148 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of denture base acrylic resins before and after repair methods

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    Orientadores: Renata Cunha Matheus Rodrigues Garcia, Altair Antoninha Del Bel CuryTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Fraturas por impacto e flexão ainda são os principais problemas relatados tanto pelos portadores de próteses removíveis como pelos cirurgiões dentistas. Na tentativa de solucionar esse problema, alterações na composição química das resinas acrílicas como a inclusão de co-polímeros, adição de agente de ligação cruzada e a incorporação de partículas de borracha na forma de butadieno estireno têm sido propostas. Entretanto, poucos estudos avaliaram a incorporação destes aditivos modificadores de impacto no processo de fratura, deformação e microestrutura de resinas acrílicas. Além disso, devido à fragilidade dos materiais poliméricos a presença de trincas e fraturas em base de próteses removíveis ainda é alta e reparos são procedimentos comuns tanto por métodos diretos ou indiretos. Entretanto, as propriedades mecânicas de resinas acrílicas reparadas ainda não estão claramente descritas. Assim, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: I) avaliar a resistência ao impacto e a flexão, bem como tensão de ruptura, módulo Young e deslocamento de escoamento de resinas acrílicas contendo modificadores de impacto e analisar sua microestrutura; II) determinar a resistência ao impacto e flexão de resinas acrílicas para base de prótese previamente fraturadas e reparadas com resinas fotopolimerizável, autopolimerizável e termopolimerizável. Como resultado, observou-se que a resina contendo borracha considerada de alto impacto, demonstrou alta capacidade de dissipação de energia, absorção de tensão e baixo percentual de deformação; entretanto exibiu processo de fratura frágil. Com relação às resinas utilizadas para reparo, concluiu-se que reparos realizados com a mesma resina usada para confecção dos corpos-de-prova, apresentaram melhores resultados quanto à resistência mecânicaAbstract: Fractures by impact and flexural action are the main problems described by denture users and dentists. Attempting to solve this problem, modifications on the chemical composition of the acrylic resins as co-polymer inclusion, cross linking agents addition and rubber particles incorporation in the form of butadiene styrene have been described as effective and worthwhile means to improve the impact strength and fracture propagation. However, literature lacks information regarding the incorporation of these modifying impact additives in the fracture process, plastic deformation and microstructure of acrylic resins. Furthermore, due to the brittleness of the polymeric materials, the presence of cracks and fractures in the removable prosthesis denture bases still remains high. Thus, frequent repairs are somewhat common procedures in the clinical practice, being by direct or indirect methods. Therefore, the effect of the repairs materials on the mechanical properties of acrylic resins is not clearly described yet. Front of these considerations, the purposes of the present study were: I) evaluate the impact and flexural strength, as well as, stress at yield, Young modulus and displacement at yield of acrylic resins containing impact modifiers and analyze their microstructure; II) determine the impact and flexural strength of denture base acrylic resins previously fractured and repaired with visible-light, auto and heat-polymerized acrylic resins. As results, it could be observed that the acrylic resin containing rubber particles, considered as the high impact, showed high capacity of energy dissipation and stress absorption before the fracture, lower percentage of deformation, however it exhibited brittle fracture process. Regarding to acrylic resins used as repair materials, it was concluded that repairs performed with the same resin used to fabricate the specimens showed the best results for mechanical resistanceDoutoradoProtese DentalDoutor em Clínica Odontológic

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to determine whether learning with the PMRI approach influences student learning outcomes in mathematics. This research was conducted in Class VIII SMPN 2 Gedangan Sidoarjo Odd Semester 2019/ 2020.Academic Year on material number patterns. This study is an experiment that aims to determine the effect of the PMRI approach to student learning outcomes. The design used is the control group pre-test-post-test-design. Data collection techniques include tests (pretest-posttest). Based on the calculation of the results of the experimental class and the control class each comes from a normally distributed population. The regression equation shows that the direction of the PMRI approach influences student learning outcomes. Based on calculation with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) the value of sig < α. The α value used in the study is 0.05. The sig value obtained is 0.014. based on the guidelines for decision making, that 0.0014> 0.05, the result obtained that the PMRI approach affect student learning outcomes.Keyword : Indonesia’s realistic mathematics education, student learning outcomes

    Asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny. D.E.P Dipuskesmas Pembantu Liliba Kabupaten Kupang Tanggal 21 Februari Sampai 18 Mei 2019

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    LatarBelakang: Data Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi NTT didapati Kabupaten Kupang, jumlah kunjungan K1 sebesar 71,8% dan kunjungan K4 sebesar 51,6% sedangkan persalinan yang ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan sebesar 57%. Data Puskemas Pembantu Liliba tahun 2018 diperoleh kunjungan K1 sebesar 83% dan K4 sebesar 54,3% sehingga diperlukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan yang merupakan asuhan menyeluruh diberikan sejak kehamilan,persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir, dan KB, diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan ibu dan anak yang optimal. Tujuan :Menerapkan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny.D.E.P Trimester III,sampai dengan perawatan nifas dan KB. Metode:Metode studi penelaan kasus. Lokasi di Puskesmas Pembantu Liliba, subyek Ny.D.E.P.menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan pada ibu hamil, ibu bersalin, bayi baru lahir, nifas dan Keluarga Berencana dengan menggunakan metode7 langkah Varney dan SOAP. Hasil Tinjauan Kasus :Ny.D.E.P umur 34 tahun G3 P2 A0 AH2 umur kehamilan 37 minggu janin tunggal hidup, intrauterin, letak kepala, keadaan ibu dan janin baik, terdapat masalah ketidaknyamanan pada ibu yakni sering kencing terutama pada malam hari dan nyeri punggung masalah sudah teratasi dengan memberi KIE pada ibu tentang cara mengurangi sering kencing atau nocturia, proses persalinan di Rumah Sakit WZ. Yohanes Kupang masa nifas berlangsung normal, dilakukan kunjungan KF1, KF2, KF3 pasca salin, ibu memutuskan akan menggunakan metode KB suntik. Simpulan: Kehamilan aterm sampai saat melahirkan, bayi sehat, masa nifas berlangsung normal dan dilakukan kunjungan KF1, KF2, KF3 pasca bersalin dan ibu memutuskan akan menggunakan metode sunti

    Avaliação da alteração dimensional, resistencia ao impacto e morfologia de fratura da resina acrilica para microondas polimerizada em ciclo alternativo

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    Orientador: Renata Cunha Matheus Rodrigues GarciaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaMestradoProtese DentalMestre em Clínica Odontológic

    Pemahaman Masyarakat Fatumnasi terhadap Gunung Mutis: Kajian Ekoteologi

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    Gunung Mutis merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam bagi sebagian besar dataran Timor, NTT. Bagi masyarakat Fatumnasi, Gunung Mutis adalah alasan untuk bertahan hidup. Dalam budayanya mereka memandang Gunung Mutis sebagai “Ibu” yang menyusui (menghidupi) sehingga wajib dijaga. Namun, pada kenyataannya perilaku masyarakat tidak menunjukan hal yang serupa dalam hal ini bagaimana hubungan manusia dan alam yang dikaitkan dengan iman kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, maka peneliti kemudian bermaksud untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman masyarakat Fatumnasi terkait Gunung Mutis melalui kajian ekoteologi dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang bersumber pada wawancara mendalam terhadap lima responden dan kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan teori Lynn White dan Fransiskus dari Assisi. Hasil penelitian ini mendapati bahwa pemahaman masyarakat Fatumnasi terhadap keberadaan Gunung Mutis mengandung unsur relasi-integral yang baik karena masyarakat meyakini bahwa Gunung Mutis bukan saja merupakan wujud nenek moyang mereka namun juga berkat dari Pencipta bagi kelangsungan hidup mereka, yang kemudian dijaga nilai kesakralannya dengan berbagai ritual dan penetapan larangan baik dari segi adat maupun pemerintah. Namun, pemahaman tersebut bertolak belakang dengan perilaku masyarakat dalam mengelola sumber daya alam tersebut. Pengambilan berlebihan, pemanfaatan secara liar dan bebas, kebersihan sekitar yang belum tertata menampilkan gambaran perilaku yang antroposentris dan instrumentalis. Pada akhirnya, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa masih terdapat penyimpangan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dari Gunung Mutis karena kurangnya etika berekologi yang baik dari masyarakat terkait kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dan pengelolaan sumber alam yang kurang bertanggung jawab, sehingga dibutuhkan kolaborasi dari setiap pihak untuk sama-sama memelihara dan melestarikan kekayaan yang dimiliki tersebut

    Kajian Etnofarmakologi Suku Dawan Dalam Pengobatan Di Desa Tetaf Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    Masyarakat Indonesia sampai saat ini masih tetap mempertahankan tradisi dengan memanfaatkan tumbuhan di sekitar untuk pengobatan ataupun perawatan kesehatan. Tujuan umum adalah Untuk mengetahui tanaman obat yang dipakai oleh masyarsakat suku dawan di Desa Tetaf Kabupaten TTS untuk mengobati penyakit dan tujuan khusus adalah untuk mengetahui nama lokal, Indonesia dan latin, habitus, khasiat dan bagian yang digunakan, aturan pakai, cara pengolahan, lama penggunaan tanaman oleh masyarakat suku Dawan Desa Tetaf. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, tempat penelitian dilakukan di Desa Tetaf Kecamatan Kuatnana Kabupaten TTS. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada Juli 2018. Hasil penelitian tentang Kajian Etnofarmakologi Suku Dawan dalam Pengobatan di Desa Tetaf Kabupaten TTS menunjukan bahwa tanaman yang digunakan oleh masyarakat suku Dawan Desa Tetaf untuk mengobati penyakit terdapat 39 tanaman obat, tanaman obat dengan nama lokal feo, laeneno, dan haumuti belum diketahui nama Indonesianya, habitus tanaman yang paling banyak digunakan adalah perdu (33 %), tanaman lebih banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan ISK dan diare, daun (50 %) lebih banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan penyakit, aturan pakai (76%) yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat suku Dawan adalah dua kali sehari (28 %), cara pengolahan yang paling banyak digunakan dengan cara direbus (38 %), lama pemakain yang paling banyak dua hari (28%


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    Students tend to experience difficulties in learning mathematics, one of which is seen from the very low score of students' mathematics report cards. Meanwhile, success means to achieve learning objectives. In fact,there is a situation in which students still find it difficult to understand the material being taught. Mathematics is perceived as a boring, uninteresting, and difficult subject to understand, and learning is always teacher centered. This study aimed to determine the increase of students’ learning outcomes and the implementation of learning using teaching aids. This research was conducted at SD Inpres Tobu and the research subjects were 20 grade IV students. The data were collected through tests and observation sheets. Based on the results of the analysis, it could be concluded that there was an increase in students’ learning outcomes after utilizing teaching aids in Mathematics in the material of geometry and cubes at grade IV SD Inpres Tobu for the academic year 2019/2020

    Influence of abutment collar height and implant length on stress distribution in single crowns

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    This in silico study evaluated the influence of the abutment collar height and implants length on the biomechanical behavior of morse taper single dental implants with different crown-to-implant ratio. Six virtual models were constructed (S11, M11, L11, S13, M13 and L13) by combining short (S: 2.5 mm), medium (M: 3.5 mm) or long (L: 4.5 mm) abutment collar heights with different implant lengths (11 or 13-mm). An upper central incisor of 11-mm height was constructed on top of each abutment. Each set was positioned in a virtual bone model and exported to analyze mathematically. A 0.60-mm mesh was created after convergence analysis and a 49 N load was applied to the cingulum of the crown at an angle of 45°. Load-generated stress distribution was analyzed in the prosthetic components according to von Mises stress criteria (σvM) and in the cortical and cancellous bone by means of shear stress (εmax). The use of longer collar abutments (L11) increased the stress on the abutment by 250% and resulted in 40% higher stresses on the screw and 92% higher cortical shear stresses compared to short collared abutments (S11). Increasing the implant length produced a slight stress reduction on cortical bone. Cancellous bone was not affected by the crown-to-implant ratio. Longer abutment collars concentrate stresses at the implant level and cortical bone by increasing the crown-to-implant ratio303238243COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES33003033008P

    Analysis of Students' Higher Level Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematics Problems in View of Mathematical Logical Intelligence

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    High-level Thinking Ability (HOT) is an ability or way of thinking that requires students to seek information or ideas in a certain way in remembering and restating or referring to something. HOT ability is influenced by several factors, one of which is logical intelligence, so the purpose of this study is to describe students' high-level thinking skills in solving mathematical problems in terms of Mathematical Logical Intelligence. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This research uses instruments in the form of test questions and interview guidelines to obtain students' ability to solve math problems. The research subjects are students of class VIIIC who have studied the material of System of Linear Equations of Two Variables (SPLDV). Based on the results of the analysis of student answers, the researcher describes that high ability students at the analysis stage are able to analyze incoming information and classify or formulate information into small parts to find out patterns and relationships, able to understand and distinguish the cause and effect of a complex scenario and identify or formulate questions. high ability students at the evaluation stage are able to provide an assessment of solutions, ideas and methods by using appropriate criteria or standards in determining the value of their effectiveness or benefits. High-performing students at the creation stage are able to draw conclusions about a particular idea or perspective, plan ways to solve problems, and rearrange elements or parts into a new structure that is different from the previous structure

    Gambaran Asupan Zat Gizi Mikro Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita Usia 12-59 Bulan Di Desa Lifuleo Kecamatan Kupang Barat Kabupaten Kupang

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    Gizi merupakan salah satu penentu kualitas sumber daya manusia. Kondisi gizi baik dapat dicapai bila tubuh memperoleh cukup zat gizi yang dikonsumsi sehingga memungkinkan terjadi pertumbuhan fisik, perkembanagn otak,dan kemampuan kerja untuk mencapai tingkat kesehatan optimal( Depertemen Kesehatan RI 2003:1). Zat gizi mikro terdiri dari vitamin dan mineral juga sangat berguna untuk berbagai fungsi dalam tubuh. Stunting merupakan salah satu bentuk kekurangan gizi yang ditandai tinggi badan menurut usia (TB/U) di bawah standar deviasi (< -2 SD) (WHO, 2005). Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui gambaran asupan zat gizi mikro pada balita stunting usia 12-59 Bulan di Desa Lifuleo Kecamatan Kupang Barat Kabupaten Kupang Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan rancangan deskriptif cross sectional. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampling yaitu jumlah populasi sama dengan jumlah sampel. Hasil penelitian: Balita stunting yang ada di Desa Lifuleo sebanyak 15 responden dengan jumlah terbanyak adalah perempuan (73%), asupan Fe dan Fosfor sebagian besar responden berkategori defisit (93,33%) dan (86,67%). Semua responden mengalami defisit asupan kalsium (100%). Kesimpulan: Lebih banyak responden balita dengan asupan zat gizi mikro yang berkategori defisit dan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan status balita stuntin