of topical instillation of L-MSC secretome, neovascularization level in L-MSC group was lower than BSS group even though the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The mean histopathological neovascular count in the L-MSC secretome group was lower than that BSS group even though the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05) Conclusions: In conclusion, topical instillation of limbal mesenchymal stem secretome has a potential effect on inhibiton of corneal neovascularization even though not significant at day-7 in experimental alkali injury model

    Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Buah Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) terhadap Penurunan Kadar Malondialdehid dan Asam Urat

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    Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a biomarker of oxidative stress due to the presence of free radicals in the body. Papaya fruit contains vitamin C and ?-carotene which are useful as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the initial description of MDA levels in urine and uric acid in smoker and non-smoker respondents and to determine changes in urinary MDA and uric acid levels after administration of papaya fruit juice (Carica papaya L). The research method used was experimental with a pre-post test design. The results obtained at the initial MDA level of urine of smokers and non-smokers were an average of 2.504 nmol / mL and 1.821 nmol / mL and the results obtained after giving the juice on day 7 were 1.455 nmol / mL and 0.992 nmol / mL . Meanwhile, the initial uric acid levels of each respondent were 9.6 mg / dL and 8.4 mg / dL and the results obtained after giving the juice on day 7 were 7.8 mg / dL and 6.8 mg / dL. . So it can be concluded that the provision of papaya fruit juice can reduce the levels of MDA in urine and uric acid

    Seleksi Parameter yang Mempengaruhi Sintesis Kalkon dengan Metode Plackett-Burman

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    Chalcone is a compound that has various biological activities. The organic synthesis approach has been widely used to obtain chalcone compouds. The aim of this research is to select the main parameters which influence chalcone synthesis. This study was conducted using Plackett-Burman experimental design. Of eleven parameters used, eight of them showed a significant effect on the yield of chalcones namely temperature, reaction time, mole number of benzaldehyde, volume of acetophenone solvent, incubation time, volume of distilled water, volume of benzaldehyde solvent, catalyst volume and dummy. In addition, the highest yield is 32.43%

    Modern Malaysian cuisine: identity, culture, or modern-day fad?

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    Malaysian cuisine presents an array of local gastronomic inventions that represent the cultural diversity and uniqueness of the national cultural heritage. However, it is difficult to gauge Malaysian cuisine based on the country's multicultural and multiracial “highly diverse” landscape due to the perplexities of each culture. These complexities have influenced the modernisation movement to revolutionise traditional Malaysian cuisine into a new invention called “Modern Malaysian Cuisine”. This review intends to reveal the ideology of modernisation in Modern Malaysian Cuisine, that is, to identify the part of the cuisine that has been “modernised” and to determine whether or not this newly invented cuisine portrays the national identity. Additionally, this review addressed the challenges of precisely defining “Modern Malaysian Cuisine”. The findings of this review can help policymakers uphold the Malaysian food identity and minimise the encroachment of other non-Malaysian cuisines in the future